American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 453: The beginning of the confrontation (below)

In the guest room of the mayor's mansion, Bruce, Lex and Clark were still reminiscing about that dream.

Their views on certain things in this dream can't be said to be exactly the same, they can only be said to be very different, and on the matter of disagreement, they can't be said to seek common ground while reserving differences, they can only be said to be fighting each other.

"Even if they're guilty, you can't destroy them that way, that's neither reasonable nor humane! Clark said to Bruce in a very loud voice.

"I'm just cracking that dream." Bruce said very calmly.

"But aren't you afraid that it's not a dream? When you hit the crowd with those black waves, you didn't think about it, what if this were true, what would you do? Can you bring those dead people back to life?"

"Clark, isn't your brain normal?" Lex suddenly said, his voice was also very cold, he said: "That group of people unanimously approved the decision to kill you on the premise that you saved them. , you still want to stop Bruce from killing them, are you crazy?"

"I didn't want to kill them, I didn't kill them." Bruce refuted Lex again, he said: "I am very sure, it is indeed a dream, brute force is the fastest method, otherwise we will all to be trapped there."

"Great certainty?" Clark snorted coldly and said, "You dare to do such a thing without complete certainty, yet you have the nerve to say that you are a non-killer?"

"Because his brain is turning faster than yours." Lex turned to Clark again and said mercilessly: "What was the beginning of the whole thing? It's not that you knocked me out without thinking and investigating. past?"

Clark was suddenly silent, and then he looked Lex in the eyes and said, "Only this, you're right, it all started with my recklessness."

He turned his head to one side and said in a low voice, "If someone really dies because of this, then I have an unshirkable responsibility."

But his apology made Lex a little broken. He said: "You are really crazy, Clark, you..."

He stared at Clark, as if he couldn't figure out how he developed this Madonna mentality.

Lex took a deep breath, then said to Clark, "I take back my previous inference, you are not tolerant enough because you are strong enough, you are simply mentally ill."

"How can you say that to me? Even if I was a little reckless before, you can't attack me personally!" Clark said with his hands on his hips, looking at Lex.

"Your physical fitness is very problematic." Bruce pointed out Lex's most guilty part, he said: "Even if Clark knocks you unconscious at first, if you stay awake in the end, you can completely confuse the group of people, And then manipulate voting."

"Of course I can." Lex said disdainfully with his arms crossed. "Faced with such a group of stupid people who can't be more stupid, it's easy to manipulate their minds."

"You can't manipulate the minds of the people casually! Lex, this kind of thinking of yours is very dangerous!" Clark said again.

Lex was really going to be **** off by him to get oxygen.

In a nutshell, these three people can be said to be quite different in various aspects.

If divided according to the faction, both Bruce and Clark belong to the hero camp. They want to protect ordinary people, while Lex does not care about the life and death of ordinary people at all.

However, in terms of means, Bruce and Lex are a kind of people who are more pursuing results and believe that proper control and monitoring are necessary, but Clark feels that procedural justice is essential.

Geographically speaking, Clark and Lex stand together again, both of them are from the Metropolis, and very unanimously think that Gotham is full of lunatics.

In this extremely complex triangular relationship, it is normal to fail to reach consensus.

Just as the three were arguing, there was a knock on the door of the guest room. Clark narrowed his eyes and said, "A man with a bandage on his head, but I don't know him."

Bruce and Lex looked at each other, and by this time, Clark had stepped up to open the door.

After the door opened, Benjamin with gauze wrapped around his head appeared outside the door. He had been knocked unconscious by Lex and Schiller, and then accepted Bruce's questioning. When he woke up, his face was very haggard.

"Hello, do you need any help?" Clark asked with great concern, but Benjamin didn't even look at him, just put his eyes on the other two people in the room.

Bruce stepped aside slightly, and Benjamin walked in. Benjamin looked at Bruce first and said, "Mr. Wayne, you really surprised me..."

Then he turned to look at Lex and said, "Mr. Luther, you too."

"I don't understand, why are you second-generation rich people playing such tricks? Is it interesting to pretend to be a **** and autistic?"

Neither Bruce nor Lex spoke, both of them were in very similar poses, with their arms folded, and they looked at Benjamin with an X-ray-like look.

Perhaps, smart people always have very similar qualities, and when their eyes fall on someone else, they always make that person feel that they are being seen through something.

Benjamin did not withstand such pressure, he could only say first: "I need your help, I have to find that mysterious Soviet spy."

Just as Bruce was about to say no, Benjamin said, "I'm pretty sure that among the participants at the banquet, there was a connection to the Soviet spies who took the Philby list."

"Why are you sure?"

"It's classified."

As soon as Benjamin finished saying this, he saw the expressions of Bruce and Lex changed, so he hurriedly explained: "The details are indeed confidential, but in general, this agent should have a relatively high social status. status."

"Perhaps, you should have heard about Philby's story on the radio. During his investigation, all of his activities were closely monitored. At this time, the level of people he could contact could not be too low. "

"Don't you have a list of people he has specific contact with?"

"If the UK could actually produce this list, Philby wouldn't have fled back to Moscow."

Benjamin's explanation is very reasonable, and Bruce and Lex have little room for refutation, because this is a very simple and easy to understand truth, as long as the British intelligence agencies have a little ability, they will not let Philby retreat.

Even if Philby retreated completely, the impact on the reputation of the United Kingdom was far greater than the harm caused by the leakage of information. Anyway, the United Kingdom had no important information to leak.

"Let me make it clearer. It's not that the UK doesn't know that the people Philby contacted during that time may be suspect, but the problem is that he only contacted high-level people during that time, and no one dared to investigate. top."

"There is one more question." Lex then asked: "Since this person dared to pass information for Philby during that time, why did he fail to pass the information back to Moscow in the end? Instead, he came to the east coast of the United States. ?"

Benjamin shook his head. He said, "We don't have any relevant leads either. That's what I want to investigate."

"What are you doing here?" Bruce asked.

"I hope I can get your help." Benjamin sighed and continued: "Before, you fought with the agents in the corridor. The gunshots were loud, causing a lot of panic. Many people would rather have a conflict with the agent than I don't want to be here any longer."

"If we're focused on quelling the panic, there won't be more time to investigate leads about spies."

"So, you want us to be villains and persuade those people to stay here obediently, so that you can investigate them?" Lex said sharply.

"This can only be said to be cooperation. After all, neither the Luther Group in Metropolis nor the Wayne Group in Gotham should hope that there is a dangerous Soviet spy operating in your hometown?"

"If you let him go, there may be more serious consequences, and if you have an intersection with him without knowing it, you may also be suspected."

"You don't have to threaten us." Lex said in a cold voice, "The Luther Group has provided hundreds of thousands of jobs in the metropolitan area alone."

"If the control of the Luther Group is suspected of being a common stock, the stock will fall sharply, and the consequence of the industrial contraction will be a wave of unemployment, followed by a financial crisis."

"Sword Comes"

"Once Wayne and I are cleared by you, all entrepreneurs will be in danger, the economic crisis will come early, and Congress will not allow you to do this."

Benjamin felt that it was difficult for him to breathe. Originally, after he was injured, he shouldn't have used his brain power like this, but the problem now is that he can't fight the two people in front of him even if he has used his brain power.

"Without the CIA, we can still investigate spies, or in other words, after you let us go, it will be easier for us to exert our strength. The Luther Group's industries are all over the metropolis, and it is just like the back of the hand to investigate the whereabouts. The same goes for Tan."

Lex continued to analyze the matter, but Benjamin came up with another condition, he said: "You should know something about the underground treasure of the Metropolis, now that the CIA has this information, it is impossible for you Take all the treasure, and the military is waiting to feed it."

"If you are willing to help me, I can stand by your side when deciding the share in the future. If the work goes well this time, the CIA and the FBI, the two agencies in charge of internal and external powers will be It will be back to the top, enough to decide some things.”

Lex, Bruce, and Clark looked at each other when they heard the word treasure, thinking about what they had seen in their dreams.

They have no proof that the dream that Schiller constructed must be based on reality, so they can't be sure whether it is really a huge piece of kryptonite buried under the metropolis.

But they have reason to believe that Schiller has investigated something to weave such a dream, that is to say, the treasure underground in the metropolis is likely to be kryptonite.

After knowing this, to a certain extent, the interests of the three of them reached the same goal.

Lex and Bruce are both skeptics, they can't fully accept Clark and his powerful superpowers, they want something to counter him, so both of them want kryptonite.

And Clark, he doesn't care that someone wants to use this thing to counter him. What he cares more about is whether this stone will really make ordinary people get cancer like in a dream. He hopes to transfer these things, don't Buried here again.

But they also know that it is not easy to find and transfer this thing. If its volume is really as big as in a dream, digging requires manpower, and it will definitely alarm all parties.

Lex and Bruce gave the answer almost at the same time, and Bruce said, "We can help you, but we have one request."

Lex continued: "We don't trust the efficiency of you and the group of agents under you, so our division of labor needs to be changed."

"Change it? What do you mean?"

"You go and appease those people, and we'll investigate Soviet spies."

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