The piercing gunshots echoed in the dark night, bullets whizzed past, and hot steam filled the air.

Logan and the three fell to the ground and dodged the bullets.

Although the two old Mexicans were surprised at Logan's reaction speed, they obviously would not give up.

They quickly turned the muzzle of the gun, aimed at the four people who fell to the ground, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


Looking at the fireworks bursting out of the black muzzle, Logan's expression suddenly changed.

The four of them fell to the ground at this time, and they could not make any evasive movements at all.

In a hurry, Logan caught a glimpse of a trash can next to him, and immediately pulled it over to block him.

Bang bang bang! !

All the bullets hit the trash can, making a piercing sound.

Fortunately, the other party used a small-caliber pistol, which could not penetrate the trash can full of garbage at all, which also gave the four people a chance to breathe.

"Damn it, Conrad, you said it was safe here!"

Samuel tried his best to curl up behind the trash can, and cursed Conrad in the fierce gunfire.

"Fuck! These bastards who can only sneak attack!"

Conrad was already angry, and now he was attacked again. The endless anger in his chest needed to be vented. He reached out from his waist and took out the pistol, quickly loaded it, raised it above his head and shot blindly in the direction of the old Mexican.

As Conrad angrily fired all the bullets in the pistol, there was gradually no movement outside.

Logan shrank his body and looked down at a piece of glass that fell out of the trash can.

The glass reflected two old Mexicans running quickly towards the truck.

Seeing this scene, Logan was shocked and quickly got up from the ground, "Damn it, their target is that batch of goods!"

This is not an ordinary highway robbery, but a premeditated interception of goods!

Logan is not willing to give up the $20,000.

Seeing that the two men were about to open the door of the truck, he didn't think much, took out his pistol and pulled the trigger decisively at the two men.

Bang bang! !

After two crisp gunshots, the two men fell to the ground, their heads were all pierced by bullets!

The speed was so fast that they took their lives in almost one breath.

Looking at the two old Mexicans who fell, the three people who poked their heads out from behind the trash can were shocked.

"You... have good shooting skills."

Samuel looked at the fallen body, which was at least half a hundred meters away from here.

For a weapon with a short range like a pistol, being able to accurately shoot a headshot at such a long distance is enough to be called a sharpshooter!

Even Josh, who had always been calm, was a little touched.

Logan ignored the shock of several people, put away the pistol, and said sternly: "Hurry up and get in the car, we have to leave here, there may be more than two of them!"

The target of these two people was obviously heading for the truck.

Logan didn't believe that two small fish dared to openly rob the goods of the Holens family. Maybe there might be some organization behind them.

In short, staying here for one more minute might add a little more danger.

Logan's words were agreed by everyone, and even Conrad stopped refuting.

Several people got in the car quickly and left the town quickly.

But not far from the town, several dazzling headlights suddenly flashed behind them.

Logan, who was driving the truck, looked in the rearview mirror and saw three pickup trucks coming quickly towards the truck.

"Damn, there are really pursuers!"

Samuel, who was in the co-pilot, looked at the pickup truck in the rearview mirror, and his face suddenly darkened.

Logan was not surprised by this. He stepped on the accelerator with a stern look, and the engine of the truck made an extreme roar.

Samuel took out his pistol and loaded it, ready to fight at any time. He stared at the rearview mirror and said viciously: "Damn, these lunatics, can't they see the logo of the Lawrence Group?"

In this area, even children know that offending the Lawrence Group is not a wise choice!

Logan stared at the road ahead and responded in a deep voice: "They are robbing the Lawrence Group. This is definitely a premeditated robbery!"

Now it seems that this batch of goods is indeed some tempting things, and even makes many people want to offend the Lawrence family.

But at this time, Logan has no time to care about what these are. His mind is thinking hard about how to get rid of these pursuers.

But even if they have pulled the gear of the truck to the maximum and stepped on the accelerator completely, the speed of the truck full of goods is really not as fast as the pickup truck behind them.

The three pickup trucks are like beasts that have locked their prey, biting them tightly behind them.

Even the trucks driven by Conrad and Josh behind them have been caught up by two pickup trucks.

Two pickup trucks put the truck in the middle, turned the steering wheel, and kept hitting the truck in the middle.

Bang Bang! !

Under the impact of the pickup trucks, the truck kept twisting on the road, and the body swayed continuously, as if it would roll over at any time.


Conrad, sitting in the passenger seat, was furious, raised his pistol and shot at a pickup truck without hesitation.

Josh also drove the truck while taking out a pistol and shooting at the pickup truck on the other side.

Under the deterrence of bullets, the two pickup trucks finally got scared and slowed down.

But it was only a short while before they rushed up again, and the people on the pickup trucks also took out their pistols and kept firing back at the trucks. After a while, there were several bullet holes in the truck body.

The two sides shot at each other crazily on the wide road.

"Damn it, we are not as fast as them, sooner or later we will be intercepted by them!"

Samuel stared at the rearview mirror, paying attention to the battle situation behind him, his expression full of nervousness.

Logan frowned, and for a while he had no good solution.

At this time, an intersection suddenly appeared ahead.

Logan quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and said to the two people in the car behind, "There is an intersection fifty meters ahead. Turn left together. If I remember correctly, there is an abandoned lumberyard nearby!"

Before setting off, Logan looked at the mission map and clearly wrote down some important coordinates along the way.

After saying that, he turned the steering wheel sharply and turned quickly.

Joshel behind him also seized the opportunity, turned his direction, and quickly caught up with Logan's car.

The sudden change of direction gave the three pickup trucks no time to react, and they drove straight ahead for nearly twenty meters before quickly changing direction and pursuing again.

This episode gave Logan and the others a chance to breathe.

"Get rid of them."

Samuel looked at the calm road behind him and let out a long sigh of relief.

However, Logan remained calm and shook his head: "They will not give up. We must deal with these bugs."

Samuel nodded noncommittally.

Their truck is too heavy and cannot compete with the speed of the pickup truck. Sooner or later, they will be overtaken.

After driving for a while, Logan finally saw the abandoned wood factory marked on the map.

Many tree stumps that had not been removed were piled together, and there was a dilapidated-looking wooden barn in the middle.

"Hide the car in the lumberyard."

Logan took the lead in driving the car into the abandoned wooden warehouse, turned off the lights, and quickly got out of the car with a pistol and spare magazines.

Joshil also parked next to them.

Four people gathered around.

"What now?"

Samuel looked outside the wooden warehouse. At this time, the pursuer's car lights were clearly visible, and it only took three minutes to catch up.

"You go out, close the barn door, and hide in the nearby woods. I'll deal with them here. When the gunfire rings, you can take action and finish off all these followers!"

Logan ordered calmly, while changing the magazine of the pistol and getting ready.

"Are you alone?"

When Samuel heard that Logan wanted to deal with them alone, he couldn't help but feel worried for a moment, "There are a lot of people on the other side!"

Each of the three pickup trucks was full of people, at least a dozen people!

"Don't worry, I'm sure!"

After Logan finished speaking, he quickly climbed up to the upper level of the wooden warehouse and took cover.

Before going up, he glanced at Conrad.

This guy has been silent since the attack. He just held the pistol and was extremely quiet.

Logan doesn't have time to settle accounts with this guy now, the top priority now is to deal with the pursuers!

Samuel and others also knew that now was not the time to hesitate, so they quickly went out, closed the barn door and hid.

Logan was hiding alone in the dark and dusty wooden barn.

The moonlight passed through the small coffin and barely outlined the outline of the wooden warehouse.

This seemed to be a wooden warehouse that had been abandoned for a long time. Many things had been emptied. The wooden warehouse was gradually decaying in the years of wind and rain, and there was a rotten smell in the air.

Logan wiped the sweat from his forehead, held his breath, and listened quietly to what was going on outside.

After a while, the sound of cars was heard outside the lumberyard.

Three pickup trucks will park in front of the wooden barn, and sixteen people will get out.

They were wearing uniform black uniforms and were most likely members of nearby gangs. They followed the ruts along the way and got here.

However, this group of people did not rush in directly.

They all knew that Logan and the others were armed, and if they entered rashly, they might be beaten into pieces instantly.

"Stop hiding, I know you are inside."

A lean man walked out of the team, looked at the closed door of the wooden warehouse, and shouted loudly, his voice echoing in the wilderness.

"If you don't want to die, just open the door and hand over the goods, otherwise no one will leave here alive!"

Logan clearly heard the majestic shouting, but did not make any response.

He carefully hid in the wooden barn, took off his coat calmly, revealing his solid arms, and all the muscles in his body were tense.


The door of the wooden warehouse was kicked open. The rotten wooden door kept shaking under the violent impact, and all the debris fell off.

The bright car lights outside instantly illuminated the dim wooden warehouse.

Ten figures held pistols and entered with orderly vigilance. They kept scanning the surroundings.

But they didn't notice that on the beam above their heads, a pair of sharp eyes like a cheetah were staring at the prey below that was about to step into the trap.


The door suddenly closed, completely blocking the dazzling car lights outside.

The entire wooden warehouse fell into darkness again.

The breath of death fills the entire wooden barn

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