American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 189: Kama Taj "Enlightenment" (below)

The systematic division of power in the Marvel world is actually quite orderly. Although in some comics, operations that break through the upper and lower limits are often made, there is generally evidence to follow.

And the commonplace order is the division of the universe level, from small to large: single universe, multiverse, super universe, omnipotent universe, unique, five levels.

Most of the heroes that Marvel movie audiences know about belong to the single universe level, such as Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, etc.

Audiences who have read some comics may know that there are several other levels of existence, such as the five creation gods of the multiverse level. Of course, the most familiar one is Thanos wearing infinity gloves, which is the movie universe. the ultimate villain.

But as strong as the glove version of Thanos, it is only a multiverse level, and there are still many abilities that exist above him.

The most famous in the super universe is the Nemesis, in fact, the Nemesis is the real source of the Infinity Stones.

The story is simply that, the goddess of resurrection was bored alive, so she turned herself into 6 gems, so to talk about the culprit of Thanos snapping his fingers, it has to be traced back to the goddess of nemesis at the super universe level.

On top of this, there are also two celebrities at the omnipotent cosmos level, one is the Life Court of Diaosi's counterattack, and the other is the familiar Phoenix Force.

The Life Court was originally created by Nemesis, but was later killed by the Transcendence Protoss, and Adam became the new Life Court, directly under the command of OAA, the big boss of the entire Marvel universe.

And not to mention the power of the phoenix, the most indispensable thing in the Marvel universe is the phoenix blowing, but I want to mention one point here, the power of the omnipotent universe-level phoenix refers to the most complete version of the power of the phoenix, and in the Under him, there is also a white phoenix king, a multiverse-level existence.

It should be noted that the full version of the Phoenix Force has never really appeared in the Marvel Universe. Even the most powerful White Phoenix King is only a little bit of the complete Phoenix Force. The power of the phoenix is ​​nothing compared to that.

On this level, the most famous is the omniscient and omnipotent OAA, which can be called the big boss of the Marvel Universe.

The setting of these levels of division is actually more complicated than it looks, because you have to distinguish their positions, behavioral logic, origin, and so on.

For example, although Spider-Man is at the level of a single universe, the spider totem behind him is at the level of the multiverse, and the Moron family is also at the level of the multiverse.

Judging from this example, there is also a difference between the multiverse level and the multiverse level. If it is true, the Morun family and the King of the White Phoenix both belong to the multiverse level, but their strengths are far different.

You may be thinking, how weak can multiverse-level existence be?

But in fact, in the comics, the Morun family doesn't have any dazzling performances. Their so-called power absorption is more based on restraint factors. The opponents are basically at the level of the single universe, and they can be mixed into the level of the multiverse. It depends on the weaving master to open the door, the relationship It belongs to yes.

Speaking of dimensional demon gods, this concept is actually a general term, and its members include existences at the level of multiverse and single universe.

Among them, Sera Tok, the master of the crimson dimension, belongs to the multiverse level. Not only does he ignore the influence of the infinite gems, but he wants to beat whoever he wants in his own domain.

A little worse than him is Dormam of the Dark Dimension. In the ancient setting, he was very strong and was described as second only to the existence of the old court of life, but later it became a bit stretched.

Then there are the beholders that originated from the Cthulhu mythology and are said to be stronger than Dormammu but less popular like Zum.

Of course, there are also Trinity Weishandi and so on.

In addition to these, there are Hell Lord Mephitos, Lucifer, Black Heart Demon, etc., which can also be counted as Demon Gods.

Although these settings may sound a bit mysterious and complicated, if you change the angle, it will be easy to understand.

For example, these demon gods are not inseparable from each other. They know each other and have established some organizations. When they encounter troubles and crises, they also cooperate with each other. After cooperation, they also broke into several pieces.

Does it sound familiar?

Yes, they are like a superhero team that magnifies the evil version. The members know each other and are familiar with each other. They live in different places, but they chat occasionally. Will also fight.

They also know how to combine vertical and horizontal, leverage strength, use the weak to defeat the strong, etc. Mephitos once suffered from paranoia and felt that Dormammu was going to destroy him, so he called Hela and Mephis. Special, Hades, etc., held a combat meeting and decided to engage Dormammu.

Their meetings are no different from superheroes. They just find a table and sit down, then express their opinions, and finally break up and let it go.

In the branch of the source of fear, even Seratok, the lord of the crimson dimension, Sishorn, and the beholder all participated in the meeting. Basically, everyone gathered in a circle to speak in turn. In the end, Mephitos It's amazing, but it's really useless.

This proves that they actually have a solid social relationship, and they also have their own interests and positions.

The stronger ones seem to be more detached from the world, such as Seratok, they can live well with their doors closed, and they seem to have no desires and no desires.

But this is not the case in reality. In the comics, Seratok also organized his own team of demon gods to create influence on the earth, not to mention Dormammu. He would be uncomfortable if he did not come to the earth to spread darkness for a day.

It is not as strong as their demon gods, and it is even more naked. In order to gain more power and a larger territory, it is basically a small fight in three days and a big fight in five days. The chaos of the divided field has turned into a pot of porridge, and big news can be made every three to five.

"You can hardly expect the demon gods born in chaos and chaos to know what rules and order are." Gu Yi concluded: "Their pursuit of power is innate and engraved in their instincts."

"I don't understand." Strange asked suspiciously: "They go after power. Why do they come to Earth? What attracts them to Earth?"

"The earth is special and the center of the universe." Gu Yi's tone was still unhurried.

Just as Strange was about to speak, Gu Yi explained: "I know, maybe in your world view, the earth is just an ordinary planet in the universe, the center of the solar system is the sun, and the Milky Way is extremely broad, but in the multiverse and In the theory of dimensions, this is not the case."

"Most of the extra-dimensional demon gods come from the earth, and part of their power comes from the beliefs of the believers on the earth. Therefore, they want to come here to expand their influence and gain greater power. This is what every demon **** has. Inescapable instinct, even as powerful as Dormammu."

Then, Gu Yi's tone became lighter: "That's why I said that your plan brought me a lot of surprises, and you caught the key."

"Although the dimension cannot be simply understood as distance and distance, if you have to explain it with concepts you can understand, then the current situation is that the crimson dimension is relatively close to the earth, and the **** dimension is not far away, Dormammu The dark dimension in which it is located is relatively far away, closer to the divisional realm, but it is actually very close."

"With these three dimensions, most demon gods with poor strength cannot extend their territory to the earth. This is also the tacit understanding that several generations of earth's supreme mages have reached with them."

"But the problem is that with these three dimensions, the rest of the demon gods have no power to extend their own territory. I don't mind taking the power of these demon gods for my own use, but they are blocked from the door and run out every time. It's also troublesome."

Strange even heard a little anticipation in Gu Yi's tone, Gu Yi went on to say: "There are fewer and fewer demon gods who dare to crash into the earth. Many demon gods of the new generation have learned to be smart, even if they have something to look for. Other demon gods in this area, they will go to Odin to knock on the door first."

Gu Yi shook his head and said, "Like before, the demon gods who ran over the earth and shouted to rule the earth have not appeared for a long time."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Strange could hear deep regret from this sentence.

"When I first took over as Supreme Mage, I was inexperienced, and I was a little too arbitrary in handling this kind of thing, which has led to my inability to succeed now." Gu Yi said in a low tone.

But combined with the previous experience of the Supreme Mage, Strange knew that she was regretting that she had done too much when she was young. Those demon gods who came to Earth were beaten so badly that most people dare not come now. .

"But fortunately, you will definitely be a qualified heir."

Strange hurriedly said, "This plan still needs your help, and we still have a lot of hurdles to overcome."

"I can help you contact Weishandi, I think they will be very interested in this plan."

"There is another question. Regarding the power of the demon gods, I knew before that there are many different demon gods in the universe, but are their powers the same? Can they be regarded as the general equivalent of money?"

"If their strengths are completely different, why do they want to grab territory?" Gu Yi asked Strange in return.

Strange thought about it for a while, and it is indeed the case. If attacking the opponent can't plunder the strength that he can use, why should he fight?

"The origin of the universe is always the same. Power is just manifestation. If there is an exception, it is the earth."

Gu Yi always revealed more secrets to Strange: "The earth, or the beliefs of the people on earth are different. Humans on earth can provide the most essential power to the devil, which is why they are trying to compete for believers on earth."

"Although the power between demon gods can also be transformed into each other, it takes time and will be attrition."

Strange touched his chin, and he understood what Gu Yi meant.

To put it simply, the power of belief of the earthlings is like a portion of wagyu beef, which is delicious and nutritious, but the power of other demons is a bit like black bread, with a bad taste, and it is strenuous to eat, but it is also very filling.

And the main reason for the success of this plan is that most of the cosmic demon gods born in chaos have an endless pursuit of power, just like a big stomach king who can never be full.

If it takes the same amount of effort to get a wagyu steak and a ton of brown bread, everyone will choose the former, but if the one-two option turns into a wagyu steak and a ton of black bread, those appetites will last forever. The endless big stomach king will definitely choose the latter.

To Strange's surprise, Gu Yi not only didn't think the plan was immoral, but she also quickly helped Strange to perfect the execution method at the occult level, Gu Yi went on to say: "Odin, the father of the gods~ is the legitimate ruler of the nine kingdoms, and the nominal lord and king of the atrium. If there is a meeting, it must be in the temple of Asgard."

"Let's do it." Gu Yi said directly, "I'll take you to meet Odin later. Let's discuss this plan together and see when his temple will be empty. I think it should be done in a few days."

Then he turned to the king next to him and said, "Let Mordo communicate with the dark dimension and ask Dormammu if he is free recently."

"You communicate with the crimson dimension in person. I remember that Seratok has ended his slumber last season. Although he belongs to the neutral demon god, he should also be happy to join in the fun."

"What was the name of the apprentice who had contact with Mephitos last time? Lucas? Then let him ask the Lord of Hell if he is free recently."

"I remember that Watumbu recently went to the lingering realm. I don't know if he has come back. If he does, remember to have someone call him. Karakan was beaten to death last time, and it is estimated that he has not recovered... …”

Gu Yi shook his head, and said with a bit of hatred that iron is not steel: "In this way, there are too few that can be used."

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