American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 336: S: The Great Incident (16)

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In a space full of white mist, a very abrupt building rose from the ground. It looked like Xavier's School for Gifted Boys, but it was different. The appearance of Xavier's School for Gifted Boys was basically composed of dark red red bricks. , and here it turns dark blue, but other than that, most of the structure is the same.

Looking through the windows of this color-changing version of Xavier's School for the Gifted is a startling scene.

It's not surprising that Iceman, Naughty, Storm and others appear here, because they are members of Xavier's school themselves, but the remaining Polaris, Twinkle, Quicksilver and others should have been closer to the mutant brotherhood, But at this time, he was also sitting in the classroom.

What's even more surprising is that it was not Jean Grey or Professor X who stood on the podium, but Stark.

Stark stood on the podium with Bruce Banner standing beside him. Starkf touched the corner of his eyebrows, looked at the students below, and sighed deeply.

At this moment, Professor X walked in, and the Iceman saw him striding into the classroom, his eyes widened, and then his expression returned to calm as if he had reacted.

Professor X walked to the podium and glanced at the students below. Most of the students who graduated from Xavier School for Gifted Boys were sitting upright, and the rest of the mutant fraternity were whispering .

Professor X cleared his throat and said, "As I said before when I entered your dream, welcome to the school of mutants."

Polaris rolled his eyes, as if he was about to say something, but before he could speak, Stark said, "Yeah, school, I really hope that you can be transformed here to be smarter, even if it is From negative numbers to zero, I'm also thankful for that."

His words are very straightforward, and his tone is also very aggressive. It stands to reason that the mutants who followed Magneto have bad tempers, but this time, the few people led by Polaris just made an airy sound from their noses, He crossed his arms and said nothing.

And what is going on in all this, why they have such an attitude, we have to talk about it three days ago.

After Captain America's Security Council speech, Nick was given the greatest power in a special period, so Project Shining was officially launched.

Before the official launch of this positive plan, scientists represented by Banner, Connors and Stark, as well as foreign aid Reed, have already made most of the preparations and are only waiting for on-site inspections.

But the problem lies in this field trip.

Going to Mercury is not like going to the moon to find something to bring people there. Stark has a mecha that can move in the universe, and he also prepared a suit for Banner who went with him.

The armor is resistant to high and low temperatures, providing a means of subsistence, which ensures they can move freely on Mercury.

But these are not enough. The environment of the universe is unpredictable, and the first entry into the universe is accompanied by great danger. In order to ensure that this precious scientist can be safe no matter what the situation is, there are a few others who follow them to Mercury. Mutant.

Polaris, Iceman, Shockwave and Blink, these four mutants can be said to be very powerful, and each of them has their own strengths, including the ability to deal with almost all dangers. It stands to reason that such a pair of minds and strengths Combined, landing on Mercury shouldn't be much of a problem.

They had expected this as well, and the first half of the Mercury program went smoothly. The mage opened a portal and sent them to the surface of Mercury.

But the landing site is still a certain distance from the South Pole of Mercury. They need to walk there. At this time, the ability to flicker can come in handy. Her ability is to transport people. The better place than the portal is that The landing spot is very precise, and it does not require casting time, which is very suitable for dealing with some dangers that need to be quickly avoided.

Stark's original plan was that he asked the mage to open the portal at a certain distance from the South Pole. They could also investigate the Mercury landscape along the way, and after collecting enough information, they would be teleported to the pole by the flash. .

But when the data was collected, when Stark asked Blink to transport them, Blink asked a very soulful question: "...Where is the South Pole?"

Stark's eyes widened, and he asked, "The pole is the South Pole, don't you know?"

"Of course I know the South Pole. I have been to the South Pole of the Earth. The penguins there are quite cute, but this is not the Earth. How do I know where the South Pole is?"

Stark opened his mouth. In his opinion, this is a very simple question, and he only needs to know the orbit and rotation inclination of Mercury.

He wanted to explain the flickering, but when he thought about it, to explain the orbit and the rotation inclination, he had to talk about the revolution and rotation, and to talk about the revolution and rotation, he had to start with the gravitational field, and to talk about the gravitational field, he had to Speaking of the four fundamental forces...

For a moment, this knowledge went through Stark's mind. He glanced at the sun that was close to Chi Chi, felt the heat from the mecha, looked at the North Star helplessly and said, "Your ability is controllable. Magnetism, right? Mercury has a global magnetic field. You can find the north and south poles along the magnetic field lines. Find the south pole and let her take us there.”

Polaris closed her eyes, and after a few seconds, she said, "I found it."

Then the mutants looked at each other, and Polaris asked, "How should I describe the spot I found to you?"

Stark covered his forehead, but Banner was more patient. He said, "Do you know the positioning method? We can take the simpler one..."

"...What positioning method?"

Banner looked at the North Star and said, "It's the point positioning method, don't you know? It's just finding three points..."

As soon as Banner wanted to explain, he thought that to talk about the three-point positioning method, we must first talk about what a triangle is, and to talk about what a triangle is, we have to mention trigonometric identities and trigonometry, and when referring to trigonometric identities, Let's talk about trigonometric functions again...

Banner also sighed. He looked at Blink and said, "Even if we give you a complete map now, you can't locate it, can you?"

"Actually, there is another way, you just need to give me a direction, and then I will take you to teleport bit by bit, and one of them will definitely pass the South Pole, because planets are round." Blink shrugged and said.

Stark was suffocating, and if he had learned anything from his first landing, it was to never put his hopes on others, especially mutants.

But it has to be said that Scintillation also proposes a method. The limit of scintillation transmission capability is the distance from the earth to the moon, and the diameter of Mercury is only two-fifths of the earth's diameter, so even if it is teleported one at a time, it will not go around once. It takes too long, and as long as a certain landing point is close to the South Pole, the North Star will sense, and then they can land on the South Pole...

But Stark never dreamed that when he wanted to determine a position, he would need to use the exhaustive method.

The group of people in the twinkling belt was busy for a long time, and finally fell to the South Pole. At this time, Banner and Stark were a little dizzy. They were still ordinary human beings, and they were a bit motion sick for fast teleportation.

But after all, the destination is reached. At this time, it is the shock wave's turn to play. There is a crater at the south pole of Mercury. The shock wave needs to make a downward tunnel here, and then explore downward.

The reason why it is not a machine to do this work is because the density of Mercury is very high. If you want to go deep into the ground, you can only use vibration gold or Edman alloy for exploration drills, and the loss will be very large. In order to save money for the earth, Sta. Gram still chooses mutants that don't cost a fortune.

Facts have proved that there is nothing in this world that does not require a price, and the ability of shock waves is indeed very strong. He can move freely in the universe without wearing a mecha at all, and can also absorb the energy of the sun and convert it into shock waves.

The only problem was that he couldn't understand the survey drawing drawn by Stark. He took the survey drawing and flew into the air, glanced at the drawing, then glanced at the ground, glanced at the drawing again, and glanced at the ground again. , After watching it for a long time, he didn't do it for a long time, but flew back and asked Stark: "Why don't you have a crater on your drawing?"

"No crater?...Isn't it here?" Stark came over and pointed to the drawing and said, "Look here, see this string of data? You want to follow it here..."

"What is this string of data? ... What is this?"

"Here's the scale, see the point I've drawn? You're going to draw a perfect circle at a scale of 1:1000, and at the same time you're going to draw a tangent here that's only half the depth, and here..."

Half an hour later, the shock wave flew into the air again, and then shot a scorching ray shock wave with his arm. Stark stood on the surface of Mercury with his hands on his hips, looking at the picture on the ground, and shouting: "Stop! You drew it wrong. !! What is that in your hand? It is a drawing, follow the drawing!!!"

"I came according to the drawings!!" Shockwave shouted.

"But I want a perfect circle. What shape are you cutting? Slices of bread?!"

"But I'm in manual control, how can it be so accurate?!"

"I marked the allowable error above! Didn't you see it? The allowable error on the west side is greater, why do you want to go north?"

"This is not the earth, how do I know where the west is?!!"

Half an hour later, Stark and Banner sighed again, and Banner supported Stark's shoulder and said, "That's it, anyway, it's just preliminary exploration, and it's enough to enter the bottom of the crater."

Stark didn't say anything, and walked into the pit created by the shock wave.

The shock wave opened a hole in the middle of the crater, and when the twinkling sent a few people down, Bruce screamed and sat directly on the ground, because there was a bump where he landed, tripping him directly.

Stark looked back, he sighed again, and said to the shock wave: "Don't you know the importance of safe work?"

Before waiting for the shock wave to refute, Stark said: "Come on, punch a tunnel into this."

Then he turned around again, dragged the Iceman over, and said, "When he punches a bunch of tunnels, you use your ice-making abilities to build a support structure to keep the tunnels from collapsing."

Stark took out the blueprint again. This time, without waiting for Iceman to say anything, Stark glanced at the drawing himself, then threw the drawing back and said, "Forget it, you can't understand it anyway. Simply put, he made a tunnel, and you got something to prop up the tunnel so we could go in."

"Okay, no problem." Iceman nodded.

The shock wave produced a thinner ray and began to slowly dig a tunnel, and a tunnel appeared in front of several people.

The iceman squatted down and touched the ground with his hands. In an instant, the ice layer spread along the tunnel. At this time, Banner stopped his next and said, "You can't have a support structure like this, and you can't do it again. It will collapse forward, and according to structural mechanics, you have to make a support point here, and here, it needs to bear the load..."

Although Iceman didn't understand, he had a better temper than the others. He did what Banner said he would do. After several hours of delay, they finally walked into the tunnel.

Then there was the repeated work, Stark searched for possible ice layers under Mercury, and at the same time recorded the underground rock structure.

After a long time of running in, they finally cooperated well, but just as Banner and Bruce were collecting data in an underground cavity, a fierce quarrel broke out between the shock wave Polaris and the Iceman.

Not long ago, they had a quarrel. If Charles and Magneto had not reached an agreement temporarily and let them come over to carry out the mission together, the three would still be in a cold war.

Needless to say, what would be the consequences of forcibly pinching several people from the Cold War together, Shockwave suspected that Iceman was prying his corner, Polaris felt that Shockwave was completely unreasonable, and Iceman fought for Polaris again. As a result, Shockwave felt that the two had betrayed him. he……

Stark collected the rock samples there well, when he heard a "boom" from behind, and then, the icicles supporting the underground structure began to collapse layer by layer, and in an instant, flashes appeared beside the two of them, carrying They "swish" and teleported to the surface.

Just as they fell to the ground, there was a loud rumbling sound in the center of the crater in front of them. With a "boom", the entire center of the crater collapsed...

Shockwave, Polaris, and Iceman crawled out in dismay, facing Stark's blackened face.

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