American comics: Old Wolverine, do whatever he wants

Chapter 102 Guidance Class, Maca takes the lead

"Faced with enemies attacking from behind, our actions must be fast, accurate and precise."

"As soon as the enemy's sneak attack is discovered, all the muscles of the whole body must be activated, using the twist of the body and the strength of the waist to dodge and at the same time give a powerful counterattack."

On the green grass, Logan was teaching the students vividly, explaining the key points of each move and the solutions to various situations.

While speaking, he continued to demonstrate these actions and explain some important contents.

Opposite him, rows of students sat on the soft grass, listening to Logan's lectures carefully, trying to remember the important points.

After showing the standard movements, Logan looked at the crowd and called out: "Caliban, come up and demonstrate it to the students."

Caliban, who was sitting among the students, looked helpless, "Why is it me again?"

Caliban has poor combat ability, and he has no defensive capabilities. Although he is a mutant, in terms of combat effectiveness, he is probably not even as good as a normal adult.

In order to give himself a better chance of survival in some dangerous situations, he would take the initiative to sit in every time Logan and Victor came to class, thinking about learning a few tricks to deal with future crises.

However, his arrival has become the best demonstration tool for Logan and Victor. After each explanation of an action, Caliban will basically come up as the tool man.

"Stop talking nonsense and come up quickly."

Logan waved to Caliban, and at the same time picked up a rubber training dagger from the ground, poked it in front of his palm, and after making sure it would not hurt anyone, he threw the dagger to Caliban who came up.

"You're attacking me from behind."

After saying that, he turned his back to Caliban and at the same time shouted to the students: "Students, take a good look and remember all my actions later."

The students immediately held their breath and stared at Logan and Caliban.

I saw Caliban standing behind Logan, waving the soft dagger in his hand, and thrust forward hard.

The moment he took action, Logan seemed to have eyes on his back. His waist and feet twisted almost subconsciously. While ducking sideways, he swung out a hand and accurately caught Caliban. The stretched out wrist was gently broken.

Caliban's palm hurt, and he let out an ouch, and the soft dagger fell off his hand.

At the same time, Logan's other hand quickly moved back, clasped Caliban's waist tightly, twisted violently, and used the power of his waist to throw Caliban heavily to the ground.

Bang bang bang bang! ! !

Seeing Logan's neat movements, the students couldn't help but burst into applause.

Logan did not hesitate to perform those actions just now. He completed them almost at the same time, which gave him a strange sense of beauty.

Logan smiled, stretched out his hand and pressed down, and the applause gradually stopped.

He looked at the children, nodded and said, "Okay, that's it for this class. Next, you can practice this movement among yourself. If you have any problems, you can come to me at any time."

After a pause, he added: "Be careful when practicing, so you don't get injured."

The students nodded, stood up from the grass one after another, and began to practice the movements taught by Logan just now.

Everyone studied very seriously and practiced very energetically.

It's just that such fighting skills seem a bit too easy for powerful students.

After all, one force can defeat ten enemies. As long as the force is too strong, it is almost impossible to lift the enemy behind you without using too many skills.

As for some students with less strength, it is difficult to deal with it. They can't knock down the enemy at all. They can only recall Logan's actions step by step and figure out the key points by themselves.

However, no matter who they were, they all studied very hard. Even if some students were hurt by the fall, they did not think of giving up training.

Looking at this scene, Logan couldn't help showing an expression of relief on his face. At the same time, he looked down at Caliban lying on the grass, stretched out his foot and kicked him.

"Don't pretend to be dead. As far as the softness of the grass is concerned, don't talk about you. It will be fine if the professor falls."

After listening to Logan's words, Caliban turned around with disdain and complained: "No matter how soft the grass is, it can't withstand being thrown every day. You and Victor always use me as a sandbag."

With that said, he got up from the ground and dusted off his hands.

"Okay, hurry up and find a free student to practice with. If you don't have the time to complain, why not learn more moves? You can still resist a little bit when encountering danger."

Logan shook his head speechlessly. Caliban's current strength is too weak and he really needs to be trained well.

"Where are the free students?"

Caliban scanned the circle and found that most of the students had already found training partners.

Logan also helped to check around, but his eyes were fixed on a lonely figure on the grass not far away.

She was sitting on the grass alone, looking at the green forest, holding her chin with one hand in a daze.

Seeing her look like this, Logan frowned and said to Caliban: "You can find it yourself. If it doesn't work, just practice it yourself."

After saying that, he walked towards the figure.

"Clarice, why don't you go to training?"

He walked up behind the girl and curiously asked her back.

This girl is Clarice who was saved by him and Victor, a mutant who masters the space system.

Clarice looked back at Logan, her delicate little face full of disappointment, "I don't think I have the talent for training."

Logan saw the girl's emotional problems, walked to the girl, sat down, and encouraged: "How could it be? As long as you keep exercising, you will become stronger no matter what."

"But I've worked hard."

The girl's grievance spread and turned red, tears welling up in her eyes, "But I can't even master my own mutant ability. After coming here for so many days, my friends who are younger than me are making progress every day, but I am the only one who is standing still. "

There was a hint of crying in her voice, and she turned to look at Logan with red eyes, "Teacher Logan, am I incompetent?"

As she spoke, tears rolled down her cheeks, and her grievance, sadness, and unwillingness were clearly displayed on her delicate little face.

It has been almost half a month since she came to the shelter. During this period, she has been attending classes every day and carefully feeling her abilities every day.

But the result was that there was no progress at all. She still couldn't control her own abilities. Even many children could use their abilities to their advantage, but he still couldn't control his spatial power.

This made her feel extremely frustrated and even made her feel inferior. She did not dare to mention training to the children.

"Of course not."

Faced with the girl's worries, Logan shook his head firmly and answered, reaching out and patting her shoulder, encouragingly: "You are a space mutant. This ability is very rare and very powerful. This shows that your talent itself is Not bad, it just needs an opportunity to grow. Once you master the ability, you will definitely become a very powerful mutant."

This is not that he is lying to the girl, but that he is telling the truth.

Clarice's mutant abilities are very abnormal. Except for level five mutants and omega mutants, her spatial abilities are almost unmatched by anyone.

You can tear open space cracks at will and transmit at will. After you fully master the ability, you can even travel through time and space...

If a girl has no talent, how could she awaken such an ability?


Perhaps Logan's encouragement worked. Clarice stopped sobbing and looked at Logan expectantly, "Can I really become strong?"

The girl seemed to rarely get compliments. After hearing Logan's praise and hearing that she would become very strong, the girl's disappointed mood immediately dissipated, and her moist eyes showed great anticipation.


Logan nodded again without thinking, and then added: "But before that, you must find a way to control your own abilities. Otherwise, no matter how powerful the ability is, if you can't use it, it's like having a gun without bullets."

Hearing this, Clarice instantly fell into despair, and the tears that had been stopped began to fall again, "But I have tried very hard to understand, but my ability is just out of control."

If the training had some effect, she wouldn't be so disappointed, but after such a long time, the training had no effect at all, which made her fall into deep self-doubt.

"You have to calm down."

Logan smiled and comforted: "You can't rush to master abilities. You are like being stuck in a quagmire now. The more anxious and struggling you are, the harder it is for you to break free. You can only calm down your mind and find the solution to the impetuousness and calmness in your heart." At some point, focus and think about where you want to go.”

After speaking, Logan patted the girl on the shoulder, "Come on, follow me, close your eyes, take a deep breath, don't be nervous, and feel the peace inside."

While speaking, Logan closed his eyes, took a deep breath and exhaled as a demonstration, and then continued: "Abandon all distracting thoughts, just think about where you want to go, and try to use your abilities."

Clarice watched Logan's movements, and closed her eyes suspiciously, imitating Logan's long breath, and then slowly spread her hands in front of her.

For a moment, ripples appeared in the space, and the next moment, a deep crack appeared in front of his eyes.

The girl opened her eyes, but after looking at the end point of the teleportation, she instantly felt lost.

The distance between this portal is only twenty meters at most.

She waved her hand angrily and closed the portal directly, hanging her head, feeling very disappointed.

Logan on the side was not surprised, and said with a smile: "You are still anxious, you can't always think about success, you have to accept failure, but not be defeated by failure, come on, try a few more times, let your heart Calm down."

Logan tried to sound softer.

After hearing these words, the girl frowned, took a deep breath again, and then slowly activated her ability.

Thirty meters, failed.

Logan continued to encourage and the girl tried again.

Twenty-five meters, still failed.

Forty meters, still failed.

After several consecutive failures, the girl seemed to have no longer expected to succeed, but with the encouragement of Logan, she stimulated her abilities again and again.

Gradually, she was no longer eager for quick success or anxious. She sat cross-legged on the ground, like an old monk in meditation, and seemed to be out of touch with the entire space.

After a period of silence, she slowly opened her eyes and opened the space in front of her with her palms.

A crack slowly emerged, and on the other side of the crack was a girl's room.

Clarice looked at this incomparable room and was stunned for a moment. She couldn't help but reach out and retrieve a book from the table in the room. Her name was written on the title page of the book.

She looked at the structure of the room blankly, then turned to look at Logan, seemingly unable to react for a moment.

Logan, on the other hand, smiled and said, "Congratulations, you succeeded."

The words "success" entered her ears, and the girl was momentarily distracted. After a few seconds, she realized that she had really opened the portal into the room!

And this place was at least five hundred meters away from her room, breaking her record for the longest teleportation in history!

For a moment, Clarice seemed to be enlightened. She couldn't help but jump up from where she was. The excitement on her face was indescribable. Her body couldn't stop trembling. She pointed at the portal and then at herself, saying a thousand words. It was on her lips, but she couldn't say anything. Her joyful mood made her cry with joy, and her tears couldn't stop flowing down.

Logan stepped forward and gently comforted the girl's head, "Remember how you felt just now. This is just your first step. There is still a lot of room for development in your abilities. Don't be discouraged."

The girl nodded heavily and threw herself into Logan's arms. Tears of excitement stained Logan's clothes, "Thank you, Teacher Logan."

[Prestige +10]

Seeing the girl crying because of joy, Logan nodded happily, but he did not expect that this could also increase his prestige.

"Logan, I didn't expect you to still teach this. It seems that I can consider giving you another class."

Marcus walked over with a smile. He had seen everything Logan taught Clarice just now.

Logan patted the girl's little head, motioning for her to practice on her own, and then responded to Marcus: "This is all because Clarice is talented, and I am just speaking from my own experience, not to anyone else." All useful.”

After saying that, he asked again: "I want you to come to me in person. It seems that you have another mission."

Normally no one would disturb him when he was teaching. Since Marcus came here in person, Logan guessed that this was another incident.


Marcos nodded, "Micah asked me to tell you to go to him."

Logan nodded, stood up, let the children practice on their own, and asked Caliban to watch for him. When the time came, he announced that get out of class was over and headed to Macca's office.

At this time, Maika was sitting at his desk, seeming to be thinking about something.

After seeing Logan coming, he immediately said: "Get ready, we are taking action."

"What action?"

Logan asked curiously, and he was also a little confused. From where did Maika get so many tasks?

Maika didn't hide anything, and said bluntly: "The last mission of the financial sponsor failed, but fortunately I have some friendship with him, and I got information about the mutant prison from him. We have something to do."

Listening to Maika's words, Logan's eyes widened in surprise, "So, the goods you asked us to pick up last time were used to make a deal with the funder in exchange for information?"

"And money."

Maika added aloud, "I need money to run the farm, otherwise what will the more than a hundred people in the shelter eat and wear?"

After saying that, he waved his hand and said, "Hurry up and get ready. Call Victor with you. I will make arrangements for the others."

Listening to Maika's words, Logan frowned, and after thinking for a while, he said: "It's not appropriate to go out now. There has just been such a big commotion in Sokovia, and several of us have been killed by Tony Si. Tucker found out, it’s too dangerous to go on a mission now.”

He didn't want to go out at this juncture, who knew if he would be stared at.

But Maika shook his head and said solemnly: "I will also participate in this mission, and I will personally lead the team. Don't worry, I will arrange everything. Besides, those guys from SHIELD have long been killed by that robot. I’m so busy, how can I take care of our Canadian affairs? You don’t have to worry about safety issues.”

Listening to Maika's unquestionable words, Logan could only nod helplessly.

After all, Maika himself decided to participate in the mission, what else could he say? He immediately turned around and went back to prepare.

There were a total of five people participating in the mission this time. In addition to Logan and Macca, there were also Victor, Marcus and Klaus.

In fact, there are not many people with fighting ability on the farm. Basically, there are only a few people who come and go on missions.

But Klaus is obviously one of the people who has the most missions.

After all, his abnormal stealth ability is very effective in any mission, and most teams that go out on missions will choose to have Klaus along.

Since the task was urgent, that night, McCartney arranged for Logan and the others to drive a pickup truck to the large province of Ontario, targeting a small city there.

The journey was a bit long, and the time was tight and the tasks were heavy. Apart from refueling, the car's engine almost never stopped working.

But fortunately, there were five people taking turns driving, so it wasn’t too tiring.

The scenery along this road is very good. Looking at the scenery outside the window can relieve the fatigue of driving a lot.

The group started from the dense grassland, traversed the lush forest, passed through the canyon as if cut by a knife, and finally flew through the mountains.

The surrounding scenery changes, giving you a different feeling every time until you reach the small town where the mission is located.

It was noon when they arrived. After several people found a hotel to rest for a few hours, night fell. Then, under the arrangement of Maika, they officially set off to complete the mission.

"The target mutant prison is in the west district of the city. Let's go there first."

In the car, Maika recalled the contents of the mission, combined with the small town's newspapers, and pointed the direction to Marcos in the driver's seat.

Marcos nodded and drove to the west side of the city, where he found an abandoned building.

McKa led a few people to the top of the building. From here, looking towards the center, they could see a brightly lit building in the center of the west city.

Since the west city is an old city, the facilities are very old and there are almost no people at night. Most of the surrounding areas are processing factories. At this time, they have closed the factories and gone off work, and the surrounding residents have moved away.

And the brightly lit building has almost become a landmark building in the entire west city.

Logan took out the small telescope he had prepared long ago and looked at the building.

The entire building is surrounded by towering walls, and there are barbs on the walls to prevent climbing.

There are also sentries with rotating searchlights around, and teams of soldiers with live ammunition are constantly patrolling inside the walls. Overall, the guards are very strict.

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