American comics: Old Wolverine, do whatever he wants

Chapter 100: Suspicious by nature, advice from a weirdo

In fact, Logan has never really trusted Maika. From the moment he entered the farm to now, he is still very defensive about Maika.

It's not that McCain didn't do a good enough job.

He was able to create a safe shelter under the current situation and provide adequate food and clothing for the more than 130 mutants in the shelter. This was enough for Logan to recognize Maika's ability.

But recognition is one thing, and whether to fortify it is another.

The shelter needs help, and Logan will try his best to help, but if these tasks will bring great danger to himself, Logan will not carry out them.

He is inherently suspicious and has never trusted others easily over the years. It is also because of this character that he has been able to live a stable life for nearly two hundred years until now.

However, Marcus and others were obviously different from Logan. They did not consider the danger of taking away the scepter, but were disappointed by the failure of the mission.

On the way back, several people were in very low spirits and remained silent in the car. Even Klaus, who usually talked a lot, rarely closed his mouth and sighed from time to time.

After Logan gave a few words of appropriate comfort, he said no more. Now he still has a headache on how to deal with Mika.

Before setting off back, Logan informed Maika of the current situation and reported the mission failure.

When Maika received the news, his tone on the phone was very bad. Logan could even feel the foul language he was hesitating to speak.

But fortunately, he did not boldly ask Logan and the others to attack the Avengers and regain the scepter. Instead, he ordered them to come back quickly, seemingly waiting for them to go back for an interview.

After a dusty journey back to the farm, before entering the door, I bumped into Lorna who was leading a patrol.

"You are finally back."

Lorna was very happy that they could come back safely and stepped forward to greet them enthusiastically.

However, due to the failure of the mission, Marcos and others were in low mood, and they simply nodded to Lorna's enthusiasm.

Lorna also noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere and looked at Logan in surprise, "It's not going well?"

Logan nodded, "The mission failed. We couldn't get the goods back."

Lorna was not surprised by this. She had also heard about Logan and the others' failure. Looking at the depressed people, she sighed and comforted: "No one can always go smoothly. After this failure, what else can we do?" There will be a next time.”

Logan looked at it openly and nodded.

"By the way, Maika told you to go to his office when you come back. He is waiting for you in the office."

After saying that, she looked at the patrolling team members behind her, then walked to Logan and whispered: "Be careful, Maika's mood is also a little wrong."

Logan nodded, "Got it."

After saying that, he took Victor and others to Maika's office.

At this time, Maika was sitting at his desk. Because of his inner irritation, he couldn't stand the files on the desk at all. The desk was covered with messy files.

After seeing Logan and others coming in, he stood up suddenly and stared at them with red eyes.

"This mission has caused great losses to the shelter!"

He suppressed the anger in his heart, gritted his teeth and looked at Logan and the others, his voice bursting out of his throat, his fist tightly holding a document, and his arms were covered with veins.

"Logan, I trusted you and gave you such an important task, but you failed me!"

He looked at Logan angrily, his throat trembling, and he was about to say some swear words, but they were suppressed in the end, but the anger in his eyes showed his disappointment.

Logan was about to speak, but Victor beside him couldn't help it. He stood up suddenly and yelled: "What are you angry about? Why do you have the right to be angry?"

After saying that, he suddenly tore off the clothes on his body, revealing the horrific wound on his chest that was difficult to see directly. The hideous wound has not fully recovered until now, and there is not even a single piece of good flesh on the entire chest.

He pointed at his chest and shouted loudly: "Did we not try our best? Take a good look at what this is. I was almost killed by that iron guy!"

"And that big green guy, the reinforced concrete trenches are like tofu in front of him, they will break into pieces when hit. That Thor, when he hammers down, the tanks will be overturned. How do you expect us to get rid of them?" Get the goods back?"

Victor stared at Maika with an angry look on his face, "You only know about the losses, but do you know that all of us were almost responsible for it? We worked hard to help you, but you still have the nerve to be angry?!"

Listening to Victor's scolding, Maika's face changed and he gritted his teeth, "I know the situation was very dangerous, but the failure of this mission will bring us a sky-high liquidated damages. What a huge loss to the sanctuary!”

After listening to Maika's words, Victor became even more angry, "Okay, since you only value losses and don't care about the lives of a few of us, then okay, let's go, you follow me, we will go directly to Washington to find the Avengers and them." Grab the goods and I'll show you which one is more dangerous, that iron guy's shells or the liquidated damages!"

After saying that, Victor actually wanted to step forward and pull Maika away.

Logan quickly reached out to stop him, glared at him, and signaled him to stop talking.

He is very aware of Maika's current mentality. As a guy who is motivated to expand the shelter and shelter more mutants, what he needs most right now is money. This loss makes him one step further away from his lifelong wish.

Logan said helplessly: "There is no way. The goods were hidden too deep by those guys. We really can't find them, and we don't have that much time to look for them. We really tried our best."

"Besides, all forces are eyeing that thing. Even if we can get it, let alone a few of us, I'm afraid the whole farm will be targeted by SHIELD, Hydra and some forces that are ready to move."

Logan sighed and shook his head, explaining the danger of the Mind Scepter, "That thing is a bomb that can raze us to the ground at any time. It's too dangerous to bring it back."

After hearing these words, Macka's expression changed. Looking at Logan and others, his eyes were very deep. After a long time, perhaps because he thought that he still needed Logan and others, or perhaps because he thought that this was indeed not Logan and others' responsibility, he sat back in his chair with a look of loss, shaking his head and sighing.

"You are right."

Macka looked at Logan with a disappointed face, "You can't be blamed for this failure. I am also responsible."

"I didn't expect that thing would be targeted by SHIELD and Hydra at the same time. This is my negligence in intelligence."

Macka said, waving his hand with a tired face, "I will deal with the follow-up impact of this matter. You can go back and rest first."

Looking at Macka's appearance, Logan shook his head helplessly and left the office with Victor and others.

"Macka must be very disappointed with us this time."

On the way back to the residential area, Marcus lowered his head and shook his head and sighed. He understood that Macka must be exhausted now.

"Brother, you are really loyal to him."

Victor snorted on the side, "This time it was his intelligence mistake. If we had known that the Avengers and Hydra valued that thing so much, we could have made a more thorough plan."

Marcos and others also understood this. Although the failure was not their responsibility, they still couldn't be happy. After all, this matter was related to the interests of the entire shelter.

Victor was speechless when he saw their appearance. He spoke again, "Besides, that thing is so dangerous. You have seen that almost all the Avengers are out. If we really want to bring it back, do you think this shelter can withstand the attack of those lunatics?"

He knew very well that bringing that thing over would only bring more terrible danger.

Hydra's castle was captured. If they really wanted to hide that thing in their shelter, they didn't need all the Avengers to go out. Hulk's collision alone could destroy the entire farm.

"This is not an excuse."

Klaus turned his head and refuted Victor, "Our mission is to bring the thing back. Even if there is danger, I believe Macka can solve it. He never makes mistakes."


Victor was speechless. He didn't expect that this group of people worshipped Macka to this extent. That was Hydra and the Avengers, plus a SHIELD. How many lives does Macka have to deal with those guys?

Logan pulled Victor and signaled him to stop talking. He understood the loss of these people and their blind worship of Macka.

Now they would only obey Macka's orders unconditionally, which Logan could not change at present.

"Okay, go back and rest first, take a good rest for a few days, and talk later."

Logan spoke to everyone.

Along the way, everyone stopped talking and returned home in silence.

As soon as he entered the house, Victor couldn't help but complain, "This group of people trust Macka too much, just like believers."

Logan shook his head, "It's understandable, after all, he gave them food. If it weren't for him, 90% of the people here would stay in the laboratory or prison."

Macka created the shelter so that these people could live in a normal environment. For those who live in despair, it is simply a dawn for them. He is a god who saves the world. It is normal for people in the shelter to respect him.

As he spoke, Logan added: "Maybe, this time it was just a simple misjudgment."

After speaking, his expression became deep, looking at the farm outside the window, he murmured: "Maybe."

At this time, Caliban pushed Charles out of the room.

They heard the movement of Logan and Victor.

Lola also came out with them.

Logan looked at the time and asked in surprise: "Is there no class today?"

Usually, school is not over at this time.

"Today is the weekend."

Charles smiled and said: "You can't expect us to be in class seven days a week. Even if the children can bear it, my old bones can't bear it."

Lola came up and hugged Logan, saying happily: "I'm here to chat with the professor. He told you a lot of stories about you."

Logan rubbed the girl's cute little head affectionately, "Let him tell you later, okay? I need to talk to the professor now."

The girl nodded sensibly, let go of Logan, and ran to the sofa to turn on the TV.

And Logan pushed Charles into the room and closed the door.

"What's wrong? What difficulties have you encountered?"

Charles looked at Logan's cautious appearance, a little puzzled.

Logan didn't say anything, but took out two super soldier serums and showed them to Charles.

Looking at the light blue serum, Charles was slightly stunned and asked puzzledly: "What is this?"

"Super Soldier Serum."

Logan explained: "It can enhance people's physique. Hydra and SHIELD are both researching it. I brought back five, three of which were used by Victor, and these two are for you."

Hearing the name of the serum, Charles was stunned at first, and then he said in surprise: "It's this thing."

Charles had heard about the secret research plan of the super soldier serum. He knew that this thing was an extremely valuable asset for any laboratory. He didn't expect Logan to bring back so much.

Logan nodded, "But this thing is only a defective version at present, and it can't completely change your condition, but it also has some effects. At least you shouldn't be missing again in the short term."

After that, he took out a bottle of serum and asked: "Do you want to inject it now?"

Charles looked at the serum and hesitated, "It's too wasteful to give it to me."

He knew the preciousness of the serum. Now he was just an old man in his twilight years, and it was really not suitable to waste such a precious thing.

"You are much more important than this thing."

Logan smiled, then lifted Charles' sleeves, opened the serum and injected it.

The light blue liquid entered Charles' body, but after only one-third of it was injected, Logan pulled out the needle.

"Let's just inject this much this time. You can't rush this."

Logan was worried about whether Charles's current body could withstand the flushing of serum. To be safe, he could only inject it slowly in small amounts and multiple times.

The professor nodded in understanding, feeling the vitality of the serum in his body.

Although it was not much, it made him feel full and his physical fatigue seemed to be reduced a lot.

Logan carefully put away the serum, hid it under the cabinet in Charles' room, covered it with something, and said, "This matter cannot be told to others. Except for Victor, no one knows the existence of the serum. We must keep it secret, including Maca."

Charles nodded solemnly, "Don't worry, I won't tell."

After a pause, he took the initiative to talk about Logan's mission this time, "I heard that your mission failed, but I think this is a good thing. Maca was too reckless this time."

Logan nodded, "It is indeed very dangerous this time, and I don't want things to become too complicated."

Charles nodded, suddenly turned his head and looked outside, his expression softened, "If you have time, spend more time with Laura. She needs company at this age. She not only needs to play with her friends, but also needs to chat with her family."

He can see that the little girl has regarded them as family members, and she needs the company of these family members.

Logan nodded, "I will."

He also likes this girl very much.

After that, Logan opened the door and pushed Charles into the living room. At this time, Laura was staring at the TV and watching it very enthusiastically.

Logan thought for a while, sat next to Laura and said with a smile: "Children can't always watch TV. The scenery of the nearby forest is nice. I want to go for a walk. Do you want to accompany me?"

Laura heard it and threw down the remote control directly, and said with joy: "Let's go!"

After that, she pulled Logan up with great interest and followed Logan out.

It can be seen that she is very willing to go out with Logan. The two of them standing together really have a feeling of father and daughter accompanying each other.

Logan took Laura to the nearby forest. The dense jungle was quiet, surrounded by fresh green grass. From time to time, some little squirrels stood on the branches and looked at them curiously.

The breeze blew through the forest, and there were bursts of rustling leaves. The air was unusually fresh.

The girl jumped in front of Logan, squatting down from time to time to tease the butterflies in the flowers, chasing the hares that suddenly appeared from time to time, and playing freely on the green grass.

Logan strolled behind her, staring at the girl's innocent appearance with a kind face.

"Lola, are you still adapting to the shelter?"

He asked the girl.

Lola, who was squatting in front of a tuft of grass and teasing ants with a grass path, turned around and said with a smile: "Of course, there are friends here, TV, and delicious food. Everyone is very happy. I like it here."

Logan smiled. Compared with the laboratory where she had been staying before, this place is really a paradise.

Lola opened the chatterbox, threw down the grass path and ran to Logan, "And you and the professor are here too. I can chat with you, play with children, and have such a beautiful scenery to see. I don't want to leave here in my life."

Logan rubbed the little girl's head and nodded with a smile.

The two relaxed in this beautiful environment and chatted for a long time lying on the grass.


Suddenly, the vibration of the trees in the forest alerted Logan.

He stood up and looked over there, while protecting Laura behind him.

A blue figure passed through the woods and disappeared in an instant.

Is it the weirdo from before?

Logan narrowed his eyes and said with interest: "Lola, follow me, I'll take you hunting."


Laura was stunned for a moment, and when she reacted, Logan had already rushed up.

Seeing this, Laura had to follow in a hurry.

Two figures, one big and one small, shuttled through the woods.

After a while, the two caught up with the blue figure running wildly in front, who was the weirdo from before.

When the weirdo ran deep into the woods, he stopped on his own initiative and turned to face Logan.

After Laura caught up with him, she showed her steel claws and was about to pounce on him with her teeth and claws bared.

"I have something to tell you."

The weirdo spoke calmly.


Logan saw the weirdo's intention and grabbed Laura's clothes to stop her charge.

"I didn't expect you to dare to come back."

He squinted at the weirdo, "You'd better have a reason to convince me to let you go."

The weirdo nodded, and then remembered something, and said, "I have something important, but I have to make sure first, are you really Wolverine?"


Logan showed his steel claws, the silver steel claws flashed cold light, he stared at the weirdo and said, "It's genuine."

He could vaguely sense that the weirdo seemed to have something important to say.

The weirdo stared at Logan's steel claws, frowning.

"But my father said that Wolverine is dead."

Hearing this, Logan was a little stunned, and after putting away the steel claws, he frowned and asked, "Who is your father?"

From the tone, the other party's father seemed to know him.

"I can't tell you for the time being."

The weirdo shook his head and didn't intend to reveal it.

"Then stop talking nonsense."

Logan said coldly: "Speak to the point."

The weirdo looked at Logan, thought for a while, and said: "Whether you are Wolverine or not, you are obviously a newcomer to the shelter."

As he said that, his expression suddenly became very serious, and he solemnly warned: "Remember my words, don't believe anything Maca says!"

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