American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 991 Illusion of Consciousness

Faced with everyone's doubts, Andrew smiled and without further explanation, he directly asked the supernatural armor to hit the meteor hammer, no, the big ball, on the door.

As soon as the big ball hit the door, it disappeared immediately, but was transported to a foreign space.

The alien space arranged by the snake god Seth is not an ordinary space, but a destructive space. It is filled with violent destructive energy. Whether it is a living thing or a material, it will be destroyed immediately as soon as it enters.

The ball that Andrew sent in was no exception. It was destroyed by the destructive energy in just one breath.

Fortunately, the ball is not a high-tech device, it is just a ball to hold something. When it is destroyed, the core energy inside shines brightly, shining on the destructive energy.

Being illuminated by those rays of light, the destructive energy quickly disappeared. Due to the rules, the surrounding energy quickly replenished here, and then disappeared as well.

Why is this happening? Because those lights are shrinking lights formed by Pym particles.

As mentioned before, the principle of Pym particles is to transfer the mass and energy of an object to another space (shrinking), or to transfer the mass and energy from another space to the target (enlarging).

Those shrinking lights just now transferred all the surrounding destructive energy to other spaces.

Dr. Pym's Pym Particles can't do this, but Andrew's Pym Particles can because his Pym Particles are upgraded.

Andrew's plan is already very clear. He wants to shrink all the destructive energy, absorb it all, and then deal with the portal.

Without the destructive energy, dealing with the portal couldn't be easier.

"Let me see how much destructive energy there is in the destructive space?"

At this time, the energy of the shrinking light was exhausted and gradually disappeared. Andrew continued to summon large balls and sent them into the space of destruction.

Ever since he traveled to the DC universe, Andrew has been creating Pym particles. As the saying goes, that's enough.

"Are these spheres really high-tech?"

Billy couldn't help but complain again. Compared to him, the face of the snake god Seth changed, because he sensed that the destructive energy was disappearing rapidly.

If this continues, it won't take long before the destruction space will turn into a void space. By then, a mere teleportation formation will not be able to stop King Andrew at all.

The reason why the silver-white gate is powerful is that it destroys space.

"As expected of the Mechanical Demon King, the cracking speed is faster than I imagined. Although I am confident in the third layer of defense, I still have to try to delay as much time as possible."

The snake god Seth shook his head and controlled a door in the underground base to open. Inside were rows of large nutrient tanks.

In the jar, there are airport women floating one after another. These women are all clones of Alicia Marcus.

The name Alicia Marcus may be a little unfamiliar to everyone, but the name Alice must be familiar to everyone. Alice is the perfect copy of Alicia Marcus.

Alice, the heroine of the Resident Evil series, not only did not turn into a zombie after being injected with the T virus, she also gained superpowers. At her peak, she could destroy satellites in space with her telekinesis.

Unfortunately, because the special effects were too expensive, the director found a funny reason to cancel Alice's powers. She has always relied on two dog-leg knives to conquer the world.

"Alicia Marcus, the woman most suitable for Sithorne's biochemical magic virus, another one of my trump cards."

The snake god Seth activated the device, and the nutrient solution in the jar quickly subsided. Then, these women opened their eyes at the same time, and a green multi-headed snake flashed deep in their eyes.

Not even Wesker or the others knew about the existence of this room, only the snake god Seth knew about it.

"Go and stop those people from continuing to destroy the defenses of the core space."

The snake god Seth ordered, and Alicia and the others nodded in unison. Then, they put on the red dresses next to them, took the dog-leg knives, and rushed towards the core space neatly.

Outside the core space, six Shazams and supernatural armors were fending off more and more high-level zombies. At the same time, a clone of the supernatural armor kept throwing large balls into the destruction space.

Why not throw it all in at once?

Because Andrew is worried that if the speed is too fast, the destruction space will collapse. In that case, the Big Bear City will become a big pit, which is more terrifying than the explosion of a nuclear bomb.

No matter from which aspect, Andrew will not let such a thing happen, so he must do it one by one. Of course, this is also delaying time. After all, he also wants the Death Angel to succeed.

The clone of the supernatural armor was throwing vigorously when suddenly, a powerful force of thought struck it, causing even the supernatural armor to fly backwards.

Everyone hurriedly turned their heads and saw a group of heroic women in red dresses rushing in. Before anyone arrived, they all used telekinesis to blast the six Shazams and supernatural armors like sledgehammers.

Andrew's eyes flashed: "Alice? The heroine finally appears."

"Wow, why are they all the same? This is going to break the Guinness record."

Billy exclaimed, and a bolt of lightning appeared from his fingertips, shattering the telekinesis in front of him. Then, with a strong movement of his feet, he rushed in front of the Alicias like a cannonball, and blasted one of them with his fist.

After all, Billy has been a superhero for several years, so he won't be afraid to fight a woman.

Alicia did not avoid Billy's fist. She tore her long skirt directly and used her chest to block Billy's fist. She was not afraid of being beaten flat anyway.

Billy had never seen this battle before, so he quickly closed his fists.

"You are shameless..."

When Billy was about to curse, another Alicia took the opportunity to rush over and put her hands on Billy's head. Billy's eyes immediately turned white as he was pulled into the illusion of consciousness.

In the hallucination of consciousness, Billy returned to the playground where he was a child, where he got lost because of his playfulness. His mother heard the radio and hurriedly came to find him. However, when she saw Billy being protected by the police, she suddenly felt... Have an idea.

"I can't take care of Billy at all, and I can't give him a better life. I should let him go and let better people take care of him."

Billy's mother secretly thought that there were no orphanages in the United States, and all children would be sent to foster families.

In this system, people who are lucky can live a good life, but people who are unlucky will have a bad life - many people adopt children just for the official subsidies.

Billy's mother thought this way, but it was actually just an excuse for herself. If she really cared about Billy, how could she just leave? At the very least, we should pay attention to the follow-up to see if Billy is doing well in the foster home.

Later, Billy comes to her and she even pushes him away.

These are things that happened in the real world. The illusion of consciousness is different. In the illusion of consciousness, Billy was found by his mother soon after he went missing.

Then, Billy's mother took Billy home, and the two lived as usual. Although they were poor, the life was warm and Billy was very happy.

Billy fell in instantly. On the surface, he had always acted indifferent to his mother's affairs, but in fact, deep down in his heart, he had always longed for maternal love. Before becoming Shazam, he had been looking for his mother.

Therefore, Billy was addicted to the illusion of consciousness and never woke up.

The T virus in Resident Evil has no ability to control others, but the T virus in this world is different, because the T virus is actually a biochemical magic virus. In addition, these Alicias have all been strengthened by the snake god Seth.

Seeing Billy's eyes turning white, the other five Shazams were shocked and rushed over to save Billy. As for the supernatural armor, it stayed behind to deal with the high-level zombies.

All the Shazams have left, and the supernatural armor is under great pressure. This group of comrades is completely unreliable.

"Brother, I'm here to save you."

The lame boy activated his super speed and rushed towards Billy at great speed. Unexpectedly, as soon as he rushed in front of Billy, he hit a solid telepathic wall, bounced back with a bang and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the lame boy's body was strong and he did not faint, but at this moment, an Alicia rushed over and put her hands on the lame boy's head, and the lame boy's eyes began to turn white.

The lame boy has always been a disabled person. On the surface, he is very optimistic and is completely indifferent to his disability. He even often jokes.

But in fact, the lame boy cares about this matter very much and wants to be a normal person like other people. This is why he has an extremely strong self-esteem and even publicly said that Shazam is his friend.

The lame boy wants others to take him seriously and envy him.

In the illusion of consciousness, the lame boy turned into a normal person. He was very happy and even cried with joy. Under such circumstances, he naturally did not want to wake up from the dream.

Seeing that the lame boy's eyes were white, the other Shazams looked very ugly, and they all attacked Alicia and the others with all their strength.

The Alicias used their telekinesis to fight back. Thunder and telekinesis fought fiercely outside the core space. Soon, all Shazam's heads were held down by the Alicias.

The reason for this is very simple. Alicias are not afraid of death, and although Shazam has killed many zombies, they have never killed a living person.

Therefore, when the Alicias are desperate, the Shazams will be helpless. In this case, it is normal for them to be grabbed by Alicias and hold their heads down.

The methods Alicia uses to deal with Shazam are all illusions of consciousness, controlled by the snake god Set.

The Shazams do have superhero powers, but they don't have the hearts of superheroes. They're just a bunch of immature kids. What can you expect from them?

Therefore, the illusion of consciousness is very effective. All six Shazam's eyes turned white, and they were addicted to the illusion and could not extricate themselves.

When the old wizard saw this, he was very anxious and tried to wake up the six Shazams. Unfortunately, it was completely ineffective because the Shazams couldn't hear his voice.

As for the supernatural armor, it was completely blocked by high-level zombies and could not support Shazam at all.

Andrew shook his head and used the teleporter to transport an instrument over. Well, this time it was a serious instrument, not the previous 'meteor hammer'.

"Next step."

The snake god Seth was very satisfied and controlled the Alicias to start the next step. He knew the weaknesses of these superheroes well.

In the hallucination of consciousness, Billy's mother pointed to the textbook and said to Billy: "This word is called Shazam, can you repeat it?"

Billy blinked and subconsciously wanted to repeat it, but for some reason, he suddenly felt a sense of panic. Instead of saying it, he asked, "This word is so weird. What does it mean?"

"It means, magic."

Billy's mother smiled and said, "Billy, say it, say Shazam."


Billy hesitated, thought for a moment, and said, "Mom, I don't miss you, okay?"

Billy's mother said: "No, a good boy cannot be disobedient. If you don't read, your mother will leave."

"No, you can't leave."

Billy hurriedly took his mother's hand, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Shazam."


Not only Billy shouted this sentence, but the other five Shazams also shouted this sentence at the same time. Six thunderbolts appeared out of thin air and exploded on the six Shazams. Alicia beside them flew out at the same time, and was scorched black.

Because the six Shazams shouted the name "Shazam", they turned back into ordinary people at the same time. The Alicias who had been waiting there activated their telekinesis at the same time, forming a telekinesis storm to tear the Shazams apart.

Although the Shazams were awake, they had no time to shout Shazam again. They were about to be torn apart. At the critical moment, the supernatural armor used the time-deceleration ability.

The supernatural armors, Shazams, and the instruments sent by Andrew were not affected, but Alicia's movements were like slow motion, and the telekinesis storm was no exception.

Then, Andrew started the transmitted instrument.

This instrument is like a pillar. It emits six rays of light and falls on the six Shazams.

These lights were about to take effect, and at this moment, black energy emitted from Alicia's body at the same time. This black energy formed a multi-headed snake in the air, breaking the effect of time deceleration in an instant.

The snake god Seth sneered. He already knew the ability of the supernatural armor. How could he be unprepared?

If it was the time slowdown used by the Three Palace Demons, Alicia and the others wouldn't be able to break it, but the one used by the supernatural armor is not worth mentioning.

The supernatural armor suffered backlash, and a large number of cracks appeared in its solid body. It hurriedly transferred the injuries to the clone. This was a damage transfer ability.

Because the ability to slow down time was broken, a storm of telekinesis swept through the two closest Shazams, tearing them into pieces.

Andrew sighed. After the disaster, a superhero finally fell in the Justice League.

Of course, this will happen sooner or later, but as long as Andrew can win, everything will not be a problem.

Then, the storm of telekinesis attacked the other Shazams. Fortunately, at this time, the instrument took effect, and the remaining four Shazams turned into light, flew to the side of the instrument, and merged together.

This instrument is a forced fusion instrument. It can be used not only on one's own people, but also on the enemy. It is another card of Andrew's.


The Shazam fusion looked at the remains of the two siblings and roared with grief and anger. At this time, Andrew shouted: "Call Shazam."


The Shazam fusion yelled immediately, and a thunder struck down, and a Shazam that was far stronger than before, and could even be called a muscular devil monster, appeared in front of everyone.

Even Black Adam pales in comparison to this muscular monster.

Why is this happening? Because this is not one Shazam, this is the fusion of four Shazams.

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