American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 58: Ring in the world

"Later, you can send this report to Mrs. Felton in the Academic Affairs Office. Of course, things related to the club will be organized after the final exam. I don't think the students have so much free time to pay attention to these things now. "

Evans nodded with the document in his hand and said, "Indeed, almost everyone studied very hard. Even the few who had a record of skipping classes have been going to the library a lot recently."

Schiller flipped through his desk, then handed him a stack of papers and said, "Although I told you that the whole book is the key point, I think with your current level, it may be a fool's errand to memorize the whole book. This is the scope of information for the thesis proposition, let them take the time to read it..."

Just as he was talking, Bruce knocked on the door, and Evans said, "Then I won't bother you, Professor, I'll make arrangements as soon as possible."

After Bruce came in, he naturally found a chair and sat down. Schiller asked him, "Are you finished studying?"

"Of course, that's not a lot." Bruce was still quite proud of his IQ and memory.

"You'd better make sure your thesis can pass, or I'll give it to your housekeeper... What's his name?"

"Uh, Alfred, professor, my housekeeper's name is Alfred."

"Oh, yes, if you don't pass the exam this time, I'll call your housekeeper Alfred."

Bruce was silent for a while and said, "Okay, you'd better give me some more information..."

He had a subtle feeling that Schiller's "calling parents" attitude made him feel that he was being treated as a child. He felt a little resentful, but when he imagined this scene, Bruce felt that he Let's go back and read the book again.

"What are you going to do on vacation?"

"I have a lot to do, you know, what are you going to do?"

"Yesterday, the attending physician of Arkham Psychiatric Hospital called me. We are old classmates. He was a little too busy over there. He invited me to help. I plan to bring two students to practice."

"Oh? Then who are you going to bring?"

"I've already said hello to Falcone. Evans is definitely going. His grades are quite good. Now he is the first in the class. As for the other, I haven't made up my mind yet."

When Bruce was about to speak, Schiller said, "But it's definitely not you anyway. Your grades are too bad."

Bruce curled his lips and said, "The things at the Eastern Wharf haven't calmed down recently. Without the Edward family, there's a bit of chaos there. I've been busy lately at night, and so is Gordon."

"I think it's not just your heroic career that you're busy with at night. How about the heart-stealing female thief?"

Bruce said: "Of course I've only been busy with my other half of my career recently. Serena's good friend Maggie has been in bad health recently, and she hasn't come out for activities."

"But..." Bruce smiled and said, "Our justice lawyer, Mr. Harvey, seems to be moving a bit."

Schiller raised his eyebrows and said, "Would he like Gotham girls? This is really strange. Who is so attractive?"

"Christine, it's Christine."

"The head of the cheerleading troupe? But isn't she a fan of Batman?"

"The old principal was charged again and was jailed because Harvey helped Christine testify against him again, and this time, because of Harvey's defense, the old principal had no excuses for medical parole, and he was sentenced to After 137 years, I'm afraid it will never come out again."

"You know, how can you not gain the gratitude and admiration of a girl when you speak eloquently and show your pride in court?"

Schiller touched the corners of his brows and said, "Tsk tsk, our lawyer is really a blessing."

After Bruce left, Schiller also returned to the apartment building where he lived, and he was still chatting with Green Lantern in his mind.

He is too experienced with this situation, because the current Green Lantern is in exactly the same state as the little spider who just got superpowers.

Obviously, he has already obtained the green light ring from the alien.

Compared with Peter, Hal is more mature. After all, he is older and has a pilot's license. His mental quality is much better than that of a high school student. So even though he was chatting with netizens excitedly, he didn't reveal anything. Anything about aliens and magic rings.

Schiller chatted with him for a while, then clicked on his avatar and found that Green Lantern's abilities could indeed be replicated.

Schiller clicked to copy, but he didn't expect it to be delayed for a long time this time, and the system's prompt sound didn't come.

After a while, he suddenly found that the symbiote in his brain was sending out a slight buzzing.

He called the symbiote a few times, but there was no response. After a while, the system sounded:

"The world in the ring has been loaded."

When Schiller was at a loss, a series of excited brain waves suddenly came from the symbiote, and then Schiller felt something on his finger. He looked down, and it was a silver-gray quaint ring.

Schiller felt very strange, the system's ability to copy should not be able to copy the external things, and even if the Green Lantern's green ring is copied, it should be green, why does it turn gray?

Then, the symbiote gave Schiller the answer.

Green Lantern is a very special hero. Most of his abilities come from the Green Lantern Ring, including the shaping of green energy body and blade, the force field of Green Lantern energy, the ability to teleport and the ability to heal, etc. These are all brought to him by the Green Lantern Ring. special abilities.

Therefore, the Green Lantern's ability copied by the system must also have a carrier.

Schiller didn't have a green light ring, so the system turned the symbiote gray fog into a carrier of this ability.

"So the carrier is you, so what's the use of this ring?"

"It's useless, but it looks good," said the symbiote.

"Okay," Schiller said.

He glanced at his finger. The ring was actually very simple. It was a silver-gray ring with a pattern of wavy lines on it. It didn't look out of place. The only thing that was a little strange was that it was worn on the ring finger.

"So how to use this ability?" Schiller asked the symbiote.

"Think about it in your head."

Schiller closed his eyes and concentrated. Soon, he found that there was a gray fog in the dark field of vision. The fog gradually enlarged. After a moment of white light, his consciousness appeared on an island shrouded in gray fog. .

This island is not big, and you can see the end as far as you can see. Schiller controlled his vision and flew to the edge of the island, then looked down.

Beneath the island is a huge city without boundaries.

The island and the city were still shrouded in layers of hazy gray mist. The city was unbelievably large, and all the buildings in the haze took on strange shapes. gigantic creatures that shuttled through the city.

This is an isolated island floating above a huge city.

Schiller began to recall Green Lantern's ring world, in the comics, Green Lantern's ring has a separate world inside, Green Lantern shrinks his enemies and locks them in this world, and he himself is trapped in Green Lantern In the Emerald Dunes of the Ringworld.

Even the Green Lantern Ring himself seems unable to fully control their ring world, just like Schiller now, his consciousness can only stay within the confines of this isolated island, and the one below can't see any details. Huge city, completely out of his control.

But fortunately, this isolated island doesn't seem to have any connection with the city below, and those huge shadows that suddenly appeared in the fog did not notice that there was something over their heads.

And Schiller was surprised to find that he seemed to have entered this world in flesh, and here, he could also communicate with the symbiote.

He cut off his consciousness, returned to reality, looked down at his watch, time was flowing.

In other words, it is equivalent to an independent refuge. In theory, if he encounters an irresistible danger, he can directly enter the world of gray fog and wait for the crisis to pass.

Schiller thought, the huge city under the isolated island and the huge figures looming in the gray fog must be hiding huge secrets, and they are also very dangerous. It is not a good idea to stay there for too long. Unless there is a life-threatening danger, it is better to stay in this strange and bizarre ring world

Later, Mrs. Felton from the Academic Affairs Office came over. She had come to check with Schiller about the cost of textbooks for the next semester, but she was a very enthusiastic wife, and she said to Schiller: "Our new principal was just yesterday. He's out of the hospital, maybe he'll be back in the office tomorrow."

She quietly reminded Schiller: "He looks a little anxious, maybe he wants to go to war."

As Mrs. Felton said, Schiller received a call from the headmaster Seldon that night,

This time Seldon seems to have learned to be smart. He did not aggressively ask Schiller to complete some tasks as he did at the beginning, but said a bunch of empty words to make him work well, and finally told Schiller that recently Gotham University Some of his professorships may be changed, and he invited some old friends who had met at Princeton to introduce experts and professors to him to form the new faculty of Gotham University.

He seems to want to use this method to make Schiller nervous. After all, in the university, the resources in the hands of professors depend on the school's emphasis on their teaching subjects. Now Schiller is indeed a golden sign of Gotham University. His The resume is really strong, and some students from other places even apply for Gotham University specifically for this professor.

But if more world-class experts and scholars join the university, and organize their own laboratories in the school to lead students to study world-class topics, will the school's resources still be so skewed towards the subject of psychology? , but it's hard to say.

Schiller originally had no opinion on this matter. After all, he also hoped that Gotham University would be a little better and add luster to his teaching resume.

Until, he saw the name of Victor Frith in the list of newly hired professors by Principal Seldon.

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