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Dick was sitting in front of the breakfast stand with Elsa in his arms, Jason was stuffing sandwiches into his mouth, and several other older kids gathered in front of the dining car to order, Jason looked at Dick and said, "So, that rich old man really wants to You send it to boarding school? It's not a good place!"

"It's the normal kind of boarding school, the kind that the kids of the rich go to, not the prison for the kids."

"That's not too bad. If he sends you to those prisons, I think it's better for you to escape as soon as possible. The children there are miserable." Tire walked over with a glass of ice juice.

"I heard that they would sell children sent to boarding schools to the most vicious little bosses, or disable them and sell them to other cities to beg." The red train also walked over and said.

Several people came over with their own food, and then sat down around the small table again.

At this moment, Jason sighed, a little frowning, and several others asked him, "What's the matter with you?"

"I still don't know what to do with what the eccentric guy dressed as a bat told me."

"He said it easily, asking me to check the 'parents' who control the children, but I can't go to the leaders of those children and ask them 'what the **** is going on with you?'"

Behind the red card, Cobble came up with a tray, he put the tray down, sat on the chair, and adjusted his collar, Rocket laughed at him: "You always make yourself look like an old fashioned man. Like an aristocrat, will it taste a little better when you eat like this?"

Cobert ignored her and just said to Jason: "Actually, you're not too old, so you can find a different street. Going among the kids there, and finding a job like this, can't be justified. Have you seen those bosses?"

Tire thought about it and said, "Indeed, the few of us are definitely not good, we are too old and too strong, those little heads won't want us, but you, oh... and you, Dick, you two Everyone's age and appearance should be able to mix in..."

Dick shrugged. "In a few days, I might be going to school."

He turned his head. Seeing Jason staring at him, Dick sighed and said, "Well, it's not impossible to play with you these two days."

After a few discussions, Jason and Dick decided to go to Green Street, on the edge of the East District, to find a job as a cigarette peddler, and see if they could get some information from the mouths of those little leaders.

After dinner, Dick took Elsa back to Wayne Manor, and Alfred said to him, "Master just came back and is looking for you."

Dick nodded and took Elsa to Bruce's study on the third floor. After he went in, Bruce said to him, "You pack up and go to school next week."

Dick moved his mouth, showing some resistance. When Bruce looked at him, he suddenly felt very emotional.

When a person faces the same thing in different identities, he will find that his younger self seems reckless and impulsive. Bruce looks at Dick standing at the door, as if he saw himself in the counseling room .

He always felt that the professor had some unspeakable secrets and must have some superpowers. He was eager to learn mind-reading skills from the psychology professor, and tried to skip the learning stage of all theoretical knowledge and directly grasp the ultimate goal of psychology. Profound meaning.

What did the professor do in the first place? Bruce found that his memory was a little blurry. At that time, he didn't understand, why did Schiller not want to teach him? He felt that he had a talent for psychology, and should be the kind of student that all teachers liked.

But later, Bruce discovered that psychology does not only include the subject of "what the other person is thinking now", or that this subject is actually a relatively superficial and superficial one in psychology.

The study of the inner world, the constitution of personality, and the root causes of human behavior is the essence of this discipline, which can only be learned in esoteric tomes that require years of application and analysis to master.

Obviously, now Dick also wants to skip the process of going to school, practice, practice, etc., and directly learn Bruce's superpowers, and now, standing in the identity of an elder to dissuade him, Bruce, deeply felt Schiller's helplessness at that time .

Does Bruce have superpowers? From the perspective of an ordinary person, he does have it. Not only is he super rich, he is born with a very high IQ, learns everything quickly, and has excellent athletic ability, coordination ability and flexibility. It is said to be a superpower.

But Bruce is very clear that his current level is not just based on talent, those learning and practice processes cannot be skipped.

"Listen, Dick, of course I can let you skip school and run around the streets every day like any other kid in Gotham, or you can keep practicing the acrobatics you like and skip the ones you don't like. Foreign languages, math and dance…”

"But it is precisely because I think you are talented that you should not stop at the profession of acrobat, so you need to go through a more systematic and extensive study to find the path you really want to take..."

Maybe it's because Bruce has also played a role like Dick in front of Schiller, so he has to be more patient with Dick, and even very rarely explained to Dick the reason for his arrangement. In the past, Bruce would not treat anyone. explain the reasons for his actions.

"Really? You really think...my talent isn't bad?" Dick asked, looking at Bruce.

Bruce tried to think back to the scene he had with Schiller, and then he said to Dick: "Yes, it seems so, but what you can achieve depends on your grades in school. …”

"Of course, don't forget that although your parents have returned to Bludhaven, I can still call and communicate with them. If your grades are not good, I think I can invite them to Gotham. …”

"I'm packing up!" Dick put down Elsa, turned around and ran. Bruce stood there and let out a sigh of relief. He found that it was hard for him to be asked by the teacher for his parents, but When used to threaten others, it is really useful and relieved.

Just this morning, Bruce, who was promoted to elder for the first time, suddenly understood his university professor Schiller subtly, and it really was his position that determined his attitude.

After dinner at noon, Dick took Aisha to play on the lawn of the manor again. Dick on the horizontal bar swung lightly in a circle, stretched out his arms and landed on the horizontal bar smoothly, and then grabbed it with both hands. horizontal bar. After turning somersaults, and then falling to the ground in a beautiful posture, Elsa kept laughing and clapping her hands.

Dick walked under the horizontal bar and planned to go up and swing for two more laps. At this moment, he suddenly found that on the lawn not far from Elsa, there was a small piece of grass on the grass that seemed to be blown down by the wind.

Just as he was about to walk over to check, he felt a violent whirlwind blowing around him. He covered his face with his arms, took a few steps back, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that Elsa had also been blown down on the lawn.

Just as he was about to walk over and pick up Aisha, he found a yellow light falling from the sky, and then a man in a yellow tights floated in the yellow light, suspended in mid-air.

Dick stared at him and said, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

At this time, Sinestro, who descended into the air, was also very depressed.

The navigation of the lamp stove only went to the vicinity of the earth's atmosphere, and he had to find out which city the parallax monster landed in, but as soon as he arrived near the earth, he was stopped by a Green Lantern named Hal.

When the Green Lantern saw that Sinestro was yellow, he punched him, and the two fought in the sky above the earth.

What Sinisto didn't expect was that Hal, the little-known Green Lantern who had just debuted, was outrageously strong. Sinisto almost used up all the fear energy in the ring before thumping Hal into the sea.

Taking advantage of this gap, Sinisto quickly flew around the earth, and finally found that the target that had a connection with the fear energy was Gotham on the east coast.

when he landed. I thought I would see the people possessed by the parallax monster turn the city into ruins, but I didn't expect that the city was surprisingly quiet, the buildings were not destroyed, and the residents didn't flee, as if nothing had happened.

In Sinesto's memory, this is almost impossible. The parallax monster is a chaotic creature. It should not understand how the orderly world works, so it is unscrupulous to destroy it. When the parallax monster possessed him before, it once Cities that have destroyed several planets, the earth should not be spared.

What made him even more puzzled was that ~www.NovelMTL.com~ After searching for a long time, he found that the aura of the parallax monster was coming from a human house, and when he came here, he found that it was not the man with the fangs in front of him. A ferocious giant monster, but a... a little human girl?

Sinesto looked down at the yellow light ring on his hand, then looked up at the little girl, and then looked down at the yellow light ring on his hand. After repeating it a few times, he was sure that it was really The lamp beast of their Yellow Lantern Corps, the parallax monster.

Sinestro fell to the ground and said to the little girl, "How did you become like this? What are you doing here? Come back with me."

Aisha kept staring at her with those big eyes, showing resistance, Dick next to him saw Sinestro walking towards Aisha, he ran over without thinking, stopped Sinesto and said, "What are you doing? This is Wayne Manor!"

Sinesto didn't want to talk nonsense with humans at all. As soon as he waved his hand, Dick was knocked out by a yellow light. Aisha looked at the figure that flew out, widened her eyes, and then turned back to look at Sinesto.

Aisha opened her mouth, revealing a mouthful of fangs, and Sinesto confirmed that the Parallax was disguised as a human.

Just as Sinestro was about to reach out, in the next second, he saw the little girl take two steps back, took a deep breath, opened her mouth wide, and raised her head...

In an instant, an unparalleled huge scream pierced the sky above Gotham——


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This is number 17

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