American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 165: long easter (5)

"First of all, I want to tell you that, as you guessed, your stronghold has now become completely sealed, like a can."

"And the oxygen in the can is limited. How many of you do you have now? Huh? I guess at least 20?"

"At this amount, the oxygen in the can can only keep you alive for three hours at most."

"You think you have hidden this stronghold very secretly, but we have discovered it long ago."

"As you guessed, this was a premeditated trap, and now, I'm going to play a game with you."

"An oxygen pipeline is leading to this can, but the nozzle for delivering oxygen is hidden in the wall. You must dig the wall yourself to find this pipeline, otherwise the oxygen will be exhausted in three hours."

"Owls need to breathe too, don't they?"

The woman in the bird mask began to tremble a little, but the voice on the radio didn't stop, and everyone heard him say: "You don't imagine that your companions or the killers you have cultivated will come to rescue you, from the surrounding area. Judging by the thickness and hardness of the ice around you, no one, or even a machine, can dig into you within three hours."

The voices on the tape recorder began to cadence, echoing in the conference room, darker and scarier than the nursery rhymes spread by the court of owls.

"Once upon a time, you stood on top of the tall buildings in Gotham City, looking down at all living beings, watching the suffering people, and digging up food to satisfy your hunger in the land."

"Later, you hid in the ground, looked up at the scarred feet of countless mortals, and hurried to survive."

"And now, you will experience what it's like to have a chance to survive with your hands."

They heard that the voice in the tape recorder began to soften, even a little gentle, like a dream: "...My little birds, dig, in order to get a trace of the most ordinary air, cut off your fingers."

"Or, use your deaths... to sacrifice Gotham's resurrection."

After the voice fell, someone in the conference room finally couldn't help it. A man in a mask threw the recorder out and fell to the ground with trembling all over. The rest of the people watched his crazy behavior and fell silent.

"...Are we really going to dig?" The female voice became a little trembling, and she said, "There are no tools here, how are we going to dig these walls..."

"We're trapped, and if we don't dig, we'll suffocate!"

"But what if he lied to us?" said an old voice.

"But if we wait here, we will die! This is a well-designed trap, and they won't let us go!"

"Do you want me to use my fingers to plan those wall tiles?!" another man exclaimed, and then he stood up, waving his fat arms and said, "I'm one of the thirteenth jury members! And qualified The oldest one! My family too, you all dig for me! I order you!"

Others stood up one after another and refuted what he said. Someone said, "My family is the richest now, you should be the ones to dig it!"

Some people also said: "It should be a strong body to dig!"

"Why do you want me to go?"

"It's all your fault! You should go!"

"You too……"

In the interval of the dispute, suddenly, silence shrouded for a few seconds.

Obviously, some of them thought of an easier way to continue their lives than digging walls.

In the Gotham Police Department's office, everyone was silent. Gordon shuddered. He looked at Schiller and said, "I don't think the problem with the Court of Owls is too serious. The serious thing is..."

"Didn't you really have a plan?" Victor also turned to look at Schiller.

Schiller rolled his eyes and said, "Liar to them, who knows in which corners their hidden strongholds are hidden? How could I have worked so hard to lay an oxygen pipeline for them?"

"Okay, let's not mention this, the rest is bargaining, Detective Gordon, I remember you said before that there are a few gang bosses who are particularly difficult to deal with and like to negotiate terms with the police?"

"Forget it." Gordon said, rubbing his temples. "I get a headache when I mention them."

"Well, it's up to them, let them take turns to quarrel with the Owl Court, and tell them that they will be given 5 points for the final compensation."

"Hiss..." Gordon sucked in a breath and said, "The Court of Owls will lose their panties!"

Then Gordon clicked his tongue and said, "I always think you had a plan."

"Would you like to hear me tell a fairy tale?" Schiller smiled and winked.

"It was a group of birds with golden feathers. The poor birds fell into the hands of the hunters because of their carelessness. They asked the hunters for forgiveness and were willing to pluck their precious feathers in exchange for the hunters to let them go..."

Schiller suddenly changed the subject and said, "What are you going to eat for Easter?"

He asked himself and answered, "I'm going to eat roast chicken anyway."

The night passed, and the next morning, the news of Gotham's massive terrorist attack made headlines in major newspapers.

Mayor Roy broke down in tears at a news conference, berating the casualties caused by terrorists, while also accusing the federal government of failing to meet its security obligations, calling Gotham an "abandoned city."

Collapsed buildings, ruined streets, flooded shops and frozen cars, with the outflow of post-disaster pictures, the Court of Owls has also become a cruel terrorist that everyone spurns.

Various confusing news reports emerged one after another, and the number of casualties began to become more and more exaggerated. From the initial tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, by the end, more than half of the citizens of Gotham were either killed or injured.

But the strange thing is that various fundraising activities started sooner than the disaster relief operation. Major newspapers published the channels for fundraising. Gotham held dozens of charity dinners in the week before Easter.

On a cold weekend morning, the reports on the table in the city government office fluttered in the breeze outside the window.

The light and thin paper kept turning over page by page, and the numbers kept growing. Finally, a stamp was stamped on it with a "click". Roy raised his hand, handed the report to his subordinate, and said, "Happy Easter."

As his voice fell, the branches outside the window began to grow, and green shoots spread from the branches, and Gotham's largest reconstruction in history began.

In the past, the renovation of Gotham was basically a matter of repairing what was wrong. Here, a warehouse was built if there was space, and a station was opened there. This caused headaches for professors who study urban planning at Gotham University. The reconstruction method was actually the least effective method, but at the time, there was no other way.

But this time is different. Due to a wave of floods and a wave of freezing, the volume expansion caused by the process of water turning into ice, the ice blocks cracked most of the surface, and if no repairs are carried out, it will be completely impossible to open to traffic.

Even if you don’t want your site to be transformed, you can’t do anything about it. The road has been destroyed to the point where you can’t even walk on the road. If you don’t participate in the transformation, then you can only stay at home and wait to starve to death. Gu Zong

It has come to this point, the bad is broken, and if you want to continue living, you still have to cultivate.

Overnight, Gotham's unemployment rate was almost zero, as people were needed everywhere to rebuild sewers, repair roads and collapsed houses, build new logistics facilities according to new plans...

This sounds unreasonable, because there is no output in a short period of time, but the organizer needs to pay a lot of labor costs, which requires an astronomical amount of up-front investment.

But thanks to the court of owls who have been bald, the unfortunate **** who were locked up by this big dog syndicate have tearfully plucked all their feathers to survive, and provided ample funds for the reconstruction plan of Gotham, even if If you can't make a profit in the short term, you can still stick to it.

With the money in place and the people in place, the reconstruction plan will go very smoothly, and the benefits of the subsurface ice are more than one.

Gotham is an east coast city with a humid monsoon climate and four distinct seasons, that is, cold in winter and hot in summer.

In the past, in April, the temperature has risen significantly, and it has begun to enter the hot summer, but the huge underground ice layer has changed the climate of the local area, and the average temperature of Gotham has dropped by more than 10 degrees, and it has returned to early winter temperature.

The citizens of Gotham City are very unsuitable for this climate, and they have a high incidence of colds these days.

But some people just can't find a place to escape the summer.

Not all the East Coast has a climate with distinct seasons like Gotham, and some places are very hot. By April, the summer is already hot. If these people want to escape the heat, they have to go further north, and now, Gotham It became the closest low-temperature city to them.

Of course, they didn't dare to travel to Gotham, but the climate change in Gotham also affected surrounding areas, such as Bludhaven, and for a while, Bludhaven's tourism industry boomed.

Bludhaven was nearly stunned by a pie falling from the sky.

It’s actually just a small city, because it’s too close to Gotham and there are no outsiders, so the development level is relatively low, and it has a lot of natural countryside scenery, and it’s not like Gotham, where it rains every day.

After the climate change in Gotham, Bludhaven has been sunny during the day and cool in the morning and evening, making people feel more comfortable and attracting many tourists from surrounding cities.

Because Bludhaven is too close to Gotham, a lot of Gotham's news came here for the first time.

But what these tourists see is not a terrifying city full of murders or bloodshed every day. All the news from Gotham can be summed up in one big word - lack of people.

As I said before, although there are many local residents in Gotham, the idle time is too long and the work efficiency is too low. Even if full employment is achieved, rebuilding such a large city is still not enough.

Although Gotham is a mega city, there are not many migrant workers. In this era of comprehensive infrastructure upgrades, the lack of labor has become the biggest obstacle to efficiency. The major gangs are looking for people like crazy, and even offer high prices to hire them. foreigner.

As the saying goes, when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds. There are always a few people who are not afraid of death. There are really a few people who dare to risk their lives to come to Gotham to work.

In fact, they are not completely curious, but because the price of the gangs here is too high, anyway, it is all the hair from the owl's body, and it is not distressing to use. The wages offered by the gangs are getting higher and higher. And it's still a knot, so people can't help but be moved.

After the outsiders came to Gotham, they found that the city was different from what they had imagined. Before, they thought it should be a city with a daily gunfight and zero-dollar purchases, but after coming here, they discovered that, Gotham is orderly.

Compared with other areas, Gotham is indeed very strange. The maintainers of order here are gangsters. They have a tough attitude, use violence, have many ideas, and are crazy, but the order of violence is still order.

When the whole city entered a frenzy of making the cake together, many of the shortcomings of the violent order were masked, while the remaining advantages, such as efficiency and stability, were astonishing.

It sounds absurd to use the adjective "stable" for such a city, but it is the truth. Outsiders have found that the order built by the gang is actually very stable, at least when money is abundant and everyone has a job to do. ,Is such that.

There is no shortage of outlaws in this world who are fighting for their lives for money. The news of Gotham making money quickly spread, and many such people began to hear the wind and want to come to Gotham to try their luck.

The influx of more and more outsiders has begun to make the internal situation of Gotham attract attention and discussion. The mystery of such a sin city has been gradually unveiled, and major media and newspapers have begun to appear about the city. figure.

Many people think it's a **** wasteland, some people think it's a crime capital where sin breeds, but more people, they see from these reports about Gotham, is a chaotic but rich super Metropolis.

The gang leaders here drive luxury cars, smoke cigars, and throw stacks of banknotes from the roof. Rock singers sing heavy metal in the rain of money. Behind them are all kinds of chaotic and gorgeous graffiti, and neon lights reflect the continuous flow of the road. The traffic flow, the crowd screaming frantically on the side of the road...

Just like Schiller, people began to realize that this is not only the capital of crime, but also the capital of genius, the city of sin and the city of art.

There has never been a city in the world with such absurd and bizarre beauty as Gotham. This is the soil of performance art and the paradise of incomprehensible lunatics.

Many people even found resonance from this temperament. They began to try to deconstruct the cause and status of such a unique city, and then they were infected by the overflowing madness here and became the spiritual residents of the city of sin.

Artists worship madness, know-it-alls cry out for freedom, fools live absurdly, smart people make big fortunes, and the chaos of Gotham breeds so many different souls that nowhere has ever been so different.

When this kind of temperament began to be gradually recognized by people, the image of Gotham also changed from the evil capital of the degenerate human nature to the root of evil with a hint of divinity and mystery.

It's hard to say it's a good change, but at least there's a change.

This change in the external image has also brought about other changes. For example, the phone of the admissions consultation office of Gotham University began to ring, and some young people who pursued rebellion and curiosity began to include Gotham University in their list of schools to apply for.

But Gotham University teachers didn’t have much time to answer questions. Of course, freezing Gotham also affected the teaching facilities of Gotham University.

Due to the large-scale cracks in the school square and playground, the students were unable to move, and the teaching building became a dilapidated building overnight due to damage to the foundation, and no one dared to go there. , teachers and students can only do it themselves.

Almost all of the original pre-Easter activities were canceled, and the restaurant building collapsed in a corner, let alone organizing any dinner parties. Everyone seemed to have forgotten about Easter. At this time, everyone was concentrating on rebuilding the campus.

Schiller led a few students through the corridor quickly and came to the door of the large classroom. After opening the door, the students saw him and hurriedly shouted: "Professor! Here! We can't hold him anymore! "

Schiller walked over, and several students pressed a boy who was struggling frantically. He kept waving his arms and shouting, foaming at the mouth and twitching, like a mental illness.

"Subdued him first, then carried him into the car and took him to the hospital," Schiller said.

After Schiller followed the car to the Arkham Mental Hospital, before he could go to the hospital for treatment, he called again, and Victor said there: "There is another person in the dormitory building No. 2 who is sick, it seems that a big Second girl, what the **** is going on?"

"It may be the sequelae of the I must conduct a detailed examination. If there are more cases, you will be sent directly to the hospital."

After Schiller hung up the phone, he came to the boy's ward. Through the observation window, he saw that the boy hid to the side of the bed with a face full of fear, and kept shouting out meaningless syllables, and Schiller shook his head. He shook his head and said in a low voice, "There is something wrong with this symptom..."

He called Victor and said, "Have these students been exposed to anything lately?"

"You didn't say it was raining..."

"The symptoms are not the same as the rain. Although there are symptoms of convulsions and hyperactivity, the details are somewhat different."

"What have you been in contact with..." Victor over there was very puzzled, and he said: "Let me ask you, these two students are not in the same class... Oh! Wait! What are you talking about? Damn... ...another person is sick! Where is he? Take me there..."

Then Victor ran and said to the other end of the phone, "Another student has fallen ill. When I find something in common, I'll let you know..."

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