American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 49: Iron Armored Ambition (Part 1)

At this time, Coulson was standing at the door of Nick Fury's office with great confusion. He looked at all the people who came to this intersection and turned right.

Natasha walked out of Nick's office, and Coulson stopped her and asked, "What's wrong? Why did they take a detour? I remember that the closest way to the elevator is to turn left?"

"Because our genius psychiatrist, who is expensive for consultation, is in the office on the left, waiting for someone to go to counseling."

"You actually invited him here. How much did he ask for? Could it be $100 million an hour?"

"That's not true. Nick's report says $50 million an hour."

Coulson took a deep breath and said, "That is to say, if I go to him for psychological counseling now, it will be equivalent to making $50 million in vain?"

"You can understand that too."

"There should be a lot of people lining up there. Can I still line up today?"

"On the contrary, there is no one there." Natasha said with a shrug.

After she finished speaking, she also turned right and left, Coulson shouted, "You are going wrong! There is an emergency passage over there! The elevator is on the left!"

Natasha said without looking back, "I want to exercise! You know, for health!"

Coulson was even more confused. Immediately after, Nick walked out of his office. Coulson greeted him, "Good morning, Chief."

Nick nodded to him, and then said: "Natasha has recently withdrawn from the Stark Group affairs, and she will follow up the case related to the hand union. You mainly keep an eye on the one who will swing around. The boy, just let him not cause trouble."

Coulson replied yes, and then he found that Nick turned around and planned to turn right. He grabbed his boss and said, "Director, the elevator is over there. If you go to the right, you have to walk for at least 5 more minutes."

"I've been exercising recently, and I plan to take the stairs."

Coulson was literally full of question marks. He went straight to the left and muttered to the left. Seeing that the door of Schiller's office was open, he knocked on the door and walked in. Schiller was burying his head in writing. When he saw someone coming in, he Very surprised, he raised his head and said, "Someone really came..."

Coulson was stunned for a moment and said, "Isn't it open now? I remember saying in the morning meeting that the psychological consultation will start this morning."

"Of course open the door! Come in, you're the first!" Schiller stood up with a pen and opened the stool for Coulson. This enthusiasm made Coulson a little overwhelmed, and Schiller said: "Of course, you Possibly the only one."

"I don't understand, 50 million dollars an hour of psychological counseling can be done for free and reimbursed by the bureau, why don't they come?"

"Probably because I asked for $50 million, and Nick agreed..."

"What's wrong with this, doesn't this mean that the director is very sure of your level?"

"Well... Putting aside some of his macroeconomic understanding of funding and the flexible use of reimbursement in the system structure, have you ever thought that maybe it was his affirmation of me that made no one here come here? ."

"You mean, they think your level is too high?"

Schiller said speechlessly: "Are you really a level 8 agent? What level is Natasha? Shouldn't the full level be level 100?"

"Which agent would be willing to find a very powerful psychologist and see all the secrets in their hearts?"

"I thought it was just some simple emotional conditioning, such as releasing anxiety or something."

"Then you can just go to the door and smoke a cigarette."

"That won't work, the **** smoke alarm here is too sensitive," Coulson said.

"Okay, do you want to come here to relieve some depression?"

"Actually not, because I think the captain and you seem to have a good relationship. I want him to sign my entire set of fan cards. Can you ask him for me?"

Schiller spread his hands and said, "Okay, I know that, but whoever made me earn this money, if that really relieves your anxiety. Give me the card, I promise he'll sign one. Even if it doesn’t fall, it’s worthy of my $50 million one-hour consultation fee.”

After Coulson left, Schiller was drinking coffee leisurely in the temporary office, but before he could finish touching the fish for the morning, he just opened the door to get some air, when a sharp alarm sounded suddenly, and there was a sound on his head. A small device glowed red, and then began desperately calling the police.

Schiller was startled, but his spider sensor didn't respond at all. For safety, he was ready to flash at any time, but with a sharp chirping, the fire sprinkler was turned on, and the sprinkler instantly sprayed a large amount of water mist. , If Schiller hadn't hid quickly, he would have been drowned.

Coulson and a few agents ran over, looked up at the smoke alarm, and then glanced at Schiller, who stared at them with a coffee cup.

"No smoking here."

"I don't smoke."

Coulson showed a suspicious expression and said, "Natasha had the same expression as you when she was caught. Did you throw the cigarette down the drain of the sink?"

"Of course not, I don't smoke indoors."

Coulson really didn't smell any smoke. He looked up at the smoke alarm that had been blaring, and said, "Well, it looks like this **** thing is broken again."

"How on earth did you make a smoke alarm make a noise of hundreds of decibels?"

"If you have 32 fires in your home a month, you'll understand."

The symbiote said in Schiller's mind, "I'm a little dizzy and I feel a little sick, let's go."

Schiller said: "It seems that today's psychological consultation is over. If it is less than an hour, it will be counted as an hour. Don't forget to ask Nick to settle the bill. I will go first."

Schiller left decisively, because he knew that this was not an accident. Some people didn't want him to stay there anymore. After all, every time he went downstairs, he had to take a 5-minute detour, which was a long time-consuming journey.

Humans are always like this. When they don't have mind reading skills, they always fantasize. Some people can understand them and understand what they are thinking. .

Of course, this is more likely because of Nick Fury's eclectic talent management system in S.H.I.E.L.D.

After returning to the clinic, Schiller, who had not slept for dozens of hours, planned to take a nap. The symbiote played him a very hypnotic music, which made him fall asleep quickly, but before he could fall into deep sleep, Just woke up by a phone call.

"What? ... Then what's the use of you looking for me? Go to Pepper."

"She's busy? Then am I not busy? Well, I'm not busy, but you can't let me enter the lab again. I really don't want to screw the light bulb anymore."

"Yes, yes, I know that you are a great battle armor that crosses the age, not a light bulb. Can you tell the truth?"

"Jarvis found something wrong with the parts repository? Wrong number of parts? Are you sure you didn't count it wrong? Well, I know... I know you're serious, but how can I help with this? I'm not I can conjure the few parts out of thin air for you, no, not even magic..."

"...It's hard for me to say." Schiller paced in the clinic's living room, "Perhaps you should ask Jarvis' speculation, he's more than just a computer now."

"Jarvis is a little hesitant? Then don't you know the answer? Or do you actually think of the object of suspicion, but you just don't want to admit it..."

"No, of course my mind-reading skills can't be used for this kind of thing, don't be kidding... I can tell you that there is an 80% chance of the object in your mind..."

After hanging up the phone, Schiller grabbed Pikachu, rubbed his cheek and said, "A solid steel fortress is always the first to be breached from the inside, which is really hard to say."

"What's the trouble with that guy in the tough dress?" Pikachu asked.

"It seems that something is missing from his armor. His smart butler gave an answer to a suspect he didn't want to hear, and now he's doubting his life."

"You humans always like to make yourselves troublesome." Pikachu concluded, "That kid named Parker, when he is playing games, he is worried about killing the hostages in it. It's just a game, even if the hostages die. Yes, but the kidnappers are gone, so we won't be counted?"

"So you rushed over and killed the hostage first?"

"Otherwise, that kid is always dawdling, what can I do? You are entangled in too many meaningless things, always substituting yourself too deeply, and you are full of unnecessary worries about things that have not happened yet, but you are worried about what has already happened. What happens is always escaping."

"I really didn't expect that, as a rat, you could say such incisive words."

"Of course, I'm Detective Pikachu."

In the Stark Building, all the lights in Stark's laboratory were extinguished, and only some lights of the instruments were flickering faintly, like Stark leaned on the experimental table, Sitting on the ground, a symbol beating on his phone beside him indicated that Jarvis was there.

"I'm trying to comfort you, sir."

"So you turned off the lights?" Stark's voice was hoarse, and he was tired from staying up too late.

"It might help you relax a little bit, and dim lighting helps to relax your brain," Jarvis said.

Stark closed his eyes, he changed to a more relaxed position, leaned on the experimental bench, he curled one leg, then put his arm on it, raised his head, and said like a dream: "...maybe This is retribution."

"The weapons of the Stark Group have displaced countless people, so the people I once trusted will also leave me one by one..."

"We're not sure yet that Mr. Obadiah is the murderer," Jarvis said. "In the analysis, he's only about 96 percent likely."

"You can be more straightforward," Stark said.

"Sorry, I mean there's a 4% chance it's not him."

"Who might be left?"

Mr. Schiller 2%, Mr. Parker 1.2%, and yourself 0.8%. "

"Schiller? You're expecting someone who can't even tell the mecha parts numbered 1 to 10 to steal the most important core? And Peter, that kid is a little stupid, but he won't steal anything, He's a fool who was shocked to see me smoking for a long time."

"I'm trying to comfort you," Jarvis said.

In the end, Stark felt that all the voices of the world were gradually sinking, and he remembered Howard's face while he was half asleep.

At that time, Uncle Obadiah stood with his father, who were both still young.

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