American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 551: When the flame is lit (middle)

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When several people woke up, Stark got up from the ground, shook his wrist, twisted his waist, and said, "Next time you want to get us into a dream, can you tell us in advance?"

Nick, who was standing aside, also shook his neck and said, "I feel my neck twisted."

"Then you can reimburse medical expenses again." Schiller said with a smile.

"Come on, my medical bills are reimbursed beyond 1200, I hope I can live until then." Nick shrugged.

"Next, we have to go to the laboratory where you did the experiment. If he is still an imperfect artificial intelligence when he gets out of trouble, then even if he will destroy the evidence, it will not be too clean." Schiller suggested. road.

Nick transferred the helicopter directly, and the helicarrier took them to Pym's laboratory, which is located in Los Angeles on the west coast, the base he has been using since World War II.

Although it is not as luxurious as the Stark Building, it has been repaired and renovated for so many years, and it still looks very good.

After coming to the laboratory, Pym began to follow his memory to find out what he was doing that afternoon. After turning on the computer, he found that he had no impression of the code in the second half of the file that day.

"It's impossible. If I really wrote this myself, I'll definitely remember it." Pym's face became serious. Until now, he didn't believe that such a ridiculous thing might really happen.

"Hey, what's this?" Stark found a stack of documents in a filing cabinet. He keenly captured some technical terms in the contents of the documents. He said, "You are doing brainwave-related research?"

"Let me see...Are you sure your research is just getting started? How come there's already a hands-on part here?" Tucker frowned. "Brain wave coordination machine? You built this thing. ."

Pym hurried up and took the document. The more he looked at it, the more his brows became deeper, and he said, "I don't remember at all. In my memory, I should have just started, brain wave coordinator... Lab 23, let's go and have a look."

On the second basement floor, several people came to the somewhat dim laboratory No. 23. As soon as the door was opened, Pim was stunned.

There is a large machine in this laboratory, but at this time it is impossible to see what it is, because it is completely damaged, the parts are broken, and sparks are still sparking in some places.

Stark, who was wearing a steel suit, stepped into the room and turned on the scan. Several other people followed behind him and were about to enter, but Stark suddenly stopped them and said, "Don't come in, the explosives were scanned."

With that said, Stark floated up, and the air jets under his feet swept away all the parts. The bomb hidden behind a large part exploded with a "bang". Pym took a few steps back, his back was covered in cold sweat.

He took a deep breath and said, "Fortunately, I've been busy working on a new project about molten steel recently, and I don't have time to go to the underground laboratory, otherwise..."

He pressed the button on his wrist, turned into Ant-Man again, and flew to the machine, and after flying around it a few times, Pym turned back, covered his head, and said, "I seem to be I kind of remembered…”

Schiller stepped forward, pressed his shoulder and said, "Take a deep breath, relax, if you can't remember, don't force it, relax...Tony, turn on the metronome, and breathe with this rhythm..."

Pym calmed down for a while, leaned against the door frame and said, "I'm afraid I not only built a brainwave coordinator, but I also made a body for him, so he can attack me."

"You dare to create a body for this artificial intelligence without ensuring the safety of this artificial intelligence?" Stark's eyes widened, obviously disapproving of this behavior.

Pym shook his head and explained, "I didn't want to make him a body at first. Remember the price of vibranium plunged before? Because of the impact of the new material molten steel, the price of vibranium fell sharply."

"I do a lot of experiments and I have to use this material, so I bought a lot of them while it was cheap and put them in my laboratory. I think you should also know that Zhenjin has a very big advantage. That is, there is no loss in forging, and the properties can be restored."

"I got a lot of vibranium. I've never owned so much vibranium. At that time, I was so excited... Yes, that's the emotion, I remembered it!"

"I want to upgrade my battle suit and get an exoskeleton similar to your battle suit, and I can also use Pym particles to zoom in and out, so that my attack power can be greatly improved."

"But how did the exoskeleton get taken away by the AI? Is there a place for him there?" Nick asked.

"The exoskeleton suit and the brainwave coordinator are placed in a laboratory, and they are a bit close. He may have invaded the core of the brainwave coordinator. After removing the core, he connected it to the suit. a body."

Pym walked over, pointed to a metal shelf on the wall, and said, "This is where I put my battle suit. The buckle was forcibly removed. He must have done it."

"Most of the time I'm doing experiments, I'm wearing the current suit. It's impossible for ordinary weapons to stun me, but if it's Zhenjin, it's very possible."

"Also, he may not have such a strong hypnotic ability. He can only hypnotize me and modify my memory with the help of the brain wave coordinator core..."

"This is all our speculation. After all, we didn't find the first scene where he attacked you..." Nick said,

"No, I already remembered, I named him 'Ultron'..."

"Do you have surveillance footage in your lab?" Stark asked a very basic question, and Pym frowned. "Of course there is, and I checked it recently, but I didn't find anything unusual."

"It seems that he is smarter than you think. He knows how to delete surveillance and remove traces of his bad deeds. Dr. Pym, congratulations, you should have made the most intelligent artificial intelligence in the world..." Schiller to Pym.

"Impossible." Stark immediately denied: "Jarvis is the most intelligent artificial intelligence in the world, and its inventor is me."

Stark pointed his finger at his head, but Schiller showed an expression of disapproval. Stark snorted and said:

"You think Jarvis is just an intelligent housekeeper that exists in the system, but in fact, it is much more than that. Ever since we first met and discussed the issue of intelligent life, I have been constantly improving Jarvis. Weiss."

"And after I was upgraded, I unlocked more permissions, and used magic energy to upgrade his hardware equipment, allowing him to study freely. It may be hard for you to imagine how far he has evolved, but he has long since evolved. It’s not just pure artificial intelligence anymore.”

Nick frowned and said, "Tony, I'm not questioning your wisdom, but it might be a bit risky to do so."

"If according to our previous inference, the artificial intelligence created by Dr. Pym betrayed him and even attacked him the moment he had an independent personality, then Jarvis..."

Stark shook his head and said, "I don't know what happened to the artificial intelligence that Pym built, all I know is that before Jarvis had a personality, he was my housekeeper friend and comrade-in-arms. Once he has a personality, that doesn't change at all."

Schiller looked at Nick and said, "I know a man who is very similar to Tony, from his background to his wisdom, and one of the things I learned from him is that in the face of such a person, never question his housekeeper."

"Okay, but now the question is, if Hank does come up with a completely uncontrolled AI, what are we going to do with him?"

Schiller came out of the door and concluded:

"If, about half a year ago, the intelligent life of a certain experimental body got out of trouble and had a very useful core and body, what would be the first thing he did?"

Pym and Stark looked at each other and said in unison, "Evolution."

"Learning ability is the most powerful ability of intelligent life. If he doesn't need to worry about his hardware facilities, just like Jarvis, his learning ability is almost endless."

"How far can he evolve in half a year?" Schiller asked.

"Not necessarily." Stark touched his chin and said, "It depends on what type of intelligent life he is and the level of the person who created him."

At this time, Pym had covered his forehead and said in great pain: "I remember I told you that the principle of Ultron's creation is that I share my brainwaves with an intelligent program, in a sense, Say, his thinking style and IQ are the same as mine."

Schiller looked at Stark and said, "If we want to deal with this intelligent life called Ultron, it is not the best way for us to take action."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"Only magic can defeat magic, and only artificial intelligence can deal with artificial intelligence. I think Jarvis can completely deal with him."

Stark frowned, and Schiller continued: "Of course, Jarvis is not good now, he is still an intelligent life that only exists in the system, but the other party already has an entity and can be called It's real life."

"But it doesn't matter, you can completely close this gap, you should already have the conditions to build a perfect body for Jarvis, or you should have started doing this a long time ago, what are you worried about? "

Stark also walked out the door. Seeing the appearance of the two, Nick walked into the laboratory and shouted to it, "Dr. Pym, I'll help you pack up!"

"Katha", the visor rose up, revealing Stark's face, he said: "I'm for safety reasons, you also saw..."

Stark turned his head and looked into the but Schiller kept staring at him without speaking, as if to confirm that the answer was not the truth. Stark was also silent for a long time. After that, Schiller was the first. He opened his mouth and said:

"You're afraid he'll leave you, right?"

Stark pursed his lips and lowered his eyes, and Schiller continued: "You said he was your housekeeper, friend, and comrade-in-arms, but you know that in the real world, there is no such thing as a banquet."

Schiller sighed and said, "You're still insecure about this, thinking that everyone is going to be like your parents and leave you all of a sudden and never come back."

"Don't say it." Stark interrupted Schiller, but he knew that his current expression had betrayed him.

"I understand that even if you ascend above the universe and see a lot of truth, your own psychological problems will not be erased so easily. After all, you didn't choose that path and want to keep your feelings. This is the price. ."

"But a stronger, more secure relationship can improve the situation, don't you want to try it?"

Stark hesitated and asked, "For example..."

"For example, look at the price of rare precious stones, check the reservation status of high-end restaurants, and then ask Miss Pepper if she is free..."

"I'll go back and make a body for Jarvis now!" Stark said immediately, and after he finished speaking, he flew away with a "swoosh" of his suit.

Schiller looked in the direction he was leaving and shook his head.

Just as he turned around and wanted to leave, his phone vibrated, and after taking it out, he found a text message from Stark's number with a smiley face composed of symbols.

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