American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 170: long easter (10)

Batman was on the roof of a building in the West End at this time, and he came here following the clues of Easter eggs.

The holiday killer's Easter eggs to the mob boss leave no concrete clues, but he shouldn't have given them to Bruce Wayne.

Batman's cameras were all around Wayne Manor, and two cameras at the main entrance captured a figure.

It was a newsboy who delivered newspapers between the South and East Sides. This kind of newsboy often traveled between the rich southern area and the printing house, and almost no one noticed their existence.

The camera didn't capture the newsboy's face, but his clothing, and eventually, Batman found him at a newspaper printing house in the East End.

The newsboy didn't know a lot of information, he just told Batman that someone had paid them to deliver Easter eggs.

This kind of life is very common among newsboys. They often have a fixed gathering point, and some people who need to run errands will go to their gathering point to find them, and hire them for money to send some things to others.

This group of newsboys is very familiar with Gotham’s terrain and routes, and Gotham people have a convention not to embarrass these errand children for convenience, so many people like to hire them to deliver meals, keys, or beer.

Batman came to the gathering point of the newsboys. These children described the appearance of the festival killer in a fussing manner, but it was of no use. When they took the order, they didn't care who the single owner was, as long as they made sure that the one to be delivered was not What kind of dangerous goods will be robbed, they take all orders, so many people come every day, no one can remember the specific appearance.

However, one of the more shrewd newsboys provided an important clue, saying that the man who hired them smelled a chemical, a bit like gunpowder.

Following this clue, Batman investigates all the chemical plants in Gotham City.

There are actually many chemical plants in Gotham City, but they also need to be divided into large and small. After the disaster of flooding and freezing, most of the small chemical plants have stopped production, and only a few production lines can continue to operate.

There were only four or five chemical plants in normal operation, and the investigation did not take Batman much time. In the end, he focused on a chemical plant in the West District.

This chemical factory is located in the underground of the Western District. It is not large and has few production lines. Their production lines are not advanced, and the products they produce will not be of any importance. It stands to reason that they should be closed together with other small chemical factories.

And after the disaster, almost all the underground buildings in Gotham were destroyed, and the underground chemical factory was almost buried.

What kind of goods have to be produced at this time?

Picking the lock on the back door, Batman walked in along the crack of the door. He put on his night vision goggles and saw the chaos inside the chemical plant.

A part of the southeast corner collapsed, and the ground was full of rubble. Many boxes were pressed under the wall, and some mucus came out. The night vision device couldn't see what the mucus was, so he got closer.

Soon, Batman smelled a stench. He took a closer look. The boxes were all smashed goose eggs. The yolks and egg whites flowed all over the place, and no one was handling them. They were about to ferment. Foul stench.

And further afield, there are some boxes that have not been affected, and Batman walks over and sees that there are goose egg shells that have been processed.

Easter eggs are not directly painted on raw goose eggs. The goose eggs selected as Easter egg materials must be treated. If they are not hollowed out, they also need to be soaked in chemicals to make the surface suitable for painting. , and some other means of maintaining the firmness of the eggshell.

It seems that there are two kinds of Easter eggs stored here, but some of the Easter eggs that were not hollowed out were crushed by the falling walls.

Batman stepped forward, picked up an eggshell and looked at it. The eggshell had been treated, but not yet painted. Batman took several such eggshells and took them back to Wayne Manor for comparison. right.

There are several different Easter eggs in front of the test bench. The first is the egg that Bruce received from the holiday killer. Batman didn't touch it, so it didn't explode and remained in its full shape.

The other one was given to him by Schiller, the easter egg with a smiling face that Schiller drew by himself, and the other was the unpainted eggshell that Batman brought back from the warehouse.

It is very obvious that the first and third easter eggs are almost the same, no matter the size, shape or processing method of the goose eggs, they are all the same.

In contrast, Schiller obviously found a goose egg at random, and it didn't even look like a goose egg from a farm, but more like a swan egg from a nest.

It's not the right size, it's obviously too small, and it was directly painted without any treatment. The surface of the eggshell is too smooth to hang the paint, so the smiley face is a little distorted.

In other words, these easter eggs that were given to the gang bosses and the upper class came from the chemical factory in the western district.

"West Side Chemical Plant..." Batman whispered, he was suddenly stunned, then quickly left Wayne Manor and drove the Batmobile to the Gotham Police Station.

Gordon was finishing a busy day and was about to go home from get off work when he heard a noise in the corner behind him, and without even looking, he said, "What's the matter, Batman?"

"The last tape..."

"Tape? Oh, you mean the tape of Schiller's phone call? It's in the evidence room, but the staff there is off duty..."

As soon as Gordon finished speaking, Batman disappeared, Gordon shook his head, he thought, it would be good to keep that kind of dangerous goods for this weirdo, lest some day someone can't hold back their curiosity and insist on listening.

Batman came to the dark evidence room. He found the tape and put it into the tape recorder. After a rustling noise, Schiller's voice sounded again: "Their goods from Plantation 9 are gone. It's the way of old Wilkin, that is, the route through Three Streets in the East..."

Batman twisted the button on the tape recorder and fast-forwarded: "Are you worried about this? You don't have to, as far as I know, the underground chemical factory in the West End is also Falcone..."

"...The family business, after the Godfather handed over the responsibility to Evans, the goods from Elizabeth Street began to carry there, but later, due to poor management, it was closed for a long time, you don't have to worry that the Godfather will care about such a little profit..."

"Chemical plant? Evans? Evans Falcone..." Batman's voice sounded in the dark room. Gu Chi

At this moment, Batman's phone rang sharply, and after he connected, Cobot's voice came from inside: "...Evans!! It's Evans!!!! He has a knife... He wants to kill I', he's not...cough...go, go to Gotham Cathedral, stop him..."

Batman looked up and looked out the window, at this time, a bright moon hung high in the sky.

Evans seems to be waiting for Batman when he arrives at Gotham Cathedral.

Evans stood at the chasm in the center of the cathedral, watching the floating light surging inside the chasm, and Batman smelled a dizzying smell, like evaporated alcohol.

He fell from the window and stood in front of Evans. Evans ignored him, but knelt on the ground and stared straight at the crack.

"Who are you?" Batman asked.

"Who am I? Don't you recognize me? I'm your classmate..."

"You're not Evans."

The man opposite let out a sneer and said, "Don't mention that name to me, it's just a fake, I'm the real Falcone."

"You are his second personality?"

"No, he is my second personality."

The man opposite stood up, his blond hair became a little strange under the moonlight, and he showed a cold expression that Evans would never show, and he said, "I said, I am Falco. Inside, Alberto Falcone."

"Then you are his second personality."

Alberto was a little irritated. He frowned and narrowed his eyes. There was anger in those green eyes. His voice was very low, and it sounded completely different from Evans.

"I've always been Alberto!"

"Isn't Alberto dead?"

"Heh... That farce back then really deceived a lot of people." Alberto sneered and said, "I'm dead? No, of course not, just a idiot replaced me."

"It seems that this should be a long story, but it doesn't matter..." Batman took out the bat dart from his waist and said, "Tonight is Easter night, it should be a long night, you can think about it slowly."

"The festival killer should be you, right?"

"Yes, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Batman threw something at Alberto, Alberto flashed to the side vigilantly, and then he turned his head to see that it was a broken Easter egg.

"Damn, are you kidding me?"

"No. It was an Easter gift from someone, and now it's broken, but it's because you didn't catch it, and it's none of my business."

"Don't try to interfere with me with this little trick, my purpose has been achieved, and no one can stop me."

"Really? You call yourself a holiday killer, but you didn't kill people on Easter Day. The only headmaster Seldon killed had a rough modus operandi and a lot of flaws."

Batman's tone of voice without any hesitation is always irritating.

"Do you think you're smart? Wearing a bodysuit and pretending to be a superhero?"

"But at least I found you, oh no... I didn't find you yet, but the humble Cobot."

Speaking of Cobot, Alberto seemed really angry, he said: "That **** boy, he almost ruined my plan..."

"So you lost your hand? In the face of a short and thin poor boy, in the face of the first person you want to kill on Easter, when you are fully prepared, you still Couldn't kill him."

"I didn't want to kill him at all. If he hadn't given Evans those stupid ideas, I wouldn't have done anything to him. He's completely unimportant!"

"That's why I said that your technique is rough and there are many flaws. Anyone can see that Cobot is a dangerous person."

"Yeah..." Alberto sneered: "A poor little man who lost his father, he still doesn't know that his father's death was not a coincidence."

Then, as if venting something, he said, "Funeral? Yes, I died, and many people attended my funeral."

He looked up at the window above the cathedral. The moonlight was like a sprinkled drapery, softly shrouding the statue of Jesus. The suffering Son shed blood for the betrayal. In this cold night full of suffering, Only Moonlight is willing to dress him up.

"But tonight, I will be resurrected, and I will live forever."

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