American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 623: Sick Crisis (End)

When Bruce rushed into the room, Schiller had disappeared. This time the darkness was so long that Bruce, who had no night vision device, didn't see how Schiller left at all.

There is more than one door in this office. Such a long dark time is enough for Schiller to leave through any other door. Bruce knows this, so instead of chasing after him in a panic, he starts to check the situation in the room.

In the darkness, Bruce took a miniature flashlight and began to check the situation at the scene, but in fact there is nothing to investigate here, Bruce has seen everything from the window, the only thing of value here is the chair, The corpse, and the blood on the ground.

There is too much blood here, and the strong smell of blood makes Bruce a little dizzy. At this moment, he suddenly found that there are a series of footprints made of blood on the ground.

He walked over and looked at it, and found that it should be the footprints left by men's leather shoes, which completely matched Schiller's yardage.

But Bruce felt that this was a trap, because he knew that Schiller had special abilities far beyond ordinary people. He didn't have to walk at all to leave, so how could he leave footprints?

Perhaps this is another way for him to guide his sight, but Bruce can only keep up with this clue, because in addition to his righteous heart to pursue the truth and bring the murderer to justice, Bruce has another impulse.

He witnessed Schiller's criminal process with his own eyes. This was not the case before. He knew exactly what Schiller might have done, but because of Schiller's overly concealed methods and techniques of leveraging force, he could not trace the situation at all.

He saw with his own eyes how Schiller kills a man, taking the lives of others in a cruel way.

In other words, Schiller no longer has any excuses to justify the crimes he committed.

Following the footprints, Bruce chased them all the way out. He saw the **** footprints going up the stairs until they came to the top floor of the mental hospital. The more he went up, the more confused Bruce felt, because he was next to the **** footprints, More blood was also seen.

It didn't look like there were drips on the clothes when they were killing people, because the amount of blood was so great that it seemed that Schiller was bleeding all the time.

This made Bruce feel absurd, how could Schiller bleed? He is completely a fog, who can make the fog bleed?

But when he reached the top floor and opened the door at the end, he was sure that he did not have hallucinations, and Schiele in front of him was pale and covered in blood.

He stood by the window sill, and when the moonlight shone on his dark suit, Bruce saw that most of the suit was dyed dark red, and the blood stains on it not only condensed once, but a layer of Press one layer.

At this time, Schiller's complexion was very pale, and his lips no longer looked bloody. Because of excessive blood loss, he was on the verge of coma.

However, there was no pain and vulnerability in his eyes, but a morbid state that Bruce had never seen before, a hysterical emotion he couldn't understand.

On his side, the three chairs were neatly placed, and the three previous victims sat upright, facing Bruce, looking up, looking up at the top of the room.

Bruce didn't understand why they were in such a weird posture, the empty eyes seemed to be staring at something, but it seemed like there was nothing.

"You're here." When Schiller's voice sounded, Bruce felt very strange, and he couldn't help thinking that the person in front of him was not the professor he knew at all.

"I know, you've always thought that multiple personality disorder is just an excuse used by serial murderers to get out of their guilt." Schiller's voice seemed very light, always seeming to be superficial, with a touch of tenderness. It's not bad, but it's completely different from the original.

"Do you still feel that way?" Schiller asked.

"Who are you?" Bruce walked in and stood opposite Schiller, only a few meters away from them.

"Maybe he didn't tell you that the many personalities you have seen are not personalities..." Schiller's voice seemed a little weak, and it seemed that he always failed to implement it. He said: "Every personality They all represent a quality, and the Schiller, who you were most familiar with, represents arrogance."

"The Schiller, who was selected by you, was originally arrogant, but after he was selected by you, he became crazy."

"And I..." Schiller said, looking at Bruce, "I represent the 'sickness' in personality."

"Sick..." Bruce's tone began to become low, he entered the state of Batman, he asked: "Why are you injured?"

"Why do you think I won't get hurt? Because you have seen something magical?" Schiller suddenly showed a disdainful smile, he said: "Your eyes tell me that you have envied this kind of power, However, it disgusts me."

Schiller slowly opened his arms, raised his tone, and said: "The most exciting part of the game is that the prey can also hurt you, there is danger at any time, and you may bleed and be injured at any time. This is hunting. meaning."

"Put yourself in a completely safe position and use the power of crushing to deal with the prey. That is not murder, but slaughter."

"The greatest charm of intelligent creatures is that their firm will makes them resist when they are in a desperate situation, and the greatest charm of murdering intelligent creatures is that their resistance may cause me to bleed, be injured, and even die."

"I may pay the same price as them at any time. It's like a gamble. Only when no one knows whether to win or lose, can I get the most intense pleasure at the moment of revealing."

"If I knew in advance that I would definitely win, then this gamble would be the most boring game in the world. It's boring and disgusting."

"So..." Schiller lowered his head, undid his tie, took off his suit jacket, revealing a shirt that was completely dyed dark red, reached out and threw the suit jacket aside, and said, "I gave up everything beyond The power of ordinary people, what you see..."

Schiller waved his hand, pointed at the corpses, and said, "...they're all my spoils, and I've won every game here."

"You're crazy." Batman has nothing else to say. Even in the face of the Joker, he can reiterate words such as public safety and justice, but in the face of such Schiller, Batman has nothing to say , he is crazy, crazy completely.

"No, I said it, I don't stand for madness, because true madness does not require any pleasure to stimulate, it represents complete chaos." Schiller shook his head and said: "But I, I represent sickness, chase Sickness and pleasure..."

"Do you know how these wounds came from?" Schiller pointed to his shoulder, where there was one of the deepest wounds, and from Batman's point of view, he could even see the bones beneath the wound.

Schiller tilted his head to the side, revealing the full picture of the wound. It was actually three wounds, and the middle one was the deepest, and the bone was already deep. He said, "Perhaps you have already guessed, this serial murder The subject of the case is the owl."

"These people sitting in front of you, they call themselves owls, but don't have the courage to be real owls, so I offer them some help."

"With incredible sight, hearing, their favorite prey, and their ability to turn their heads so much, when I did all this, they were screaming and feeling pain and sadness, but since they didn't want to be Owl, why did you give yourself such a name?"

"Of course, these duplicitous birds also have some other weapons, that is, the sharp claws that they cultivated, this injury..." Schiller turned his head and looked at his shoulder, he even directly put his hand Reaching into that wound and touching his own bones, he said, "It's what their sharp claws left behind."

"I paid a lot of money to kill them. Just like an ordinary person, I designed traps, avoided dealings, and used myself as bait. The final winner was me."

Schiller took two steps forward, put his hand on the back of the first chair, and said: "Since you have come here, you must have the patience to listen to me after every story, so start from here. Mr. President has begun..."

"You killed him, pretended to be a cleaner, infiltrated the bank, and threw the body off the roof." Batman told the whole story in very terse language, and then he continued: "The rest The same goes for the few people downstairs, who pretended to be employees, sneaked in, killed them, and then threw the bodies down the stairs."

"It seems that you are a good detective." Schiller's voice became a little cold, and he said: "I have a life and death game with them, in your mouth, it is just a simple sentence, every detective is like this, you will Skip the most beautiful parts and emphasize the law and justice that make no sense."

"You're missing so many details that you don't find out, how on earth did you get here, maybe, would you like to hear the story?" Schiller was patient, but Batman was horrified.

"Before, I came to this mental hospital before any of you."

"When visiting any location, I always like to visit the asylums there to see if every one is the same or better than the one I live in."

"But obviously, Anderson's Asylum is even worse, because it's not a lunatic asylum. It has been transformed into an experimental base. What you didn't notice is that the letter you saw has already been taken down once. "

"I entered Isabel's ward, learned the secret here, and heard the conversation of the person in charge. From what he said, I learned that they are all owls."

"The president of the bank, the owner of Palo, and the owner of Snow Mountain, as well as the woman in charge of the laboratory, they are all members of the Owl Council, and they are using various projects for the experiments here. To raise funds."

"I wanted to lead you here, so I killed the first person, the bank president, and let you use the same time, place and method as the previous case in the dream cat city. You know, this case is about owls, and knowing that, you're bound to be here."

"When I was working on the first phase of the case, I left a lot of clues in the tactics, which made you notice the relationship between the bank president and the boss of the Palo company, and then let you inquire about the bank, Palo company and Snow Mountain. transactions between companies.”

"From this transaction, you will find out that Palo Corporation wants to transform this psychiatric hospital in the western suburbs, so you will definitely come here to investigate."

"Then, during my investigation, you arranged for two power outages to deliberately guide my sight and let me track you down here." Batman looked into Schiller's eyes and said.

He has to admit that this series of interlocking clues is set up like a delicate work of art.

"Batman, if I told you the truth ahead of time, would you still be here?" Schiller asked.

Batman was silent, obviously, he was not satisfied with the answer in his heart, but Schiller seemed satisfied, saying: "Every layer of clues gives you some truth, and all the truths make a complete puzzle, you In the process, there is an unparalleled thrill, and this is what you get, Batman."

"If you were really normal, you should have stopped when you realized I was deliberately directing your gaze, but you didn't."

Batman took a step forward, looked Schiller in the eyes and said, "I will arrest you for your serial murder."

"That's what I meant." Schiller nodded. He took two steps back and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

He took out a button and pressed it lightly, and the whole floor-to-ceiling window shattered. The shards of glass were like dazzling crystals, and under the moonlight, it was like a torrential rain from the sky.

Schiller took another step back and stood in the night sky of the Metropolis. The night wind kept blowing his hair and the hem of his clothes. Batman took a step forward and said, "No, this is the tenth floor, you can't... "

"You'd better take care of yourself first." Schiller looked past Batman and looked behind him. Batman hesitated, but turned back, and then he saw a huge black monster.

There was a sudden noise from behind the black monster. Batman heard what seemed to be a loud scolding in Russian. The sound of dense stray bullets sounded, and Batman instinctively rolled to the side.

Under the light of the heavy machine gun, after the black monster shattered, all the bullets that fell like fire from the sky hit Schiller.

Batman saw that tiny spots of flame flickered on Schiller's **** body, and gradually merged with the lights of the metropolis.

In this way, Schiller raised his head and looked upward, just like those corpses tied to chairs, staring at nothingness, and then fell from the window with his arms outstretched and hugging something.

Both Constantine and Kayla rushed to the window. Only Angela froze in place. She stared blankly at the falling figure. After a few seconds, she shouted:

"Schiller... Schiller!!!!!!"

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