American comics: Old Wolverine, do whatever he wants

Chapter 84 The enemy and I share the same origin, the activities of the patrol team

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Shelter Farm.

In order to complete the teaching tasks assigned to the professor, McCarter transformed a conference room into a temporary classroom.

Even the desks and blackboards were tailor-made for Charles to facilitate his lectures from a wheelchair.

In addition to the common subjects such as mathematics, science, and social studies, the curriculum also adds a new course on X-gene research.

After all, everyone here is a mutant. Knowing more about the X gene will also make it easier for them to learn and control their own abilities.

At this time, the classroom was full of students, ranging in age from six or seven to twelve or thirteen years old. These children either escaped from the laboratory, or their mutant abilities were discovered and were hunted down by pickets. Basically, I have never studied hard in the classroom since I was a child. Now that I can step into the classroom again, everyone seems to be particularly serious.

On the podium, Charles sat in a wheelchair and wrote a big X on the blackboard, then turned the wheelchair and faced the students, "Hello, students, in today's class we will talk about the origin of the

"I believe that everyone is familiar with the X gene. Everyone here is a mutant. You have been dealing with the X gene since you awakened your abilities."

Charles looked at the students and spoke slowly. While speaking, he looked through the lesson plans he had prepared. After thinking for a while, he continued: "But you may not be aware that the X gene is not actually unique to mutants. "Every one of us, whether mutants or ordinary people, has X genes in our bodies, but these genes are recessive most of the time."

"And some people's X gene is relatively active. After reaching a certain age, the abilities in the body will awaken on their own, acquire mutant abilities, and become mutants."

"The X gene in some people is not active, but due to the influence of external factors, such as emotions, major blows, etc., the X gene is accidentally activated, awakens the ability, and becomes a mutant."

"But in essence, we are all human beings. It's just that the X gene part of the gene chain has been activated. There is no distinction between high and low."

Charles talked eloquently to the students, and he seemed to have regained the feeling of teaching students.


At this time, Laura suddenly raised her hand and interrupted Charles’s speech.

Charles was not angry at such an interruption. He just looked at her kindly, nodded with a smile and said, "Laura, tell me."

He liked children who asked questions like this very much. It meant that they at least listened and thought about it themselves, which was a good thing.

Laura asked curiously: "According to your theory, does it mean that everyone has the opportunity to become a mutant?"

Charles nodded happily and said without hesitation: "Yes, theoretically everyone has the potential to become a mutant, but whether he can awaken his ability mainly depends on whether the X gene in his body is active. Some people Some people’s genes are very active and will show their mutant ability with a little stimulation, while some people’s genes are relatively inert and difficult to awaken. This all varies from person to person.”

After a pause, he added: "The differences in the X gene are all innate. We cannot change them easily, nor will they be transferred by our will."

After listening, all the students nodded seriously, but only a few frowned.

Carl, who escaped from the laboratory, questioned with a look of resentment: "Professor, according to your theory, we are basically the same as ordinary people, except for slight differences in the X gene. Why should the outside world do this?" Suppress us? Even many people don’t treat us as human beings?”

He has suffered too much in the laboratory and cannot understand why ordinary people who consider themselves normal have so much prejudice against mutants.

When Charles heard this, he also sighed lonely, shook his head and said: "This is related to the social sciences that I will learn in the future, but it is okay to talk about it now. Many people are prejudiced against us, mainly because of their inner fear of unknown forces. This is a normal reaction when faced with threats.”

"And not everyone hates us. Most people have been brainwashed by those in power. Those in power are afraid of the abilities of our mutants and worry that we will harm their current status and the stability of their regime. In order to eliminate these hidden dangers , we can only try our best to suppress us and the X gene in our bodies. I hope everyone will not have so much malice towards ordinary people. They are just ordinary poor people who have been deceived by the government."

After listening to the professor's words, Karl nodded thoughtfully, and then asked worriedly: "Then will we mutants gradually disappear? It is said that with the emergence of genetically modified foods, the number of X-gene awakenings has decreased sharply."


Charles shook his head decisively, "Mutants will not disappear because the X gene will not be depressed by the suppression of genetically modified foods. It will gradually adapt to the pressure of genetically modified foods. When they completely adapt to the suppressive force of genetically modified foods, they will follow these Evolve under pressure to break out of the cocoon and be reborn. As long as humans are still there, mutants will not become extinct. After all, the X gene exists in the innate gene chains, and humans cannot completely eradicate these gene chains. "

Charles always believed that the decline of mutants was only temporary. Even if their generation of mutants completely died out, even if all mutants disappeared, new mutants would regenerate in a few decades.

As long as humans are still alive, mutants will not really disappear, it is just that the X gene needs a process of adaptation.

At this time, another child raised his hand and asked: "Professor, according to what you said, mutants are actually humans, and humans are actually mutants. There is no difference between us. Strictly speaking, we are a community with some subtle changes in the genetic chain." ?”

Looking at the child's innocent eyes, Charles suddenly fell silent. He didn't know how to answer for a while.

He wanted to nod. In his opinion, humans and mutants were the same species, and there was no difference.

But now the hatred of mutants by humans outside makes him unable to nod his head.

He didn't want these mutant children to be hostile to humans, but he also didn't want them to naively think that humans were good friends.

People are all diverse. People who are stronger than themselves have some fear and even dare not approach them.

As more people have these fears, they gradually turn into discrimination.

This is the innate normal psychology of human beings, and it is not easy to change. Unless one day we can completely eliminate the strange view of ordinary people towards mutants, and accept these similar people who are different from ourselves from the bottom of our hearts, mutants and humans will Only ordinary people have a chance to coexist peacefully.

But on that day, at least Charles couldn't see any hope at the moment.

They need a mutant leader who can successfully break everyone's discrimination, so that humans can face the existence of mutants, instead of talking about it with disdain like today.

This person, he hopes to be Logan, and it can only be Logan, but the current Logan still needs a long time to grow up...

"Professor, Logan and the others are back!"

At this moment, Caliban suddenly ran into the classroom in a hurry, interrupting Charles and the children's thinking.

Hearing Caliban's words, Charles was stunned for a moment, and then said excitedly: "Quick, push me over and have a look!"

After saying that, he seemed to have remembered something, and turned to face these things and said: "Sorry, kids, I have some urgent matters to deal with now. You should study by yourself first. If I haven't come back by the time the get out of class is over, you can leave get out of class freely."

After speaking, he looked at Karl and said, "Karl, please pay attention to classroom discipline."

Karl nodded. They came to the shelter together from the gathering place. They had known Charles for a longer time and were more familiar with each other. Charles let Karl take care of everything in class.

After finishing speaking, the professor asked Caliban to push him out of the house anxiously, and at the same time asked worriedly: "Are they okay?"

"I don't know either. I saw them coming back on a motorcycle. Before I had a chance to ask, I came over to inform you."

Caliban also pushed Charles out with a look of anxiety.

As soon as they went out, they saw a motorcycle parked not far away.

Logan and Victor got out of the car with a girl.

After seeing that there were no obvious injuries on their bodies, Charles and Caliban let out a long sigh of relief.

After more than ten years of getting along, they have become like family to each other.

At the same time, Lorna and Sonia, who were busy elsewhere, learned the news of Logan's return from the guard at the door and ran over. The two circled around Logan and Victor.

Lorna couldn't help but ask: "Are you okay? Why did you suddenly clash with the pickets?"


Sonia's face was full of worry: "It scared us."

"Something happened."

Logan sighed helplessly and roughly told what happened.

"After escaping the pursuit, Victor and I lost our means of transportation. The pickup truck was destroyed by SHIELD people. Fortunately, we didn't go far and found a second-hand motorcycle seller on the roadside. Merchant, we bought a motorcycle and are just coming back.”

After Logan finished speaking, a heavy voice suddenly came, "You have a conflict with SHIELD?!"

Maika came over anxiously. He originally wanted to come to greet Logan and the others, but he didn't expect to hear the news that made him frown as soon as he got close.

Logan did not hide anything and said truthfully: "I had some conflicts with them and killed many of them."

After all, this shelter was built by Maika. Logan believed that this information should be truthfully explained to Maika.

When Maika heard these words, his face instantly darkened, "Logan, you are too reckless!"

He spoke calmly and looked at Logan with cold eyes, clenching his fists as if he was trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart.

Logan did not speak and remained silent.

He understands Maika's current mood very well. After all, not many people in this world are willing to provoke SHIELD. Once the SHIELD people target this place, the shelter will be destroyed in an instant.

As the founder of the shelter, he never wanted to see this happen.

After thinking for a while, Logan finally said: "I don't want to conflict with them, but at that time, there is nothing we can do. And don't worry, we checked carefully before coming back and didn't leave any clues. They You won’t find it here.”

After listening to Logan's words, Maika breathed a sigh of relief, but his expression was still cold, and he said in a deep voice: "Let's talk in my office."

After speaking, he led everyone to his office.

In addition to a few of them, Macca also notified John, Marcus, Klaus and others.

Including the professor, Clarice, and Logan, Macca's office was almost filled.

McKa sat at his desk, staring at Logan and Victor. He regretted letting these two dangerous guys participate in the procurement mission.

Logan didn't say anything, but he noticed that the whole office fell into absolute silence in MacKa's anger.

It seems that the people in the shelter are absolutely obedient to MacKa.

After a moment, MacKa broke the silence himself and asked, "Does SHIELD know the situation of the shelter?"

Logan thought for a while and shook his head, "It should not be clear, otherwise they would not easily attack me, but would follow me to find the exact location of the shelter before taking action."

MacKa was relieved a little, and then he said angrily, "Damn it, why is SHIELD here? This is Canada, not the United States!"

Although SHIELD people will also carry out missions all over the world, their main range of activities is still in the United States. There are very few people outside the United States, but why did they encounter Logan and his people!

"It should be something that happened in the prison a few days ago."

Lorna suddenly spoke, "The prison was in chaos at the time, and several of us used our mutant abilities. S.H.I.E.L.D. might be here to investigate that."

"I hope so." Maca sighed helplessly.

If it was just about the prison, it would be fine, because at least the shelter was not exposed, and they handled the prison incident very well, leaving no tails, so they would not find the exact location of the shelter so quickly.

After thinking deeply, Maca looked up at Logan and Victor, and still couldn't help but feel a little angry.

After all, he didn't dare to confront S.H.I.E.L.D. head-on now.

These two guys killed a lot of S.H.I.E.L.D. people, which was too reckless and too dangerous!

But the incident had already happened, and he couldn't chase them out now. He finally sighed helplessly and said tiredly: "There's nothing we can do now. Let's pray that we won't be discovered. Tell the patrolmen to be careful. Don't make any big noises in the near future, so as not to be discovered by SHIELD. Don't go out for a short time."


John and Marcus, who were in charge of patrol work, nodded in agreement.

At this time, Logan glanced at Clarice behind him, and pushed her out after seeing the image.

"This is Clarice, a space mutant. I hope the shelter can take him in."

Logan pushed Clarice in front of Macka.


Macka was immediately interested. The mutant ability of this department was almost as rare as that of the professor's mind department.

Clarice nodded, thought for a while, and focused on a pen on Macka's desk.

Ripples suddenly appeared in the space, and two cracks slowly tore open, one in front of Clarice and one on Macka's pen.

Clarice reached into the crack in front of her, and her hand emerged from another crack, grabbing Maca's pen, and then pulled it back, and the crack disappeared.

She held the pen, looked at Maca nervously, and then carefully returned the pen.

Although her mutant ability is not too strong, she can still use it at will in such a short distance and small space of less than one meter.

Logan introduced Maca: "She escaped from a laboratory and has been hunted by the patrol team since she came out. Now she has nowhere to go. I hope the shelter can take her in."

As he spoke, Clarice looked at Maca sincerely.

After thinking for a while, Logan said again: "According to Clarice, we should investigate the laboratory she escaped from. The people in the laboratory seem to have cooperated with the patrol team and have some abnormal transactions. I think we need this information."

Everyone frowned. The laboratory cooperated with the patrol team, which means that the mutants captured by the patrol team are likely to be sent to that laboratory.

This matter had to attract their attention. After all, some of their companions who were arrested by the patrol team might be detained there.

After thinking for a while, Macka looked at Clarice and nodded, "The girl can stay, but the matter of the laboratory... let's talk about it later. If there is any more noise now, it will be too dangerous for the shelter."

Everyone nodded. This is the only way now. In the face of SHIELD's search, they must hide themselves.

"You go back first, Logan, you stay for a while, I want to talk to you about something."

Macka waved to everyone, and everyone left the office, while Logan looked at Macka puzzledly, not knowing what to talk about.

Macka motioned Logan to sit down, and then looked at him curiously, and asked in surprise: "Logan, how are you feeling recently? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Logan was stunned by this confusing question, and asked in confusion: "Nothing, everything is fine, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Macka smiled, "Just a greeting."

After that, he opened his drawer and took out a small gift box containing a mechanical watch. From the logo on the gift box, it can be seen that this watch is definitely expensive.

"I haven't had time to thank you for Luna's matter. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to rescue her."

While speaking, he handed the gift box to Logan, "This is what I received when I was doing business before. It was a gift exchange with some business friends. It's just that this watch doesn't match me very well, and I have never worn it, but it's perfect for you. I'll give it to you as a thank you gift for saving Luna."

Logan looked at the gift box, waved his hands quickly and said, "This is all what I should do, and it's not just my fault."

"But this watch suits you best."

Maika suddenly smiled and said, "Take it, it will only rust if you leave it here."

Logan hesitated, then finally nodded and accepted, "Thank you."

"Okay, that's it, you can go, I still need to read some information."

Maika smiled at Logan, and then added: "Remember to have class tomorrow. The school in the shelter has been open for a few days, but because you and Victor are not here, the training classes have been delayed."

Logan nodded and left the office.

After the door of the office was closed, Maika looked at the chair where Logan had sat, suddenly stood up and sat on it, lightly touched the table with his palm, and picked up a shiny black hair.

Looking closely at the desk lamp, this does not look like the hair color that an elderly person should have at all.

More like a lively young man.

Maika looked at this hair, recalling Logan's appearance that seemed to be getting younger day by day, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

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