American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 422: Metropolis Doubt (8)

Benjamin did not restrict the free movement of the dinner guests in the mayor's mansion. Therefore, the news of Old Pike's death spread quickly, and many people stood by the railings of the patio corridor and watched down, with discussions and exclamations in their ears.

Many people are going down, wanting to go to the second floor and take a closer look at the corpse.

People are so strange, when the corpse falls in front of them, they desperately want to run out, but when the corpse is far away from them, they want to get closer to see what is going on.

The only figure walking up was Schiller, which made him seem out of tune with the crowd around him, which Bruce noticed when he left the room and walked into the corridor.

Standing next to the patio railing on his floor, Bruce looked down and saw Old Pike's body.

He was lying there on his back, with a large bloodstain on his chest. He could vaguely see the wound. It seemed that he had been stabbed by a sharp weapon. Like Mayor White, he was thrown from a height and landed in the banquet hall. the center of.

At this time, several agents were carrying out an autopsy with various tools. Some were groping the body with gloves, some were recording with record books, and some were using searchlights to look for clues around.

And Bruce, who was standing upstairs watching all this, raised his eyes slightly and saw Schiller who was going upstream. Although the two of them did not have any communication during this dinner, Bruce understood the logic of his behavior. .

You can't say that what's happening in the hall at this time is not a murder scene. In fact, this kind of scene is very common in most cop movies or some detective movies.

When viewed from above, the composition resembles an old-fashioned suspense movie. The corpse with blood on its chest is lying in a messy environment in a weird posture. Different, whispering.

However, in terms of the timing, the process, and the results, it seems too mediocre. During the time Bruce was Batman in Gotham, all the gang vendetta scenes he encountered were better than this one. Much more exciting.

Gangster bosses like all kinds of deterrent means to deal with their opponents. The more violent ones will throw their enemies into cement trucks, or tie them with stones and throw them into the sea.

Family leaders, like godfathers, would invite family members who broke the rules into the church, repent before God, and shoot them in the face after they stepped out of the steps and stood on the church.

The execution method of Gotham gangsters is much stronger than this scene, both in terms of ritual and effect.

Bruce could almost feel Schiller's boredom. Even he, looking at the shocked expressions of the onlookers on the bottom floor, couldn't help but wonder, what were they shocked by?

Thinking of this, Bruce can't help but start to think, what would happen if this happened in Gotham today?

Just thinking of this topic, Bruce stroked the side of the bridge of his nose with his fingers, as if warning himself not to make such a dangerous idea, but his thoughts still spread uncontrollably.

He thought that at the beginning of the banquet, when the host announced the list of important guests and pronounced the first name, the owner of the name would definitely turn into a corpse and fall from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, people will begin to doubt each other and guess each other. When the second murder occurs, his death method will be very strange and strange, indicating that there is a terrifying serial killer hidden among them.

At this time, someone must somehow connect to the TV in the hall, and then tell how they have been ignored by this society, and put forward various rules and conditions to make people kill each other.

In the end, there are bound to be many people driven mad, unleashing potentials they never unleashed in civilized society, and devouring others with a deeper darkness.

When everyone starts to fall into madness and chaos, the crazy laughter will explode along with the thunder of the rainy night. In the dark and deep rain screen, the explosion of the fire will light up, which means the appearance of a lunatic.

Bruce shook his head, took a deep breath, and after exhaling, his body relaxed a little, he thought, thanks for the Metropolis.

After rehearsing the scene of Gotham in his mind, Bruce also seemed to have lost interest in watching here. He did want to investigate the secret behind it, but that didn't mean he had to go down with the agents and the old Luther Xu and Wei Snake.

Bruce walked back to the room, Selena was fiddling with his wristbands, Bruce walked to the table, took out the box, Selena stood up and moved her wrists and ankles, then said, "Just as planned, I Sneak into each room to install bugs, and you go to the monitoring room of this manor."

Bruce took off his sweater, opened a bottle of wine, splashed the wine on the sweater until the whole sweater had a strong smell of alcohol, and then did the same with his pants.

He put on these two clothes, picked up the half-filled wine bottle, poured two sips of wine into his mouth, and then spit it out again, making sure that his mouth was full of alcohol, and then he stumbled out. Room.

At this time, almost everyone surrounded the center of the corridor, observing the situation below. When Bruce walked down the stairs on the side, he did not encounter any obstacles.

He speculated that the monitoring room was on the first floor, so he had to go to the first floor first. He narrowed his eyes very hard, with some inaudible nonsense in his mouth, and looked like a complete drunk.

Just as he went down the side stairs to the first floor and turned into the corridor, suddenly, he saw a figure standing at the end of the corridor, and then flashed away, Bruce leaned against the wall and retched, but when he lowered his head , but raised his eyes and stared at the situation at the other end of the corridor.

The figure on the opposite side should have heard the sound when Bruce went downstairs, so he hid on the other side of the corridor, but after a while, he seemed to realize that the person who came was just a drunken wandering around, so he walked again. came out.

Bruce couldn't see the person's true face clearly from his angle, so he just pretended to the end, clutching his chest and retching violently, and then lying on his side as if he was completely drunk.

The figure stayed at the end of the corridor and observed it for a few minutes, but in the end, he walked towards this side. Bruce pretended to be drunk and fell to the ground, one eye was closed, and the other eye was slightly opened.

The first thing that caught his eye was a pair of delicate leather shoes, and then looking up a little, it was a decent suit trousers. Judging from the shape of the ankle, it should be a young man.

Bruce felt that a pair of hands supported his armpit and dragged him to the other end of the corridor. He simply relaxed his limbs and did not resist the force, but he could feel that the person on the opposite side was not too strong. , dragged him away for dozens of seconds, and then stopped to rest for a while.

Moreover, this man seemed to be a little resistant to the smell of alcohol, covering his nose and coughing from time to time, but he still stopped and dragged Bruce to the corner of the corridor.

After turning around, there was a utility room on the other side. Bruce felt that he was dragged into the utility room. At the moment when the lights changed, he took the opportunity to open his eyes and saw a red hair.

Bruce was dragged by those hands and threw it in the corner of the utility room, leaning against a pile of cardboard boxes. He opened his eyes with confidence when he saw the man turn around from the gap between his eyes.

He saw a red-haired youth in a suit, looking tall and thin, at this time, he was turning around and walking out of the utility room, and after a while, when he came back, he was carrying the The bottle, and he spilled the rest of the bottle on the floor.

When he turned around, Bruce closed his eyes for a moment and saw that he was playing with a lighter in his hand.

Bruce adjusted his breathing slowly, and at the moment when the lighter sounded softly, he jumped up, rushed forward, grabbed the opponent's neck, and pressed him against the wall.

He saw a young face with a shocked look on his face, and Bruce asked coldly, "Who are you?"

The other party seemed to be really startled, his chest trembled violently a few times, his face flushed red, Bruce pressed him with one hand, and reached out with the other to close the door of the utility and then locked it.

Then, he let go of his hand and let the red-haired boy cough while covering his neck. When he finally calmed down, what Bruce didn't expect was that the boy knelt on the spot and laughed out loud.

"Hahahahaha, Bruce Wayne... Bruce Wayne..."

The teenager kept repeating Bruce's name. Bruce took two steps back, crossed his arms, and asked with a frown, "You know me?"

"Of course, hahahaha, do you know how funny it is? That idiot...that idiot...the only thing that I believe in, it's actually fake..."

After laughing for a long time, he finally straightened up, leaned against the wall, raised his head, covered his neck, gasped for a while, then looked into Bruce's eyes and said, "Hello, I'm calling Kes Luthor. ."

Bruce frowned, he vaguely remembered seeing him at a party, but they were both young at the time, and their appearance has changed a lot since then.

And, if Bruce remembers correctly, Lex appeared as an autistic child who didn't talk to anyone, just sat there by himself.

"If I guess correctly, you may be thinking back to the last time we met and wondering, I should be an autistic person, why can I communicate with you smoothly now?"

Lex always had a mocking smile on his face that made Bruce uncomfortable and reminded him of another lunatic.

"It has to start with a fool."

Lex looked Bruce up and down with his eyes, then said:

"From an idiot who always thought little Wayne was really a **** and talked in my ear every day..."

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