American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 1305: Interstellar Stage (12)

"Seriously, Gwen, you really should think about what I said before that the two of us share the same account. Nick will never be able to tell who is who between the two of us. He has no daughter, and it is absolutely impossible to tell this age. Duan's girl."

Gwen Spider-Man dragged Gwen from this world into the gate of the expo. They met when they were checking cars at the gate.

Of course, this is not the first time they have met, they have met in the laboratory before, and Gwen Spider-Man has been trying to persuade his counterparts from different worlds to help him take over.

"Oh my God, Miss Stacey, stop talking nonsense! Even if we both can do research and I haven't been bitten by a spider, how can I swing between those buildings?" Gwen spread out hand, looking helplessly at his peers and said.

"Seriously, you never thought of flying over the city like Peter?" Gwen Spider-Man wanted to appear more lively, perhaps she was the exuberant energy brought to her by the spider mutation, which made her speech speed change. move faster and therefore appear more active.

"I'm not interested at all." Gwen shook her head, sighed and said, "I was lucky enough to be carried by him and flew a few times. My dad explained that Peter is not the kind of man who becomes bad when he has money, he didn't buy a sports car, and he didn't take me to go racing."

"Please!" Gwen Spider-Man grabbed Gwen's arm, dragged her voice and began to act coquettishly, she said, "It's really cool to swing by yourself and someone else's hug."

"But I haven't mutated, how can I fly?"

"Isn't this simple? Now the spider suits are getting more and more advanced, and they are all attached with magic. I will go to my acquaintances in the Holy of Holies and ask them to change the magic when they are enchanted. It will definitely be able to mutate really like a spider." It’s hard to tell if it’s fake.”

Gwen sighed helplessly, reached out and buttoned Gwen's Spider-Man's hood, strode in, and said as he walked, "Don't think I don't know, I've been Director Nick's assistant for two weeks, You must have learned a lot about macroeconomics from him and Dr. Shiller, and you want to use my identity to open another account, and each person receives two basic salaries."

"Absolutely not!" Gwen Spiderman denied without thinking.

Gwen Spider-Man stepped forward and grabbed Gwen's arm, Gwen dragged her in helplessly like dragging an oil bottle. After the two entered the exhibition hall, they were attracted by those huge machines at the same time. .

"My God, is this the engine of the Skytrain? It's so big." Gwen said in amazement, "I didn't feel it when I was riding in the car."

Gwen Spiderman also turned her head to look at the surrounding exhibits. She was more interested in the train shell, so she walked to the materials booth.

But suddenly, she misunderstood and saw a familiar figure, Gwen's hair stood on end immediately, but she soon relaxed again, she let out a breath, put her hands on her hips, looked at the girl next to her and said, "Spider silk? ! Why are you walking silently? You scared me to death."

The spider silk also looked at the introduction of the materials in the showcase with great interest. She turned her head and smiled apologetically, and said, "It seems that the spider silk in your world made you nervous."

"Of course, she is completely crazy!" Gwen said angrily: "If there is anything bad, just look for her."

Spider Silk sighed softly, as if thinking of something, she looked at Gwen and said, "There are so many Peter Parkers in this universe, don't you see a trace of him in anyone?"

Gwen Spider-Man turned his head back silently, folded his arms and said, "Just take care of yourself, don't worry, I'm not interested in The Amazing Spider-Man."

"I've already broken up with him." Zhusi pointed her chin with her finger and said, "That day, Spidergirl's bag was thrown at him, and he saw the letter that Spidergirl wrote to his mother, that is, to Letters from Mary Jane."

"After reading that letter, he was sad for a long time. In another universe, he and Mary Jane even had children, but they still couldn't live together safely, and he started to feel depressed."

"I guess it's not just because of this." Gwen's voice sank, and she blinked and said, "He heard the story of the badly injured Spider-Man, and he felt that he had a huge burden." He is responsible for the disasters that befall the earth one after another, so there is no need to drag another person into the water."

"He only sees me as his emotional comfort when he is depressed." Spider Silk's tone was calm, and she continued: "But I hope he can face up to his feelings for Mary Jane. They are always entangled and never recognize each other. Clear yourself."

"I have more reasons to hate Mary Jane than you." Gwen frowned and said, "Most Peter Parkers have forgotten me."

"But you don't think so. You're duplicity. What makes you sad is not that Peter has invested in a new relationship, but that he and Mary Jane are not so suitable, and they are always consuming each other's love and affection."

Gwen Spider-Man lowered his head gently, and did not refute, Spider Silk said again: "But in this world, there are always few couples who are as in love with Peter as you and Peter, and who understand each other to the extreme. Rubbing each other, understanding in pain, and letting the blood of the wound blend."

"Does this really make sense?" Gwen Spider-Man muttered.

"Why don't you try it?" Spider Silk looked at Gwen Spider-Man and said, "I worked as an assistant in a nursing home for a while, and I can only tell you that the results of your psychological evaluation report are not optimistic. personal consciousness is being lost."

"You have a strong desire to work hard for a certain goal, but you gradually lose yourself. You are also a human being. You need to have a personal career and a love life, instead of rushing to dedicate your life to your universe."

"Dr. Schiller asked you to persuade me?" Gwen turned to look at her and asked.

Spider Silk shook his head and said: "It's completely personal. In all universes, you are also a very special Spider-Man. You are the scar of all Peter Parkers, but also their hope."

"Whether you feel it or not, every Peter Parker is paying more or less attention to you. They know that you are not their Gwen, just like you know that they are not your Peter."

"But they want better for you, just like you want better for them, don't they?"

Gwen stood there silently, through the mask, Spider Silk didn't know if there was a trace of sadness on the girl's face, but soon, a commotion interrupted their heart-to-heart conversation.

Spider Silk and Gwen Spider-Man turned their heads at the same time, and saw that the huge engine in the center of the exhibition hall was emitting sparks.

Gwen froze for a moment, then reacted and said: "Someone has damaged the ignition system, and the engine may become a bomb... Stop them!"

After finishing speaking, Gwen swung up at a very fast speed, but before she could rush over, several youths with similar stature and appearance suddenly rushed out of the crowd, and one of them waved his hand and said, "The fire wire is short-circuited, Ready to repair!"

In an instant, several youths jumped onto the huge engine like nimble spiders, climbed up along the surface of the engine with a "swish swish", and disassembled the casing with a movement that was too fast to be seen clearly. Drilled into the engine.

As soon as Gwen rushed to the front of the engine, she heard a crackling sound. She instinctively covered her face with her arms. After a "bang", a small piece of the engine's shell was blown away and rolled far along the floor. .

Peter Parker, with black and gray on his face, climbed out with a wrench and said, "Small problem, it's fixed!"

"Oh, Gwen, are you here? Huh? Wait a minute, which Gwen are you?" Peter who got out said with some doubts.

Gwen opened her mouth and was about to answer when she saw a group of people rushing in from the side door, carrying tripods with long guns and short cannons in their hands.

The reporters who rushed in looked at the situation in the venue and were all stunned.

What about the explosion? What about the large-scale mechanical accident at the important fair? Why is there no smoke and no fire? The people who visited the exhibition all stood in place safely?

Gwen Spider-Man looked at the Peter Parker in front of him, and determined that he should be at about the same age as the Amazing Spider-Man, and that he might be a researcher at a research institute in New York.

Sure enough, when this Peter saw Gwen, he scratched his head shyly and said: "Ah, it's nothing, I just came back from the emergency repair team at the Mercury Base, and I'm pretty good at emergency repairs, the debris that just flew out didn't hit you Bar?"

"I'm fine." Gwen shook her head, instead of looking at Peter, she turned her eyes to the back of the crowd.

The reporters who rushed in began to interview passers-by and the audience. A female reporter held up a microphone and shouted to an old couple who came to watch the exhibition: "May I ask if you have witnessed those terrible accidents just now? Are you injured? Are you injured?" To the feet?"

"No, we didn't..."

"Oh, thank goodness! You didn't sprain your ankle! It's a good thing those horrible accidents didn't take your life. You must be terrified?"

"We didn't actually..."

"Then you guys go and take a break... Hey, can this lady give you two minutes? What do you think of the Skytrain engine blowing up at the fair?"

"Explosion? Where did it explode?"

"My God, this terrible accident has caused great panic among the people, and they are at a loss! Let's interview this gentleman again!"

Just as Gwen was about to step forward to stop the reporter from talking nonsense, a Peter Parker in the distance gave him a wink, and Gwen immediately understood that this matter was not over yet.

Sure enough, a person wearing the uniform of an exhibition staff quietly approached the reporter and the crowd being interviewed. Gwen narrowed her eyes and took two steps back, deliberately getting out of the way.

She stood still, turned her eyes upwards, and saw a few black figures, which had already jumped onto the keel of the exposition ceiling.

In the shadow of the light from the skylight, compound eyes of spiders continuously lit up, and soon, hundreds of eyes stared at all the figures gathered in the center of the exhibition hall with malicious intentions.


The moment the gunshot rang out, the staff member with a pistol in his hand and wearing a blue uniform felt a huge force attacking his arm, and with a "bang", the world spun.

And when he was thrown down and lay on the ground, he only saw the spider army coming down among the intertwined spider threads.


Gwen Spider-Man knocked out the working staff with a punch, took out his mobile phone that was beeping, opened the screen saver, and saw a newly released task on the Spider APP——

"The hunt for the black hand behind the exhibition begins!


Thugs (3 credits)

Gunslinger (5 credits)

Technician (Credit 7)

Additional tasks:

Common Clues (10 credits)

Major Intelligence (20 credits)

Small Bosses (30 credits)

Behind the scenes (100 credits

Gwen Spiderman, who was holding the phone, swallowed her saliva, UU reading www.uukanshu. And when she turned her head and looked around, she only saw hundreds of pairs of spider compound eyes that were brighter than light bulbs.

In S.H.I.E.L.D.'s office, Schiller put away his mobile phone, and Grant Ward said with some doubts: "So, the exhibition security operation has been cancelled?"

"Yes, you don't have to go, go do other work, and then transfer all the funds for this operation to my card."

do nothing

(end of this chapter)

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