American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 617: Sick Crisis (6)

Since the head of the corpse is still intact this time, it can be seen from the direction of the facial muscles that the victim suffered great pain before his death.

Some young police officers nearby had already vomited, but Angela walked up with a blank face and began to examine the body.

The rich experience gave her enough knowledge about the serial killers, and she was able to see the details that many people, including Bruce and Lex, did not see.

Since Angela had never seen the first two corpses, she could not judge whether the weapons used were the same, but from the video data left behind, she could see that the chairs the other party used to bind the corpses were different.

The chair that tied the bank president was the staff chair used by the bank, the chair used by the second female boss was the ergonomic chair used by Palo, and this time, the chair used by the victim, and The chairs used by employees in Snow Mountain are the same.

This is in line with Angela's understanding of serial murderers. They always have unique pursuits in this regard. She can even imagine that if the other party can't get this kind of chair, he may not kill this person.

After Angela checked the body up and down, she stood up and began to recall it in her mind.

The first place where the body was transformed was the eyes, the skin and muscle tissue of the eyes were torn off, and a telescope was inserted into the eye sockets, but because there was no autopsy, it was uncertain whether the wound in the thoracic cavity was fatal or the head. Wounds are fatal.

Judging from the ferocity of the murderer, it is very likely that the first victim was torn off all the tissues around the eyes, and then inserted a telescope into the brain before he died. The wounds in the abdominal cavity and chest cavity were in left after the victim died.

The second victim is somewhat similar to the first, most likely having his ears cut off, and then inserting the receiver end down the ear canal into the brain, stirring the brain into a mush.

As for the third victim, at this time, Angela could already tell that he should have died of suffocation. Just seconds before the explosion, he died of a foreign body rat blocking the esophagus, causing suffocation by compressing the respiratory tract.

Angela stood there and took a deep breath. Anger that had not been seen in a long time welled up. She had not seen such an arrogant serial murderer for a long time.

She immediately said to the walkie-talkie: "Immediately surround all the surrounding buildings, the other party may be in the crowd, looking here."

Obviously, she is much more professional than Bruce and Lex. Angela knows that the other party has carefully arranged this good show, and even accurately calculated the time of the explosion from the blood splashing distance, then he will definitely observe nearby. Detective's reaction.

But when the corpse exploded, the crowd of onlookers had already fled, and the police officers suffered a great mental shock. They could not stop the escaping crowd for a while. When Angela gave the order, the surrounding onlookers All have run away.

Angela took a deep breath and slowly put the pistol back on her waist. The heroic policewoman showed a rare look of exhaustion. She turned around and walked back. Hard to hide the tiredness.

"Detective, you don't have to be under too much pressure. This murderer has done so many murders, and he will definitely show his clues," said the young police detective who was driving.

Angela shook her head. She was not worried about this case. As a well-known police detective specializing in investigating serious and important cases, she knew that she must not be too hasty in dealing with serial murderers, otherwise she would be in chaos.

The best way to deal with them is not to listen, not to see, not to feel, not to investigate according to the clues they left, but to find another way. Once the other party feels that no one is watching the drama they are performing, then they will panic instead. And then reveal the horse's feet.

In the early days of investigating such a case, Angela would never be very aggressive, such as something like "the murderer must be brought to justice".

Because she knew that these murderers were lurking in the dark, and they wanted to hear such words, seeing the police's frustrations again and again, their courage again and again, and then being played around by him again and again.

Angela is very patient. She has dealt with a lot of murderous serial murderers. She knows their habits well, so she believes that as long as she perseveres to the end, she will definitely win.

She would be so tired, but it was actually because of another personal matter. When the police car stopped at the gate of the police station, Angela said to the police detective before getting out of the car: "Please don't drive the car away later, I will be alone at night. Go out and investigate."

"Oh my God, Detective, you are too dedicated, you should pay attention to rest... I parked the car in the east parking space. If I want to open it, the key is here." The key was handed to Angela.

After returning to the police station, Angela first went to the bathroom and washed her face with cold water. After she regained some energy, she returned to work again, arranging personnel to deal with the crime scene and collect as much information as possible. Physical evidence at the scene, finding witnesses, completing unfinished inquiries...

After another busy day until late at night, Angela, who left the police station, did not drive back to the apartment. Instead, she reversed the direction of the car, left the Metropolis, and drove along the highway towards Gotham.

In the Gotham City hospital, Constantine was lying on the bed, leaning on the head of the bed, folded his arms, and said to Clark in front of him: "Clark, I know you are a simple person, but you have to understand that in this world It's just that someone lives a different way from yours, and you can't force others to accept the same way of life as you..."

"But you are dying!" Clark said very seriously: "The doctor said you are a lung cancer patient, your lungs are about to rot, but you still have to smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day, so you will die!"

"I'm not going to die, have you forgotten? I'm a magician, and magic will save me." Constantine lit another cigarette, but before the flame of the lighter could rise, Clark was killed by Clark. With a wave of his hand, it was blown out.

Constantine showed a helpless look. He took a deep breath and thought about how to get out of Clark's claws. He thought for a while, and while Clark turned around, he took out a small dagger and slashed. Broken his arm.

When Clark turned around and came back, seeing Constantine's arm bleeding, he ran to the door and shouted, "Doctor! Doctor! Someone is bleeding!"

When he turned around again, only bloodstains were left on the bed, and Constantine was gone.

Clark put his hands on his hips and let out a breath of anger. At this moment, he saw through the corridor window that there seemed to be a robbery outside, so he flew out directly from the window, and when he arrived at the crime scene, he shouted Said: "Stop it all, stop fighting!"

At the same time, Constantine, who used teleportation magic to run away, returned to the door of the apartment where he lived. He shook his head and took out the key to open the door.

The moment he opened the door, a gully-faced ghost rushed towards him, Konstantin folded his arms in front of him, and was knocked back two steps.

He withdrew his arm and looked at the demon standing in front of him. He thought about it carefully. This seemed to be a demon he had trapped about two weeks ago. After calculating the time, it was time to ask for it.

Just as the demon was about to speak, Constantine stretched out a hand to stop him, and then snapped his fingers, and instantly, the flames of the magic circle rose under the demon's feet, and with a "swoosh", the demon was dragged under the floor.

Constantine sighed and walked forward, picked up the candles on the magic circle, and said, "This magic circle is quite useful, not only can you catch owls, but you can also hang demons. I will improve it after I improve it. …”

He first left the door open, picked up the charred pieces of paper on the ground, and threw them out of the door. Just as he was pulling the door handle to close the door, he suddenly felt his hand move. There is resistance.

He pulled forward with all his might, but found that the force on the other side was very strong. He let go of his hand and let the figure on the opposite side stumble back two steps. Constantine took a step back and looked at the figure holding the door of his room. It was a The woman, wearing a uniform, looked valiant.

Just as the woman was about to speak, Constantine immediately stretched out his hand to stop him, and then said: " was just a misunderstanding before, I'm really sorry, I have no choice but to do it, everything is my fault, I'm willing to make up for you."

The woman on the opposite side was stunned, and asked with some doubts: "Excuse me, is this the residence of the **** detective Constantine?"

"Uh... is this the first time we met?" Constantine was a little surprised, but he immediately showed a warm smile, took a step back, pointed to his room and said, "Please come in, beautiful Miss."

"Are you Constantine?" The woman on the opposite side narrowed her eyes and looked at Constantine with some doubts. The current Constantine looked a little haggard.

Before, he worked day and night for more than a month, his blond hair had grown into long hair, and he had not had time to cut it, and his chin and sideburns had not been trimmed cleanly, and he looked more like a homeless man than a homeless man. a detective.

"Yes, that's me, what's your name?" Constantine took out his business card from the pocket of his trench coat and handed it to the woman, who hesitated, then said, "Angela Dodgson. "

"Okay, Miss Dodgson, what's your business with me? Let's come in and talk." Constantine gave in another step, Angela walked into Constantine's apartment, and the scene here convinced her , the opposite is indeed an exorcist.

The apartment has a bit of British style, but there are still unerased magic circles around the carpet, various feather decorations hang on the walls, bookshelves and tables are all messed up with some spell casting materials, it looks very weird, even weirder What's more, the voodoo dolls piled up like a hill in the corner.

Seeing Angela's gaze falling on the pile of voodoo dolls, Constantine also looked back and said a little embarrassedly: "Ah, don't get me wrong, these are some... assembly line workers, and now they have laid off."

With that said, he waved his hand, and the magic covered it up. He turned his head again, looked at Angela and said, "Where did you hear my name? What are you doing with me again?"

"I..." Angela took a deep breath and seemed a little embarrassed about what she was going to say next. She said, "I was introduced to you, and he said, you can solve my troubles."

"What's the name of the person who introduced you here?" Constantine asked.

"I don't know, but everyone calls him Daddy..."

Constantine nodded, then he went to pour Angela a glass of water, directed her to sit on the sofa, and he sat across from the sofa, asking, "So, what's the trouble with you?"

Angela opened her mouth and seemed to feel very awkward, but after hesitating for a long time, she still said:

"Just a month ago, my twin sister committed suicide."

"My condolences, but I'm sorry, I can't revive anyone." Constantine pursed his lips, tilted his head, took a drink from the water glass, and said, "If this is your request, there is nothing I can do."

"No!" Angela raised her voice and said, "My sister is a devout believer, she knows that suicide will not lead to heaven, so she absolutely cannot commit suicide!

"But..." Angela's voice became a little trembling: "I have solved so many murder cases, but I haven't been able to find any clues in my sister's case. I don't know who killed her..."

Then, she took a few deep breaths, picked up the cup and took a few sips of cold water. After calming her emotions, she looked at Constantine and told her unknown secret:

"My twin sister and I have been able to see some things that ordinary people can't see from birth, some...extremely scary things."

"What do you mean by scary things? Ghosts?"

"No, I think it's just hallucinations. But my sister told the hallucinations, so my family put her in a mental hospital, but she..."

Constantine stood up slowly, and then said: "You mean, you and your sister can see something, she said it, but you didn't, so your family regarded him as a mental patient, She was locked up in a mental hospital, and then she committed suicide in the mental because you think she is a devout believer. It is impossible for people who follow the teachings to commit suicide, because they can't go to heaven, So, you came to me to find out the cause of your sister's death."

Constantine's summary was so complete that Angela didn't even know what to say. Her mood was fluctuating, so she didn't notice that Constantine had gone around behind her.

Constantine leaned over the back of the sofa, lowered his head, and brought his face close to Angela's ear, until his long blond hair fell beside Angela's temple.

At the moment when Angela wanted to dodge, Constantine stretched out his hand, strangled Angela's neck from behind, and a magical flame rose from his hand.

"The story is well made. Come on, who are you? Where are you from? Heaven or hell? What deal did we make?"

Angela struggled desperately, this female police detective deserved to have experienced many battles, she stood up from the sofa, turned over to the back of the sofa, and when she was dragged to the ground by Constantine, she tugged at his ankle with her hand and let him Constantine staggered, then broke free from his grip.

Constantine hit the door frame, but he immediately waved his hand and handed it to Angela. Angela received the business card in his pocket. A ghost appeared. Angela reacted quickly and ducked back. , dodged the attack of the ghost.

But suddenly, she covered her mouth, and the uncontrollable nausea and nausea came up. She made a "vomit", the black sticky substance that he drank before, and Constantine handed it to him. water for her.

In the end, Angela was still lying on the ground. The last scene she saw was Constantine who looked down at her and lit a cigarette.

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