American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 599: Who can destroy Schiller Manor? (Down)

The metal friction of the train wheels sliding over the rails resounded on the platform. As the train slowly entered the station, Clark tightened his jacket and looked at the two pet boxes he was carrying.

He tapped the pet box with his fingers and said to himself, "If it weren't for you two little guys, I wouldn't have to take the train."

However, he still carried the pet box and walked outside the train station. When he was about to leave the station, he felt a little hungry. After all, although Gotham is close to the metropolis, it still takes a few minutes to do this kind of slow train. Within hours, Schiller's manor was broken, so he was not left to eat, and Clark hadn't eaten for a day.

As a superman, although he will not starve to death, his normal appetite still makes him want to have a full meal. Looking around, the train station facilities in the metropolis are quite complete, but the food here is very expensive, and Clark has no money. Affluent, he plans to go outside the station to find something to eat.

But at this moment, a tantalizing scent came, and when he turned his head, he found that there was a food stall at the entrance of the train station at some point, and now the tantalizing scent was coming.

Clark walked over following the scent. He found that it was a food truck that made hot dogs. The city management in the metropolis is relatively strict. Generally, the food truck cannot be seen. It is near his home farm in Kansas, where farmers often push the food truck by themselves. I came out to sell the food made from what I grew, and the smell is the same as it is now.

Appetite and homesickness lured Clark. After he walked over, an uncle with a beard was busy in the back of the dining car. Clark walked over and asked for a large hot dog with double the sauce and acid. Cucumber, Clark let out a contented sigh as he brought this high-calorie delicacy into his mouth.

"Oh, what are you talking about? A cat?... It's pretty cute," said the uncle.

"Really? I think so too, that's why I adopted it." Clark replied with a smile while eating. He felt that this uncle is quite talkative, and having a good chat partner during dinner will also make people feel good more pleasant.

"What's the other cage? You have two cats?" the hot dog seller asked while frying sausages.

"Ah, no, it was a mouse with a special coat color, he was dyed, and then I rescued it, that's it." Clark explained in a slightly unnatural tone, obviously, this was taught to him by someone rhetoric, and he was always so embarrassed when he lied.

"Cat and mouse together? Your hobby is quite unique." The uncle hesitated and said, Clark didn't know how to explain it, so he could only bury his head in eating.

The atmosphere of the chat became a bit awkward, but under Clark's gobbling, the hot dog was quickly finished. He took two free sodas, wiped his mouth, waved to the uncle, and then left.

After leaving the train station, with these two burdens, he still can't fly. One is because he doesn't know if taking pets to high altitude will cause them stress, and the other is that the yellow-skinned rat is arguing that he is afraid Gao, determined not to let Clark take him more than three floors above. …

Clark wasn't too surprised that a mouse could talk, after all, he just came out of a city full of cats, and it's normal to have talking cats and talking mice, right?

After repeatedly telling Pikachu not to yell in the city, Clark stopped a cab and headed straight to his dorm at the Metropolitan University.

Metropolitan University's hardware facilities are better than Gotham University, and Clark is valued by the coach because of his excellent performance in track and field competition. The coach also specially transferred him to a better apartment building. There are not only single rooms here, And it also comes with a small living room, which is a completely independent dormitory, so there are no restrictions on keeping pets.

Opened the pet cage and let out a cat and a mouse. The bat cat rushed out and immediately flattened its ears and began to rage at Pikachu. Clark immediately pressed his big hand on the bat cat's skull, and then said to him: "What I said before, don't fight!"

After speaking, he took the bat cat by the nape of the neck again, took him into his arms, stroked the top of his head and said, "Don't be nervous, I know, the cat may have never seen a talking mouse before, he scared you ,Is it right?"

"What the **** are you talking about? I wanted to bite him because he just called me!"

"But even if he calls you, you can't... wait!

How can you speak? ? !



While Clark was shocked, with a flick of his hands, Batcat jumped out and came to the sofa opposite Clark.

He made another "meow", and Clark found that he could still understand what the cat was aiming at. The Batcat was saying, "What are you surprised about? Didn't we meet?"

Clark froze in place and said, "You can't really be Bruce, are you? I thought you and him just looked the same..."

Batcat sighed helplessly. Clark never thought that he could see Bruce's expression on a cat's face. Batcat explained it to Clark.

Because the consciousness of several people has reached the cat city and can understand the language of the cat, after returning to the body, the soul can still understand the language of the cat.

Unlike Pikachu, Pikachu speaks the human language himself, and he speaks standard English with a bit of a West Coast accent, but the bat cat can only "meow", but it can be used by several people who have entered the cat city. understand.

Seeing Clark froze there, Batcat lay on the sofa unhurriedly, then looked at him and said, "I don't know how the other I put up with you, but didn't you realize that, Have you been targeted?"

"What?" Compared with the cat's ability to speak, or what he said was more noticeable, Clark asked inexplicably: "What do you mean by being targeted?"

"On the way you came, the cigarette vendor in the train station, the man who sold the hot dog, and the taxi driver should all be there all the way. Their goal is to stare at you."

"What you didn't find is that a cigarette peddler passed by you five times, but you don't look like someone who can smoke in your dress and speech. People who smoke are a waste of time."  …

"The man who sells hot dogs has been telling you what to say. He said that the cat is cute, but his expression has always been a little bit resistant, even showing disgust, but you didn't notice it."

"The taxi driver who was chatting with you on the road claimed to be a farmer in Kansas, just to get close to you, he was unfamiliar with the brand of farming machine you mentioned, and the expression in the rearview mirror when he got out of the car became very indifferent."

"You..." Clark was choked by Batcat's long list of words. He was stunned for a moment, then walked helplessly to the sofa. Batcat stood up and tried to run, but Clark grabbed him right away.

He held the bat cat in front of him, looked into his eyes and said, "I didn't see it before, but if you look at it this way, you don't seem to have blue eyes, but purple eyes..."

"Wait a minute, are you the clown cat?? The cat that was dyed and then faded? Why are you here?"

Batcat covered his eyes with his claws. He forgot that except Schiller, Bruce and himself, almost no one knew the whole picture of the incident. Although Clark watched the whole process, he did not pay attention to the conversation of those few people. So I don't know what the story is.

Batcat simply told Clark his story, Clark showed a very sympathetic expression, and then switched to Batcat's paw.

The final result is that Batcat squatted on the sofa, licking his broken nails, Clark touched his head and said, "I'm really sorry, you can't attack me, or your claws will definitely be broken."

Clark reached out and pulled one of the bat cat's paws over. The cat's paw that scratched him earlier had two broken nails, one of which was still broken from the root and was bleeding a little.

Clark sighed, stood up and started looking for a medical kit in the room, but the medical kit in the bedroom was for human use, and Clark had never used it before, and he didn't know how to bandage the cat's nails. In the end, he shook helplessly. He shook his head, picked up the bat cat, put him in the pet box again, and said to him:

"Let's go, we have to go to the pet hospital. I heard that if the cat's nails are inflamed, there will be serious consequences, and they may not be able to walk. We have to go to the doctor as soon as possible."

Saying that Clark was about to leave with the pet box containing the bat cat, Pikachu shouted from behind:

"Hey! When I said I had acrophobia, you didn't care so much. If you do this again, I'll be angry!"

Clark sighed helplessly, and just when he was about to turn around to appease Pikachu, Pikachu shouted: "Huh? What is that? Is it a game console?"

"Oh my God! Such an old game console, wait a minute! Isn't this the original version of the **** expensive remake I saw last time at the expo? Where's the game cartridge?"

Pikachu jumped to the table, then pulled out the game cassette by himself, waved to Clark and said, "Go, I'll help you watch the house."

Clark tutted his lips, shook his head, and turned to go out without saying anything. This time, he held the pet box in his arms, so he could hear what the bat cat was calling. …

"Now, the person in your eleven o'clock direction will keep his eyes on you for more than ten seconds every time he walks by. He should be staring at you."

"The driver of the taxi you are sitting in is fine, but the person who just got off the taxi should be staring at you."

Clark was horrified by what he said. He lowered his voice and said to Batcat: "Why staring at me? What am I worthy of their attention?"

"Who knows? It can't be because you are so powerful, you can fly, and your eyes can shoot rays, right?"

Clark heard the sarcasm of Batcat, and then he heard Batcat continue: "These people didn't appear for the first time, obviously, they have been performing their duties for a long time, that is to say, your life It's actually been under surveillance."

Clark shuddered and asked, "So what? How can I get out of their surveillance? I'm about to go on vacation. If these people follow me back to my house, my parents may be in danger."

"Don't stare at the cage all the time, keep your expression normal, do whatever you need to do, as usual, Your unusual travel trajectory recently caught their attention, so they stared more closely, As long as you return to your normal state, they should remove some of their staff and find a way to investigate at that time."

Obviously, with Batman's external brain, Clark gave up thinking and did it instinctively. Although this Batman is a cat, perhaps in a sense, it is better. After all, it is better than a human being. , people always trust animals more.

Clark, who took the bat cat to see the doctor, was about to go directly back to his dormitory, but when he opened the door of his dormitory, a stunned sight appeared in front of him.

There were two people lying in his room, charred all over, apparently stunned, Pikachu was standing on the sofa with the gamepad, and when he saw Clark coming back, he said:

"These two people invaded your dormitory while you were away, and I knocked them down and found this on them."

Pikachu jumped off the back of the sofa, and took something from the gap of the sofa. When Clark took it, he found that it was a medal with a sickle, a hammer and a red flag.


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