American comics: Old Wolverine, do whatever he wants

Chapter 20 It’s not nice to swear, Vibranium Round Shield!

Logan never expected to encounter SHIELD here.

He expected to be discovered by the patrolling guards, he also expected to confront other guys who coveted the goods, and even expected to be completely surrounded by the owners of the goods, that is, the Juarez family, but he never thought that he would actually Sensational SHIELD!

At this time, Logan also realized that the goods there could never be smuggled porcelain or antiques. SHIELD would not be interested in these things!

What to do now?

"They're opening the containers."

Joshelle suddenly reminded him.

Below, a S.H.I.E.L.D. task force is picking locks.

Logan knew that the goods had been taken away by SHIELD, and this trip was in vain!

He didn't want to give up the reward of 20,000 US dollars. As long as the money was credited, he could leave with the professor.

Now in Santa Fe City, not only the Lawrence family knows his identity, but also Donald and his gang are eyeing him. The longer he stays in Santa Fe City, the higher the risk factor will obviously be!

He didn't have time to delay any longer.

This time, the SHIELD task force is led by Black Widow. Her combat effectiveness is not too strong in the Avengers, so Logan is not without a chance.

After thinking for a moment, Logan withdrew his head, turned to Qiao Sheer and others and said, "You three, separate a group of people and lead them away, and I'll find an opportunity to intercept the goods!"

The three of them were suddenly shocked.

There are quite a few people down there, and they are all heavily armed, making them difficult to deal with at first glance.

Logan whispered again: "Don't hesitate, I don't want this trip to be in vain!"

The three of them looked at each other in shock. Seeing that the container was about to be opened, they had no choice. They gritted their teeth and stood up and jumped from the container.

"Hey, what are you doing! Destroying private property is a felony!"

Samuel yelled at the agents.

Conrad on the side took out his pistol decisively, pulled the trigger without hesitation, and shot an agent through the chest, causing the body to fall to the ground.

"Fuck, you're crazy!"

Samuel looked at Conrad's smoking pistol and was dumbfounded.

He had heard of SHIELD. It was an agent organization that worked vigorously and resolutely, even without regard for the consequences, because no matter how big the problem was, they could easily solve it.

Angering SHIELD will never end well!

Without waiting for Samuel to criticize, all SHIELD agents were already looking at them, and several dark muzzles were pointed at them instantly.

Samuel's scalp was numb when he saw it, and he turned around and ran away.

At the same time, flames burst from the muzzles of the agents' guns, and the bullets scratched out of the silencers and almost passed by the backs of Samuel and Conrad.

"It seems we are not the only ones eyeing this batch of goods!"

Rumlow put down his pistol, "I'll deal with them."

After saying that, he ran quickly towards Samuel and the other two.


At this time, Joshel also appeared on the other side at the right time, but instead of shouting, he hid behind a container, pretending to want to sneak attack, but accidentally touched the container and made a sound.

After seeing Natasha and others looking at her, Qiao Sheer turned around and ran away without hesitation.

When Natasha saw this, she frowned and ordered to the surrounding guards: "I'll deal with that one, the others stay on guard, and you notify Captain Rogers."

After saying that, she quickly ran in the direction of Joshelle.

At this time, there were only five guards left standing in the container.

Without hesitation, Logan jumped down from the container, turned his hands into fists, and hit the two guards directly below on the backs of their necks.

The huge force instantly knocked the two guards unconscious and they fell heavily to the ground.

When the other three guards saw this, their expressions suddenly changed, and they instantly raised their guns and pointed them at Logan.

Before they could fire, Logan quickly took out his prepared pistol and pointed it at the gun-holding arms of the three guards and shot them.

Bang bang bang! !

The silencer-equipped pistol made little noise, and its precise shooting skills instantly pierced the arms of the three guards.

The sudden pain caused the pistols to fall out of their hands.

Logan stepped forward without hesitation, and before they could react, he hit the two guards on the necks with his palm blade, knocking them out instantly.

The last guard was shocked. He was about to bend down and pick up the pistol with his other hand, but Logan didn't give him this chance. He swept out a whip leg and hit the guard's chest hard. The majestic force instantly knocked the guard down. Stun.

He did not kill these guards.

Intercepting S.H.I.E.L.D.'s goods and killing S.H.I.E.L.D.'s agents are two different things. The former may be fine as long as he hides himself, but the latter will have to endure a thorough roundup by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Right now, he doesn't want to have too much of a conflict with SHIELD.


As the three men fell, Logan breathed a long sigh of relief, put the pistol back on his waist, stretched out his steel claw and cut off the lock of the container directly.

The huge red container has several overlapping boxes of goods.

Logan took out the flashlight, covered the head of the flashlight with his hand, and then turned on the switch. The weak light shone on the goods through the seam of his hand.

But after rummaging around, I didn't see any goods marked BU-26 and BU-27 at all.

The codes of these containers do not start with BU at all.

After making sure that he had not missed anything, Logan frowned, a bad premonition growing in his heart.

Damn it!

There's something wrong with Chris' intelligence!

Logan cursed in his heart, put away the flashlight and turned around to leave.

"It's really a trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain. It's a clumsy trick."

A cold female voice came from behind, followed by the cold muzzle of a gun hitting the back of Logan's head.

"Tell me, who sent you here!"

Natasha stared at Logan and asked sharply, her finger on the trigger. As long as Logan moved a little, she would shoot without hesitation.

Logan stood there quietly without any response.

Just when Natasha was about to ask.


Logan suddenly bent down and tilted his head. His head tilted and he was instantly out of the muzzle of the gun. At the same time, he raised his leg and swept it backwards, directly hitting Natasha's soft abdomen.

Natasha was kicked away by the powerful force in an instant, and her slender body hit the container behind her.


Natasha took a breath of cold air due to the severe pain in her abdomen. What surprised her even more was that this person was not inferior to the SHIELD agent in terms of strength and reaction speed!

Ordinary people don't have this strength!

However, Natasha, who has a strong fighting quality, did not let the pistol fall off because of the heavy blow.

Even though her body was swept away, she still held the handle of the pistol tightly in her hand, and raised the gun again without hesitation, aiming at Logan in the container.

This time she no longer hesitated, and her fingers exerted force, and the trigger was about to be pulled.


There was no gunshot, and Logan kicked the pistol away with one foot, staring at Natasha, "Don't move!"

Natasha raised her head and stared at Logan, "Going against SHIELD usually doesn't end well!"

While speaking, she tried to see Logan's face carefully.

But since there was no light here, the only illumination was the moon 380,000 kilometers away, and Logan's face was really not clear. She could only vaguely recognize that this was an old man, at least in his sixties or seventies.

Is he wearing makeup or is he really that old?

Can a sixty or seventy-year-old really have such explosive power?

For a moment, Natasha was a little absent-minded.

As a top agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., her body's ability to withstand blows is much stronger than that of ordinary people. An ordinary person's full-strength attack can't make her lose her combat effectiveness directly.

But the kick from this person just now made her unable to stand up at all. The pain from her stomach seemed to explode.

"Where are the things in here?"

Logan pointed to the container with the door open behind him.

Natasha was stunned and realized that there was nothing in it. She snorted coldly: "You ask me? We didn't even have time to open the lock!"

Logan understood that Natasha was not lying. They obviously received wrong information.

"Damn it!"

Logan cursed. Either the Juarez family deliberately released false news about container No. 79, or they knew that this thing was very important and temporarily changed the location of the goods!

It seems that this batch of goods is definitely not ordinary. Not only is it so valued by the Juarez family, but even S.H.I.E.L.D. is involved.

Twenty thousand dollars is not enough for this order!

While Logan was thinking, Natasha quietly reached for the dagger at her waist, watching Logan's eyes gradually glow with murderous light.

However, her small movement did not hide from Logan, and he kicked out fiercely, hitting Natasha's neck heavily.

The powerful force instantly made Natasha's eyes roll back and fainted completely.

Logan looked around and strode away without hesitation. At this time, Samuel's voice came from the communication device in his ear.

"James, are you done over there? We have escaped, and the guys chasing us are rushing back!"

Logan responded in a deep voice: "I am evacuating."

If you can't find anything, it's meaningless to continue searching here. Besides, the people from SHIELD may come to support you at any time. If they are targeted, you can't get away at all.

At this time, Samuel's somewhat panicked voice came again, "That's good, see you in the car, we have to evacuate quickly, Conrad killed a SHIELD person, they will definitely not let it go, it will be too late if we don't leave now!"

As soon as these words came out, Logan's face suddenly changed.


He couldn't help but curse. Killing the SHIELD agent was a big deal!

However, just as he finished speaking, a clear voice suddenly sounded in front of him.

"Old man, it's not good to swear."

A tall and sturdy figure appeared. He had a typical American white face. The white and blue tights outlined his sturdy figure. His blond hair and blue eyes were enough to make girls' hearts beat. His eyebrows revealed a righteous spirit. He held a vibranium round shield with the American logo painted on it.

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