American comics: Old Wolverine, do whatever he wants

Chapter 94 Professor X loses control, mental flood kills the professor

Under the night, Logan and Victor slowly returned to the farm.

At this time, the sheep had been driven back to the sheepfold with the efforts of everyone, and people were arranged to guard nearby to prevent the appearance of sheep thieves.

"How is the situation? No one was injured, did you catch that guy?"

In the farm, Marcos saw the two people coming back and hurried to meet them.

After solving the problem of the sheep fleeing, he and Luna and others waited here. They wanted to go out of the farm to support, but they didn't know which direction to go, so they could only look forward to it.

Now seeing that the two returned safely, they were relieved and hurried forward to ask.

"It's okay."

Logan shook his head to reassure the others, and then said helplessly: "Let the guy run away, he has companions to support him, and his combat effectiveness is not weak. In addition, the environment in the forest is complicated, so we can only give up tracking for the time being."

"Is it really a vampire?"

Lorna asked worriedly.


Logan shook his head again, and after thinking for a while, he didn't know how to explain, "The situation is a bit complicated, and their identities cannot be determined at present."

While speaking, he recalled the words of the weirdo, and then added: "From the looks of it, those guys are like wild men, about two meters tall, can speak, and sound like they know Maca."

Not only did those weirdos know that they were from Maca's village, but one of them seemed to have a grudge against Maca.

Victor on the side also recalled what the weirdo said. After thinking for a while, he asked Marcos and others: "Has Maca offended anyone?"

At least one of the three weirdos had had friction with Maca.

Marcos and John thought about it and recalled their experience since they came into contact with Maca.

After a while, Marcos said thoughtfully: "As far as I know, apart from the patrol team, SHIELD, and some official organizations, he has not offended any people or groups. After all, he just wants to run the shelter and farm well."

John also added: "And this is obviously not an official act. If they knew we were here, they would not attack only a few sheep."

Logan listened to their words, hesitant to speak, but after thinking for a while, he finally didn't say anything, just let out a sigh of helplessness, and said in a deep voice: "The specific situation can only be discussed after Maca comes back."

After speaking, he glanced at the sheepfold, turned to Marcos and said: "You should arrange the sheepfold. Those weirdos should not come again in the short term."

After this incident, the weirdos should not approach the farm again.

Of course, proper precautions should also be taken.

"Don't worry."

Marcos smiled and patted his chest, "You are tired tonight, go back and rest quickly, leave the things here to us."

Logan nodded, didn't waste any words, and went home with Victor.

After a day of classes during the day and chasing monsters at night, they were really exhausted.

When Logan returned home, he found that Laura was also there, sitting on the sofa with Caliban watching TV.

When she saw Logan and the others coming back, the girl happily jumped off the sofa to greet them.

Caliban smiled and explained, "She heard that you were going to catch vampires, so she came here to wait for you out of curiosity."

Logan nodded and touched Laura's head lovingly.

Children of her age are very interested in some mysterious events.

"Is it a vampire?"

Laura raised her head curiously, and her two watery eyes looked at Logan curiously.

Vampires, which others were afraid of, seemed to be something very novel and interesting in her eyes.


Logan pulled him to the sofa and sat down, smiling and shaking his head.

"So, are they wild men?"

Lola sat next to him, still very curious, "I heard them say that the guy who stole the sheep was like a wild man, covered in hair."

Logan smiled and nodded, "Maybe, but we don't know, we didn't catch them."

"They? Are there many?"

She just heard that one rushed into the sheepfold to steal sheep, but now it seems that there is more than one.

"I met three in the woods."

Logan didn't hide it, leaning on the sofa and rubbing the girl's head affectionately.

"Are they powerful?"

Lola still asked relentlessly.

Logan looked down at her, it seems that after coming to the shelter, her personality has become much more cheerful. After interacting with the children more, she has become more talkative and no longer so wary of others.

"Not bad."

Logan nodded, recognizing the abilities of those weirdos. At least in terms of fighting skills, strength and speed, they are better than many ordinary mutants.

"Did you win?"

Lola looked at Victor, then at Logan.

"Of course."

Logan smiled, "But they still ran away."

After saying that, Logan looked around and asked, "Where is the professor?"

"He's upstairs."

Lola pointed to the second floor and explained, "The professor has a class tomorrow and needs to organize the courseware."


Logan nodded and said, "You watch TV first. I need to talk to the professor about something."

Lola nodded and looked back at the TV.

Logan also stood up, walked to the professor's room, knocked on the door and entered.

At this time, the professor was sitting at the desk, with the desk lamp next to him shining on the desk. He was wearing reading glasses and kept writing and drawing on the courseware on the desk.

Since becoming a teacher in the shelter, preparing courseware for the children every day has become his job every night.

"Logan, is that you?"

Charles heard the voice coming from the door, took off his reading glasses, turned his head and looked at Logan, "I heard them say you went to catch vampires, did you catch them?"


Logan walked to the desk and sat down, shaking his head and said, "And they are not vampires."


Charles became interested, "What is that, new mutants?"

"Not sure."

Logan sighed helplessly, "To be honest, I hope those guys are vampires, at least it won't be so troublesome."

Vampires are not good things. If they are really vampires, he can kill them without any psychological burden.

But obviously, those guys are not, and their image reminds Logan of an old friend.

"What happened?"

Charles saw that Logan seemed to be worried and looked at his eyes curiously.

After a moment of silence, Logan said with a struggle: "Professor, do you still remember Hank McCoy? The one in the academy before."

Hearing this name, the professor was stunned. His memory seemed to be affected by this string of names. He fell into a trance for a while. After a long time, he came back to his senses and said with emotion: "How could I forget? His code name is Beast, but in fact, under his fierce appearance, he hides very knowledgeable wisdom. If there was no accident in the academy, I believe he would become a very wise man."

After a pause, Charles seemed to remember the past of Beast, and continued to say with a smile: "His learning ability is amazing. I never dared to believe that he, a mutant who looks like a lion, can have such an efficient learning ability. The wisdom in his brain is enough to amaze any wise man. I really miss the time when I discussed with him in school."

Logan nodded. He had contact with Beast in the academy before. That guy is indeed a mutant who is surprising, at least in terms of knowledge, he is admirable.

"Why did you mention him suddenly?"

The professor looked at Logan curiously, wondering why Logan suddenly mentioned this name after so many years.

After a moment of silence, Logan asked carefully: "Professor, do you know where Hank has been all these years?"

As soon as this was said, the smile on Charles' face froze instantly.

"Where did he go?"

He seemed to be trapped in deep memories, and the expression on his face became deeper and more ferocious, as if he was trapped in the past that he didn't want to recall in his life. His brows were tightly locked together, and a terrifying energy gradually spread in his mind.

"I don't know."

Charles suddenly held his head with both hands. The tingling in his head made his scalp stand up with blue veins, and his palms kept slapping his head. "I can't remember it clearly. It was too chaotic at the time. Everything was a mess. I don't know anything and I can't remember anything."

"Professor, professor, wake up, if you can't remember us, don't think about it anymore."

Looking at Charles's appearance, Logan suddenly panicked and wanted to step forward and pat the professor to wake him up from his memories.

But before he could stand up, Charles's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, covering his head. His azure blue eyes were in confusion at this moment, and his ferocious expression was like a drowning person struggling in the water.

Buzz! !

A terrifying torrent suddenly broke out from the professor's head and continued to spread around.

The whole house trembled instantly, and all the furniture and equipment could not stop trembling.

Under the sky as black as thick ink, the invisible waves were like a rolling flood, constantly sweeping outward and covering the entire farm.

Everything on the farm was shaking as if it had entered a stuck video.

Everyone suddenly felt a harsh buzzing sound, as if it was going to pierce everyone's eardrums, like a wave, constantly washing the cochlea, stimulating the brain to keep buzzing.

In such continuous pain, everyone wanted to cover their ears.

But every muscle in their body was frozen, and their bodies could not make any movements, even the muscles on their faces could not move, leaving only the deep fear from the bottom of their eyes that emerged from the deep heart.

Even the air seemed to be completely frozen. The suffocating feeling of being unable to breathe, coupled with the buzzing pain in the head, made everyone feel the fear of dying.

The whole farm seemed to be caught in a great disaster.

"Not good!"

Logan looked at the professor's appearance. He could not forget the feeling of pain all over his body. The strong impact made his head split.

He knew that the professor had lost control again!

Logan regretted why he mentioned the beast to the professor. Those memories of the past made the professor's calm heart fluctuate again, and he could not suppress it at all!

Logan gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain, and staggered downstairs.

The shaking house and the painful head made him hit the wall several times, and he almost fell down the stairs.

He went downstairs with difficulty holding the handrail. When he passed the window, he saw that everyone outside was frozen in place. Under the strong suppression, everyone could not struggle, just like a shaking photo, with afterimages.

Downstairs, Laura was kneeling on the ground in pain. Perhaps because of her self-healing factor, she still had some ability to resist the impact. Looking at Logan running downstairs, she had a face full of torment and covered her head. , wanting to ask him what happened.

Caliban and Victor on the other side stood quietly, but their eyes were full of terror, and tears flowed from the corners of their eyes unconsciously.

Looking at this scene, Logan could only grit his teeth and continue to look for tranquilizers.

Only sedatives can calm the professor now.

And this is also the scary thing about the professor. The impact on his brain not only makes people feel physical harm, but also reveals the most fragile side of people's hearts, making the unforgettable pain that can never be traced out. It plays out in the brain over and over again, hitting people's hearts directly.

Even though Logan could stare at the high voltage at this time and could barely move, the past flashing in his mind, every scene, made that person heartbroken.

If there is no tranquilizer to contain the impact, the professor's impact will continue to wash away the entire farm, and eventually everyone will die in pain. The entire farm will also be completely destroyed by this powerful impact, and more than a hundred people will die in this incident. In the great catastrophe.

To everyone, the out-of-control professor is like a huge bomb that lights the fuse. Unless the fuse can be pinched, the entire farm will be destroyed!

Logan was glad that he was on the farm tonight and could find a tranquilizer for the professor, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!

Finally, Logan found the sedative in the drawer, struggled to climb upstairs again, and resisted the strong resistance, inserted the sedative needle into the professor and injected the medicine.

As the potion was injected, Charles gradually calmed down and the shock wave dissipated.


Logan let out a long sigh of relief and collapsed to the ground as if exhausted.

Even for him, facing this shock wave going up and down the stairs almost exhausted all his physical energy.

Charles, who was thankful to have come over, looked at Logan's appearance, and then realized that he had lost control. For a moment, his old face was full of fear, and he hid his face and said: "Sorry, Logan."

He knew very well what would happen if he lost control. He was very afraid, afraid that he would commit another unforgivable sin.

"Professor, it's not your fault."

Logan stepped forward to comfort him and gently patted the professor on the shoulder.

Charles suddenly raised his head and grabbed Logan's palm, "If there is a next time, please kill me, please. I don't want to live like this. I don't want to hurt innocent people, please."

He looked at Logan almost pleadingly, and that look made Logan feel extremely distressed.

"There won't be a next time, professor. Don't worry, I will always protect you."

Logan patted the professor on the shoulder and tried his best to comfort him.

But Charles's eyes gradually blurred due to the onset of the drug's effects, "Logan, you must kill me if necessary, don't be soft, I will only bring disaster if I lose control..."

Before he finished speaking, Charles fell into a coma due to the sedative.

Looking at the old professor, Logan felt an indescribable feeling of distress.

He took him out of the wheelchair, laid him down on the bed, and covered him with a quilt. Looking at Charles, who was still frowning even in his sleep, Logan couldn't help but take a deep breath.


Looking back now, what happened back then was still a huge blow to the professor, and it will always be a trauma that cannot be erased in his heart.

But this is understandable. After all, after the professor lost control, he personally killed his beloved students. Those students who were as close as family members died because of him...

This has put all mutants in the current predicament.

Over the years he had taken all the responsibility on himself and viewed death as relief.

Logan sighed helplessly, turned off the lamp, rearranged the things scattered in the room, then closed the door and went downstairs.

At this time, the living room was full of people. Marcus, John and others stood in the living room with panic faces, watching him go downstairs.

"Logan, what just happened?"

Marcus spoke, and the impact just now made him feel like he was on the edge of death.

Logan sighed helplessly: "The professor lost control. This is his old problem, but don't worry, it won't happen often. As long as you don't irritate him, he will usually be fine."

After listening to Logan's words, everyone fell into silence, looking towards the second floor with a little fear.

After all, the feeling just now was too terrifying.

After a long silence, Marcus said: "Let someone stay by the professor's side from now on. If he attacks again and no one stops him in time, I'm worried that the entire asylum will..."

Although he didn't finish speaking, everyone understood what he meant. The professor's shock was so terrifying that no one wanted to experience the pain just now.

Logan also understood what he meant. After all, the professor was a time bomb, and no one could guarantee that he would not be in a similar situation again.

"Don't worry."

Logan nodded to everyone, "I will let Caliban guard the professor with a sedative at all times. A similar situation will never happen again."

Marcus and others nodded and said helplessly: "Please be more careful in the future."

After saying that, Bian left with John and others.

After seeing off a few people, Logan took a deep breath.

He knew that the professor's situation could not happen again, otherwise they might be expelled for the safety of the farm. After all, compared to the morality of respecting the elderly and caring for the young, no one wanted to sleep together with a bomb that could kill someone.

"The professor is old."

As the door closed, Caliban glanced upstairs and spoke with a worried look.

"Shut up."

Logan scolded him.

"Logan, you can't deny this fact. The professor will not become younger because of your denial. He doesn't have many years to live."

Caliban spoke to Logan seriously, and then added: "The professor is not you. He can't be rejuvenated like you. Birth, aging, illness and death are the laws of nature. We can't change them."

Listening to Caliban's words, Logan fell silent instantly.

Caliban was telling the truth, and he also understood that the professor's age could not be changed.


This is the Marvel Universe. Rejuvenation may not be possible, but extending life seems to be possible!

Thinking of this, Logan couldn't help but sit on the sofa and think about it.

The best thing to get now is the super soldier serum.

S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra have been researching this thing for many years. Although they are all incomplete versions, after more than ten years, one injection can be comparable to the effect of Captain America.

But after the injection, it can indeed extend lifespan to a certain extent, and also strengthen the body.

If the current professor is injected, maybe he can reverse his aging trend and even become younger.

Thinking of this, Logan instantly became energetic, but the problem followed.

It's just that the super soldier serum is very important to both SHIELD and Hydra. It is a key project. How can we get it from them?

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