American comics: Old Wolverine, do whatever he wants

Chapter 107 The wolf in the forest is killing everyone!

The heat wave rolled in, and the red beams of light shone with dazzling rays of light.

Like a roaring dragon, it rushed towards the leader of the patrol team frantically.

The powerful impact continued to echo in the cave, and the rocks rumbled and trembled, as if a small earthquake had occurred.

A terrifying and powerful pressure heavily covered everyone's head. All the members of the patrol team were terrified, and they took a step back by this terrifying energy. Their eyes were full of horror, and sweat kept falling on their foreheads.

The air was filled with a strong smell of burning, and hot white smoke continued to rise. In an instant, everyone seemed to be in the desert, and their bodies felt like they were being burned.

The place where the leader stood before the hunger had now turned into a charred pit.

The leader's body was blown up by the heat vision and fell to the ground, and then washed by the heat vision and burned completely. The heat rose, and the soil and rocks around the pit were burned with white smoke, leaving a red color on the ground.

Lorna's eyes widened slightly. Even though she was powerless, the scene in front of her made her shocked.

She was only more than one meter away from the land hit by the heat vision. Here, she could clearly feel the heat wave coming towards her. The extremely high temperature made her feel that even the air was evaporated. An unbearable heat came from her face. Every breath of air in her throat was accompanied by terrible heat, and her trachea seemed to be roasted by the air at this moment.

Behind, Charles Xavier looked at this familiar attack method, his eyes flashed with surprise, and he quickly turned his head to look at the source of the heat vision.

In the jungle, a figure strode out, his sturdy body like a giant standing tall, and walked straight into the encirclement of hundreds of pickets without fear.

It was just that he was wearing a mask, which covered his face tightly, and he was wearing loose clothes all over his body, so his original figure could not be seen.

Only a pair of red eyes were exposed on his body, and there was a fierce cold light in his eyes, like a wolf in the forest.

He stared at the special police of the picket team, without any feeling of looking at living people, as if these guys had been completely sentenced to death by him!

"It's really you..."

Charles looked at the figure walking towards him, breathed a sigh of relief, and swallowed the word "Logan" behind him.

Although the man was wearing a mask and covered himself tightly with black clothes, making a full disguise, the professor had lived with him for more than ten years, how could he not recognize his identity?

This figure walking over was naturally Logan!

Looking at the fully disguised Logan, Charles smiled with relief.

He was glad that Logan did not lose his mind and rush up, but put on a mask and did not reveal his identity.

After all, there were many people present. If anyone knew that Logan had awakened a new ability, the news would be completely impossible to conceal, and he would face even more terrifying dangers.

Laura, who was standing by, relaxed a little with the appearance of Logan.

I don't know when she started to have an inexplicable trust in Logan, as if as long as he appeared, all problems would be solved.

As long as Logan came back, there would be no threat in a short time.

But she also understood the meaning of Logan's dress, and she didn't yell at Logan, but supported the professor and stood at the entrance of the cave and watched the scene quietly.

And the patrol team.

The death of the leader made the patrol team panic.

They looked at the place where the leader stood. There was some white ash in the hot pit. The breeze blew away the white ash and the body was gone!

At this time, the air still had a terrifying high temperature. The heat with a temperature of thousands of degrees made everyone full of panic.

Their eyes were filled with fear, and they clenched their bodies. Without anyone's order, they turned their bodies back suddenly.

The dark muzzles of the guns were instantly aimed at Logan who came out of the woods.

These patrol soldiers seemed to have a telepathic connection, without the slightest hesitation, and decisively pulled the trigger.

They all clearly saw the fate of the leader. They didn't want to experience the feeling of being smashed to pieces in an instant and washed into ashes by the terrifying high temperature.

No one wanted to be like the leader.

But they also knew that if they didn't solve Logan, they would suffer the same injuries as the leader!

Everyone was scared by Logan, and now the only idea was to solve Logan and ensure their own safety.

Bang bang bang! ! !

All the muzzles sprayed flames, fierce sounds resounded through the jungle, the smell of gunpowder filled the air, and bullets fell on Logan like a heavy rain.

All the special police fired with all their might, not intending to give Logan any chance to survive.

Everyone can feel the terrifying ability of Logan. This is a life-and-death struggle.

Logan looked solemn. He turned sideways perfectly and hid behind a towering tree. The bullet brushed past his clothes.

At this moment, he did not intend to expose his self-healing ability. After all, only himself and Victor had the ability in the entire shelter.

If this ability was exposed, it would probably make John and the others guess.

At this point, Logan did not want to expose too much. At least before he could confront all government organizations and laboratories, he had to strictly hide his identity.

He shrank behind the tree. The whistling bullets hit the tree, shaking the tree and causing the leaves to fall continuously.

And every falling leaf would be mercilessly smashed by the bullet, turning into fragments all over the sky, and blown to pieces by the wind brought by the bullet.

At the same time, John took advantage of everyone's attention on Logan and quickly seized the opportunity to struggle to stand up.

Although the sonic attack had ended, the sequelae of the weapon had not dissipated, and the stinging brain still made him feel like fainting.

He forced himself to stand up, gritted his teeth and walked to the charred pit of the leader of the picket team.

He remembered that when the leader's body exploded, the hand holding the remote control did not have the instrument washed by the hot air, but fell somewhere.

After searching for a while, he found a pale, bloodless palm behind a stone, and a lot of uncoagulated blood was still flowing at the break.

John opened his palm, found the controller in it, and pressed the button close to the collar on his neck.

As the button was pressed, there was a beep, and the red light of the collar flashed green, and the next moment the collar loosened instantly.

Without the restraint of the collar, John finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After kicking the disgusting severed hand on the ground and stepping on the collar hard, John staggered to Lorna and untied her and other mutants controlled by the collar.

"Quick, stand up!"

John forced himself to stand firmly, and then helped the weak Lorna on the ground.

The sonic attack just now made them extremely painful, and they have not recovered yet.


Lorna supported the rock wall with one hand, supported by John, and couldn't help rubbing her aching temple. Although the sonic attack had ended, she still felt that her brain was about to explode.

But in this situation, she couldn't care too much. After shaking her head and forcing herself to be energetic, she hurriedly picked up the gun on the ground, "Let's go, we have to save that guy!"

Now all the patrol teams are shooting at Logan. Even if he hides behind a big tree, facing the strong firepower suppression of these patrol teams, the tree will eventually collapse, and Logan will be in danger at that time.

Although Lorna didn't know who the masked Logan was, she knew that guy was here to save them, so he was considered a teammate!

John also nodded, picked up the rifle from the ground, and was about to rush out with Lorna.

But after taking two steps, the two suddenly discovered that the guy didn't seem to need their rescue.

Logan was hiding behind a big tree, occasionally showing half of his head, and his red eyes suddenly scattered beams of light, accurately piercing the soldier's chest.

The blood mist instantly exploded in the soldier's chest, and blood spread out. The soldier fell straight down, and the penetrating wound on his body was filled with heat, and the smell of burning emerged, as if his internal organs had been roasted by this heat wave.

And Logan's thermal vision was even more accurate than a sniper rifle. Every time he showed his head, a soldier would definitely fall down.

However, because the opponent's suppression was too strong, he could only deal with one or two soldiers and then quickly retract his head to avoid bullets.

At this time, the nearly one-meter-thick tree was constantly broken by the SWAT shooting, and pieces of tree fragments flew out.

These bullets seemed to be like axes, slowly eating away at the tree trunk, and at this time they had dug more than ten centimeters.

If they continued to shoot, the big tree would probably fall down, smashing Logan under the trunk.

And the soldiers who fired the guns were terrified, fearing that they would be the next one to be pierced by the thermal vision. In order to survive, they could only pull the trigger more vigorously, constantly suppressing Logan with bullets, praying that the tree would break quickly and smash Logan to death quickly.

But their prayers could not be fulfilled so quickly.

The gunshots continued for a long time, and Logan took the opportunity to shoot with the thermal vision from time to time.

The patrol team continued to reduce its members, but Logan was obviously fine.

Slowly, Logan noticed the loosening of the big tree behind him.

At this time, the big tree had been cut down by half by bullets, and the trunk was shaking in the fierce bullets.

Logan felt the swaying of the tree, frowning, and seemed to be tired of the efficiency of such a burst of shooting, so he suddenly stuck his head out.


A red beam of light suddenly released from his scarlet eyes, as if two terrifying dragons were coming out of his eyes.

The air was instantly filled with heat waves, and the leaves falling in the air were baked by the scorching heat and gradually dried in mid-air.

When they fell from the branches, they were still green new leaves, but when they landed, they had become a completely dry gray leaf.

The surrounding grass paths also suffered the same fate, withered and dry visibly to the naked eye.

And this time, the beam of light that Logan burst out was obviously much stronger than the previous burst of shooting.

The thick beam of light swept out like two roaring dragons, and endless pressure rolled in, suffocating everyone and making them look terrified.

"Quick, kill him!"

The patrol team fired wildly at Logan's head, and the bullets whizzed towards Logan. The dense bullets did not give Logan any chance to dodge.

But...the bullets did not hit Logan.

The high-speed rotating bullets were all blocked by the hot beams. The terrifying power in the beams prevented the bullets from moving forward at all. They quickly melted in the beams and turned into drops of boiling hot iron.

This terrifying scene immediately frightened all the patrol team members.

But something even more horrifying happened. Logan turned his head slightly, and the beam instantly turned into a flying dragon and swept out.


A row of soldiers were swept across the waist by the sweeping beam, and their upper and lower bodies were separated. Blood gushed out, and it seemed like blood rain fell. There were waves of sounds of flesh falling to the ground.

The surrounding trees were also affected by the thermal vision. The big trees and grass paths were cut in half, and they were ignited with flames and collapsed with a rumble, as if the land was shaking.

"This ability is really terrifying!"

Lorna looked at the two beams of thermal vision that swept across like a dragon in amazement. The hot temperature hit again, as if the air became abnormally dry.

Dozens of patrol team special police officers who fell in a pool of blood all showed the horror of this ability.

"Do you know him?"

John stared at the scene of Logan killing people in all directions. At this time, he seemed to be the god of death holding a sickle, and the hot beam was his long sickle for harvesting life. The patrol team special police officers had no ability to resist in front of the beam, and they didn't even struggle at all. They were ruthlessly cut in half.

Such a scene shocked John greatly, and he became a little sluggish.

In response to John's question, Lorna just shook her head, "I don't know him, but he should be Macka's friend. Maybe Macka asked him to rescue us."

While speaking, Lorna suddenly noticed that more patrol special police flashed out from the woods on both sides of the cave.

They were carrying sonic cannons that looked like shells.

Lorna had just seen the horror of these sonic weapons, her expression changed, and she hurriedly shouted to Logan: "Be careful, those sonic weapons are very dangerous!"

However, as soon as her voice fell, the special police had already put down several sonic weapons, aimed at Logan without hesitation, and pressed the start button.

Boom! !

In an instant, the sound pattern almost turned into substance and spread out, and the powerful impact instantly set off a terrifying hurricane.

The trees kept swaying, and the gravel and soil were swept up by the hurricane and splashed out. The bodies lying on the ground were also affected, and their bodies exploded instantly, and the corpses flew in the air.

"Lola, take the professor back to the cave!"

Lorna held onto a boulder tightly, and the hurricane caused by the impact blew her clothes and hair.

The next moment, a terrifying sound wave hit her head, and her head instantly fell into a buzzing sound. Her brain seemed to explode, and bloodshot spread in her pupils. She couldn't stop retreating, holding her head with both hands and pounding it, as if she wanted to pound her stinging brain.

The powerful sound pattern made her unbearable, and she knelt on the ground with an extremely hideous face.


She screamed while holding her head, and the sound of pain filled the cave, and she almost fainted.

Although John's physical fitness was slightly better than Lorna's, he was not much better in the face of this indiscriminate attack of sonic weapons. The rifle in his hand fell with a click, and one hand supported the stone next to him.

Veins popped out of his forehead, his teeth were clenched tightly, and the strong bite force made his teeth click. His expression was extremely painful, and his body couldn't help shaking a few steps. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and fell to his knees.

Others couldn't stand such a horrible sound wave attack, and they fell to the ground, holding their heads and curling up, screaming in pain, beating their heads and rolling on the ground.

Looking at the miserable state of the crowd, Luna's eyes were red, and her heart was extremely desperate.

"Damn it, am I going to die here today?!"

She clenched her teeth tightly and was full of reluctance, but now she had no power to resist. This horrible sound wave attack was like a mountain pressing on her, and the feeling of suffocation made her feel even more desperate.


On the other side, Logan was also bombarded by the sound waves. The substantial sound patterns hit him, and his ears were full of buzzing roars. The huge impact force made him take a step back. His feet were firmly on the ground, and he bent his body to support himself, but he was still washed back by this terrifying force, leaving two deep grooves on the ground.

But he did not fall down. His muscles were tense together. After his body stabilized, he gritted his teeth, raised his feet with difficulty, and strode forward against the violent impact force.

The visible impact force continued to wash over his body, and his clothes fluttered in such an impact force. His head seemed to be experiencing a terrifying beating, and there was an endless buzzing sound in his ears.

The soldiers were completely panicked when they saw this.

"Increase the frequency and bomb him to death!"

The special police guarding the sonic weapon shouted, and they pushed a joystick on the sonic weapon forward.

Buzz! ! !

The terrifying buzzing sound came again, and the sound waves washed one after another. The hurricane made the surrounding trees in the mountains and forests sway uncontrollably, and the small branches were directly cut off and swept into the air by the strong wind.


Logan guarded the terrifying impact force tightly, opened his mouth and roared.

The explosion from his head made his eyes red, and his eyes suddenly gathered strong red light. There were bursts of heat from the corners of his eyes, and wisps of white smoke were diffused.

The terrifying high temperature spread out instantly, and the strong hurricane swept the terrifying heat wave and kept washing it. The moisture in the air was completely dried, and the hot air made people feel that the trachea was burned by the heat wave when they breathed.


A hot line of sight swept out decisively.

The violent red beam danced against the sound wave, and the incomparably magnificent momentum of the sound wave was completely suppressed by these two hot beams.

Logan turned his head angrily.


The thermal vision swayed as a terrifying scarlet dragon collided with everything in front of it.

The patrol team's special police, forests, sonic weapons, boulders, etc. were all destroyed by this terrifying energy.

The body was cut in half, and the sonic weapon was penetrated by the hot beam, exploding with a bang, and flames shot up into the sky.

The trees were swept across and fell down with a crackle, and the tree stumps were burning with flames because of the terrifying high temperature.

The boulders were smashed by the beam, and the fragments flew all over the sky.

At a glance, the surrounding 100-meter forests all fell down with a crackle.

Within 100 meters, all the standing objects were swept by the hot beam, and thick white smoke filled the sky.

Within 100 meters, it was flat!

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