American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 409: 1 Everything starts from winter (Part 1)

In winter, the branches of the tree were a dry gray, the branches seemed denser than the most fashionable combs in the Begley Street boutiques, and the rough spots and scars grew denser along the thicker branches, When it comes to the trunk part, it has been connected into one piece.

Under the tree, the ladies in woolen skirts and fur shawls held handbags, and when they stepped on the soil scattered by the flower beds, they frowned their carefully drawn eyebrows, and they let out a sigh of relief, a white mist. It was frozen in the cold air as it spewed out from between the graceful lips.

Just as they and their companions were complaining about the weather, the newsboys who were riding bicycles swiftly passed by the street brought a gust of wind and danced the corners of their clothes. smiley.

"Jingle bell -" the bicycle's bell rang softly, with a "pop" sound, a bit worn boots stepped on the snow, a thick gloved hand reached into the arms of his coat, and took out a newspaper , into the mailbox.

The newsboy grabbed the end of his glove and tugged it, then pulled the sleeve forward. He shrugged, as if feeling a little cold, but he still stretched out his hand and patted the bell on the mailbox vigorously.

Just as he sighed and held onto the handlebars of the bicycle, his feet had already stepped on the pedals. Suddenly, he looked up at the house number and stopped his movements.

After a while, a man dressed as a butler came out of the gate of the manor, holding an old-fashioned newspaper clip and a small kraft paper bag in his hand.

When the newsboy saw his figure, he straddled the bicycle, put his feet on the ground, rubbed his hands, and let out a sigh of white mist.

The butler stepped forward, took out the newspaper that the newsboy had just delivered, clipped it with a newspaper clip, and then handed the kraft paper bag in his hand to the newsboy.

The newsboy took off a glove and used his fingers to separate the opening of the kraft paper bag. As soon as he opened it, there was a lot of hot air inside. Looking closely, it was an apple pie, and the soft-hearted part was still emitting a puff of air. It looked like it had just been heated in the fireplace.

The newsboy quickly folded the kraft paper bag, and tucked the apple pie directly into his jacket, then smiled and said to the housekeeper, "Thank you for helping me, Professor Rodriguez, he is such a nice guy! "

The butler also smiled, looked at the little newsboy in his early ten years, waved to him, and then watched him pedal hard and disappeared at the end of the street.

He turned around, pushed open the door of the manor, walked through the front garden and front hall, walked in, then climbed the stairs, crossed the covered bridge on the second floor, and came to the study at the back, he knocked on the door, inside A calm and powerful voice came: "Please come in."

He pushed open the door and saw the afternoon sun shining on the floor of the study, leaving the shape of the window lattice and revealing the fibers of the carpet.

As he walked in, he heard the "rustle" of the radio, and then there came the most commonly heard radio in the city:

"...It is shocking that Gorbachev officially signed the order of disarmament yesterday. It is not difficult for us to see from this move that the giant bear in the distance has gradually weakened, and it is difficult to support it alone..."

"In this winter, the people there are extremely cold, they are about to lose all the initiative, and even the army they were most proud of can't keep..."

"Gorbachev, an heir to the altar, but he did not show any talent to match his reputation. Where will this great country go in the future? We can only wait and see..."

A hand reached the button of the radio, and with a "click", the news broadcast inside stopped. Schiller took off his glasses, rubbed his eyes, leaned his body on the back of the chair and said, "Thank you. , Merkel, did you hear the news just now?"

"Yes, sir." The housekeeper, known as Merkel, was turning to take out the iron for ironing the newspaper from the small storage room next to the study, and he replied with his back to Schiller.

"How do you think things will play out? Will it be as he said?"

Merkel paused as he unfolded the newspaper. He looked up at Schiller and found that Schiller had taken out another medical record and was writing. Merkel lowered his head and ironed the newspaper while saying: "To be honest, I don't know, I've never had much opinion on this, sir."

Schiller put on his glasses again, and while examining his writing, he said: "To be honest, when I asked Alfred to introduce me to a housekeeper, I didn't expect that the person he was looking for would so young."

"I thought that the butlers were born like Alfred, with white hair and elegant temperament." Schiller smiled, and Merkel smiled, and he said: "Sir, the stewards of the butler school. Housekeepers tend to find customers who are similar to their age, and customers also like to find housekeepers who are similar to their own age.”

"If the housekeeper is too young, not only will he not be a helper, but it may also be a burden, but if the housekeeper is too old, some families will worry that they will control their children."

"But..." Merkel shook her head and said, "It's not the same for hereditary stewards. They are deeply trusted by the family. They often assist the grandfather, then the father, and then the son. If there is a chance, they may also I will assist my grandson..."

"Which housekeeping school did you graduate from?"

Merkel shook her head again, smiled and said: "Butler school is not the same as university, there is no graduation. When I was in my second year of university in London, I was spotted by an old butler from a hereditary butler family. his apprentice."

"There is a manor in the south of England that is specially used to teach us new butlers. There are about six or seven people like me. We call it a housekeeper school."

"So, you still have apprenticeships?" Schiller asked.

Merkel nodded and said: "Anyone who wants to join this industry knows that the hereditary housekeeper family has all the connections. If you want to become a qualified housekeeper, you can only learn from them."

"So, you are the first generation of the hereditary housekeeper family?"

Merkel smiled and said, "Your blessings are yours."

At this moment, the doorbell rang a crisp sound again, passing through the empty hall and dim corridor of the manor, and when it reached the study, it was already a little dull.

Merkel hung up the iron, spread out the newspaper, and turned away to receive the incoming guests.

When he pushed open the gate of the manor, he saw a rather low-key black classic car parked outside. The door opened, and Alfred came out with Elsa in his arms. He put Elsa down first, and then went to give Dick, who was still in the car, opened the door.

The two children, one big and one small, were all wearing thick winter clothes. Dick pulled away the scarf that covered half of his face and said, "Is this the teacher's home? This is too luxurious!"

Merkel hurried up to meet him, he helped Chalfred carry Elsa, Alfred turned around and wrapped Dick's scarf, and the two walked towards the manor together.

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When they got to the hall, the children were allowed to take off their scarves, hats and gloves. Merkel hung the clothes they took off on a hanger. Alfred looked at the manor and said to Merkel: "You've been working for a week, how are you feeling?"

"Very good." Merkel nodded, he said: "Mr. Rodriguez is much easier to get along with than I thought."

"That's the point, Merkel, don't express your opinion about the person you serve." Alfred raised his eyelids, rolled his eyes up, and looked at Merkel.

This housekeeper is indeed very young. Although he looks like he is in his thirties from the outside, it is because he is pretending to be old-fashioned. In fact, he is only 28 years old this year, and his training time is very short.

However, he looks relatively simple and honest, and his temperament is also very calm. At first glance, he feels that this person can be trusted. Alfred walked over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "You are born to do this."

"Thank you, Mr. Pennyworth, I thought it would be a long time before my first job, after all..." Merkel shook her head and said, "Many people don't trust young housekeepers very much these days."

They led the two children up the stairs, and as they walked, Alfred said, "I heard from Bruce that this professor is a very kind man, and that's why I recommend you to him, a man older than you. Big patrons are more tolerant of small flaws."

"To be honest, I did screw up some things this week." Merkel sighed and said a little embarrassedly: "Mr. Rodriguez is used to going to bed late, and I can't go to bed too early, but this It makes me a little distracted when I work during the day, and I almost broke a globe on my desk last time..."

"Moreover, he told me that whenever the newsboys came to deliver the newspapers, he would bring them something to eat, but I forgot once in the middle..."

"It's okay, Merkel, it's all normal. It's just a little mistake. You can't imagine how much trouble there was when I first started working as a housekeeper."

Then, Alfred told some interesting things that happened when he just met Thomas Wayne, and they both laughed.

Dick took Elsa's hand from behind for a look, and he said, "British accents are hard to understand, aren't they?"

"Whoa whoa whoa! Whoa!"

"What? Do you want to learn? That's not possible, then I won't understand what you say after that?"

Soon, Merkel walked to the door of Schiller's study and knocked on the door. After Schiller responded, he opened the door and walked in.

Alfred stepped forward first, opened his suitcase, and took out a delicately packaged but not exaggerated gift box. He said:

"Long-awaited, Professor Rodriguez, I just heard from the radio this morning that your new achievement won the award again..."

"I think such a good news is very worth celebrating, so I brought a little gift."

"Just as a memorial to the little academic dream that I didn't take away from the rainy days in said, the old man put down the corner of his mouth, revealing a somewhat funny sad expression , causing several people to laugh, Schiller took the gift box and handed it to Merkel.

Merkel opened the gift box, revealing several hardcover editions of Sherlock Holmes. Alfred gently stroked his palm and said, "Originally, I proposed to Mr. Bruce to send Shakespeare, but he said, Maybe you'll like this more."

Schiller took the books from Merkel, he stroked the gilded text on the cover, and said with a smile: "I don't know, Bruce knows me so well, usually, he and Professor Victor The relationship is better, which makes me a little jealous."

Alfred also smiled. He turned around and brought Dick and Aisha over. Dick stared at Joy timidly, as if he was a little afraid of such a teacher-like character.

"Actually, I also know that Bruce should have caused a lot of trouble. His thinking has always been a little too active, but I think Dick should be a good student. Although he entered the school late, his grades in all subjects are good... "

Schiller crouched down, looked Dick straight at him, looked him in the eyes, and said, "I can tell, this is an obedient kid."

Then he touched Dick's head, stood up again, looked at Alfred and said, "As I wrote in my reply to you before, he and his sister can come here every week from now on. Three-hour class."

"I'll teach Dick's grammar and some of the more elementary psychology and sociology."

"As for Aisha, as we said before, I will give her some basic sensory integration training to promote the development of her language system as much as possible..."

"Then I'll trouble you, Professor Rodriguez."

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