American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 468: Is Schiller sick? (Down)

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"Uh, hello? Arkham Psychiatric Hospital? Yes, Brand, it's me, Victor, we met at dinner."

"Have you seen Schiller lately? . . . Oh, yes? That's it, I'm a little worried about his recent mental state. Would you like to ask him over?"

"Performance? It's hard for me to say..."

In Gotham's office, Victor, with one hand on his hip and his phone in the other, said to the other side, "You know how scary it is? He can even finish his meal in 15 minutes, and he actually starts eating. Broccoli!"

"Remember that dinner we had at the Wayne Grand Hotel? He purposely found the kitchen and shot the broccoli! Before that, he kept telling me that he couldn't use a gun..."

Victor changed the phone in his hand. The hand holding the phone gradually became younger, and the phone changed from blue to black. Bruce took the phone and said to the other end:

"Yes, Dr. Brand, the situation is very serious. He didn't go out until 9:30 when he knew that the class was going to be at 10 o'clock."

"Moreover, he didn't rob any other teacher's class because he missed a class. He didn't mention it all day, he didn't leave more homework, and he didn't say he would have an exam tomorrow... "

"Because he was late in Gotham's traffic jam, he didn't even bother to go to the mayor, I think, I'm afraid you have to get him treated quickly, otherwise I can't imagine what else he will do..."

"Doctor Brand, I found your number in the phone yellow pages. I hope you don't mind my interruption. I'm Mr. Rodriguez's housekeeper, Merkel."

Merkel stood beside the telephone station and said in a low voice: "Can you please come over tomorrow? ... Oh, do you? You really don't provide home clinic services?"

"Yes, I understand that the pressure of mental illness diagnosis and treatment in an entire city is on one hospital, of course you will be very busy..."

"Yes, I hope you'd better make an appointment with Mr. Schiller. Although it's a bit offensive for a housekeeper to say such a thing, his state is indeed a bit..."

"Yes, more than that, he didn't even frown once all day today, I think it's really a little dangerous."

"Okay, looking forward to seeing your invitation in the mailbox tomorrow, thank you very much, Mr. Brand."

The next morning, Schiller still got up early, he stood by the window and stretched again, yawned, and after washing in the **** room, he went downstairs.

And this time, Merkel got up earlier than him, and when Schiller came down, he stretched out his hand and said hello: "Morning, sir, breakfast is ready."

Schiller nodded, then walked towards the dining table, and as he sat down to eat, he found Merkel standing by the door, looking out the window.

"Why are you standing there? Aren't you eating?"

"Thanks, sir, but I've already eaten."

After Merkel finished speaking, he turned his head to look out the window again. Schiller didn't understand what was wrong with him, but he shook his head and did not continue to ask, but lowered his head and started to eat.

After a while, the soft ring of the bicycle bell came, Merkel opened the door directly, strode out, the newsboy waved to him, and Merkel handed him the prepared bread.

The newsboy first took out a newspaper from his arms. After Merkel took it, the newsboy took out another letter. He said: "This is an expedited letter, but the delivery fee has already been paid by the other party."

"You know what? You're more dedicated than a professional postman. I thought I wouldn't be here this morning," Merkel praised.

The newsboy snorted and said disdainfully, "The postman? The postman won't live in Gotham for two days!"

"I know all the trails from the south to the west, and it doesn't even take an hour to get here, faster than those gentlemen who drive."

Merkel gave him a thumbs up, then took out a few more coins and handed them to Bao Tong, saying, "Thank you."

"Oh, wait, I can't accept this." The newsboy suddenly handed the money back. Merkel looked at him in surprise. The newsboy shrugged and said:

"It's not the same now as it used to be."

"You know that Cobot from the North District, right? The Falcone family let him take over the management of the entire Gotham kids, and he made a very powerful set of rules."

"I can't tell you the specifics, but we don't allow tipping for violations now. If someone reports it, I will lose my job."

"I don't want to lose such a lucrative job, I managed to take over all the work on this side of the West End, and since Cobble cleaned up those nasty moms and dads, I've made all the money I've made. It's my own, and it would be bad if they didn't take me."

Seeing Merkel standing still and not picking it up, the newsboy threw the coins back directly. When Merkel caught the coins, he only saw his fading back, he shook his head, and then went back to in the manor.

When the letter was delivered to Schiller, Schiller had just finished eating, and he looked up at Merkel, who gave him a smile.

Schiller picked up the envelope, and after opening it, he found that it was a letter from Brand. He thought about it for a while, and then said, "I have a class this afternoon, so shall I go there tonight?"

"Okay, I'll call Mr. Brand back later."

"Wait, then why didn't he just call and invite me over?"

"Because this is an official invitation, and formal invitations are written invitations. If it is a private party, you can call directly."

"Then I'll call him later."

Merkel rubbed her palms a little embarrassedly and said, "Sir, it's better for me to go, because it may not be Mr. Brand who is answering the phone."

"Then why don't I just let that person go to Brand?"

"Then I can call first and ask you to answer the phone after I find Mr. Brand on the opposite side..."

Schiller covered his forehead helplessly and stopped arguing. It was already afternoon when he arrived at school after dinner.

In the class, Schiller first explained the reason for being late. He thought that some students would be quite critical, but what he didn't expect was that everyone expressed their understanding, and they almost praised "It's good to be late, it's wonderful to be late." .

Before the class, as many university teachers do, Schiller planned to chat with the students about daily topics, relax the atmosphere, and get closer. .

When he started lecturing, in the interactive part, when he started to let the group discuss, the students below all looked at him blankly.

Schiller was stunned for a moment, and then thought, it is 1988, it should not be the modern classroom model, and he remembered that DC Schiller's teaching model was completely scripted, and students were forced to memorize them by rote. until.

Schiller looked down at his teaching case, and then he realized that he was not teaching at Harvard or other Ivy League schools. The quality of the students here is far from the point of flexible learning, and rote memorization is more suitable for them.

After class, Schiller was in a bad mood. On the one hand, the feedback from the class was not good enough, and Schiller was not used to this one-sided knowledge output model. On the other hand, he felt that the people in Gotham were a bit weird. of.

I don't know why, but my acquaintances have a special attitude towards me. It's that kind of feeling that there is a trace of worry in the fear, a trace of worry in the worry, and a sense of sympathy in addition to the worry.

Schiller thought so as he packed up his things, left Gotham University, and drove to Arkham Psychiatric Hospital.

In fact, he had absolutely no idea what Brand suddenly called him to do, but he felt that chatting with a colleague should help release his emotional pressure.

When they arrived at Arkham Psychiatric Hospital, Brand was waiting for him at the door. The two of them shook hands and hugged again. Brand said, "I haven't seen each other for a while, how are you doing?"

"It's okay." Schiller gave an ambiguous answer, and then he thought of something and suddenly asked, "By the way, how about that Hugo Strange?"

"Oh, he, the last time I found him fainted in the consulting room, I carried him to the ward. After he woke up, he became a little crazy, and kept talking about monsters, impossible, etc. Yes, and attacking nurses."

"Then how did you deal with it?"

"What else can I do? He obviously has a mental problem, probably because he has been sick for a long time. He is receiving treatment. We have given him medicine and performed some soothing therapy, but the effect is not obvious."

The two walked in while talking, and when they reached Brand's clinic, Brand changed the subject and said, "Stop talking about him, let's talk about you, how are you doing recently? I don't think you're looking very well. ."

Schiller touched his face and said, "Really? Maybe I haven't slept well recently."

"That's it, Victor called me and said, you seem to be under some pressure recently, do you want to take a mental self-test?"

Schiller hesitated, but said, "Okay."

Brand took out a document from the drawer, Schiller picked up the pen and started to work on the problem. After finishing, he handed it to Brand. The more Brand looked at, the more he frowned, he shook his head and said: " What happened to you recently?"

"Is it okay? If you have to say it, something did happen when I went to the Metropolis. By the way, I haven't told you about my experience going to the Metropolis. It's still wonderful..."

"When I first got there, there was a murder case, and then the agents blocked the whole manor, and then..."

"Wait, Agent??" Brand suddenly frowned.

He stood up, strode to the door, opened the door, looked left and right in the corridor, then came to the window again, closed all the curtains, and finally sat back at the table , looked at Schiller worriedly and said:

"That group of people found you again??"

Before Schiller could answer Brand took a deep sigh and said, "I said at the beginning that it is very dangerous for you to choose this path, how about it?"

"Also, it's fine if you hide in Gotham, but you even ran out and caught yourself in the net. Have those agents discovered your identity? You shouldn't be seen by them, right?"

Schiller slowly widened his eyes, Brand looked at his expression, and said with a bit of hatred:

"When you go to school, look at Marx, I don't want to stop you, everyone has the freedom to pursue their own beliefs."

"After graduation, you said you were going to Berlin, and I didn't say anything. Everyone has the freedom to choose their own path."

"After work, you stayed in Moscow for a while, and I don't want to say anything. Although we have different beliefs, friends should tolerate each other."

"But what I can't understand the most is that you have already joined the KGB, and you have regretted it again!"

"If you don't want to complete the task at all, why accept it???"

Brand's words seem to have been held back for a long time, and there is anger in his tone:

"At the beginning, you were suspected by the KGB because of the disconnection with Moscow and took refuge in Gotham, but now, you left Gotham voluntarily and went to Metropolis to participate in another mess?!"

"Schiller, I really don't know what you think, jumping between so many forces, are you really afraid that you won't die?"

Schiller, who was sitting in the chair, swallowed, and at this time, he and DC Schiller in the Hall of Thought asked suspiciously at the same time:

"He... am I sick?"

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