American comics: Old Wolverine, do whatever he wants

Chapter 111 Spider-Man, Peter Parker

"Is this the reception point?"

Logan looked at the candy factory in surprise. There were many cars and people here, and it didn't seem like a good place to meet.

"The agreed place is here."

Maika motioned to Logan to find a place to park, staring at the street outside.

"It seems that the shelter you contacted is quite capable. It is actually able to open a factory in New York."

Victor looked at this large candy factory and admired it from the bottom of his heart.

This is New York, a city where land is at a premium. To open such a large factory here would require an astronomical amount of funds.

If this factory was really established by the shelter organization, it would be enough to show that they have strong funds.

Everyone nodded with deep feelings about this. After all, this is New York, known as the world's four major financial centers. Those who can start a business here are definitely not ordinary people.

Logan parked the car outside the factory, turned to Maika and asked, "Now, what should we do?"


Maika looked at the factory gate, "He will come to us on his own."

A few minutes later, a bearded man wearing work clothes walked out of the factory. After looking around at the entrance of the factory, he locked the license plate of Logan's car and walked straight towards the car.

The bearded man looked around cautiously, then bent down and knocked on the car window.

Maika rolled down the car window and didn't speak directly, but just looked at him silently.

"Are you Micah?"

The bearded man asked vigilantly, and at the same time glanced at the other people in the car, his eyes were obviously wary.

"It's me."

Maika nodded, and then added: "They are my friends. They are all mutants and can be trusted."

After hearing this, the bearded man felt relieved and introduced himself: "I am the receptionist sent by Moira Mactaggart. You follow me."

After speaking, he waved his hand to signal everyone to get out of the car, then turned around and led the way.

Logan and the others quickly opened the door and got out of the car, following behind the bearded man.

Victor looked at the bearded man's back with some doubts in his heart. He strode up to him, pointed at the candy factory and asked curiously: "Is your stronghold a candy processing factory?"

The bearded man shook his head and said no.

"Then you came out just now? And you were still wearing factory work clothes."

Victor pointed to the clothes on the bearded man, which had the logo of a candy processing factory on them.

"I'm just working in there."

The bearded man said helplessly: "Most of the people in our shelter have to go to work. Stable jobs can help us hide our identities, and the salary can improve our living environment."

Victor was disappointed when he heard this.

I thought that the other party had strong financial resources, and maybe after cooperating with them, my material life would be more abundant, but now it seems that that's all they have.

While talking, the bearded man had already led them into a deserted alley. He looked outside the alley warily to make sure no one noticed, then he moved the sewer manhole in the alley and motioned for everyone to get down.

Logan and the others looked at the sewer entrance and couldn't help but look at each other in astonishment.

They could clearly smell some faint odor coming from below, which was obviously not a good place.

But the bearded man insisted: "Go down, the ground is too dangerous, we can only complete the joint below."

After listening to the bearded man's words, Maika could only nod and jumped into the sewer first.

Logan and the others had no choice but to enter with Maika.

The bearded man walked at the end. After entering the sewer, he carefully restored the manhole cover to its original position, and then led everyone to continue walking forward.

This sewer is very spacious, and even cars can walk in it without a problem. There are stone brick roads for people to walk on both sides, and in the middle of the stone brick roads is a flowing drainage channel. The stinky domestic sewage flows through that drainage channel. Go somewhere else.

The bearded man was used to the sewers, so walking was easy and normal, but Logan and the others obviously couldn't adapt to the dark and humid environment so quickly, so they could only follow the bearded man with a frown.

The bearded man walked at the front. He was like a rat that lived here all year round. He was very familiar with the terrain of the sewer. At the same time, he turned to explain to Logan and the others: "This is our stronghold."

Hearing this, everyone looked around the sewers with furrowed brows.

Water droplets seeped into the dark walls, and the lack of sunlight all year round made the place extremely humid. There was a musty smell everywhere, and some rotting domestic garbage emitted a disgusting smell in the drainage ditch.

It’s hard to imagine that someone would use this as a stronghold.

Marcus suddenly felt that the farm they were on before was a paradise. At least compared to here, the environment on the farm was much more comfortable.

Victor, on the other hand, fell completely silent.

I thought he was a wealthy man from a New York shelter, but he turned out to be a poor man living in the sewers.

In contrast, Logan can understand what they are doing.

After all, this is New York, a place with many people and many eyes. If you want to take root here, you must be perfectly hidden, and the sewer is indeed a very suitable base.

It's just that he understands, but the stench emanating from here is really difficult for Logan to accept. After all, his five senses are sensitive, and his sense of smell and hearing are much more developed than ordinary people. He really can't adapt to a place like this.

Everyone was speechless all the way and could only follow the bearded man's footsteps closely, trying to avoid stepping on some dirty household garbage.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the bearded man led them through the underground waterway and finally passed through a door and entered another basement.

This basement doesn't look too small, but it isolates the stench from the sewers outside and has specially installed lights. Compared to the sewers outside, it is indeed much cleaner here.

There were two sturdy guards standing at the door of the basement. They had guns on their waists and stood on both sides of the door like soldiers on guard.

The bearded man obviously knew them. After saying hello and introducing the purpose of Maika and others' visit, he simply conducted some inspections and opened the door to let them go.

After entering the door, Logan and the others were obviously a little stunned.

The decoration here is really not even minimalist. Apart from a lamp above the head, there are no other decorations, only a few tents set up in the basement.

"You guys live here?"

Maika's eyes widened and he looked at the tents with confusion. He couldn't help but ask: "How many people can live in this at most."

If their shelter was only of this size, Maika would be really disappointed. After all, these tents could accommodate more than ten people when they were full, and they were still very crowded.

"This is just a transit point."

The bearded man looked back at Maika and explained, "You can't go to the headquarters yet."

Hearing this, Maika and Logan breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, if the opponent's number is too small, then the support that can be given to them may be very limited.

Of course, Logan also understood the other party's approach very well.

After all, the current situation is tense, the mutants' living environment is precarious, and there are dangers everywhere. It is impossible for them to take the newly met Maika and others to the headquarters.

"I'm so sorry."

At this time, a clear female voice came from the tent, and then a woman walked out of the tent, with a beautiful apology on her face and said to Maika and others: "We have only met for the first time, so I can't completely trust you, of course. , I guess you are also wary of us. In order to prevent both of us from being put in danger, we can only receive you at the transfer station. "

While speaking, she walked up to Maika, showed a very standard smile and said: "Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Moira Mark Taggart, the person in charge of the underground shelter in Queens, New York."

Maika nodded, stretched out his hand to shake Moira's hand and said, "I'm Maika, I've been in contact with you."

Moira smiled and nodded, and at the same time looked at the people behind Maika. She saw Logan at a glance, and immediately said with a smile: "You must be Wolverine Logan. It's an honor to meet you."

She took the initiative to shake hands with Logan, and said with a smile: "You are much younger than I thought. I heard stories about you X-Men when I was a child. Even now that I have grown up, I still have a deep understanding of you. Brilliant and obsessed with it.”

Seeing the woman's humble and polite appearance, Logan was a little flattered. He shook hands with Moira and said with a wry smile: "That's all in the past."

He didn't expect that even after so long, his name would be spread among these mutants.

Victor on the side poked Logan's lower back and joked with a smile: "I wish I had found a way to join the X-Men. You guys are so popular. You have fans everywhere."

Logan rolled his eyes speechlessly, "If you really join the X-Men, you'll definitely be fired the next day."

Victor's murderous character is not popular with the X-Men, even if he is quite capable.

Perhaps Magneto's brother would be a better fit for him.

"Let's talk in the tent. There's a place for us to rest inside."

Moira smiled and spoke to several people, inviting them into the tent she just walked out of.

This is a military-like tent, like the one used by commanders in movies and TV series for meetings at the front line. The space is quite large, enough to accommodate five or six people.

This place is obviously specially used for meetings. There is a small table in the middle, chairs around it, and there is even a water dispenser and coffee machine for making tea.

Moira invited everyone to take their seats and asked about the conditions of several people.

Maika told about the asylum in Canada, and then sighed helplessly: "Now I have more than a hundred mutants who are being hunted by pickets, and our current habitat is not safe. We have no choice but to I can only come to you for help."

Listening to Maika's statement, Moira was silent for a while, then shook her head with regret and said: "If you expect to avoid being arrested by the pickets in New York, it is impossible."

She has been based in New York for many years and knows how dangerous this place is. There is no guarantee of safety here.

But Maika obviously didn't want to give up this rescue opportunity, and quickly said: "Since you can be stationed in New York safely for many years, you must have a way to avoid the pickets. On behalf of my more than 130 mutants, I sincerely hope you can help us. In this environment, we mutants should help each other, right?"

Maika now has no choice but to pin her hopes on Moira and the others.

Moreover, Maika believed that if they could survive in New York, they must have a way to resist the pickets' searches. If they didn't have this ability, they would be found by the pickets even if they were hiding in the water, let alone in the sewers.

After listening to Macka's request, Moira was obviously a little embarrassed and did not respond. She just stood up and poured a few cups of coffee for everyone.

Seeing Moira's attitude, Macka was obviously a little anxious. Just when he was about to continue speaking, the curtain of the tent was suddenly lifted and a young man ran in.

"Something happened!"

As soon as the young man entered the tent, he spoke to Moira in a panic.

Looking at the young man's expression, Moira frowned and stood up and asked, "What's wrong?"

The young man gasped, pointed outside, and said anxiously, "Our people and Kingpin's people have a conflict and have already fought!"

Hearing this, Moira's expression changed drastically. After looking at Macka and the others, he said, "Wait here first, I have something to deal with."

After that, he was about to follow the young man out.

When they heard the name Kingpin, Logan and Macka's expressions changed at the same time.

They knew Kingpin, this guy was cruel and bloodthirsty, the underground emperor of New York, and the sky of the entire black and gray area of ​​New York.

If there is a conflict with Kingpin, it may be difficult to survive in Hell's Kitchen.

However, in order to get help from Moira and the others, Macka thought about it and immediately stood up and said, "Let's go together, maybe we can help."

Showing sincerity now may change Moira's attitude.

And Moira obviously knew what Macka meant. She looked back at them and frowned and said, "It's not a good decision to be an enemy of Kingpin in New York. You don't have to get involved in this mess."

She knew the horror of Kingpin, and no one wanted to offend that guy.

"I said, we mutants should help each other, right?"

Macka smiled at her, his eyes were very firm.

Moira hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "In that case, then follow, but I can't guarantee your safety."

Moira was naturally very happy that Macka and the others took the initiative to help. After all, Kingpin's power was very strong, and they might not be able to deal with it alone.

However, Macka and his men are obviously quite capable, and there is also a famous Wolverine who may be able to help.

Under the leadership of Moira, everyone rushed to Hell's Kitchen.

On the way, Moira explained to everyone: "Our shelter has business in Hell's Kitchen. You should also know that this place is full of chaos. Although there are people like Daredevil and Spider-Man who can stop some criminals from committing crimes, they can't completely eliminate all the crimes. It's still a mess here. For the development of our business, we often have conflicts with local snakes."

After that, Moira sighed and frowned, saying: "This kind of thing happens from time to time, and it's not easy to solve every time."

Logan glanced at her and complained: "Kingpin is not a local snake."

He knew Kingpin very well. He is definitely the ceiling of humans in Marvel. Although he has no superpowers, his own strength is enough to compare with ordinary superheroes.

And the black empire he created is an extremely powerful force. At least in Hell's Kitchen, he is the absolute leader of the underworld.

Moira nodded in agreement with Logan, and said with a serious look: "Yes, so the situation this time will be more troublesome."

As they spoke, several people arrived at the scene.

At this time, in a dim alley, fierce gunshots were constantly ringing in the alley, and the two sides occupied one end of the alley and shot at the other side.

However, one side used pistols, and there were only a few people, and the firepower was very limited. They were suppressed and hid behind several wooden boxes and dared not show their heads. They could only raise their pistols and shoot back blindly.

On the other side, there were more than a dozen arrogant guys, holding submachine guns in their hands and constantly shooting, and the situation was one-sided.

The suppressed party was naturally Moira's people. She ran to her men, and without time to ask the reason, she directly took out her pistol and followed her people to fight back.

Logan and the others looked at each other, and decisively took out their pistols and joined the battlefield.

Bang bang bang! ! !

The harsh gunshots kept echoing, and the whistling bullets kept flying in the alley.

The battle was extremely tense.

After Logan and Victor looked at each other, they poked their heads out slightly, letting the bullets from the opposite side pass by their ears, and their eyes were firmly locked on the people on the opposite side.

Relying on the suppression power of the submachine gun, those guys did not rely on the cover at all, and directly leaned out of the cover and shot crazily.

After Logan and Victor locked the enemy, they stood up suddenly and fired without hesitation with the pistols in their hands.

Bang bang!

After two shots, the foreheads of the two people on the opposite side were instantly pierced by bullets and fell straight to the ground.

Seeing that the shooting skills of the opposite side were so good, Jin Bing's people were all shocked and quickly retreated into the cover, holding their guns and continuously firing to suppress, but they just didn't show their heads, not giving Logan and others the opportunity to aim and shoot.

But Logan and Victor, who have participated in countless wars, have seen this situation many times.

The two looked at each other and almost jumped up at the same time, stepping on the wall and jumping up three or four meters. With this height, they easily locked the person hiding behind the bunker on the opposite side.

In the gap of free fall, the two decisively aimed and shot.

Bang bang bang!

After a few shots, several more bodies fell in a pool of blood, and the situation changed instantly.

Moira's men looked at the two in surprise, and couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

Such shooting skills, such ability, are simply amazing!

King Bing's men were obviously shocked by Logan and his men's shooting skills. They looked at their fallen companions in astonishment and panicked for a moment.

Just when Logan and Victor wanted to charge and end the battle in one fell swoop.

Suddenly, several white spider silks flew over, stuck to Logan and his men's pistols, and pulled them over with force.

Logan and his men, who were disarmed, were stunned and looked in the direction of the spider silk.

I saw a red and blue figure squatting on the telephone pole in front of me. He was holding a gun stuck together in his hand and looking at Logan and others below.

"Everyone, stop for a moment, your gunshots are disturbing the people."

A very young voice came from under his mask.

Logan looked at the man on the telephone pole and was stunned.


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