American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 266: Where will the dream go (below)

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Selena picked up her bag and got out of the car, turned back and blew a kiss to Bruce, and said, "Thank you, baby, I had a good time, I'm going back to pack my luggage, see you tomorrow afternoon!"

Bruce turned sideways, stretched out one of his hands, and pushed open the car door on Selena's side. Selena understood what he meant, walked back, leaned forward, then leaned into Bruce's arms and kissed his cheeks.

Then she left quickly, Bruce touched the place on his cheek where Selena had just kissed, and sighed, he thought, he was really a little obsessed.

If someone told him a year ago that he would spend a few days driving around the east coast, he would have felt worse than jail, but who knew love could be so unreasonable, When Selena said she had a good time, Bruce's guilt about wasting time was swept away.

Of course, since the vacation is over, he still has to return to his original life. Bruce slowly started the car and drove back to Wayne Manor. When it was completely dark, he drove the Batmobile and wore a Batsuit again. , left the manor, intending to continue to improve his own bat cave.

After so long, the Batcave has basically been built, but some light equipment has not been put in. The Batmobile roared on the streets of Gotham at night, but he just drove through an intersection when he felt a strong beam of light. The light dazzled his eyes, and he couldn't help squinting, looking at the intersection on his right, where a huge truck was parked.

The strong light was the truck's high beam, and the two headlights flickered, and when the lights went out, Batman saw the terrifying smiling face on the truck's driver's seat.

The intuition began to frantically call the police. Batman stepped on the accelerator, but it was too late. The huge truck had already rushed in front of him. Batman tapped the button in front of him. In an instant, the seat was ejected, and he was on the ground when he landed. Tumbled twice, then stood up.

The heavy truck hit the Batmobile, and the Batmobile was lifted up. When it landed, fragments of the windshield and roof parts splashed out. Then, the front of the giant truck exploded, and the flames of the explosion were like on the dark road. A group of fireworks blooming in place.

"Welcome home, Batman, hahahahaha!!!"

A series of harsh laughter came from the dark night, and Batman narrowed his eyes and saw the figure.

Just like a fateful confrontation, they Gotham faced each other in the dark, and the man with the clown makeup on the opposite side didn't hold any weapons and looked weak.

But Batman's heart beat faster and faster, blood rushed to his head, and he didn't know whether he was scared or excited now.

"Have you enjoyed your vacation? Batman?"

The Joker looked Batman in the eyes and said, with a smile on his face, as if he was expecting a positive answer, but soon he made a sad expression and said, "But I'm not happy, Batman, Do you know? Do you know what happened to me lately?!"

"I was taken to the hospital by a crazy psychiatrist! For his terrifying dream experiment, I was thrown into the deep consciousness space by him, and then went to face a terrifying monster!!"

Suddenly, he stopped, then turned to look at the wreckage of the truck explosion, he screamed, opened his eyes with his fingers, and then slid his four fingers down from his eyelids, making a horrified expression and said: "God Hey, what did I see?!"

He ran over quickly and began to rummage through the wreckage of the explosion. Suddenly, he found a piece of tire that had not been completely scorched. He hugged the piece and said, "My lady tire, she's dead. Woo, she was the one who accompanied me when you were away..."

Batman just stood there watching the Joker perform, he didn't say anything, just turned the corner of his mouth down.

It started to rain in Gotham, and it didn't take long before it turned into a torrential downpour, lightning flashed across the horizon, and the rain slapped on the wreckage in the middle of the road, carrying the scorching smell farther and farther.

At this moment, the clown stood up, standing in the rain, without armor, cape, or weapon, standing alone, like a thin and pale orphan.

The rain started to wear off the makeup on his face, as if his entire skin had dissolved, but he still had that crazy smile and said to Batman, "You think I'm an annoying lunatic, don't you?"

"It always pops up from various places, causing you a lot of trouble, pulling you to watch performances that you don't like or understand, and saying crazy things that you don't want to hear and don't understand. …”

"But, Batman, I'll make you understand..."

The smile on his face became more and more insane, and in this terrible expression and action, after the absurd and bizarre sense of comicality faded, only the real danger and madness remained.

He took a button out of his pocket and said to Batman, "Have you ever made an important decision in your life? A decision that could change the course of your life?"

"I just made such a decision."

"I made a bet with someone, Batman..."

"I bet you won't let me down, so now..."

The Joker looked directly at Batman through the layers of rain, and said to him, "...The game is on."

The button was pressed, and there was a loud "Boom", and Batman turned his head. He saw that a violent fire broke out somewhere in the city.

When the button hit the ground, there was a tiny splash of water, and when the waves returned to calm, only the crazy smiling face of the Joker remained, and Batman had disappeared.

The next night, it was also icy and heavy rain, accompanied by a high-pitched siren, and a huge bat lantern was lit over Gotham. Gordon took the phone and said to the other end: "Get the negotiator up!! That What is the madman going to do??"

He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office and looked at the roof of the building not far away. There was only one figure standing there, but there were many ropes hanging from the side of the building, and people were tied to them.

The clown's face was even more terrifying in the rain, and he hugged the camera and said, "You know what? Just yesterday, I was in the underpass of Twelve Main Streets in Gotham, asking all the homeless people, what are they the most? Who is the one who hates it? Ask them who they think has caused their life to be so poor..."

"Many people complained to me about all kinds of things, their boss fired them, their landlord kicked them out, convenience stores and restaurants didn't give them free food, yes, yes, all kinds of things. Something like this..."

"And me! Hero Jack! I cried for what happened to them, so, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!" The Joker burst out with a series of frantic laughter and said, "I tied their enemies here!"

He took a deep breath, then shrugged his shoulders, held the camera with one hand, pointed to the edge of the roof with the other, and exclaimed, "See! Tramps! Your enemies are about to...die!"


In the shot, the clown walks to the edge of the roof in the pouring rain, then pulls out a dagger and pushes it against a rope, the man who is **** in a suit and leather shoes appears to be an elite clerk.

He looked up and saw the crazy smiling face of the clown and the dagger that was aimed at the rope hanging from him. He broke down and shouted: "No!! Don't!!! I will fall, I will fall to death!!"

"Oh, hero... yes, I'm a hero, I'm going to give the judge a chance to say his last words, do you have anything to say?"

"Please, let me go! Please, don't do this...don't do this to me, I don't want to die!!"

The clerk kept begging. His spirit has completely collapsed, and he can't even utter a complete sentence.

This made the clown very boring, so he swung his dagger and cut the rope, and the clerk fell from the 30-story building and fell to the ground, becoming a puddle of meat.

Before the police and negotiators on the ground could make a move, the ropes and people fell like heavy rain from the sky. They stood on the ground and could only see their desperate expressions before they died.

Not long after the bat light came on, a second figure standing on the roof appeared, that was Batman.

As expected, a dark figure stood opposite the clown.

I don't know what they said, the two scuffled together, and the whole world was filled with the sound of rain and thunder.

The fight between the two was more like a mime performance, and a non-exciting or even comical rivalry unfolded like this.

In the end, the Joker was knocked to the ground, his arms tied, but Batman was also slashed on the shoulder, and the blood was washed down by the rain.

The Joker lying on the ground was still smiling, and he said, "Batman, you won, but do you think that's what everyone expects to see?"

"Even if you're the hero of all the rest of Gotham, it's definitely not one of those homeless people, because they could almost see their foe fall from a tall building, and then smash into flesh and get a more tragic than them. ending!"

"You can never become a hero, hahahahahaha, the innocent person you saved may be the object that others want to kill, you guess if they will hate you? Hahahahahaha!"

After the Joker is taken away, Batman walks down the street alone, gets into his car, starts the car, and drives into Gotham's endless dark rainy night.

He wasn't swayed by those crazy words, he just spent too much energy.

Instead of going straight back to Wayne Manor, he drove to the Batcave and treated his wound, as usual, with spray, then bandages, and when it was all done, he stained blood Dispose of his clothes, put on a new set, and drive back to Wayne Manor.

Wayne Manor was still brightly lit, and Alfred stood at the door to greet him, seeing his pale Alfred said to him: "Master, you need some hot drinks, a cup of hot chocolate. how?"

"Thank you, Alfred."

He didn't refuse, he just walked over to the sofa and sat down. When Alfred brought the hot chocolate, he instinctively wanted to use his dominant hand, but it affected the wound. The moment his movements stopped, he immediately changed The other hand goes to the cup.

But he knew that this was still discovered by Alfred, and although his housekeeper said nothing, he sent him upstairs back to the bedroom as usual.

A deep exhaustion surrounded him, and he walked to the sink in the lavage room and looked in the mirror, where he was pale and expressionless, but somehow that crazy smile appeared on him In his heart, it appeared in his eyes, and then reflected in the mirror, and he seemed to see himself smiling.

He shook his head, suppressed those messy thoughts, and walked out of the bathroom.

His finger rested on the switch of the lamp, but after hesitating for a while, he still didn't press it. In this way, he lay on the bed without turning off the light, and then fell asleep slowly with a tired look.

The slight sound of breathing echoed in the room, the night was getting darker and the rain was getting heavier.

The whole room is filled with soft light, whether it is the bed, the walls or the carpet, a thin layer of halo is reflected, and the darkness seems to have nowhere to hide.

And when a lightning flashed, in the deepest dark corner under the bed, a scarlet mouth slowly revealed a crazy smile.

------off topic-----

Because of my job, the update time has been adjusted, and you can watch it again the next morning without having to wait.

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