American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 507: Hardcore Ruthless Ship Stealing Plan

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Egyptian mythology, a mythology system that is not well known in modern times, although the specific details are rarely mentioned, but many of its characters are famous, such as Anubis.

Many gods of the Egyptian pantheon often appear in the game, but many people do not know that they are from the Egyptian pantheon, but in fact, the best way to distinguish such characters is to see if they have animal heads, or whether they have animal heads. represents a natural phenomenon.

Egyptian gods are mainly divided into two categories, one is born from natural phenomena, such as sun god, wind god, fire god, moon god, etc., and the other is animal gods, such as beetle, leopard, lion, vulture and so on.

In addition, the most well-known munayin in Egypt is also inseparably related to the Egyptian mythology system, and Schiller also got inspiration from the background story of this well-known munayin, and then formulated this bold death plan.

Many people may have heard of Mu Nai Yin, and some people have even seen Mu Nai Yin in museums, but in fact this magical culture comes from Egyptian mythology, the understanding of death.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the body is just a container for storing the soul. After death, the soul is affected by divine power and goes to the underworld, but they still have a chance to be resurrected. If the soul returns from the underworld, it must have a good container to be resurrected. .

Therefore, in order to preserve the bodies of the dead, the ancient Egyptians used various methods to make them into mummies, praying for their souls to be resurrected when they returned from the underworld.

In terms of understanding of death, ancient Egypt and Chinese civilization, which are separated by thousands of miles, have very strange similarities. They both believe that the dead will go to a magical world after death, where they will still be enshrined. Therefore, the living must build luxurious mausoleums for them and provide them with funerary items, so that they can live better in that world.

Therefore, there are also the pyramids of the Egyptian Pharaohs and the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang of Qin Shi Huang.

However, Schiller, who is in Marvel, knows that in this world, myths are not just myths, not just empty talk. There are real gods here, so there should be the underworld.

But he is also clear that this world has the existence of the death of the five creation gods. All creatures should eventually go to the kingdom of death. If they want to be resurrected, they must use special power.

One of the more well-known examples is the Valhalla owned by Asgard. After the death of the Asgardian gods, they will go to the Valhalla and may be resurrected from the Valhalla.

After asking Loki, Schiller learned that Odin was able to resurrect the warriors with the help of Valhalla, and it was because of death that he reached a deal with him.

The killings and deaths caused by Odin's battles in the universe are countless. Death doesn't mind that he resurrects a small number of people and then kills more people. Even so, Odin needs to spend a lot of energy to truly resurrect a god.

So, why is the Egyptian **** who is not well-known in the Nine Realms able to resurrect his followers at will?

Schiller once asked Kong Su this question, but he did not answer. Of course, Schiller also understood that Kong Su did not have the responsibility to answer every question for believers, so he decided to explore the answer to this question by himself.

However, there is nowhere to be found in the underworld. If you want to enter, you must use a special method.

Schiller happened to know a way to let him enter the underworld, that is, the encounter of the Moonlight Knight in the re-enactment of the Moonlight Knight TV series.

In the TV series of Moonlight Knight, Moonlight Knight's body was killed by Amit's believer Arthur, so the two personalities in his body came to the underworld, and successfully left the underworld and resurrected from reality.

After the battle in the town, Schiller took the scarab from Mark while he was switching his personalities. On the way from the town to the German-Austrian border, Schiller found that Arthur was awake, but Not only did he not dismantle Arthur, but he also deliberately left the scarab he got from Mark on the seat.

Sure enough, after Arthur took the scarab, he used the power Amit left him to go to the seal, and lifted Amit's seal and released him.

Amit gave Arthur the power to take revenge on Schiller and Mark, and just as the purple thunder of Amit's power fell, Schiller withdrew all defenses and let Amit's power kill him 's body.

In fact, with the gray fog around, Amit's divine power was not enough to destroy Schiller's body, but Schiller let the gray fog release water, simulating a state of suspended animation in which the heart stops breathing and also stops breathing, and through this, the soul is drawn to the ship where the Moonlight Knight came in the play.

This part of the TV plot is also very interesting. After the death of the split-personality Moonlight Knight, he had a strange dream. Mark dreamed that he came to a mental hospital. The attending doctor here is Arthur who killed him. Ya Se told him that, in fact, he was a mental patient from beginning to end, and all the mercenaries, archaeologists, etc. were his fantasies when the disease occurred.

What interests Schiller the most is that in this spiritual world, Mark's two personalities are shown as two different people, and when they come to the ship, they are also two people.

This is indeed a bit strange. If the underworld is real, then there should be only one soul of Mark who was taken in. Even if he is divided into two personalities, there should be only one soul, but on the boat there are Mark and his other soul. One personality Steven two people.

Based on this, Schiller speculates that this so-called underworld should be similar to the dream kingdom in the DC world, a world that is connected to the world of human consciousness.

Since Mark can board the ship with two of his personalities, according to reason, Schiller can also board the ship with his numerous personalities, and this ship can travel in the dream world.

After listening to Schiller's remarks, Mark's mood was very complicated at this time. He took a deep breath, sighed again, and said, "I really don't know, should you say that you have the spirit of inquiry, or are you completely crazy?"

"Just because of an ethereal conjecture, you dare to let yourself die. Have you ever thought that if all this is just a fantasy generated by your mental illness, you will really die."

"Are you afraid of death?" Schiller asked.

"Aren't you afraid?" Mark asked back, suddenly he was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Oh, indeed, no KGB I've ever met is afraid of death."

"Essentially, this is my confidence in my professional level. In terms of dissociative identity disorder, the spiritual and conscious world, dreams, etc., my research level is still good."

As he said, Schiller walked to the side of the boat. As the boat moved forward at full speed, the sand sea under the hull became thinner and thinner, and there were fewer and fewer skulls tumbling up and down.

Mark stretched out his hand, raised his head and looked around the sky. He found that the originally clear and bright starry sky began to become a little blurry. The breeze brushed his fingertips, and also through his fingertips, there were also indistinct white mist.

Mark turned his head hastily, and then he saw that the huge bow faced the thick white fog, like a sharp sword cutting a piece of white jade, and the hull surrounded by the thick fog seemed to float on the sea of ​​clouds. Looking down from the boat, there is no longer a sea of ​​sand, but nothing. The whole boat seems to be floating in the air.


The low horn was blown, the mast sounded softly, and the sails were in place. Mark saw that the layers of sails were blown up by the invisible wind, and the full arc was like several rising crescent moons.

He stepped forward and asked Schiller, "Where are you going to drive it?"

"I'm going to pick up a friend of mine and take him to see the scenery beyond ordinary people's dreams." Schiller smiled and said.

"What about resurrection? Don't you want to be resurrected?" Mark obviously couldn't accept the fact that he was dead. He seemed very impatient, and his eyebrows were full of worry.

"As you said, the KGB is not afraid of death." Schiller looked back at him, Mark was very angry, just as he was about to speak, he saw behind Schiller in a white coat, the young Schiller slowly raised his umbrella knife to him.

Schiller asked with a smile: "Are you still afraid of death now?"

Looking at the cold light on the blade of the umbrella knife, Mark swallowed, took a step back, and shook his head vigorously.

The big ship was driving in the white fog, and the surrounding scenery was completely unchanged, so it was impossible to judge how fast the ship could fly. Jack and Schiller stood at the bow together, and Jack asked, "What do you plan to call this ship? "

"Flying God, what do you think?"

"It's not so good, why don't you just call Feixiang, why do you have to bring a god?"

"I... oh, here we are." Just as Schiller was about to answer Jack's question, he saw the shadow of the building in the thick fog. He turned back and ordered the crew of Schiller to lower the sails and let the huge ship descend slowly.

As the ship fell, the shadow of the building became clearer and clearer. The first thing that appeared in the field of vision was the Gothic spire, and further down, could you see that it seemed to be an English school?

Standing at the gate of the Dreamland School, Charles opened his mouth wide and watched the huge shadow of the ship slowly fall.

Just a few minutes ago, he was still wondering in the office in the real world, why Schiller called him before to make him dream now, and now, Charles knows, because he has seen Schiller standing on the bow.

After the ship landed, it was bigger than what Charles saw in the air, even bigger than any ship he had ever seen. It was no longer a sailboat, it should be said to be a flying aircraft carrier in a sailboat coat.

"My God, what is this?! Did I read it wrong? Is that the sun pattern in the Egyptian tomb??"

"Professor, as expected of you, you are the most knowledgeable person I have ever met." Schiller got off the boat, shook hands with Charles, and sincerely praised.

"After the Tower of Babel, you built an Egyptian ship in your dream?" Charles asked inexplicably, "But why did you do this? Are your personalities finally unable to live?"

"You Schiller turned to look at the ship, then turned back, and said to Charles, "I didn't make this, I don't have that ability, the story is complicated, but in short……"

Schiller turned back, pointed to the ship, and said firmly, "This is a gift from nature."

"Okay, I understand, you don't need to say it." Charles said immediately. Obviously, in the process of working with these people from the Radiance Alliance, he also knew what styles these people were. Asking too much would bring down his morality. Risk to the bottom line.

"So what did you come to me for?" Charles asked.

"Professor, since many young mutants went to the Andromeda Nebula to colonize the universe, it's difficult to get them back to class because of the distance, right?"

Hearing Schiller mentioning this issue, Charles nodded and said helplessly: "Although I can contact them here, I can't get their consciousness back here to teach again."

"I said before that the so-called spiritual connection is actually related to brain waves, and brain waves are limited by physical distance. If I are too far away from them, the signal will be bad. "

"Yes, I have always believed that the education of mutants is the top priority. If teaching is delayed because of internships, it is really putting the cart before the horse."

"The so-called poor can't be poor in education. For the common future of mankind and mutants, I hope that this boat that can travel in a dream will become a school bus for mutants, and a Noah's Ark for mutants to ride the wind and waves in the ocean of knowledge... …”

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