Running wantonly on the deserted street, Carolina remained focused.

Although the surrounding scenes looked very normal and no different from the real world, Carolina understood that in this world shrouded in scarlet light, no place was so-called 'safe'.

Carolina doesn't know who the vision will be waiting for her at the next intersection. It might be her friends, her family, or even those superheroes or super villains on TV.

Carolina had also thought about whether she was dead before, and the world she was in now was actually the world of the dead. This seemed to explain why she saw those visions over and over again.

But just now, Carolina suddenly felt a huge 'pain' coming from her body, a sense of pain, a complete sense of pain, and it was not the pain caused by the injury she suffered, but the pain coming from her 'body' The pain comes, the real pain!

She has been in this world for who knows how many years, and Carolina has never felt such real pain. The pain that spreads from almost every cell and neuron in the wound to her mind makes Carolina feel the pain again in such a long time. Experience what it feels like to be truly alive.

She now understands that she is not dead, at least outside, she is not dead yet. Someone has saved her, and someone is saving her. They are trying to treat her injuries and save her body.


Carolina sighed. She knew it would be difficult for her to wake up. She was trapped. No matter where the world was, she was trapped here. If she couldn't find a way out, her body would He remained in a vegetative state until his death.

She didn't want this, she had things to do.

Carolina strengthened her heart, and the figure of Deadpool appeared in her mind, and that Deadpool was standing on a hill composed of countless superhero corpses. Carolina soon saw the corpses of her comrades.

"I haven't avenged you yet," Carolina murmured, her face gradually becoming serious. "How could I fall here and continue to sink? No matter where this place is, I will definitely find a way out! Definitely!"

Suddenly, the sound of rapid footsteps came from the corner in front, and then a group of Hydra troops rushed out. They wore masks that made it difficult to see their true faces, but to Carolina, they looked like It doesn't matter what it looks like.

"She's there, catch her!" the Hydra commander shouted the order, and then a group of soldiers raised their guns.

"Catch me? You can try." Carolina smiled coldly, then raised her hand and shot a huge light beam as thick as a bucket.

The rainbow-colored light burst out fiercely, tearing apart the defense line of Hydra soldiers in an instant. Facing countless gunshots, Carolina advanced instead of retreating. Her whole body erupted with dazzling fluorescence, and her whole body flew through the air. Breaking through the opponent's defense, leaving an arc like a meteor.

As soon as she rushed out of the street, before Carolina could take a breath, her vision suddenly blurred. She suddenly discovered that a huge building had appeared in front of her, which was the legendary Supreme Sanctuary.

Carolina was stunned for a moment, and then reacted immediately, but at this time, it was impossible to slow down. Carolina's heart suddenly burst out, and huge energy burst out, flying faster and faster, and then It hit the Supreme Sanctuary directly and fiercely.


The violent collision that she originally imagined did not appear. Carolina only heard the crisp sound of broken glass in her ears. The next moment, she fell directly under the influence of inertia and landed on the ground.

Raising her head, Carolina was surprised to find that she was actually in the corridor of a school at this moment. She looked back and saw that behind her there were only white painted walls intact.

"We changed places again." Carolina stared at the wall in a daze, unable to regain her consciousness for a long time.

She had experienced this feeling a long time ago. After she personally killed her comrade-in-arms, her spirit had almost collapsed. In this world composed of countless false offices, Carolina As the only 'real' being, she could no longer hold on.

So she chose a building that was extremely lofty, and without any hesitation, she jumped directly from the top.

But what was waiting for her was not the end of it all. On the contrary, the moment she touched the ground, she seemed to have passed through a barrier that could not be seen and came directly to another place.

The two worlds were very different, and Carolina couldn't tell where she was at that time, nor could she tell the difference between the two places, but they all had the only thing in common, and that was that they were shrouded in scarlet light.

Lifting her steps, Carolina walked in the corridor, her eyes swept from classroom to classroom. Each classroom was empty, but there were schoolbags and textbooks on every desk inside, and some teachers still remained on the blackboards. Chalk writing in class.

It was as if there were students taking classes here one moment, and everyone here had disappeared the next moment, without any warning or any residue.

Everything was so sudden and caught people off guard.

Licking her lips, Carolina walked into a classroom casually. She passed the podium and walked to the desk in the middle of the first row. On the desk, there was an open textbook, an exercise book and a pen.

Carolina tilted her head and cast her eyes on the textbook curiously.

This is an Eagle Country Chinese textbook, which was used by most schools in the early years, and Carolina was one of them. On the page that the textbook was opened at this time, there was a printed text titled THE STORY TELLER (storyteller).

The classroom was very quiet, and the only sound left was Carolina's breathing. Her eyes passed over each letter one by one, and slowly, a feeling of sleep came to her heart.

Chaotic red and blue light and shadow flashed on every object around. The dithering and distorted colors divided the blackboard into several sections. Milky white liquid slowly flowed down the wall, exposing the black slime hidden under the white.

Everything was gradually losing its original color, but Carolina did not notice the changes around her, or in other words, she was unable to notice it at this time.

She couldn't even take her eyes off the textbook.

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