American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 502: I bloom in the slaughter (middle)

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The phrase "shred them" sounds like a subjunctive, and is often used in mobilization orders. It is indeed very imposing, at least for ordinary people.

But maybe there is some tacit understanding between the murderers. Jack didn't take this simply as a horn to start a war. He understood what Schiller meant, which was to literally "shred them".

If a monster has self-healing ability, the best way to deal with them is not to pierce, but to cut, because any self-healing ability cannot restore limbs without an upper limit, and to the extreme, self-healing ability cannot save Dumpling stuffing.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

Every time Jack swung the machete, the light of the knife was like a crescent moon hanging in the sky. When several crescent moons swayed around him, they were like petals wrapping him, and they bloomed little by little.

The first jackal monster that was touched by the knife light was stabbed in the neck, chest, abdomen and right thigh. The fur and muscles failed to defend, and the bones did not stop the machete. The moonlight murderer's knife light swept away. It's like cutting a piece of half-melted butter.

When Jack's figure flashed behind the monster, under the moonlight, the monster collapsed behind him like building blocks stacked by young children.

On the cross section of the limb fragments, the purple light kept flashing, but this self-healing ability fell into an embarrassing situation, because the size of the corpse cut out by Jack was basically the same, no matter which piece was used as the raw material for resurrection This monster has to fabricate at least 90% of its body out of thin air.

After the purple light flashed twice, it disappeared completely like no electricity, and the **** fragments also turned into black water and disappeared into the cracks on the surface.

Schiller, who was watching there, turned his head back, and Arthur took his eyes back. The two looked at each other at the same time. At the moment of eye contact, Arthur suddenly realized what Schiller was doing.

The tragic scene of the monster being dismembered appeared in his mind, how Arthur wished he was really a mad believer and could use faith as the last line of defense, but he was not.

In other words, even mad believers will feel fear when they witness that a **** with supreme power has something that cannot be saved.

Seeing the moon symbol on Mark's chest, Arthur gritted his teeth and said, "Kong Su...Kong hypocritical thief, look what you are doing!"

"You made two criminals with your own hands! A hopeless murderer..." Arthur didn't even notice it himself, and there was some trembling in his tone.

At this time, he found that Schiller, carrying the umbrella knife, began to approach him at a slow speed.

After changing the dizzying speed of the previous raid, Schiller began to walk forward step by step. When the leather shoes stepped on the ground, the puddles left by the melted monsters reflected his leather shoes and neat trousers.

The tip of the knife dragged across the ground, and in the reflection of the mirror-like blade surface, Yuehua gradually climbed up from the soles of her feet, and her dark suit was dyed silver a little.

When the umbrella knife was picked up and placed in front of Schiller, one side of the knife reflected Schiller, who had put on the iron cover on his mouth again, and the other side reflected Arthur's collapsed expression.

The two were close to Chi Chi, only separated by an umbrella. This long approaching process had completely destroyed Arthur's psychological defense. He fell, trembled, and began to scream.

Arthur is a doctor, a cultist, and a cult pope, but for natural born killers, everyone except their own kind is the prey, the victim of flaws.

Keep your eyes on the target, test it over and over again, and find your weaknesses.

Hurt, torture, oppress, until the other party fears, collapses, and loses humanity.

Let them degenerate from humans to beasts that can only roar and cry, follow instinct to avoid, thousands of emotions, only fear.

These natural perverts can obtain unparalleled pleasure from this process, which is the indispensable fuel for them to live in this world.

Arthur weakly stretched out his cane to block the incoming sharp knife, but on the face he was facing, the cruelty and indifference that had nothing to do with human beings on the face he was facing was sharper than any weapon. After breaking Arthur's will, beware of being broken, no matter what kind of resistance the body does, it will be of no use.

Schiller turned the umbrella, the handle was facing Arthur, the metal and metal percussion sounded violently, and the continuous and rapid drum beat like the opening of the play was like a reminder—

With a sound of "Bang!", the walking stick was knocked out, "Kara" sounded softly, and the walking stick fell into the muddy water.

Arthur fell to the ground, and the terrifying figure of Schiller slowly raising his umbrella knife was reflected in the high splash of water.

Suddenly, Kong Su appeared beside Schiller and said, "He is my former believer, let him go..."

To Kong Su's surprise, Schiller really stopped, but soon, he discovered that Schiller's stop was not because of his orders, but because of Arthur's face, who fell to the ground. The shape of a crocodile head begins to flash.

"Get out of the way, Amit is coming." Kong Su reminded.

Schiller stepped back quickly, and with a roar full of primitive and wild filial piety, an equally huge figure descended behind Arthur.

Schiller was calm from beginning to end, and didn't seem to be surprised by this, but at this time, Kong Su stood up and said:

"Amit, you project such a powerful force beyond the seal, you will be judged by the gods!"

"The same goes for you, Kong Su! You even recruited two believers!" Amit's voice was a little more shrill than Kong Su's, but his conversation with Kong Su proved that he was as intelligent as Kong Su. And just as old.

Except at the beginning, Kongsu asked Amit questions in English, and Amit also answered in English, the communication between the two was all in ancient Egyptian, and they spoke very fast.

Therefore, after they communicated for about twenty or thirty seconds, the sharp knife light interrupted their conversation.

Amit's phantom looked disdainful at the knife light that Schiller attacked, but it was different from the previous attack on Arthur. This time, a huge silver knife light appeared in front of the umbrella knife, and the crescent-shaped knife light traces When Amit flew over, Amit condensed the shield to defend, and the knife light swayed a layer of ripples on the shield, and then disappeared.

But just when Amit was about to taunt Kong Su, the sound of "whooshing" sounded behind him, and a cross-shaped knife slashed on Amit's back, knocking him forward. flew out.

Amit's phantom adjusted his posture in the air. He stabilized his body and wanted to look back to see who had attacked him, but the moment he turned around, Schiller attacked again.

Jack behind Amit put away the two knives, put the hilts of the two knives together, and then twisted, a huge S-shaped meniscus dart appeared, he stepped back with one foot, arched his body, grabbed the curved Blade, threw it fiercely.

Just when Amit was able to dodge Schiller's umbrella knife, the meniscus dart with a loud smashing sound forced him to nowhere to retreat, and he had to take Schiller's knife.

Schiller's knife carried Kongsu's unique power of moonlight, and when the knife went down, Amit's phantom flickered, and it became obviously darker.


! "Amit roared: "How dare you take such a sinner as your believer, the heaven will judge you!"

! "

The sentence he roared was still in ancient Egyptian, so neither Schiller nor Jack understood nor planned to understand it at all.

Kong Su seemed to be afraid, he said to Schiller: "Stop! Schiller..."

Then he turned to look at Jack and said, "Jack, stop..."

But the two of them turned a deaf ear at the same time, the silver radiance complemented each other, like a big net, wrapping Amit up, Amit screaming, constantly cursing Kong Su.

Kong Su also seemed to be angry that his followers ignored him. He felt that his dignity as a **** had been provoked, and he couldn't condone this kind of thing, so he also raised the scepter in his hand and said to him. Hit the ground hard.

A circle of silver ripples swayed with him as the center. When they swept across the feet of Schiller and Jack, the silver light on their bodies disappeared. After the power of the Moon God was withdrawn, the battle uniform also disappeared.

"You are my believers and should obey my orders..."

Kong Su thinks he is very patient. He feels that Schiller and Jack are so disobedient to him, and he is just taking back his strength, which is gentle enough, but obviously, these two murderers don't think so.

At the moment when the power disappeared, Schiller didn't stop. Instead of the silver power, there was a mysterious gray mist.

What is even more terrifying is that this weapon no longer changes into a knife light, but is like the countless tentacles that spread out behind him. The gray tentacles spread from Schiller's back and attacked Amit.

Amit flashed and wanted to run, but the tentacles formed by the gray fog, like eyes, turned into countless threads, chasing Amit's figure until it wrapped him.

The gray fog tentacles were like greedy blood-sucking leeches, stabbing into Amit's body one by one, sucking the energy greedily, and the Amit projection composed of the energy body was sucked dry in an instant.

Before disappearing, Amit shouted: "Kongsu, you colluded with the evil god, I will call the twelve gods to judge you!

! "

With a long scream, Amit disappeared, and the grey mist filled with food and drink danced with majestic tentacles.

When Schiller turned around, Tong Kong could no longer be seen in his eyes, all of which were filled with gray mist, and his eyes fell on Kong Su.

Kong Su's skull falcon head slowly turned 180 degrees backwards, pretending to see nothing, and then "Zeng" disappeared.

"Oh, damn, my jaw..." Mark's personality returned, and he exclaimed, squinting, looking around at the mess around him.

Near the battlefield are all the ravines left by the huge knife light, and there is muddy black water between the ravines. The car that Arthur drove over didn't know when it exploded. Now it has been burned into coke, and Arthur is lying in the car. Not far away, life and death are uncertain.

Mark stood in the middle of all this at a loss. He touched his clothes and found that, at some point, the beetle he hid in his clothes pocket disappeared.

He bowed his head in confusion and searched in place, UU reading www.uukanshu. After com looked around, there was nothing on the ground except dirty water and stones. He crossed his hips and patted his forehead, sighed and said, "This symptom is really getting worse."

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he turned to look at Schiller. Schiller had returned to normal, and even the sharp knife at the front of the umbrella had disappeared. Mark walked over and asked, "I remember, you should It's a psychiatrist, right? It's still the kind of powerful..."

"You..." Just as Mark was about to say something, he found that he felt a hint of coolness on his cheek, and small raindrops fell on his face. Mark raised his head and stretched out his hand. He found that it was starting to rain here.

There seemed to be no rain line in the dark night, only the splashing water on the ground told the coming of the heavy rain, Schiller directly held up the umbrella in his hand and was safe, but Mark was a little embarrassed.

Seeing that Schiller had no intention of sharing the umbrella at all, Mark had to find a car on the side of the road, pick the lock, and get in.

Schiller put away his umbrella, got into the co-pilot, Mark started the car, and asked, "Where are we going now?"


"Are you a psychiatrist?"


"Then you say, my situation... I mean, I don't know when I will intermittently lose my memory and faint. In this case, is there any way to perform psychological treatment?"

"I don't know psychotherapy."

Mark turned his head, looked at Schiller suspiciously, and asked, "Aren't you a psychiatrist? You can't do psychotherapy, so what can you do?"

Mark saw that Schiller slowly raised the umbrella in his hand, and the strange voice echoed in the car.

"I do physical therapy."

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