American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 119: R: bat big event (1)

The blade warrior looked up at the terrifying monster in the air. He took two steps back slowly, swallowed, then took out his mobile phone and said to the other end, "They are going to declare war on mankind!"

In S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick walked quickly through the corridor. The agents followed behind him. With the high-frequency footsteps, the lights in the office turned on. Nick held the phone and said quickly: "Jack! Go right now. Bring up the Queens defense map! Fiona, go to the vampire hunters in New York and ask them what the **** is going on?

Nick turned a corner, and the agents assigned to the mission left the team and walked towards their office, with more people following behind Nick, Nick continued, "Who is in charge of docking the Sunwalker?

"Colson, boss, it's always been Coulson."

"Give that part of the job to Sharon,

Let Coulson go to meet Stark immediately, once the vampires really declare war on humans,

We must organize the strongest resistance force as quickly as possible.

Natasha from which -

Walking out of the office and walking side by side with Nick, both of them walked fast, the female agent said: "

It has been confirmed that the information given by Sunwalker is accurate, and that monster is now in the sky above Queens...

"At present, the Sunwalker has shown a strong willingness to cooperate. Are we going to invite him here?"

"Let him go underground in District 2. He has been reluctant to cooperate with us for so many years, and now he has changed his attitude, which must be a big deal."

"I'll make arrangements now." Natasha said: "There is still a problem. The captain has already gone to the battlefield to make a preliminary response to the monster, but the follow-up battle plan still needs to be arranged.

"Let the battle team be ready to go immediately, no matter what the vampire is doing, we have to deal with that monster first."

Natasha took out the phone and said to the other end, "Clint, how are you and Daisy getting ready? The helicopter will depart in 2 minutes, please report back as soon as you reach the destination!

Nick arranged various tasks as he walked until he came to his office, where Coulson was already waiting, Coulson said: "I have contacted all the combat forces that can be contacted.

Before he could continue to introduce, Hill walked in and said, "Vampires do change, Director, I have collected their range of activities in the past 6 months, the entire East Coast vampire tribe,

They were all on their way to New York on purpose. As Nick's best assistant, Hill spoke crisply. She walked quickly to the screen, then turned on the projection and introduced: "About a week ago, at the junction of Queens and Brooklyn, vampires broke out. The fire well with the police, in which the vampire group arrived in New York only a few months ago.

"Furthermore, none of the 15 documented vampire attacks this month were committed by vampires native to New York."

‘Who is responsible for monitoring the movements of this group? ' Colson asked

"Now is not the time to pursue accountability..." Nick said: "SHIELD's laissez-faire attitude towards vampires is not without reason. If possible, I would like to drag them all out to bask in the sun, but we all know that this not.

"But this time it's different." Coulson said: "The premise of letting vampires go is that they have been roaming, at most, they are only individual attacks. Once they really want to declare war on mankind, then we will definitely fight back!

At this time, Nick's phone rang, he picked up the phone and said, "The Sunwalker has arrived? Well, don't act rashly,

Soothe him first, I'll go right over and he'll say to Coulson, "You go and keep an eye on Stark.

…Forget it, Hill, you go, you go to Stark Mansion to get in touch with Pepper first, Phil, you go to the psych clinic in Hell’s Kitchen.

"Shiller may not be willing to take action. He has always claimed that he has no special abilities."

"I'm not asking him to go out and fight vampires directly,

Colson, haven't you realized yet? We recruited him not for his special abilities, but for his brains

"You don't need to do anything, just stay there and listen to my orders. Once the situation changes, I will tell you how to negotiate with him."

After Coulson left, Nick quickly started the elevator and went to the No. 2 area to meet the Blades. After he left, the lights inside the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. lighted up quickly, and countless agents who received orders began to operate. The secret service was fully operational in just a few dozen minutes.

Faced with the invasion of aliens, SHIELD, which has an eclectic talent management system, is still united. After all, no matter which faction they belong to, once the vampires really go to war with humans, they must resist a dark underground In the reception room, the blade warrior Eric heard footsteps from far to near. When Nick opened the door, Eric stepped forward and shook hands with him. Nick said, "Time is urgent, let's make a long story short, first of all we're not going to interrogate. You, but Eric said, "Stop talking nonsense, I'll tell you everything I know. "

"Listen, that huge bat monster has a lot of background. You should know that vampires can become bats, and this ability is not without reason."

I will not introduce the occult knowledge related to the origin of vampires, but there are disputes within this group of vampires, and there have been disputes within this race about their origin stories...

"As you humans say, some people think that vampires originated in the Bible and were created by God."

But there are still some people, I call them bat believers, who firmly believe that in the depths of the universe, there is a bat totem, and it is the bat totem that gives vampires the power to turn into bats and **** blood.

"God-worshipping faction and bat believer faction have always been entangled, of course, god-worshipping faction has always been closer to human beings, and most of those who have contact with your high-level human beings are moderate god-worshipping factions.

"They think that humans and vampires are God's creations, that we are supposed to be brothers and sisters, and they have always been restrained among vampires, with many different rules, do not advocate killing, are willing to accept frozen blood, and like to live in seclusion Among human beings, participating in human society.'

"We have records of these people." Nick said, "even some moderate vampires will take the initiative to come to us to prepare for panic.

"Yes, but there are moderates and radicals. There has always been an extremely radical faction within the vampire group, which is what I said, the faction that advocates bat totems.

"They believe that the believers of the bat totem should be born higher than ordinary human beings, and as part of the bat god, they should be born to rule over human beings.

"I've heard about it." Nick walked over to the table and sat down, poured himself a glass of water, and said, "I know I've been trying out language classes. Can you tell me more about the bat totem? What? I guess this time Eric the Bat Blade folded his arms and said, "You should know my background, I'm not a full vampire. All the information I know comes from my vampire hunter teacher. , but I also have a few good friends with moderate vampires who bring me the latest news from within the clan...

One of my friends, who worked next to the famous Earl Dracula, recently sent me the message that the radicals, led by my nemesis Deacon, were about to make a move. "

It seems that through some kind of ceremony, they have obtained a prophecy that the power of the Bat God will come in the New York area, and whoever can obtain this power will be the new vampire leader.

"You know, originally everyone thought it was a lie they made up to fight for power and profit, this kind of thing is not uncommon

"Of course, of course, making up a plausible prophecy and then organizing some small moves is enough to put pressure on the opponent.

"But now it seems that things are not so simple." Eric also walked over and sat down. He and Nick were sitting at opposite ends of the table, with only a flickering light bulb above their heads.

He said: "In fact, this prophecy is not a complete lie. According to my investigation, they do have a ritual that can summon a shadow like a bat. This shadow can bring great enhancement to the vampire, but at a cost Just turn them into crazy bat monsters.

"It is also through this ceremony that they heard a voice and told them to go to New York. I am trying to find out the specific content of the prophecy, but I haven't gained anything yet, but what can be known is that the terrifying bat in the sky is now The monster, it should be the power of the so-called bat **** descends

"Okay, I've figured out the background story, now the question is, how to deal with him?"

Nick took out a projection device and played it to Eric. On it, Steve was chasing the bat monster Nick and said: "It's daytime, this bat is not afraid of sunlight, and it looks very powerful, and there are some Special abilities, and more importantly, he seems to have a lot of tactics, and he should have wisdom no less than that of humans.

"I suggest that you better not deal with him in the same way you deal with ordinary vampires. If he is really a product of the Bat God,

Then he certainly doesn't have those weaknesses of You'd better treat him as a general monster.

And more importantly," Eric frowned.

"This is a signal that they want to go to war with mankind in an all-round way. They want to welcome the arrival of the bat totem and then rule the world. Maybe you can deal with this monster.

But the next vampire attack, you must be ready.

After speaking, he stood up and said: "I will now contact all the vampire hunters I know, and the moderate vampires who are unwilling to participate in the invasion, we will try to form a front, at least for now, we stand with you Together,

Go to **** with those crazy bat monsters! ,

Nick also stood up, the two shook hands, Nick said: "The destruction of human society is not good for everyone, you can use this to impress them, if they still want to have a prosperous society to live, then the most Don't let those beasts invade."

Eric nodded, and his two black hands held together, also announcing that the bat invasion event had officially begun.

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