American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 104: Gotham Dragons vs. (middle)

When the staff reviewing the election candidates saw the name on the first page of the materials submitted by Gotham, they almost threw the materials in their hands.

Gotham's old godfather planning to go into politics? ? ? ?

Of course, calm down, it's not impossible, let's put it this way, Falcone's age, although he is a bit old as a gang leader, but that's because the gang changes quickly, and there are very few The gang leader has been able to hold this position for so many years, so it seems that Falcone is very special.

But when it comes to politics, there are a lot of people at the age of Falcone. Now the average age in Congress is in their 50s, and there are also old politicians in their 70s and 80s. If Falcone wants to plan now In fact, it is not too late to enter politics, because his starting point is much higher than others, not from scratch.

At the very least, if he wants to be the mayor of Gotham City and then a state legislator from New Jersey, no one can stop him.

After becoming a state legislator, if the Wayne Group is willing to continue to help him run for election, it is not impossible to enter Congress and even go a step further.

But the mayoral election this time was originally to clean up Roy's gangster mayor-style speech. This is a good time. If Falcone ran for the election, he was elected and became the mayor of Gotham City. It is equivalent to catching a great white shark in order to let go of a loach.

The state legislators believed that Falcone would not make such arrogant remarks as his godson, but the problem is that it is not as good as making arrogant remarks!

The king with strong mouth is annoying at most, but the first national service is terrible!

If Falcone really becomes the mayor, he will hold the entire above and the underground world of Gotham City in his hands.

How difficult it is to deal with the old godfather has been tested by countless individuals with their lives.

State legislators had to scramble to call Falcone's estate, and they felt spared the fact that the old godfather seemed to be just showing his support for his godson, not really wanting to run.

The godfather's own son, Falcone Jr., told them that his father was old and had now started to retire and had no plans to enter politics.

This news undoubtedly made everyone relieved. After all, Roy may be a petty mayor, but if Falcone enters the political arena, it may be an unimagined path.

With such a move, state lawmakers have had to step up their scrutiny of Gotham mayoral candidates.

Then they discovered that finding a real mayor among these candidates was almost as difficult as panning for gold in shit.

Anyone with a normal mind knows that being the mayor of Gotham doesn't last long, so there is no need to say more about the composition of the people who will sign up.

Of the 23 candidate applications submitted in total, 19 were gang bosses with names and names in Gotham, and 3 of the remaining 4 submitted applications were underage. The youngest was 6 years old, and the last one was A cat at Gotham's Gold Cup.

What's even more ridiculous is that among all the information, only this cat has filled in all the information completely, and most of the others can't be written down for less than two bottles of vodka.

If you really want to find a candidate who can be mayor in these materials, the state legislators are really big heads.

First, even if they can pick it out, it's a question of whether the person understands the rules of voting.

Secondly, if he is really selected, it is a bigger question whether he will scold Roy more badly.

The most important thing is that if they choose one of them, the other gangsters who have hatred against him feel that this election is a favoritism and fraud, then they will definitely end up being shot in the back and committing suicide.

Facts have proved that Gotham is completely a mud pit, and anyone who has a little bit of ties with this city will not have a good end. The state legislators are now completely riding a tiger.

Those who can choose are unwilling to come, and those who are willing to come cannot choose, so what else can be done?

The state legislators thought about it, and they found that it would be better to let Roy continue to be.

Think about it, Roy did not use more than 10 swear words in the whole speech, but those candidates, in the short 300-word application reasons, conservatively used more than 100 swear words. Whoever becomes the mayor, I am afraid that all members of Congress will have to protect their mothers.

In desperation, this election turned into a formality again. Roy stopped the censorship and became a candidate again, to the announcement of the voting results, and the re-election of mayor. The whole process did not exceed a week.

The impact of this is huge.

The leaders of these gangster cities are suffocated. They have long been tired of the reporters and critics who stand and talk without back pain. If they talk about people, these gang leaders who have been in the market since childhood are not afraid of it. Who.

It wasn't the coastal cities that were very close to Gotham that started spraying first, but Detroit.

If you want to say the worst city in the history of modern industrial development, you have to mention Detroit.

Between 1960 and 1970, when the oil crisis took a toll on the auto industry, Detroit, the auto city, went from a thriving industrial metropolis to a homeless, gang-ridden mess almost overnight.

Because the recession of Detroit's economy is too fast, not even more than a generation, the group of people who are alive now are watching how this prosperous city is dying. They are simply living proof of Roy's theory.

When Detroit fell, there was no savior. The ordinary people who were out of order overnight fell into **** almost instantly, with racial conflicts, riots, shootings, and countless Detroit nights erupted in the light of gunfire, just like the once prosperous The factory lights are just as bright, all night long.

In short, among them, officials from official departments, gang leaders, and civil representatives all stood up and denounced each other, and then joined together to scold those critics who were standing without backaches, and pointed the finger at Congress.

Schiller was also a little surprised that it would cause such a violent reaction. In the manuscript he sent to Roy, some radical debates had been deleted as much as possible, and some sensitive topics had also been avoided.

The purpose of this speech is actually just to pave the way for the subsequent urban union and industrial transformation and upgrading. Simply put, to fight a war, raise the flag first.

It is so that these criminal capitals in the same situation can have a reasonable excuse to unite.

Since it's not our fault that we're bad, what's wrong with us working together to make money?

But Shiller did not expect that this is actually the biggest dilemma for the economic development of the eastern United States in this era.

The cycle of economic crisis brought about by the fundamental contradictions of the system will lead to waves of unemployment, and the unemployed cannot be controlled and dealt with strongly, they will spontaneously form associations, and then become organizations such as gangs.

The existence of gangsters seriously threatens the local security, which in turn makes it impossible for investors to develop in a safe environment. After that, there will be withdrawals of capital. New investors are also reluctant to come because of the city's bad reputation. As a result, the economy has become more and more recessionary, more and more unemployed people, and more and more rampant gangs.

The prosperous maritime trade on the east coast naturally provides the soil for the development of illegal industries. Once the gangs flourish, they will naturally be all kinds of illegal industries.

The prosperity of illegal industries will instinctively repel those normal industries, which will lead to the further failure of normal industries to develop, so the city will fall into an endless dark cycle.

Most of the cities do not have such a strong man as Falcone, and they can find a way to bring an evil order with extreme violence in the increasingly vicious circle, and then bring profits through this order, which feeds back the entire social structure itself. path of.

Therefore, most of these cities cannot be like Gotham. Although they are evil but rich, most of them are messy and poor, and they are frantically testing on the verge of bankruptcy.

The resentment of people in these cities is definitely much greater than that of Gotham. After all, Gotham is actually ranked among the top in the United States in terms of infrastructure, population density, and living conditions, except for the weather and ecology here. The system is a little weird, but it is actually a very modern and prosperous metropolis.

But this is not the case in a post-industrial city like Detroit. The rapid development of the automobile industry has brought about an imbalance in the industry, as well as the backwardness of other infrastructure and human environment in the city.

People found that it was okay to have money in the past, but now that they have no money, this backwardness will bring all kinds of troubles and make their lives worse.

The so-called lack of comparison is more than enough. Schiller wrote this speech from the perspective of Gotham and Chicago, in fact, it still has a taste of Versailles.

Chicago and Gotham can already be regarded as the best in this type of city, and even Detroit can be regarded as not bad, at least once brilliant, and most people still have some foundation in their hands, Those smaller cities are even more distressed.

Almost overnight, the situation in the major cities on the east coast became a little turbulent. They felt that what the gang mayor said was very reasonable. If no one came to save us, then we would find a way to save ourselves.

What Ling Schiller did not expect was that the initial cooperation between Gotham and Chicago in the trinity system of Gotham, Chicago and Miami was quite effective, but he had not waited to start the next step, that is, in the trinity system of Gotham, Chicago and Miami. In connection with Miami, gangsters from another city came to the door first, that is, Imperial City.

Imperial City is also a unique city in DC comics. It is the hometown of superhero hunter Paul and a mega city on the east coast.

Of course, the situation in Imperial City is definitely much better than Gotham. There is still a basic order here. Gangs are part of the city, but not all.

But like all other east coast cities, the black industry is also the main source of income But the most famous here are tourism and casinos.

Imperial City is a city with beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. The gambling industry here has a long history, and casinos large and small have also become part of the tourism industry. In recent years, the economic development has been very good, and even most cities are going against the law. At the same time, there is still progress.

The mayor of Emperor City also has an inexplicable relationship with the largest gangster here. After all, it is almost impossible for something like a casino to not have a relationship with the gangster.

Roy received a call from the mayor of Imperial City on the second day of his reinstatement.

They exchanged opinions on the process of friendly exchanges between Gotham and Chicago on the phone. The two sides put forward their own views on the future development of their respective cities, and reached a preliminary agreement.

The two mayors who cared about their citizens shared their reflections on the painful history of the port city on the east coast, and also looked forward to a prosperous future. Both sides expressed their wishes for a bright future of win-win cooperation.

Roy will also go to the Imperial City for an inspection and visit next month to see if there is anything Gotham can learn from.

After hearing the news, the Twelve Clan said that everyone is responsible for the development of Gotham, and they are willing to do their bit in this investigation.

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The potential of the gambling industry is infinite, and it also has the basis for the development of tourism. Once the black industry like a complete black industry does not work, gambling and tourism are the best direction for urban transformation.

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