American comics: Old Wolverine, do whatever he wants

Chapter 96 Super Soldier Serum, Thor is coming!

A secret underground base on the outskirts of Sokovia.

The heavy door of the base opened, and a bright-colored metal figure walked in accompanied by a man in a suit.

"I thought you didn't plan to come."

Hill looked at the two figures and joked with a smile.

"Feel sorry."

Dr. Banna, who was wearing a suit, nodded politely and apologized for being late.

The metal figure on the side stood still, opened the armor, and Tony walked out, still looking cynical, and said nonchalantly: "Banner was attending a seminar, so he came late, and he is currently leaving midway. Gang, we have to go back after finishing the matter here, so we have to hurry up. "


Hill nodded, "We also want to solve it as soon as possible. Of course, this depends on your efficiency."

After saying that, he turned around and walked into a passage, "Let's go to the conference room first. I'm waiting for you."

Under the leadership of Hill, Banner and Tony came to the conference room.

In the conference room at this time, Steve, Natasha, Barton and other key members were already present, and they were all fully armed.

Steve was wearing a very familiar battle uniform, a white and blue suit. He was very conspicuous in the conference room and was sitting in his seat seriously.

Black Widow Natasha, on the other hand, wore a black tight-fitting suit that highlighted her stunning figure.

Hawkeye Barton is also in a black suit, with a quiver on his back and a slender longbow on the table.

Tony pulled out a chair and sat down. After looking around, he complained: "Shocking news, where is the hero? He's not here yet? I thought we were the only ones late."

"Thor doesn't like that nickname you gave him."

Natasha responded jokingly.

Steve replied seriously: "He is on his way, let us go first, he will arrive at the battlefield before the war is resolved."

"If I had known it could be like this, I wouldn't have to rush like this."

Tony shrugged and raised his hand to look at the watch on his wrist, "What time do we leave?"

"You have to ask her about that."

Barton pointed at Hill, "This operation was arranged by SHIELD."

Hill walked to the main seat of the conference table and pressed a button, and a castle built on a cliff was projected onto the table.

"It has been found that Hydra is hiding in the castle in the Sokovia Forest. They have established a strong defense line here, which is even enough to resist the attack of hundreds of thousands of troops."

Hill pointed at the castle on the projection and could clearly see that there were many solid fortresses scattered around the outside of the castle. The defense was of great importance, and there might be many dangerous bunkers that could not be scanned by satellites.

"So, this is our goal?"

Tony looked at the projected castle and suddenly lost interest. "If you want me to clean up this illegal building, I can bring in dozens of missiles at any time for all-round bombing. After the bombing, I guarantee that you will not even get half of it intact." There are no bricks to be found.”

Although Stark Industries is no longer involved in the military industry, it can still be easily done if you want to get a few efficient missiles.

If that doesn't work, he can easily hack into any country that has intercontinental missiles and launch a few missiles nearby.

"We are not terrorists."

Hill looked at Tony and firmly rejected his idea, and then added: "And destroying Hydra is only one of the tasks. Our plan is to retrieve the Mind Scepter. That thing is now hidden in the castle. Although It's an alien product, but we can't tell whether it will be blown up by your missiles."

"Besides, this is not the Americas. Launching missiles here indiscriminately can easily become an international incident. We must pay attention to the international impact."

Hill solemnly warned Tony not to mess around.

"Okay, okay."

Tony shook his head in compromise, "Whatever, the result is the same anyway, but you, SHIELD, are finally reliable for once. At least you found the scepter before it was completely lost."

"Tony, you have to take this mission seriously."

Hill looked at Tony seriously, "We only have this chance. If we can't get the scepter back, Hydra will definitely be on high alert, and we'll have no chance!"

"I have paid great attention to it, otherwise what would be parked outside would not be my armor, but my sports car."

Tony stood up and said, "Okay, since the goal is clear, let's start quickly. Dr. Banna will have a meeting later."

In the forest of Sokovia.

The motorcycle roared in the forest, startling the birds and beasts around.

Logan drove the second-hand motorcycle he just bought through the woods, and finally stopped in front of an abandoned ranger cabin.

Behind him, Victor and others followed closely in their cars.

Several people took off their helmets and looked at the dilapidated hut.

It seemed that no one had been to this house for a long time. The surroundings were covered with weeds, and there was some moss on the wooden steps. The surroundings were surrounded by lush trees, and the sunlight shone through the gaps in the dense leaves.

"Micah asked us to wait here?"

Victor looked at the wooden house and couldn't help complaining: "Can't we find a better place to connect it?"

Logan was also a little helpless, "No way, this is the location they chose."

Logan got out of the car and walked into the cabin.

Their task seemed very simple on the surface, which was to wait for the arrival of the contact person in the wooden house. They would hand over the goods to Logan and his team, and Logan and his team only needed to take the goods back to the farm.

But in this seemingly simple task, Logan smelled a strong sense of crisis.

After all, the Avengers were all in Sokovia, and basically all the first-generation Avengers had gathered. If they ran into them, the consequences would be disastrous.

At this time, Victor and his team also entered the wooden house.

The wooden house was very simple. As a temporary shelter for forest rangers, the wooden house could basically only provide shelter from the wind and rain. There was not even a chair, so several people sat on the ground and waited with boredom.

As a result, they waited for more than an hour.

Logan kept looking at the time, and the agreed contact time had long passed.

The long wait made Marcos and his team complain again and again.

"Don't people here have a sense of time when doing things?"

Marcos stood by the window and kept looking out the window, but there was no living creature outside except a few birds on the tree.

Victor was also waiting impatiently, "According to the time, shouldn't they have arrived half an hour ago!"

Irritation gradually rose in the cabin.

Only Logan sat in the corner of the cabin, frowning.

For some reason, he always had a bad feeling.

And just at this moment, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang. It was a call from Macka.

As soon as the call was connected, the message from Macka came hurriedly, "Logan, are you still at the agreed location?"


Logan nodded in response, "But the contact person hasn't shown up yet."

"They can't come."

Macka's tone was a little anxious, "I just received news that the goods were hijacked by Hydra. This batch of goods is really important and must not be lost. I need you to hijack it back from Hydra."

Hearing this, Logan frowned immediately.

He didn't want to have any intersection with Hydra. The danger level of this organization is even greater than that of S.H.I.E.L.D.

At least SHIELD can still abide by some legal constraints when doing things, but if they really get into trouble with Hydra, those guys can really do anything.

"McKa, Hydra is not easy to deal with."

Logan responded to the phone.

"I know they are dangerous."

McKa said anxiously, "But the goods must not be lost. You must think of a way to bring the goods back. This is really important."

Logan heard the urgency in MacKa's tone and hesitated for a moment.

"We only have this one chance. If we can't get the goods back, the consequences will be very serious. Logan, for the farm, and for you and the professor to have a safe place, you must find a way."

McKa's voice came again.

Since it was about the shelter, Logan had no reason to refuse. He could only sigh helplessly, "Okay, I'll find a way."

"I'll send you the address right now."

After hearing Logan's agreement, Maca seemed to relax a lot and continued, "You guys should rush over now. You must find a way to retrieve the goods."

After that, the phone was hung up, and a text message followed, which was the coordinates of the Hydra hideout.

"What's wrong?"

Victor came over to ask, and Marcos and John behind him were also curious. They didn't hear the conversation between Logan and Maca clearly.

"Something happened."

Logan sighed and simply told the information Maca said.

After the explanation, Logan stood up and sighed helplessly, "This batch of goods is obviously very important, we have to set off quickly."

"But... just relying on us, to fight Hydra?"

Marcos thought this was really a fantasy. After all, Hydra's army, and even the government army, were a headache. It was a thorn in the eyes of SHIELD. The power of a few of them was obviously too small.

John was also worried, thinking that this was an impossible task.

Victor, on the other hand, was excited, "What are you afraid of? I also led a team to fight those guys during World War II. It's not as scary as you think."

Looking at the appearance of several people, Logan shook his head, "Don't talk nonsense, we can't refuse this mission, go quickly, find a chance to sneak into Hydra, and then find a way to get the goods out."

Everyone looked at each other, and could only nod helplessly, walked out of the wooden house, and rode to the destination.

But just after driving for a while, several people heard dense gunfire coming from the depths of the forest.

"There are gunshots."

Logan stopped the motorcycle and signaled several people to stop behind him and carefully distinguish the gunshots coming from afar.

It can be heard that the battle over there is very fierce. The sounds of machine guns, mortars, and howitzers are constantly heard, just like a war.

"It doesn't sound good."

Marcos looked solemn and listened carefully to the gunfire in the distance. "Is it not just the Hydra people who are robbing the goods, but there are also other people who have set their eyes on that batch of things and are competing with Hydra for it?"

Listening to the gunshots, it feels like other organizations have also come to Hydra to intercept the goods.

If this is true, judging from the fierce gunfire, the strength of that organization should not be underestimated.

Logan frowned, vaguely guessed the reason for the gunfire, and waved his hand and said, "Stop the motorcycle here, let's go over and take a look."

Everyone hid the motorcycle and ran quickly towards the location where the gunshots came from. After approaching, they slowly lurked, leaned against a tree, and stared at the front carefully.

What caught my eye was a very majestic mountain, with a castle on the top of the cliff. At this time, there was gunfire below, and groups of soldiers in the trenches were shooting and shuttling through the woods.

"They are Hydra soldiers."

Victor noticed the Hydra logo on the chests of those soldiers, recognized their identities, and then looked at the position where the soldiers were attacking, frowning, "Who are they dealing with?"

On the other side, Logan frowned. After seeing the Hydra's lair, he was completely sure that the goods that Macka mentioned were the Mind Scepter.

That was something that both SHIELD and Hydra coveted.

Logan hesitated a little. It was still time to leave. He looked at the castle on the mountain. The Mind Scepter was in the castle.

It was almost one step away.

In the end, he still didn't choose to retreat. Perhaps it was an opportunity for them to completely muddy the water.

Moreover, Logan remembered that there was super soldier serum in the castle, and the professor and Victor needed the serum to recover.


Just as Logan was thinking, a loud noise suddenly erupted from the group of soldiers in front.

A laser shell fired from the air directly blasted the soldiers within ten meters of the explosion into pieces, with broken limbs and arms scattered and blood flowing all over the ground.

Logan looked up at the figure firing the weapon. The red battle suit was extremely eye-catching in the blue sky, and the limbs were spraying blue flames from the thrusters, and it flew quickly from the sky.

"It's Iron Man!"

He stared at the figure in the sky with a frown, "It seems that the Avengers are one step ahead of us."

"What should we do now?"

Marcos looked at the battle with a worried look on his face. In this situation, if they intervened, they would be beaten into sieves by both sides in an instant!

"Wait and see."

Logan remained calm and pulled a few people into the bushes beside him, hiding them perfectly. Through the gaps in the bushes, he carefully checked the situation outside.

There were only four of them. Going out would be a death trap. It would be better for the Avengers to consume Hydra's forces. When they find an opportunity, they will seize the scepter.


At the same time, the battle on the Avengers' side was very fierce.

Steve held a shield and shuttled through the trenches. He basically did not use firearms, but every enemy he encountered could last for one second.

This World War II veteran hated Hydra and was extremely ruthless. His super fighting skills and indestructible round shield made him an invincible god of war!

As long as the trenches he locked were basically not far from being scrapped.

However, Hydra's counterattack was no joke. The artillery kept firing, the rumbling sound of explosions was endless, the smoke filled the trenches, and the roar of the explosion was deafening.

The soil was blown up by the artillery, and gravel and soil were splashed everywhere. The shock wave of the explosion blew the surrounding trees.

But Steve was not panicked. His steps were steady and fast, as if he was a blue shadow. While running at high speed, his eyes were locked on one enemy after another, and he threw out the round shield in his hand.

The round shield flashed with cold light under the reflection of the fire, like a stream of light, accurately hitting the enemy, and then rebounded and hit another enemy again.

After several rebounds in succession, a soldier would be knocked down by the shield every time he hit. After the final rebound, the shield flew back to Steve, and he caught it accurately and hung it back in his hand.

"Is that... Captain America?"

Marcos looked at Steve in astonishment and couldn't help but complain: "Is that thing in his hand a shield or a tracking missile?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Steve rushing to the enemy, waving his fists continuously, and each punch was accompanied by a clear sound of breaking wind. With just one punch, no matter how tall the enemy was, he could be easily solved.

And in the air, the red and gold steel armor, like a bomber, kept launching missiles.

The Hydra fortresses exploded as soon as they came into contact with the missiles. The solid fortresses turned into scorched earth in an instant, and the bodies of the Hydra soldiers flew out along with the stones and soil.

"Good job, at this speed, they will soon be able to kill all the Hydra bastards!"

Victor couldn't help but get excited when he saw the Avengers' unstoppable performance in the battle.

After all, he had a bad impression of Hydra. They were real enemies during World War II.

However, as soon as this sentence fell, a rumbling sound came from a distance. Victor looked over and his face suddenly changed. He couldn't help but swear, "Fuck, is that a tank?!"

"Your crow's mouth is working."

Logan looked in the direction of Victor's gaze, and saw three tanks driving out from under the castle side by side, turning the huge muzzles, locking the Avengers, and firing without hesitation.

Boom! !

The deafening sound of the artillery echoed, and the shells whizzed through the air and blasted towards Steve and others.

At the same time, the anti-aircraft missiles in the corner also began to fire. The missiles locked by the thermal imaging rushed towards Tony. No matter how Tony moved, he could not resist the pursuit of the anti-aircraft missiles. It was like a hyena, biting Tony tightly.

"Damn, these guys even have main battle tanks?!"

Natasha and Patton, who were cleaning up the battlefield in the back, watched the artillery shells flying and couldn't help complaining.

Natasha pinched the headset and asked anxiously: "Captain, are you okay?"

Just now, the muzzles of the three tanks were all aimed at Steve.

"Cough cough cough."

Steve coughed in the headset. He was lying on the ground. The soil raised by the explosion almost buried him. After poking his head out of the soil, he panted loudly into the headset, "It's okay for now, Tony, deal with those three guys."

"Captain, if you see me being chased by three missiles that can kill me at any time, you shouldn't say such things!"

Tony's voice came. At this time, he was trying to get rid of the locked missiles behind him.


"It seems that they can't solve Hydra in a short time."

Marcos looked at the battlefield that was in a stalemate, "Let's go around and find a way to get into Hydra while no one is paying attention behind us."

However, Logan didn't mean to move, and said lightly: "Don't worry."


Bang bang bang! !

Just when Steve couldn't raise his head due to the pressure of the shells and Tony was busy with his own affairs, a roar suddenly broke out from the depths of the jungle.

A huge green figure rushed out of the woods. The huge body was running at high speed, and even the earth couldn't stop shaking.

At first glance, it looked like a heavy tank running at high speed, full of infinite suppression.

"Hulk, this guy is here too!"

Victor's pupils shrank. He had seen news reports about the Hulk's battle. During the New York battle, this big guy could blow up a spaceship with one punch!

"My God, this power, even from such a distance I can clearly feel the ground shaking."

Marcos was horrified.

John couldn't help but take a breath. He had only seen the Hulk on TV before, but now seeing it with his own eyes was much more shocking than on TV.

"Not only is he here, Thor is here too."

Logan was still very calm and looked up at the horizon.

At this time, thunderclouds rolled in the sky, dark clouds were dense, lightning flashed continuously in the dark clouds, rumbling sounds were endless, rough thunder and lightning seemed to split the sky and the earth, and the thunder roared like a roar from the abyss.

In the huge thunder and lightning, a figure rushed through the black clouds and rushed over at a high speed.

The fiery red cloak fluttered behind him, and all the thunder and lightning roared at the same time, as if welcoming their king, and the thunder in the sky jumped fiercely and harshly.

The thunder seemed to explode in front of their eyes, and the lightning seemed to fall on their heads. Everyone looked up at the sky and felt suffocated!

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