American comics: Old Wolverine, do whatever he wants

Chapter 89 Extreme Killing, Prestige Soars

The anger in his heart could no longer be contained, and his strong body could not stop shaking because of anger.

Logan looked at the guards who were quickly chasing him with a cold expression, murderous intent on his face.

His eyes were gradually filled with red light, and an unimaginable and terrifying high temperature was gradually rising.


"Quick, he's right there!"

The guards at the rear were still chasing after him. After seeing Logan's figure, they quickly called for the large troops to rush forward together.

But as he got closer, he discovered the red pupils in Logan's eyes.

A pair of eyes that seemed to be stained with blood made him look like a demon who had just walked out of hell.

Scanned by those red eyes, the guard felt as if the hairs all over his body were standing on end, as if countless invisible steel needles were pricking his body, and he suddenly felt horrified.

The fear in his heart made him unable to control his legs. His legs and feet gradually trembled. He did not dare to get closer. He only dared to stay ten meters away from Logan and looked at him with trembling fear.

The surrounding temperature has risen sharply, and the cold air blown from the central air conditioner can no longer stop the spread of heat. The huge laboratory is shrouded in this high temperature, as if it is in a desert.

The guard looked back at his teammates behind him. The army of hundreds of guards gave him great encouragement. He suppressed the fear in his heart and tried his best to keep his hand holding the gun from shaking.

"Boy, if you are wise, hurry up and arrest him, otherwise we will not be polite!"

He looked at Logan and squeezed out these words through gritted teeth, making himself look confident.


What responded to him were two terrifying red beams.

The dazzling light seemed to dye the entire corridor with a strange red color.

The air evaporated by the beam instantly rose into thick mist.

The guard's head was accurately hit by the beam, and the entire head was directly exploded by this terrifying attack. The minced meat and brains flew out with the skull, sprinkling the faces of the soldiers behind him.

Blood instantly splashed from the exploded neck, like a fountain of blood, spreading all over the ground.

The headless corpse fell down stiffly with a loud bang, its fingers trembled convulsively twice, and then completely stopped moving.


When the guard behind him saw this scene, his scalp almost split with fright, and his hands couldn't stop shaking.

Feeling the blood being splashed on his body, he was stunned for a moment. The fear in his heart gradually increased. Looking at Logan in the distance, his heart almost stopped.

"Fuck, damn, fire!"

Suddenly, a guard held up his rifle despite his fear and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Only then did the other guards react suddenly, hurriedly raised their guns and started shooting together.

Bang bang bang! ! !

The sound of intensive gunfire was endless, the hot shells being thrown out of the bomb bay jingled, and the muzzle of the gun kept spraying flames. Under the flames, bullets flew one after another to form a dense barrage net, like a heavy rain pouring down towards Luo. The roots pour away.

Pfft, pfft...

The bullet hit Logan's body, and the hot warhead instantly exploded the surface of Logan's flesh and penetrated crazily into the muscles.

The blood mist continued to disperse from Logan's body, and the hot blood filled his eyes like mist.

In just a moment, Logan's body was completely smashed by bullets. There was no good piece of meat at all. In some places, the silver Edelman alloy skeleton could even be seen under the clean flesh.

The pain that shot through his body made Logan couldn't help but groan.

Although the self-healing factor can ensure his immortality, it cannot help him block the pain in his body. The pain of every cell being crushed can be clearly fed back to his brain.

Now he is just enduring the pain of Ling Chi.

But even so, he gritted his teeth and allowed the bullets to wash away his body.

The next second, blazing light burst out from his eyes again, like two blazing fire dragons flying out of the magma, roaring and sweeping out.

The blazing fire dragon was like a life-threatening scythe, mercilessly sweeping in front of the eyes and ruthlessly penetrating the guard's body.

Part of the body was directly burned into a ball of black coke the moment it came into contact with the blazing fire dragon. Under the erosion of the laser, the black coke turned into ashes.

Without the support of his waist, the guard's upper body fell heavily to the ground, and his internal organs and blood spurted out from the fracture, flowing all over the floor.

His upper body, which was not completely dead, could clearly see his lower limbs being hit hard on his head. He was crawling on the ground with his hands in fear, and his intestines and internal organs were dragged out with a horrific bloodstain, while his mouth kept wailing in fear.

Perhaps at this time, they could also feel the final feelings of those mutants wailing in the incinerator.

As the red fire dragon swept across, all the guards were cut off. Some were groping and crawling on the ground with tenacious vitality, while others died directly.

The internal organs and intestines were scattered all over the floor, blood was flowing like a small stream, and the wailing sound echoed throughout the laboratory.

Some people tried their best to crazily stuff the fallen intestines and internal organs into their chests, as if they could survive if they were stuffed in.

But the blood-stained intestines and internal organs were extremely smooth. Every inch he stuffed in, another half inch flowed out. In this process, his life gradually came to an end and he collapsed heavily.

The huge movement here attracted more guards from outside to rush in.

But as soon as they stepped into the corridor, they were greeted by the endless heat vision.

The red high-temperature dragon swept across all the guards indiscriminately, and the incomparable terrifying power instantly blew apart parts of the guards' bodies.

The parts that came into contact with the heat line of sight were instantly carbonized, and the pieces of meat that were near the heat line of sight were quickly cooked and split from the body.

Bang bang bang! ! !

The bodies fell one after another, completely without any ability to resist.

Logan strode towards the guards, like a killing god, chasing those guards who wanted to escape.

At this moment, the offense and defense changed.

All the guards looked at this extremely tragic scene, and even forgot to resist, and turned around and ran.

But how could Logan give up on them?

The fire dragon sprayed from his eyes was like a sickle that harvested lives. With every cut, these guards fell down like weeds in the field.

In just a few minutes, the entire corridor was covered with sticky blood and body fragments. The guards' internal organs were intertwined and their intestines were fused together, making it impossible to distinguish them from each other.

The spurting blood almost dyed the entire corridor red, and the blood spots on the wall were like undried paint, constantly dripping down.

As the last guard fell, Logan reached out to wipe off the sticky blood on his face, but the more he wiped, the thicker it became.

This blood mixed with minced meat exuded a strong fishy smell and covered his entire face.

He turned his head and looked around, the white smoke from the corners of his eyes gradually dissipated, and the hot temperature continuously emitted from his eye sockets made him feel that his eyes were very dry, and bloodshot continued to spread in his pupils, which looked extremely terrifying.

He took a deep breath, and the air was full of the fishy smell of blood, mixed with the smell of many pieces of burnt meat, which was like a horrible scene that would only appear in hell.

But obviously, he would not give up. Those damn beasts must pay with their lives today!

He strode toward the hall outside, his heavy footsteps on the sticky blood, the soles of his shoes mixed with the blood, making a creaking sound.

Tap, tap, tap.

The heavy footsteps sounded like knocks from hell.

The guards surrounding the outside were more like survivors at this time, swallowing their saliva constantly, staring at the door with their guns raised.

Because of the obstruction of the door, they could not clearly see what happened in the corridor.

But the shrill wailing just now was clearly heard, and the howlings were like those from hell, which made the hearts of the guards jump into a straight line, and their faces were full of fear.


The door was slowly opened, and Logan, covered in blood, walked out slowly from behind the door like a messenger from hell.

His feet stepped on the ground and left two extremely clear bloody footprints, and the dripping blood slowly extended out like a line.

The guards looked at Logan, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

The pair of cold, murderous eyes made everyone feel as if they were in the abyss, and their hearts were in uncontrollable panic.

At this time, someone noticed the tragic scene behind the door.

The corridor was full of blood and minced meat, intestines and internal organs kept wriggling in the blood, there was not a single good corpse, all were broken into pieces!

"Shoot, this is a demon, shoot!"

The horrifying scene made all the guards feel their brains buzzing and exploded.

One of them roared in panic.

The next moment, everyone pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang! ! !

The fierce gunshots filled the entire laboratory again, and countless bullets were all swept towards Logan.

But Logan did not dodge at all, letting the bullets wash his body, and his steps were still very firm and slowly approaching them.

Seeing Logan approaching with bullets, the guards were completely terrified. They stared at Logan blankly. After emptying the magazine in the gun, everyone was completely stunned and even forgot to change the magazine.

"He is not a human, but a demon!"

One person trembled, his lips trembled, and his body trembled uncontrollably.


Suddenly, someone threw his gun away and turned around to run without hesitation. His legs trembling with fear made him stagger when he ran, but even so, he did not dare to stay here for long.

And his escape was like a wake-up call to everyone's inner shock. They looked at Logan with pale faces, and completely realized the consequences of not running. They ran like crazy. Some people fell down accidentally because of the shock, but they did not dare to get up. They crawled away from here on all fours like primitive animals.

Logan looked at the panicked guards, without any emotion in his eyes.


The bullets on the body were squeezed out by the muscles and fell to the ground with a clang. At the same time, the red light in the eyes bloomed again, and the terrifying high temperature attacked again.


The red heat vision was like a giant dragon, sweeping out without mercy.

With just one sweep, all the guards who were fleeing frantically were completely cut off. Weak places such as arms exploded instantly, and blood mist rose in the heat vision. Places such as the chest were instantly scorched and fell heavily to the ground, with blood and minced meat mixed together.

The smell of blood and burnt odor filled the air, and the gushing blood dyed the entire hall red. Some guards who did not die immediately fell to the ground and looked at their broken bodies, wailing in despair, and finally gradually stopped moving.

Seeing this, several staff members in white coats curled up in the corner were completely frightened.

When they looked back and saw Logan looking directly at them, their hearts almost stopped, and their bodies kept leaning back, tightly against the wall.

After watching Logan stride towards them, his face turned pale in fear, and he shook his head with a trembling voice, wailing in fear: "Don't kill me, I'm not a threat, please, I don't want to die."

"I'm useful, I'm important to them, you hijacked me, the pickets outside dare not attack you!"

"Please, I have children at home, they can't live without me."


This group of scientists who usually ignore life, at the moment before dying, finally felt the state of mind of the mutants they used for experiments.

The fear of death continued to spread in their hearts, every cell in their bodies was wailing, and their bodies couldn't stop shaking.

"Save these words for Satan!"

Logan spoke coldly, and the next moment, his eyes flashed red, and his hot eyes swept out.

Bang bang bang! ! !

The heads of the six scientists exploded instantly, blood spurted out, and the white coats were completely dyed red. Their bodies completely collapsed to the ground, and their limbs kept twitching.

Seeing this, several staff members on the other side went completely crazy, let out a sharp roar, and turned to run away.

"Satan, this is Satan!"

"The devil is killing people, run, the world is coming to an end!"


Logan looked sideways, and these noisy voices made him upset, and he said in annoyance: "It's so noisy, shut up!"

As the voice fell, the thermal vision swept out like a dragon, and the bodies of those people were directly split in half, fell heavily to the ground, and closed their mouths forever.


After doing this, Logan retracted the thermal vision, took a long breath, closed his dry eyes, and rubbed his eyebrows.

Using the thermal vision for a long time made his eyes extremely sore.


At this moment, there was a crisp sound behind him.

Logan was stunned, looked back, and found that it was a guard lying in a pool of blood.

He had escaped by luck before, and now he wanted to escape while Logan closed his eyes to rest, but God didn't help him. He stepped on the slippery blood and fell heavily to the ground.

"Is there anyone else?"

Logan muttered in annoyance, turned and walked towards the guard.

The guard in the pool of blood looked at Logan, who was covered in blood and looked like a god of death. The fear in his heart could no longer be contained. Tears splashed, and he pulled out his pistol in a panic and kept shooting at Logan.

However, perhaps his hands were shaking so much because of fear that he couldn't hit Logan at all. Until all the bullets in the magazine were used up, he couldn't even touch Logan's skin.

Seeing that Logan was still pressing forward, he kept rubbing back and subconsciously smashed the pistol at Logan.

The pistol hit Logan's chest, limp, and then fell to the ground, and was stepped on by Logan into a pile of scrap metal.

"Devil, you damn devil, you will go to hell sooner or later!"

The guard knew that he could not escape death, and he trembled and glared at Logan, gritting his teeth and roaring.

"Wait for me in hell first, Satan has an appointment with you!"

Logan snorted coldly, and the next moment, the violent dragon flew out again, piercing the guard's mouth, his head exploded directly, and his body fell to the ground, completely motionless.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, Logan said in a deep voice: "You are lucky!"

These guys, when torturing mutants, simply do everything they can. It is already very "friendly" to solve them so easily.

After solving this guard, Logan looked up at the surveillance camera on the wall and ignored it.

He had already frozen all the camera images in the main control room, and now everything he did could not be recorded by the camera.


At this time, Marcus's shout came.

Logan quickly put away the red light in his eyes, touched his burning eyes, and felt the blue veins on his forehead.

Then, Marcus pushed the door open anxiously, "Logan, are you okay..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed the corpses and bloody scenes on the ground, and he couldn't say anything anymore.

He looked at Logan in disbelief, "You... you killed them all?!"

He stood in the pool of blood in the hall, and the corpses on the ground were like a mass grave, lying quietly in the hall.

Logan, covered in blood, stood there calmly and indifferently.

Behind Marcus, Klaus and a group of mutants followed closely and rushed in.

In an instant, everyone was frightened to the point of numbness.

"Oh my god, so many guards, all dead?!"

"And these damn scientists, also dead!"

"That guy did all this? Who is he? This is too scary!"

"Is this really something a human can do?!"


All the red people couldn't help but mutter.

They were imprisoned by these guards, so they naturally knew how powerful these guys were. Although these guys were inhumane, their strength was indeed unquestionable.

However, now they were all wiped out by this person!

For a moment, everyone looked at Logan with shock in their eyes.

[Prestige +10]

[Prestige +10]

[Prestige +10]


Feeling the increase in prestige, Logan did not show too many complicated expressions, but just nodded indifferently, took out the USB flash drive he had been guarding tightly and threw it out.

"After you have seen these, you will understand why I did this."

The video files in the USB drive, let alone mutants, even ordinary normal humans with a little conscience will feel extremely angry.

Logan does not regret killing, but regrets that they have not been tortured accordingly!

Marcus swallowed his saliva, looked at the blood-stained USB drive, nodded and said: "Let's go out first, there is a patrol team at the main gate and we can't go, let's go to the back door to gather."

Logan nodded, took a deep breath, and walked in one direction, "Follow me, through the corridor is the exit of the back door."

After that, he pushed open the door of the corridor and walked in.

But as soon as they entered the corridor, everyone was instantly frightened by the horrific scene in the corridor.

There were corpses everywhere, and the body parts and broken bones and meat were mixed together, emitting bursts of stench. The intestines and internal organs on the ground were intertwined together, which looked as horrible as a slaughterhouse.

The sticky blood made people feel the stickiness from the soles of their feet every step.

Everyone looked at this shocking scene and suddenly raised their heads to look at Logan who was walking in the front.

Everyone realized that this was done by Logan.

In an instant, everyone's mind was completely blank, and only one sentence kept circulating.

"This guy is definitely a killer from hell!"

[Prestige +10]

[Prestige +10]

[Prestige +10]

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