American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

Chapter 1 The end of superheroes

"If this is a nightmare, I'd better wake up."

Zhang Yi walked on Spadina Avenue in New York like a zombie.

The dazzling sunshine shone on Zhang Yi's body, but it could not dispel the gloom in his heart. Even if he was on the busiest street in New York, Zhang Yi's heart did not have any ups and downs.

It seemed like everything was out of tune with him.

Zhang Yi is not from this world. He has also forgotten how he came to this world. It was like he was hungover. When he opened his eyes, he came here inexplicably, and he was with a group of homeless wanderers. Han lay together.

It has been a month since he came to this world. As more and more information was collected, Zhang Yi became more and more depressed. He tightened the shoulder bag tightly, as if the contents in the bag could bring him some comfort. A sense of security has been out of fashion for a long time, but for Zhang Yi, it contains all of his wealth.

The bag was picked up, and so were the contents.

After coming to this world, Zhang Yi was actually very excited at first. Time travel only existed in novels or animations. If he could experience it personally, he would be ahead of 99.9999% of the people in the world in his previous life.

Especially when Zhang Yi saw "Stark" in the newspaper, Zhang Yi became even more excited.

Stark, Zhang Yi, who has watched many Marvel works, is very familiar with this surname. Tony Stark, Iron Man, there will be no one else in the world who will board New York with this surname except him. The biggest newspaper, front page headlines.


Zhang Yi looked down, but the title that came into view made his breathing stop for a second.

[The splinter group Avengers are all destroyed! Tony Stark, the leader of the terrorist organization, was killed! 】

'What? ’

Zhang Yi's eyelids were twitching, and his hands holding the newspaper were shaking slightly. He couldn't believe what he saw.

Are the Avengers a splinter group? Tony Stark turned into a terrorist?

And, he’s dead?

Zhang Yi didn't have time to think too much. He continued to look down, trying to find more clues.

The incident took place in California many days ago. With the last Avengers Quinjet being hit head-on by a Patriot missile, the separatist organization 'Avengers' has ceased to exist in name only.

The Quinjet was carrying various veterans of the Avengers. Their positions were exposed when they evacuated the stronghold, which also caused them to not survive the attack and all of them died.

Tony Stark was originally a scientific genius with hundreds of billions of dollars, but after he was injured by a National Guard grenade, he made a metal suit. He changed his name to Iron Man and assembled a group of people. The separatists created the terrorist organization 'Avengers' and began to rebel against the current President of Eagle Country, President X.

It is reported that the people in the Avengers are all "possessed of special skills" and they are extremely outstanding talents in various fields, including Archbishop Stephen Strange, scientist Hank Pym and his wife, Thor who claims to be the reincarnation of Thor, etc.

But at this moment, the organization that attempted to subvert President X's totalitarian rule has long since died, and all that's left is the finishing work.

Four days later, Zhang Yi was on the street and saw the execution scene of Clint Barton, codenamed "Hawkeye".

He was betrayed on the way to escape and his identity was exposed. Even though he had excellent fighting skills and strong combat effectiveness, he would always be exhausted when facing the soldiers who kept rushing up.


With the sound of a gunshot, Clint Barton, who was kneeling on the street, was shot in the head. He was still wearing the purple suit that represented his identity.

Blood flowed, and the people watching around screamed. They were very excited to see such a wonderful scene. After all, this is the Avenger who has given President X a headache for a long time. Such people are rare, let alone It's said to be an execution site.

As for why these ‘Avengers’ risked their lives to launch a revolution and overthrow President

However, Zhang Yi, who was standing in the crowd watching all this, didn't think so.

'Why? What is happening in this world? ’

‘Why did Professor X, the founder of the X-Men, become an ultra-ruler? ’

'Why didn't Iron Man's suit lock on to the Patriot missile that was fired at them? ’

‘Why doesn’t Doctor Strange have magic? ’

'Why did Thor get killed by a missile while wielding that useless hammer? ’

Zhang Yi stared at Hawkeye's body, unable to calm down in his heart for a long time. He just felt that everything was so strange and scary. At this moment, he didn't even care about the nausea he felt when he saw a dead person for the first time.

"What kind of world have I come to?"

In the next few days, Zhang Yi continued to wander and began to search for clues in this broken world based on the memories of his past life.

Since he is a gangster and has no money, Zhang Yi can only join the team of scavengers to prevent himself from starving to death. However, this status also has great benefits, because there are many people in the team of scavengers. Information about this world that many people don’t know.

For example, in the previous attack on the Avengers, the former Avengers member 'Scarlet Witch' betrayed them. In order to protect herself, this woman betrayed the organization and told President X a lot of information and strongholds about the Avengers.

I'm afraid Tony Stark would never have imagined that the culprit that caused the Avengers' annihilation came from within, right?

The porn star known as the "Charming Witch" killed her producer Namor because he was a sea king who deceived her feelings. This matter made the tabloids that night and was also talked about by scavengers. matter.

It turns out that Washington, D.C., has now become a three-no-management jurisdiction, filled with various gangs. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most chaotic place in the world.

Zhang Yi was originally going to take a look, but several scavengers stopped him and told Zhang Yi that there was 'hell', even scarier than the real hell. If he didn't want to die in a gang conflict, or It is eaten by those mutant monsters. It is best to stay away from there. Don't go there in this life, don't even think about it.

This is a world comparable to a nightmare. All the superheroes and super villains in Zhang Yi's memory have changed. They have become a chapter with the most painful ending. The methods that originally enabled them to obtain superpowers, here let them The main culprit who has fallen here.

Like a curse, in this world, all superpowers have no good end, even those aliens.

Zhang Ye did not forget that last night a scavenger told him a story about how the Kree interstellar army was bombarded by nuclear bombs and turned into space junk.

After the memory ended, Zhang Yi stopped in front of a house.

There was a sign of 'recycling for auction' on the door of the house. Zhang Yi paused, took out two pieces of wire from his bag, put it into the door lock and fiddled with it a few times, and the door opened.

No one will take care of the houses that have been recycled for auction until they are sold. This also gives many scavengers an opportunity. After all, no one wants to sleep in a house. on the street.

The previous owner of this house was a man named Ben Parker. His poor nephew messed up a chemical experiment. After being bitten by a spider that received radiation, his nephew suffered from a terrible disease. , and finally died on the street after causing the death of his family.

Opening the door, Zhang Yi quickly entered the room. He looked around while closing the door without leaving any trace. After making sure that there was no one following him outside, he locked the door.

"You're back, how was your harvest?"

As soon as the door was closed, a figure appeared next to Zhang Yi. In just a blink of an eye, Zhang Yi didn't realize how he appeared. However, Zhang Yi did not show a surprised expression. Obviously, this was not the first time. .

"I told you, don't use your super speed casually anymore." Zhang Yi pushed the man away and walked towards the living room without looking back.

"I'm so bored. You go out for days at a time. Besides, I'm in this house, so no one should be able to find me."

Hearing this, Zhang Yi turned around, looked directly at the silver-haired man in front of him, and said.

"Really? Have you forgotten how you were captured before? Pietro, what do you want to lose this time, your left leg or your right leg? Isn't your left hand enough to remind you?"

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