American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 638: City and Wilderness (Part 2)

Oliver Quinn, a pampered rich boy, was pushed into the sea for some reason, drifted to a desert island, and survived alone for three months on this isolated island in the very harsh sea.

Generally speaking, this situation is unlikely to happen. The probability of encountering an isolated island while floating in the ocean is very low. Without any survival knowledge and skills, it is almost impossible to survive here. possible.

However, Oliver, who later became the Green Arrow, had better luck than ordinary people in addition to being more tenacious than ordinary people.

The place where he was pushed into the water was not far from the island, and his year-round fitness habit also ensured that he had enough physical strength to float on the water and successfully land on the island's shallows.

But equally, he is also very unfortunate. This season is the season when tropical storms often come. As soon as he came ashore, he encountered a storm, which consumed a lot of physical strength, so that he could not maintain it for a long time after that. A good survival rhythm.

Desert island survival is not as simple as many people think. In the desert island survival game, players can see their own survival value, when they are hungry and when they are thirsty, they can judge by the hunger bar and water bar.

However, in the real world, there is no such data. Oliver had just experienced the storm and consumed a lot of physical strength, but he did not have an accurate judgment. He mistakenly thought that he was still energetic, so he planned to climb to the highest point of this isolated island. Click on the top of the cliff to see if you can see a boat.

However, the terrain here was far more difficult than he thought, and he was already hungry when he was halfway there.

At this time, the most deadly problem appeared. Although Oliver had no experience in survival in the wilderness, he knew that fruits and mushrooms in the wild could not be eaten casually. Therefore, the way to eat plants to fill the stomach was blocked.

Then the only thing left is to hunt and eat meat. There are a lot of prey in the tropical rain forest. There are birds in the sky, fish in the water, and turtles on the beach. The problem is that he can't deal with any of these.

He couldn't catch birds and fish with his bare hands. He had to make tools, but to make tools, he needed to find raw materials. To get raw materials, he had to expend his energy to collect plants or **** for stones.

But because he misjudged his physical strength before, when he realized that he was hungry, he had no energy to do these things.

Most of the losers of survival in the wilderness failed because of this reason. Human beings know very little about their own bodies, and there are many abnormal conditions that cannot be discovered at the first time, and when they are discovered, it is irreversible. .

However, Oliver had better luck than the others. He found a creek, and there were some small fish in the pool at the drop of the creek, which he could catch without much effort.

This kind of small fish doesn't have much meat, but it's better than it's large in number and easy to obtain. At that time, just after the storm was over, the fish surfaced one after another, and they were immediately caught by Oliver. After they were killed and cleaned up, I didn't even have time to fire the grilled fish, so I just put it into my mouth. …

"Seriously, the taste was not as terrible as I thought, maybe because, at that time, I was extremely hungry, and I thought they were quite delicious..." Oliver said while burning fire in the cave.

"If it's raw, fish is already quite good, especially if it's cleaned fish, at least it doesn't have any strange smell." Arthur nodded and said.

"However, you have to pay attention to parasites. The kind of fish you are talking about should be Danshui fish, right? Parasites are quite scary," Schiller reminded.

Oliver shook his head and said, "I am more afraid of starvation than parasites. For a long time, these small fishes ensured that I would not starve to death and passed the early stage smoothly."

"And then?" Arthur asked curiously. He had never heard such a Robinson-style adventure story, so he was very interested in it.

"After recovering my strength, I know that the next storm will not come for a long time. I have to find a shelter for myself. I originally wanted to build one myself, but I found that I would not..." Oliver's face With a helpless expression.

Expecting a rich boy to learn how to survive overnight is nothing short of a fantasy. In the beginning, Oliver could only use some dense palm leaves to entangle them, and then tie them between two big trees to make an awning. .

But because he doesn't know how to weave, entanglement is just random knotting. This kind of shed has a very low lifespan and consumes a lot of leaves. He has to keep shifting positions in order to have enough palm trees for him to sew leaves.

The only advantage of guarding the creek is that there is no shortage of water, and the food problem can be temporarily solved. The only fatal thing is the upcoming tropical storm.

"After being there for seven or eight days, I realized I had to get out of there, and if I didn't, I might die there the next storm."

"I've got to find a place that's strong enough to use as a shelter, and not just put those leaves on top of my head to fool myself."

"And then you found this cave?" Schiller asked.

"Yes, I think I am lucky to have such a cave for me to take refuge, but the problem here is that there is no food, and the water source is far away. I have to make tools to try to hunt, otherwise I will starve to death."

Arthur's eyes fell on the bow in his hand, and he said, "You did this? Not bad."

Oliver sighed and said, "I just remember the general shape of the bow and arrow. The string of the bow and arrow is still made of palm leaf fiber, which is not elastic enough, so the bow and arrow can't fly far, and because there is no feather on the tail to maintain balance, the alignment is very poor."

"However, in the second month, I successfully hunted a wounded cormorant with this bow, and I managed to eat a full meal."

"It was that meal that kept me going until now. After that, I could only eat some small lizards, or stumbled upon shells and hermit crabs. There are no large meaty animals on this island, but if it is true If there were, it might be me who died."

"Have you ever considered fishing?" Schiller asked. …

Oliver showed an embarrassed expression and said, "I can fish and have participated in sea fishing, but..."

"Oh, I see," Arthur made a clear expression and said: "It's normal, the rich old people who come to our tour are like that, they don't know all kinds of brands of fishing rods and fishing lines. Separately, what is the use of bait, sit there for a day, and if you don’t catch it, ask someone to buy it.”

"Of course, I don't deny that some people really like fishing. I can have a good conversation with them. However, these rich people often like to underestimate sea fishing. They haven't thought about the fish they use. Rod brand, line type and bait type are actually the experiences of others.”

"If I dropped them on a desert island, they wouldn't even be able to make a rod, let alone make a line, catch a bait, find the right place to put the rod, and make it according to the different rods and line types. , it's time to change the timing of raising the pole."

Oliver nodded and said with conviction: "It's not that I haven't tried to make a fishing rod. Everyone knows that the fish in the sea is the best source of food..."

"However, there is no such kind of flexible wood that can be used for fishing rods. Using fibers to make lines is not very effective. I use small fish in the stream as bait, and there are no fish bites..." Oliver sighed After taking a sigh of relief and telling his own failure experience, he said:

"More importantly, standing on the deck of a cruise ship is completely different from fishing on the beach or on the reef. Sometimes, it is difficult for me to judge whether the fish is hooked or not, and I can't feel it at all."

Referring to this part of the content, Arthur was in high spirits, he said: "I think, you use the same material as your arrow shaft to make the fishing rod, this kind of thing should be some kind of plant stem, but the hardness is too high, and It's too brittle, it's okay to make an arrow shaft, but it's easy to break halfway when making a fishing rod."

"Also, it's perfectly possible to use fiber as a fishing line. Offshore fishing does not have high requirements for fishing lines. However, if you want to use a fishing line with little flexibility, the technique is very important, and you must close the rod in time."

"And the bait. It's fine to use the small fish you mentioned, but it may be better to use their internal organs..."

"Then why don't you try it?" Schiller turned to look outside and said, "The storm has stopped, it's time to go out and have a look."

Several people walked out along the door of the cave and found that the plants on the island had been blown beyond recognition. Arthur turned to Oliver and said, "You wait here first, Professor Schiller, please take care of him, I'll go find him. Bring some materials back."

Because there are really no large predators on this island, although the resources are relatively expensive and scarce, but it is not too dangerous, so the two let Arthur go out alone, and Arthur came back in less than half an hour, holding with a bunch of stuff.

He used the same material as his hat to weave into a net bag, which looked like a fishing net, except that after holding the four corners, it could be used to hold things.

There was a large stone, a large pile of leaves in a mess, and some plant roots, and a slender piece of wood on his shoulders.

Arthur put these things on the ground, then pointed at them and said to the two of them: "Professor Schiller, please take care of this stone, make this half a pot or a bowl, and make this half sharp. A little, for cutting fibers and wood later.”…

Arthur saw that Schiller could dig up such a large rock wall, and knew that he had the ability to handle stones, so he brought back a very large stone. It's deep, so it's good for a shallow pot, and the rim is just right for an axe.

"The two of us will separate the leaves, tear them into strips, and then go to the creek to get some water, boil the water with fire, and cook the fibers."

"Boiled fibers are tougher and stronger, not as brittle as the original leaves," Arthur said. "See this net? Although I use it to hold things," he said. , but this is actually a small fishing net, which is a hand-cast net made by fishermen woven from boiled fibers, which can be used to cast the net to catch fish."

Arthur sat down and started sorting out the leaves. He said, "I saw it when I came. There are a lot of fish nearby. It's faster to throw a net to catch a fish than a fishing rod."

"The storm has knocked down a lot of trees. We can look for some wood, make a small canoe, and throw the net a little farther from the coast. In that case, the fish caught in one net will be enough for us to eat for a long time."

Schiller looked at his face, and Arthur was a little uncomfortable under his stare. After a while, Schiller lowered his head to deal with the stone and said, "I take back what I said before, you don't have to go to the metropolis to try it out. You can't try it."

Schiller sighed, thinking in his heart that maybe he was indeed arrogant enough to think that the city was everything to human beings, but in fact, there are still many places on this earth that have not been touched by human beings, and there are many such wildernesses and isolated islands.

In the city, he can drink coffee leisurely, stand in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and watch the rain, even the cold rain in Gotham night will only become the music to help him sleep.

However, when they came to a deserted island, the conditions for survival were no longer the complicated knowledge in those civilized societies, but the simple fishermen's classics in Arthur's mind.

Among these three people, Arthur, who is the most youthful, has never read any books, and has never experienced life in a big city, can take full advantage of survival.

Soon, the sunlight shot out from the thick clouds, and the plants covered with water droplets became tall and straight again.

Schiller thought that in a cartoon that mainly depicts cities and people in cities, few people would notice that these cities and people also live on this blue planet, and here, there is an incomparably vast world. .

In just a few dozen minutes, the forest regained its vitality again. Compared with such a scene, the various stories that took place in the dark city were like small episodes in a grand performance.

Perhaps, a bat that has been living in a cave has been traveling around for more than ten years, but has not had the patience to devote himself to the wilderness.

Therefore, I can only listen to the episode with a side ear, trying to find artistry in the uncomplicated tune, until I feel that I can't speak alone, the tune is high and few.

Thinking of Schiller suddenly smiled and said to Arthur, "You guys do it first, I'll go get some fresh air." After speaking, he left the cave.

Twenty minutes later, over the isolated island, Schiller sat in the cab of the Bat fighter and said, "Which button is to turn off the engine?"

Hal swallowed his saliva next to him and said, "Are you sure you want to do this? This thing broke, I can't afford it."

"It doesn't matter, someone can afford it."

Saying that, Schiller opened a transparent plastic cover, and then slammed the red button inside hard.

After dozens of seconds, there was a violent vibration in the cave, Arthur and Oliver turned back, the explosion of fire illuminated their faces, and they opened their mouths in shock.

At the same time, there was a voice full of doubts in Wayne Manor:

"Why did the plane crash????"


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