American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 531: The plot took a strange turn again (below)

Looking into Schiller's eyes, in addition to the usual indifference, there is a lot of irritability and impatience, and then looking deeper, in the hall of thinking, two figures, one black and one white, are standing on the two sides of the tower. The end is very noisy.

"If you hadn't ignited the conflict between Iron Man and Captain America first, and they had chased me around New York so many times, how could I have found you so many jobs?"

Schiller in the black suit said blankly, "If you hadn't broken my umbrella, how could I have ignited the conflict between them?"

"Isn't that my umbrella too? Do I want to break it?"

"Shut up, I got the umbrella from Cobot through a plan. After handing it over to you, you actually broke it. How dare you say it's your umbrella?!"

"But didn't I find a new umbrella for it afterwards?!"

"But you broke it before!"

Schiller, who was wearing a white coat, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "What Marxism did Stark mention before, did you do it again?"

"I just found out that the Philby's list and medals that were originally stored by the gray fog are gone. You must have taken them out in my world on purpose, and then let Stark discover them, so as to frame me as a KGB!"

"Aren't you the KGB?"

"Of course I am not!"

"But I am."

Schiller in the white coat was choked, and Schiller in the black suit continued: "Because we are the same person, so I am not framing you, just euphemistically revealing my beliefs to Stark."

"When did you become a KGB?!"

"The moment I saw the Order of the Red Banner."


Marvel Schiller was so angry that he wanted to inhale oxygen, and Schiller in the black suit shrugged and continued: "I got the list and medals, they are only temporarily stored in the gray fog, when will I take them? It's up to me to come out and put it where I want to put it."

"Stark broke into your nursing home without permission, rummaged through the cabinets in your home to find clues, and happened to see my personal belongings. It can only be said that you are unlucky." DC Schiller said lightly.

Marvel Schiller rolled his eyes fiercely, by chance? Coincidentally ass! It would be **** without the guidance of DC Schiller!

"Calm down, after all, we are one person. You can take revenge on me, and I will take revenge on you. It's not a solution." DC Schiller disappeared, and then appeared beside Marvel Schiller. He patted Marvel Schiller said on the shoulders.

"Also, I'm not completely cheating on you. Now, they misunderstand you as a lunatic who suffered from mental illness due to the shattering of great ideals, and also wants to resurrect the Soviet Union."

"We all know the window effect, if you want to open a window and they don't agree, you say you're going to lift the ceiling, they'll agree with you, and the same goes for this."

"You said you were a Hydra, and they might want to judge you, but you said you were a staunch communist fighter who fought for the resurrection of the Soviet Union all your life, and that Hydra is not unacceptable."

Marvel Schiller glanced at DC Schiller, snorted angrily, and DC Schiller continued:

"And, before, Stark chased you so many laps over New York, you shouldn't be thinking about revenge, right?"

"The voice recorder is too naive, your Marvel's methods are really... uncomplimentable."

"But now, you see, you have a very reasonable reason to chase Stark and Steve around New York and even beat them up rightfully because you're a lunatic."

"Not only do they have to control themselves not to fight back, they even have to comfort you with kind words. After that, they have to find you the most advanced ward and ask the best doctor. If you are unhappy one day, you can send a message. Go crazy and beat them up."

"Do you think I'm you?" Marvel Schiller rolled his eyes again and said, "I'm a pacifist, I've always only talked to people about business, never did anything, and beat them, in addition to wasting my energy, there are What's the benefit?"

"The benefit is happiness!"

"More importantly, your character has become richer again. In Marvel, which pays attention to origin stories, such a complex, bizarre, and mysterious origin story makes you sell certain powerful beings. It can also be more confident.”

DC Schiller put his arm around Marvel Schiller's shoulders as he walked down the stairs, saying, "At that time, when you were making a phone call to death, you should have asked, 'Do you have a problem with the mentally ill?' does not appear."

At this moment, Moonlight Schiller's roar came from the surface consciousness: "You are so noisy!"

The two Schiller looked up together, and DC Schiller, who was wearing a black suit, clicked his tongue and said, "When we were young, our temper was really bad."

The Marvel series also crossed his arms and said, "However, it's quite handsome... Look at this knife, tsk tsk, let Stark say all day long that I can only twist light bulbs."

"This attack angle is quite tricky..." DC Schiller leaned on the railing, looked up, and said, "If I knew earlier, I should have let him fight Batman that day. It must be wonderful."

Just when Moonlight Schiller stopped in mid-air because the voice in his head was too loud, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s air carrier lifted off and came to the side of the battlefield. Natasha stood on the deck and said to Schiller:

"Schiller, Director Nick has something to do with you. He asked you how to calculate the salary calculation standard for the new season..."

"Is this the time to talk about this?!" Stark yelled, "Don't you see he's crazy?!"

Suddenly, in Stark's line of sight, Schiller was sluggish for a moment, and then quickly regained his senses. He said, "Okay, I'll be there soon."

As he said that, he turned into a cloud of gray fog and flew to the helicarrier, leaving a group of people in the sky stunned. Stark's teammates all looked at Stark and asked him: "Didn't you say Schiller? Crazy? Isn't that normal..."

Stark jetted with his nose, controlled the battle suit, and flew onto the air carrier.

When the air carrier returned to S.H.I.E.L.D., Stark and Steve wanted to leave directly, but Natasha stopped them, and said, "Don't go yet, it's okay for the director to call you."

Schiller entered the office first, and after a while, Natasha came out and called Stark and the others. Stark, Peter and Steve all walked in, followed by several other people from the Avengers.

Nick stood behind the desk with a very serious expression on his face. Seeing that everyone was here, he said in a low voice, "There is a news to inform you..."

"Just now, in a meeting of Congress, someone proposed a 'Superhero Registration Act'. Now, they want to invite you to vote at the meeting. If the majority agrees, the bill will be activated."

"Superhero registration law? What is that?" Steve asked suspiciously.

"Simply put, Congress hopes that all masked heroes will be able to disclose their real identities, register with SHIELD and accept the management of SHIELD."

"Why is there such a law all of a sudden?" Steve asked again.

"It's not the trouble you made." Nick crossed his arms and said angrily: "I don't know who it is, the power exploded, and the seal of the devil was lifted, causing too many supernatural people to appear on the stage."

"In addition, there are more and more superheroes imitating you, and there are even variety shows, which spread more and more widely."

"Don't you know the old men in Congress? They think that these are uncontrollable forces that should be supervised and controlled, and more importantly, if your role is too great, wouldn't it show their role? too small?"

"If superheroes replace some of the government's functions, then their power will be weakened, and the people will no longer trust the government and trust superheroes, and they will not allow this to happen."

"And you..." Nick knocked on the table and said, "Today's battle gave them an excuse to attack, and you made too much noise."

"Just when Schiller and Tony started fighting, they held an emergency meeting. Until now, less than an hour and a half has passed, and the draft has been approved by the majority of the House, and it's just your opinion."

"That means they've been waiting here, right?" Steve asked, frowning.

"Yes, as early as when superheroes took the stage in New York, you should have thought that this day would come. They believed that this country has come to this day through multi-party supervision and limited power, and it will be the same in the future."

"Therefore, whenever a new power comes on the stage, they will look for ways to limit and monitor it, and this strange man with superpowers must also be monitored."

"What do you think of S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Stark asked.

Nick sighed and said, "This is also their way of restricting S.H.I.E.L.D., because once we are allowed to supervise you, you will definitely be dissatisfied and will try to resist S.H.I.E.L.D. ?"

At this moment, Natasha glanced at her watch and said, "Director, hurry up, it's very tight over there, everyone from the military has gone, if we go late, they may slander us... …”

Nick waved his hand and said, "It's too late to explain so much. Everyone got on the plane, arrived at the venue, and looked at me and acted."

After that, Nick took the lead and walked out. Several others followed him. Schiller and Stark didn't look at each other and walked out.

When we got to the venue on Capitol Hill, it was indeed crowded, and Steve saw a few familiar faces. It was the Congressman who was there the last time they saw the star explode, and there were many more people and Stark. Familiar, because they are military generals.

When a few people walked over, someone registered their names. Iron Man and Captain America both reported their names, as did Spider-Man. When it was Schiller's turn, he said without looking up, "Moonlight Knight. "

Stark turned around and snorted, as if he was very disdainful of this title, but Schiller didn't care, he just needed a name to enter the field.

When they came to the center of the venue, a group of people took their seats. Stark and Schiller chose two opposite seats. Steve hesitated for a while, but sat on Stark's and Peter was concerned because of his concern. Schiller's mental state, and sat on Schiller's side.

All were seated, and an elderly congressman standing in the center read to the manuscript: "Because of the uncontrollability of superheroes and their powerful strength, Congress believes that it is necessary to restrict their behavior to ensure the safety of ordinary people... "

"Public safety has always been the focus of our work. The superhero registration law will not only improve the cooperation of superheroes, but also better ensure the safety of the people..."

When Stark heard this, he was about to speak when he heard Schiller slapped the table opposite and said, "I agree!"

Everyone stared at him with wide eyes, and even the congressman who read the manuscript was stunned, but who knows, Schiller continued to speak quickly:

"But I think that just registering what identity, age, and occupation will not achieve the effect of supervision at all. It is necessary to register complete identity information, including identity, age, vocational education background, parents and three generations, specific physical fitness information, specific information Ability effects, religious beliefs, preferences, favorite food colors, history of mental illness, etc..."

"At the same time, I think that the superheroes have great power, which may make them feel superior to others, and thus lack awareness of public safety, abuse their powerful power, and harm ordinary people."

When talking about this, the congressmen nodded, but then, Schiller's tone began to become cadence:

"Therefore, I propose that superheroes should be educated by the public society and recognize the fact that history is never created by individual heroes. The main body of history is always the people."

"Pay attention to the masses, serve the masses, come from the masses, go to the masses..."

"I will not be able to live up to my mission without me!"

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