American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 54: The storm is coming

"Then, next, I will start to focus on this final exam, please open the first page of the textbook, let's start from the table of contents and look down, from the first subsection of Chapter 1 to the last of Chapter 10. Sections, everything is the point..."

"Turn down, the first 50 pages of this book must be recited except for the pictures, and all conceptual statements will appear on the test paper in the form of fill-in-the-blank questions. After the end of the third subsection of Chapter 2 on page 60, the following parts will be There are essay questions and short answer questions…”

"In addition, in the related content after Chapter 7, I will select a part of the important content to make a proposition for your final paper. The final paper is still 3000 words, and the ratio of test paper to paper is 7:3. The usual score is 6:4."

"That is to say, if you can't get a good grade on the exam, then you will definitely fail the exam."

"In addition, according to the tradition of Gotham University, starting from the next academic year, I will prepare and organize additional psychology courses. If you want to participate in this course, you must have a total score of 85 in this final exam. As mentioned above, relevant clubs and clubs are also under preparation, and students who are interested in serving as managers and club leaders can come to my office after class."

"Okay, get out of class is over."

Schiller closed the book and walked out of the classroom. Only then did the students at the bottom relax, and then began to mourn.

"My God! This book is thicker than my fist, and I have to memorize it all!"

"You said, if I fail the test, will he give me a shot?"

"I haven't seen him holding any pistols or revolvers. I guess he probably used cold weapons, such as stabs and knives."

"Who remembers what was said in Chapter 3? Where did the essay questions start?"

"Help! Evans! Evans! Are you there? Do you have any notes? Lend it to me. Damn it, I've been here for more than half of the semester, and I haven't heard anything! "

"If my dad knew that I worked so hard in college, he would definitely cry!"

Bruce was also sitting in the crowd, but he was not as flustered as the others, and it was not a problem for him to carry a book.

He wanted to discuss some things with Schiller, about the construction of a private prison, but he could see that Schiller was in a very bad mood right now, so Bruce hesitated for a while, but still didn't leave with Schiller.

After a while, Evans approached him, and he asked Bruce, "Did you hear what the professor just said about clubs and societies? I'd love to be the director, you know, the class discipline and the discipline of this course. I have always been in charge of the homework, but I would like to ask your opinion about the association, do you plan to participate?"

Bruce understands what Evans means. There are not only interest clubs, but also learning clubs at Gotham University. Some popular courses will set up their own learning clubs, which is equivalent to the professor giving extra classes to students. Of course, all clubs will involve funding issues. , Many societies want to join La Bruce, because he is a very rich man.

However, Bruce has not participated in any serious clubs. He is impatient with those clubs, and he doesn't want to be chased behind his **** for money.

But the psychology club was different. He felt he could get some extra help here, so he said to Evans: "I'll go to the professor and ask him if he can give me a club head position. As for the club, I There is no interest, you can be the leader of the classroom and the club."

Of course Bruce knew that Evans was Falcone's son, but Evans' family background was too common in Gotham. There were at least six or seven sons of gang bosses in this class, but Evans' father. Just stronger.

The people who usually mess with Bruce are basically the sons and nephews of major gang leaders. In a sense, Batman's other identity can be considered to be deep behind the enemy.

And to talk about why Schiller is in such a bad mood, we have to start from this morning.

On Marvel's side, although Obadiah was rescued, he was still very weak. Although his heart was running well, as Strange said, he was too old and his body function was too poor. , and now he has to stay in the intensive care unit, Stark has been accompanying him, that is his only relative, and even Pepper can't interrupt their father-son relationship.

Rhode left the military temporarily. He said that he had not gone on vacation for several years, so on the eve of Schiller's departure, he and Dr. Eason participated in a scientific research project in Antarctica and left temporarily. New York.

Although there are still many unsolved mysteries about the events of Iron Man, everything has calmed down for the time being.

So Schiller went back to Gotham.

When he came together this morning, he found that the weather in Gotham was exceptionally good. Although there was still a layer of mist, he could see the faint sunlight shining on the ground, which was very rare.

So he planned to take advantage of such a great opportunity to use a random chat. After the Iron Man incident, he got another opportunity to chat, but he still had one chat left in the last incident, so he now has two.

But in the end, Gotham is worthy of being a ghostly place. Schiller clicked on the chat panel and used random chat.

The avatar that appeared had black hair and a green eye patch.

Schiller shut down the system almost in a panic.

Green Lantern!

That's right, it's Green Lantern with the same actor as Deadpool again!

Although Deadpool did not appear, it was everywhere. Although Schiller had not seen Deadpool, he was surrounded by Deadpool.

"I have to ask you, have you seen any bizarre flying objects? I mean, UFOs in the traditional sense..."

Soon, Green Lantern sent a message.

Schiller judged from this line of text that the Green Lantern Hal might be encountering the fallen alien spaceship, and it was through this incident that he obtained the alien Tuogu's Green Lantern ring.

Schiller opened his avatar, and sure enough, Hal's ability could not be replicated for the time being, because he had not yet become Green Lantern.

So Schiller replied: "I vaguely remember how many times I've seen it, what? Have you seen a UFO? I can recommend a website for you, where there are all such records, you can look through it carefully."

"I have searched all of them, including the websites that record UFOs all over the world, but all they see are things flying in the sky."

"Then what did you see? The UFO doesn't fly in the sky, so why is it called a UFO?"

"Oh, it...of course! Of course it used to fly in the sky, no no no... nothing, forget it..."

It seems that Hal also realizes that he should not disclose so much information to a stranger he just met on the forum. After all, if he is found out by the other side and he finds a falling UFO, then he is likely to be arrested by the army. Fang to find.

However, Schiller sighed. No matter what abilities the Green Lantern Ring can bring him, just that Green Lantern is another Deadpool, he can't accept this. I hope Green Lantern is a character in the comics. But stop being a chatter.

In the afternoon, Schiller was in a better mood. At this time, Gordon came to look for him. He asked Schiller, "Have you seen Falcone recently?"

"That's right, what's wrong?"

In Gotham, it's not a shame to deal with gangsters, or there's no way anyone can avoid dealing with gangster characters.

In Gotham, if you can say a word or two to the godfather, it is something to be proud of.

Gordon said: "Our new police chief seems to be the godfather, of course, that's not surprising, just I wonder, what is he going to do with this mess?"

"Although I know that Falcone was a radical hawk in the early years, but in recent years, he seems to have a trend of turning conservative, I just want to know in advance, where the Gotham Police Department intends to turn ."

The police chief is the godfather of gangsters, this may sound ridiculous, but in Gotham this is normal, although Gordon is a good police officer, he knows the ecology of Gotham better than anyone else, so he will not When that reckless Lengtouqing intends to overthrow all order by himself.

On the contrary, he wanted to find a unique way out of the complicated game, so he had to deal with all forces.

"I became the governess of the godfather, responsible for teaching his son, you are The godfather has become more conservative in recent years, probably because of his age."

"I don't think you need to worry about him taking some drastic measures. On the contrary, in a sense, he may help you fight those thorns."

Schiller sat down, poured Gordon a cup of coffee and said, "Last time I went to his house, the heads of several of their families were having a meeting. I heard that the pier in the east has not been peaceful recently..."

Gordon sighed and said, "I just found out that the Edward family, who has been controlling the five piers in the east, has undergone internal changes. Little Edward killed his father and fell out with his uncle."

"You know how important those docks are. 60% of Gotham's smuggled goods come from there."

"I heard that the Edward family is old enough, a native family born and raised in Gotham, even much earlier than Falcone."

"It's hard for me to say. I just dealt with a fire incident there yesterday. The new director has been invited by Edward Jr. Today I'm here to ask you, just to know if Falcone is going to intervene in this matter. , if he intends to control, will he stand on little Edward's side?"

"If little Edward really took over the Edward family..." Gordon sighed and said, "He is a complete madman, and he won't embargo many dangerous goods like old Edward, and Gotham will be in chaos again. "

"Someday Gotham won't look like this. Don't worry. The police can't handle this now. It's a big deal that you make two more trips to wash the floor."

"As for Your Excellency Godfather..." Schiller shook his head and said, "I can only say that Falcone is now more like your friend and ally than an enemy."

"He doesn't want Gotham to be in chaos even more than you do."

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