American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 464: Those who were once great (middle)

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When the agents were swept away by the airflow, Kayla frowned deeply. She looked at Alfred's face and asked him, "Aren't you curious who that person is?"

Alfred shook his head and said, "I'm just an old old housekeeper. The major events that are about to happen in this world have nothing to do with me."

"What did you mean by what you said earlier?"

Kayla walked to Alfred's side and looked at him. After saying that, Alfred's state seemed a little tired.

If it were an ordinary old man, Kayla might think he was tired. After all, thinking and speaking are exhausting, but Alfred is still very strong. Although he is no longer young, Kayla has no doubt that he Can't beat this old butler.

"Valeria, you asked me in your previous letter what I thought about your future plans in life, and in my reply, I didn't mention it, not because I didn't have an opinion, but because I was afraid, I You don't really want to hear your opinion..."

Kayla tilted her head, not knowing what Alfred meant by saying this, she thought for a while, and then said:

"Are you worried that I won't take your advice? It doesn't matter, I think everything is a matter of course, even if some advice is not what I expected, I am happy to use it as a reference and thank the person who gave me the advice...  

"That's why you've been able to improve so quickly, but it's also why you don't want to take my advice."

Kayla thought Alfred was still worried that she wouldn't take the advice, she walked up to Alfred, looked him in the eyes and said, "Oh, Mr. Pennyworth, you really don't need to worry about that. , I have always regarded you as my teacher and godfather..."

"...My suggestion is to bring your family to the United States as soon as possible, then find another job, and spend the second half of your life in peace. Don't mention your identity in the first half of your life, and don't do it to anyone. "

Kayla's brows slowly wrinkled, and the frequency of her chest heaving started to become faster. It could be seen that she became a little angry, but she still asked as patiently as possible: "Why?"

Before Alfred could answer, Keira couldn't help it, she said, "How can I betray my career? How can I betray my ideals? Lake Baikal is my hometown, and I will eventually return there. "

The more she talked, the more excited she became. Thinking of her hometown made her more emotional, she said with a trembling tone:

"Yes, I know, most people don't have a bad impression of Siberia, they think it's a land of permafrost..."

"But that is also the child in the arms of the great mother. Lake Baikal is the pearl on her forehead and the teardrop from the corner of her eye. That is my hometown, where I was born and where I will surely die."

"Calm down, Valeria, I'm not denying that, so I'm just saying that you may not like my advice."

"You have to tell me why? Alfred, how else would you make me accept this ridiculous suggestion?"

Alfred sighed and said:

"Decades ago, I was just as passionate and full of ideals as you..."

"Even, until I was instructed to complete the task of shipping the list, I was enchanted by the wonderful vision of what a great cause could achieve..."

"But it all ended with a decision of mine."

"what is that?"

"I remember, I mentioned that after hiding the list, instead of going straight back to the UK to find my supervisor and contacts, I went to Moscow."

Kayla frowned, she said, "I wanted to ask before, it should be illegal to go directly to Moscow, right? Even if I am a Soviet, I can't do this easily."

"Yes, but I had no choice, because I knew that only scientists in Moscow could possibly solve the monster's egg."

"The process of getting the egg from the owl was very difficult. During the process, we saw a lot of things that ordinary people don't see. I realized that some kind of dark force may be threatening the world, and we must find a way. stop it."

"At the time, I felt that the crisis was imminent, and the regulations were not that important in comparison, so I figured out a way to come to Moscow."

"and then?"

"I was arrested... Of course, this is not unexpected, after all, I violated the rules, but then..."

Alfred sighed and said:

"At that time, Philby had returned to Moscow, he bailed out for me, and Moscow decided not to pursue my fault for violating the regulations."

"But when I told them all this, their first reaction was not how to solve that monster egg and that mysterious dark force, and keep the people of the world safe. They understood it as a new weapon developed by the United States. …”

"They asked me about the detailed parameters of this weapon, hoping to get more detailed information. I repeatedly emphasized to them the danger of that thing, and that we must solve it and eliminate the hidden danger for all mankind."

"But the answer I got was a big disappointment to me."

"The person in charge who communicated with me told me that in order to make sure this newly developed weapon would not be used against them by the United States, they would send other agents to investigate the matter."

"And if it's just a monster that's out of control and can't be exploited, then America will suffer first, and they're happy to see it happen."

Kayla was silent, the stories seemed to be written lightly as they came out of Alfred's mouth, but she could empathize with the disappointment and anger.

"Actually, I tried my best to convince myself. For example, the financial situation of the Soviet Union was relatively worrying at the time, and there was no way to invest heavily in an illusory project. For example, it may be that I didn't get more solid evidence, and there was no way to prove that thing. the danger of..."

"Or, I also think... Maybe in the final analysis, no one is obliged to save all mankind."

Kayla could hear Alfred's voice becoming a little choked up, especially when he uttered the last sentence, the old hoarse voice, with the crisp sound of something breaking, reached Kayla's ears. When she felt suffocated.

"But what really disappointed me was that I was assassinated right on my way out of Moscow."

"At the time, I thought that it must be the American spies lurking in Moscow who wanted to kill me. They almost succeeded. The people who did it were very powerful. Two bullets hit my calf and chest respectively."

"I narrowly escaped my life, but when I was recovering and going to investigate the matter, I found out that the person who did it was not an American spy, own."

Kayla's eyes widened and she said, "How is that possible?? Why would they..."

"Because the monster egg I know, and the intelligence of the dark forces, once it is spread, it may greatly shake the confidence of the army. They don't want me to go out and spread panic..."

Alfred closed his eyes and said:

"Once, we were walking on a road that would never be afraid. When we wanted to move forward, we didn't have to go around the mountain. The mountain would pass us around because of fear."

"It all ended at the moment when we started to hesitate."

"Perhaps, no one in this world is obliged to save the whole world. All of this is just an unrealistic fantasy, but when we give up this fantasy, we give up everything."

Kayla saw that the vertical and horizontal ravines on Alfred's face were trembling, and he suddenly realized that the butler's old age did not seem to come from the decay of the body, but more like the decadence after the spirit had collapsed and rebuilt. and tired.

Kyra suddenly understood that Alfred didn't give up this profession because of his relationship with Bruce, but rather that after he gave up his beliefs, Bruce became his only spiritual sustenance.

Thinking of this, Kayla suddenly said anxiously: ", Benjamin got your information before, and it records your previous resume..."

"If as you said, you didn't actually develop Little Wayne into a member of the organization, and he doesn't even know about your past, then you have to quickly destroy those materials!"

"Come with me, I'll take you to that room!"

Alfred looked at Kayla with some surprise in his eyes. He said, "I thought you would scold me for making up stories, or dissatisfied that I deliberately smeared her..."

"You're not that kind of person."

Kayla's forward movement stopped, she turned around, hesitated for a while, looked back at Alfred, and said:

"In difficult times, people like you and Philby are under enormous pressure that we can't imagine, trying to turn the tide, and you did it."

"When you are dying, you can say: 'My whole life and all my energy has been dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world - the struggle for the liberation of mankind.'"

Kayla paused for a while, and said with a trembling tone:

"Perhaps, all mankind will not be liberated..."

"Alfred..." Kayla looked into Alfred's eyes and asked, "...but do you regret your past career?"

Alfred also looked into Kayla's eyes, he was silent for a while, and then slowly shook his head.

Kayla turned her back to him, paused, then took another step.

Her voice echoed in the room, like an actor trying to finish the last line of a play when the curtain fell prematurely.

"I don't regret it either."

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