American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 126: R: Bat Big Event (8)

After about 20 minutes, Stark went over the report carefully, then threw the stack of papers on the table and said, "It's all bullshit."

"Anyone with a college education in biology and above can see that this is complete nonsense."

"After all, I'm a psychiatrist, and I don't have any educational background in biology, and this is just an outline. The specific content to be filled in depends on you genius scientists..."

Stark hesitated, took the report again, and said, "It may seem very reasonable to a layman, but it's actually very outrageous, but I just thought about it and it seems a little reasonable..."

Stark squeezed the report with a tangled face and said, "Vampire blood contains immortality factors that humans can use? This is too ridiculous... Forget it, can you explain this part in detail?"

"Didn't Dr. Connors already say it? Their blood contains a magical factor that cannot be deciphered by science, so I will give it a name called 'Eternal Life Factor', isn't it too much?"

"Well, it barely makes sense. After all, among these people, you are the only one who understands magic. Besides..." Stark hesitated and asked, "Are you sure this factor can really make people live forever?"

"It doesn't matter if you can really immortalize people, what matters is, did you have any impulse when you saw this conclusion?"

"Or, what were you thinking when you just asked this question?"

Stark pursed his lips, lowered his eyes, then put down the stack of documents as if nothing had happened, and said, "Well, I admit, any human will have this kind of idea, if only I could live forever..."

"I'm not greedy, but I really feel that if I can have 500 years... no, just 300 years, if I can live 300 years, then I can really change the world..."

His Adam's apple moved, then turned his head to look out the window and said, "You are really a devil, when I saw this sentence, I even wanted to use some uncontrollable force to arrest and study it. These monsters..."

"No one can resist this temptation," Schiller said. "Even if he is a saint, he will have a sad feeling when he has a lifespan of less than 100 years."

"This is human beings. Humans tend to live short and brilliant lives, and we are often proud of this."

"But if it's not short, will you not be tempted?"

Stark spread his hands and said, "Well, are you trying to convince Congress and the Security Council this way? Make them want to gain immortality and then deal with vampires?"

"No, I want to use this method to convince you."

"Convince me? Convince me for what? Am I not firm enough to deal with vampires? Even without this temptation, I would want to destroy them all."

"The problem is the method of elimination. Your individual mechas are not very effective against them, but once a large-scale armed force is activated, it will attract the fear of too many forces, but in fact, you have a better way to go.”

"what do you mean?"

Schiller took a pair of headphones from his coat pocket, handed it to Stark, and said, "I have a guest who should be in the conference room by now."

"Thank you for giving me the highest level of security, so that I can invite others to be guests in your capacity."

"Wait! Who did you invite?" Stark put on his headphones, and then he was pushed out of the lab by Schiller. He had a very bad feeling, and Stark said, "Don't tell me, You've invited someone important in Congress here, my God! I'm not going to deal with them! No! You wait...I'm not going..."

"Don't worry, it's not the politicians."

Stark stared suspiciously at Schiller, but Schiller didn't say anything. The two of them stared at each other for a long time. Stark said, "Damn, you liar doctor! Did you do it on purpose? I deceived the highest level of security authority!"

"Don't say it so ugly, you opened it up to me yourself."

10 minutes later, when Stark saw Norman Osborn in the conference room, he covered his forehead and whispered into the earphone: "I'm going to cut your salary! I'm not kidding! You put What is this old guy doing here?"

"Okay, now that he's seen you, it's useless if you don't want to talk. Listen, I want you to talk to him about a business."

"Business? Why would I want to do business with Osborn? Their technology is total rubbish..."

"That doesn't matter, go up and shake his hand now, and I'll tell you what to do."

Stark had a black face, as if he was on the execution ground, and shook hands with Norman reluctantly. Norman didn't mind. He was a standard American businessman, wearing a suit and leather shoes, with sideburns. There are some white hair on both sides, but the person looks very energetic.

Norman spoke first. He said, "Mr. Stark, this is the first time I have come to the Stark Building. It is much more advanced than I thought. It opened my eyes..."

Stark raised his head and made a "um" sound from his nose, and Schiller said in the earphone: "Look at people, as long as you want half of him to speak, I don't have to work so hard. "

"I heard that your company has mastered a healing serum technology and intends to sell it."

Stark could only parrot his tongue, according to what Schiller said in his earphone: "Yes, but we will talk about this later, and now there is a better business in front of you, you want to hear it. ?"

Norman's expression didn't change. He said, "So the healing serum technology doesn't exist, so what did you want to talk about with me?"

"The technology certainly exists, but we should talk about the appetizers before the main course."

"You should have heard of the accident on the Brooklyn Bridge, where hundreds of vampires are attacking humans."

"Yes, the military also purchased a batch of weapons from the Osborn Group for this purpose."

Stark took out a plan and handed it to Osborn, then he whispered into the earphone: "You just show him that plan? It's full of nonsense, and Norman also has a Ph.D. in biology. Degree, you can't fool him."

"He's not like you, he's a businessman first, then a scientist."

Contrary to Stark's expectations, after reading the plan, Norman did not point out the mistakes like a rigorous scientist, but his face became brighter and brighter, he said: "Stark Mr. Ke, I didn't expect you to be so talented in business!"

Stark said, "What? Ah, I mean... do you think there's nothing wrong with this proposal?"

"A genius hype idea!" Norman concluded. "Medicinal value! Yes, that's right...that's the word, I love it!"

"This is a great opportunity. If we can really package the body parts of vampires into nutritional supplements or health products, then we can definitely make a lot of money."

"Think about it, now that the raw materials are falling from the sky, whether it is the Congress, the military or other forces, they will support us."

But Stark said: "I want to remind you that the magic factor in their blood, we can't actually decipher it, and we can't be sure if it has the effect of immortality..."

"Does it matter?" Norman stared into Stark's eyes and said, "It's the best thing that can't be cracked, something that can't be cracked, we can't fully prove it's useful, so no one can fully prove that it's not. use."

Norman took the plan, he flipped through it again, and said, "Eternal life factor? Indeed, the name may be a bit exaggerated, but it is not a medicine, just a health care product, and the effect needs to be based on the actual effect. ."

"There is no need for us to promote it. Vampires are a living example. All of them can live forever, and they can heal quickly when they are injured."

"What's going on in Brooklyn right now is advertising at its best."

"The whole world knows that there is a species that can live for hundreds of thousands of years, fighting against humans with an extremely fast healing rate."

"Soon, the aftermath of this matter will continue to ferment, and the whole world will know the situation of vampires' comprehensive invasion of human beings, and their characteristics will be written on the front page of every newspaper."

"What's this? It's a worldwide campaign with huge exposure! What ad can match this kind of publicity?"

"At this time, our two companies will join forces. You know, the industrial giant Stark and the pharmaceutical giant Osborn. We have joined forces to prove that there is a mysterious factor in the blood of vampires that can prolong human life. It's quite possible, right? They're the immortals after all."

"This can even open up a new industrial field, research on the medicinal value of extra-human species." Stark learned from Schiller's words: "Not just vampires, there may be other creatures in the future."

"And what we have to do is to use our scientific and technological credibility to tell the world that these species have considerable medicinal value."

"That's right!" Norman clenched his fists and said, "I think so too. Once this time is successful, everyone will believe that we have the ability to identify the research value of alien species. Indeed, as you said, we can completely Open up a new industry that will bring unimaginably huge profits.”

In the end, Norman stood up without any hesitation and said, "I will now organize experts to perfect this plan, Mr. Stark, I have to say, although this idea is very genius, but your plan is written is really unprofessional.”

Seeing Stark's face getting darker and darker, Norman continued, "But I know this is because you want to see the sincerity of the Osborn Group, so you did it on purpose, I don't believe that the Stark Group can't even find a few biological experts."

"But that's right. Your idea is already worth tens of billions of profits. I didn't expect that Stark Industries Group and Osborn Biological Group would start cooperating under such circumstances."

"But I will say, it must be a good start, and you will understand that Osborn is a rare and trusted partner in this world."

After speaking, Norman and Stark shook hands again and hurried away.

Stark was still a little confused. He said, "What did he mean just now, I think, did he misunderstand something?"

"It doesn't matter, he is right anyway, but the biology experts hired by the Stark Group are busy saving the world..."

"…Salvation in the physical sense."

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