American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 98 Brain-Eating Worms

After eliminating the professor's threat, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Mystique asked the scan to maintain group consciousness and returned to her original appearance.

Then, Mystique of the Magneto Dynasty said: "Contact the Red Devil and ask him to come over. His abilities are very useful."


Mystique found the phone from the broadcast room and dialed the Red Devil. She said, "Asazo, come here and save me. I will tell you the whereabouts of that child."

"Ruiwen, you are really capable. You can even make phone calls in Lonely Island Prison."

The Red Devil was a little surprised and teleported to Mystique. As soon as he appeared, he saw Magneto raise his hand.

The expression of the red devil in the red mist state changed and he disappeared immediately.

Magneto was a little shocked. When did the Red Devil's teleportation speed become so fast?

"Riven, are you plotting against me? You will pay the price."

The red devil threw away the phone in anger. Fortunately, his strength had greatly increased recently, otherwise he would have been tricked by Mystique and Magneto this time.

"There is no need to look for my son in the future. If you follow the Demon King, you will be able to rescue your own people sooner or later. The Demon King is super powerful. My current strength is at least several times stronger than before."

The Red Devil thought of something, picked up the phone and called Andrew, saying: "BOSS, Mystique, Magneto and the others are preparing to cause trouble again."

"Huh? So diligent?"

Andrew was a little surprised, and immediately turned his attention to the isolated island prison, and found that the entire prison had been controlled by mutants and felons, and SHIELD staff were either captured or killed.

At the same time, Andrew also discovered the clairvoyant John Garrett. He was about to die, but his will was very strong and he kept gritting his teeth to hold on. He didn't want to die. He had been holding on for decades and would continue to hold on.

"It's interesting. It's time to plant a nail in S.H.I.E.L.D."

Andrew pulled Garrett into the illusion and said, "Sign a contract and give me your soul, and I will protect you from death."

"I'll sign."

Garrett didn't waste any time and signed the contract immediately. Then, Andrew teleported him to Ethan's laboratory in the rebirth hell.

"Ethan, come to life."

Andrew said: "Get him a mechanical gut and let him live."

"Why is it a mechanical viscera again?"

Garrett was dumbfounded. Is there something wrong with this style of painting? In fact, Garrett is ready to be transformed into a demon.

Ethan checked some of Garrett's wounds and said hesitantly: "The mechanical viscera is still in the experimental stage. It is a bit difficult for him and may not succeed."

Andrew said: "It's okay. If it fails, I will use healing techniques to repair his wounds and make him recover as before."

Ethan nodded: "That's no problem."

Garrett looked at Ethan expectantly after hearing this, and Ethan smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will do my best to cure you."

Garrett said in a weak tone, "No, doctor, try to fail."

Ethan's face was a little dark. This was the first time he had heard such a request for so many years as a copycat doctor. He gritted his teeth and said, "Bet on my machine body, I promise to cure you."

Garrett: "..."

Andrew smiled, left Ethan's laboratory and came outside, where he found Hulk using a sledgehammer to smash the robot under the guidance of Taskmaster.

Yes, sledgehammer, Hulk loves to use hammers.

The Master of Imitation taught in a cold voice: "Hulk, don't just smash around. Also, you have to save some energy to change your moves, don't use all your strength."

"Hulk, smash it."

Hulk didn't take it seriously and threw random hits at the flying robot. Taskmaster shook his head without getting angry and continued to teach Hulk that she never lacked patience.

"It's quite a loving scene."

Andrew shook his head, went to the big boss's laboratory, and asked, "How is the research on cosmic storms going?"

"Cosmic storm is a big project, and it won't be completed so quickly."

The big boss said: "However, I have already achieved results with the potion that speeds up self-healing."

After saying that, the big boss took out a box of plaster and a bottle of medicine: "This plaster can remove scars and takes effect in one day. This medicine is a purified version of the previous medicine. After drinking it, the wound will heal quickly."

"They are all good, but the market potential is not high. If you keep working hard, you can develop into whitening and rejuvenation."

Andrew said that the market potential he was talking about was not how much money it could be sold for, but how many souls it could exchange for.

"As much as possible."

The big boss said that his energy is basically focused on the cosmic storm and Hulk's blood, and the quick self-healing potion is just a small project.

Andrew said nothing more and went to check Howard and Trask's research.

Howard is researching artificial intelligence and is almost successful, while Trask is building more mutant instruments that will provide him with a wealth of experience. In the end, he will create a real Sentinel robot.

"It's good and thriving."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. He looked at the factory area and thought to himself: "Now that there are tens of thousands of souls, perhaps we should consider building a city and truly start a mechanical civilization."

In the isolated island prison, seeing the red devil disappear, Mystique looked a little ugly. She said to Magneto: "The plan failed, we can't raid the mutant academy."

"It doesn't matter, everything can never go as planned."

Magneto didn't care. He had failed countless times in his life and was not so glass-hearted. He thought about it and said, "We will lead people to attack New York. With Charles's character, he will definitely help SHIELD stop us.

At that time, you find an opportunity to contact Charles, and then quietly go to the Mutant Academy to use the brainwave enhancement device to kill all humans. "

"Kill all humans?"

Andrew's eyes lit up when he heard this. Lao Wan was very capable, and each plan was bigger than the last.

"When he and Mystique die, be sure to give them the Best Employee Award from Hell."

Andrew smiled and said, of course, their plan may not succeed. Superheroes are not vegetarians. More importantly, there is a super boss on the X-Men side.

"It doesn't matter whether it works or not, just watch the show." Andrew said he was not in a hurry at all.

Here, after listening to what Magneto said, Mystique nodded and said: "Just do it this way, the end of mankind is coming soon."

Magneto thought for a moment and said, "Riven, record my X gene. If anything goes wrong, we can work together to defeat the X-Men."

Mystique put her hand on Magneto and said with a smile: "They will definitely not think that we have two Magnetos."

After Mystique finished copying the genes, Magneto Toad ordered: "Go to the lowest level and release all the abominations, vampires, and lizardmen who were used as experimental subjects. I believe they are happy to make humans pay the price. "

Mystique reminded: "Abomination is too dangerous. Don't unblock him yet. Then we will just throw him from the sky. He won't die anyway."

Hatred has always been in a frozen state. With his character, he will not be an experimental subject.


Toad nodded and took a few mutants to rescue the experimental subjects.

Then, Magneto said to all the prisoners in the prison through spiritual connection: "Everyone go to the deck, I will take you back to New York, and then you can do whatever you want."

"Long live Magneto."

Mutants and felons cheered together, holding stolen guns and looking ferocious. It was time for New Yorkers to see their fury.

Magneto nodded with satisfaction. He thought for a moment and moved all the missiles and bombs in the prison to the deck. These things would come in handy.

Firefox was also imprisoned in the island prison. She frowned and said to Sloan: "Sloan, you can't do this, they will kill many people."

"so what?"

Sloan held the gun and said angrily: "SHIELD has tortured me for so long, and I want them to die miserably."

Sloan was also on the space station at the time. In order to confirm whether he had any powers, Garrett tortured him a lot during this time.

Sloan was filled with resentment and his character gradually became distorted.

"We are assassins of fate, not villains," shouted Firefox.

"The Assassin of Destiny?"

Sloan sneered: "If I told you that the people you killed were actually orders placed by black market customers, what would you think?"

Firefox shouted in disbelief: "What? This is impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible. You are just my tool. You were and still are."

While speaking, Sloan opened his right hand, and a black bug the size of a fingernail flew out of his palm and burrowed into Firefox's cheek. Then, the black bug followed the blood and entered Firefox's brain.

Firefox's eyes became confused, and she stood beside Sloan expressionlessly, waiting for his order.

This is Sloan's superpower, the brain-eating worms - brain-eating worms can not only control others, but also eat the host's brain and reproduce more bugs.

However, this insect has a fatal weakness, that is, it is afraid of low temperatures. At low temperatures, the insects will die.

This power is terrible, but its shortcomings are also obvious, so no matter how Garrett tortured Sloan, Sloan didn't say anything.

As for blood tests and the like, the bugs haven't hatched yet, so there's no way to detect them at all.

After controlling Firefox, Sloan went all out and took control of Big Back Head, Butcher, Tinker and others. He thought crazily: "I want to use New Yorkers to feed my bugs, I want to make all New Yorkers become worms." Become my slave, and I will rule New York, and even the whole world."

Soon, all the prisoners were transferred to the deck. Magneto opened his hands, and cracking sounds were heard from below the deck. A moment later, the deck broke away from the prison and surfaced with a crash. At the same time, the island prison slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

It wasn't over yet, Magneto waved his hand, the upper lid opened, and the bright moonlight poured into the prison.

The prisoners were very excited to see the moon again, cheering loudly, and some even shot into the sky.

"Let's go."

Magneto laughed, and the control deck flew towards New York at high speed.

"Magneto is not that impulsive. There must be a conspiracy when he chooses to attack New York."

At the S.H.I.E.L.D. Command, Nick Fury thought for a while and opened the live broadcast on Kuaishou familiarly. The new host of Bugle TV was broadcasting news about the island prison.

"Melinda is doing a great job and has become a host."

Nick Fury nodded when he saw the Asian female host with a cold face on the screen. The other person was Melinda May, a level 7 agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Melinda said expressionlessly: "According to the news we received, there was a riot in the Lonely Island Prison. Magneto has escaped and is leading an army of prisoners towards New York."

Then, the screen split into two, with one half showing Melinda and the other half showing the flying prison deck - a large high-definition picture, much better than Nick Fury's satellite picture.

"I believe everyone is wondering what kind of prison is Gudao Prison, and why have they never heard of it?"

Melinda said: "Let's start from the beginning. Viewers should remember that our Clarion TV station has been investigating a mysterious organization, a mysterious organization that hides the truth and secretly deletes our mobile phone data.

After verification by our TV station, this organization is called S.H.I.E.L.D., whose full name is the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency. They are an agency affiliated with the United Nations and are responsible for handling strange incidents..."


Nick Fury looked confused. He asked Maria Hill: "Did Melinda defect?"

"I think it's quite similar."

Hill smiled and said, find a SHIELD agent to break SHIELD news. The editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle is really talented. She asked: "Do you want to interrupt the live broadcast of Bugle TV?"

"It cannot be interrupted. Kuaiduo has been ignoring our requests to monitor the content."

Nick Fury shook his head and said: "In addition, Bugle TV is now famous all over the world. It is difficult to stop them. The United States is a free society, at least on the surface."

"After this incident is over, the media and the World Security Council will all attack me, and we must find a way to solve it."

Nick Fury's eyes flashed slightly. The world cannot live without him and he cannot step down. In addition, if he steps down now, many things will be exposed, such as the money he embezzled, the safe house he has been building, and the things he has hidden. various secrets.

The host Melinda was thinking, Director Fury would not wear small shoes for herself in the future, right? Of course, this doesn't stop her from continuing to break the news.

"The Island Prison is a prison where SHIELD holds special criminals. Magneto, Abomination, and Mystique are all imprisoned in the Island Prison.

Unfortunately, S.H.I.E.L.D. messed up as before, Magneto successfully escaped from prison, and he brought a large number of extremely vicious criminals to prepare to bloodbath New York, including abominations, lizard men, and vampires.

New Yorkers, especially those in Brooklyn, please leave as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the disaster has begun again. "

"S.H.I.E.L.D., my regards to your family."

The citizens of New York yelled, "Why are you housing so many criminals if you don't have the ability?" What's even more outrageous is that the island prison is actually built off the coast of New York!

"I knew that disaster would not let us go so easily. Last time it was not the end, it was just the intermission."

An old New Yorker sighed. It seems that New York has not turned around yet.

While cursing and sighing, the citizens of Brooklyn ran wildly out, Magneto, Mystique, Abomination, Lizardmen, vampires, this is the rhythm of the end.

"SHIELD, this organization has been hiding the truth. In addition, my life experience is also related to them."

Skye looked at the live broadcast, her eyes full of light. At this moment, Gwen's voice sounded from the speaker: "Skye, Jessica and I are rushing to Brooklyn. Please help me calculate. Magneto and the others Where will it land?"

Skye replied: "At a pier in Brooklyn, SHIELD and superheroes have set up defenses there."

"Okay." Gwen nodded and rushed to the dock at full speed.

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