American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 977 Great Purge Plan

Among the hell demons, the Plant Demon King is not outstanding in terms of strength and speed, but his ability to survive is the strongest. It is not that easy to kill him.

The Plant Demon King's clone, which was split into two by Superman's heat ray, is also not dead. Let's put it this way, as long as part of his body still exists, he will not die.

In addition, unless all clones of the Plant Demon King are destroyed, he will not fall.

"It's really troublesome even if you don't die like this."

Batman couldn't help but frown. No demon king is simple, because simple people cannot become demon kings. Even if they can, they will be killed by other demon kings.

Hell is a place where the weak prey on the strong.

"Human, you pissed me off."

The clone of the Plant Demon King looked very ugly, and it was on par with the Kryptonians. It didn't matter. After all, it was a powerful Kryptonian. On Earth, humans call Kryptonians gods on earth.

But Batman, a mere mortal, actually blew up his body. This was a great shame to the Plant Demon. There was no way he would allow Batman to continue to live.

"Why do you big guys always like to say things like this?"

Batman sneered in a deep voice: "Do you know that saying things like this will make you look low?"

"you wanna die."

The clone of the Plant Demon King was furious, and a huge green beam of light roared out from his mouth and hit the hell armor hard. The hell armor flew out directly, breaking more than a dozen big trees behind it.

But nothing happened to the Hell Armor, because Batman immediately activated the multi-space dispersion function to transfer the impact to other worlds.

The core of this hell armor is the multidimensional space system designed by S1 Luther.

This system allows the armor to absorb the power of other worlds, thereby possessing superhuman speed and strength, and can even teleport. Ordinary space blocking methods cannot seal him at all.

In addition, it can also allow the armor to transfer the attacks it receives to other worlds.

In addition, these transferred attacks can be extracted later and turned into their own attacks. To put it simply, the Hell Armor gets stronger with each battle and is good at fighting protracted battles.

This core system, coupled with a large amount of alien technology and hell technology owned by Batman, together form the hell armor that can fight the devil.

"It's a pity that you don't want to join the intelligent system, otherwise, the function of the armor will be even better."

S1 Luther sighed: "Just using your brain will not bring out the true power of the armor."

"Smart systems are not safe."

Batman is very stubborn in this regard and has added an intelligent system. What if the armor is controlled by the enemy? What if the intelligent system rebels? What if there is a bug in the intelligent system and it is regarded as an enemy?

In short, there is no need for an intelligent system. Everything is controlled by Batman himself. This is why the Hell Armor is so thick. Because there is no intelligent system, many additional control devices need to be installed.


S1 Luthor cursed unhappily and said, "Batman, do your best and don't let me down."

The dream of defeating gods with a mortal body is not only shared by Tony Stark, but also by Luther, and it is even stronger. After all, everyone knows that Luther is a die-hard human supremacist.

Putting all this aside, Batman quickly flew back from a distance and continued to fight the Plant Demon King's clone.

In this way, Superman, Fiora, and Batman teamed up to fight against the Plant Demon King and the Wolf Demon King. Although they did not gain the upper hand, the situation was not too bad, and they were completely able to fight.

The war between other people and the Demon King is also in full swing, and the buildings in the city have been razed one after another. Fortunately, this is a mirror space, otherwise Gotham would definitely be gone.

Alien crisis, zombie crisis, and hell demon crisis broke out one after another. Upon seeing this, other villains accelerated their speed and descended on the earth.

General Zod was no exception. He said: "It seems that there are many people who hate the earth. The Justice League is too troublesome. Let's kill him while he is sick. As for the rest, we will deal with it after we have eliminated the people on earth."

"totally agree."

Sinestro, the leader of the Yellow Lantern Corps, nodded, and then General Zod ordered Luther: "Activate the space teleportation device to teleport Fort Ross to Earth."

"General Zod, there is a problem in Earth's space. I suggest we descend to the moon."

Luther said and General Zod asked, "What's the problem?"

"Andrew Wang's teleporter constructed a small space on the earth. Coupled with the projection of hell, the earth's space became very unstable."

Luther replied: "If there are only a few people, it won't be a big problem, but if the entire Fort Ross is teleported, they may be sucked into the small space created by the teleporter.

When the time comes, we will face the Demon King of Hell, and those guys will not show mercy to us. "

"Is that so? Then teleport to the moon first, and then drive from the moon."

General Zod thought for a while and said, Luther nodded: "Okay, start the teleportation. It is expected to start in three minutes."

"very good."

General Zod nodded with satisfaction, and then he said to Astra: "Start the great cleansing plan deployed on the earth."

Astra is the aunt of Supergirl Kara. She and her husband were imprisoned by the Kryptonian Council in Fort Ross Prison because they wanted to implement the Great Purge Plan. The Kryptonians in Fort Ross Prison basically obeyed their orders.

"Okay, we have been secretly arranging a great cleansing plan on the earth for these years, and we can finally officially start it."

Astra said excitedly: "Those idiots in the parliament have no idea that the great purge plan is the most correct one."

"There is no need to talk about the past. The most important thing now is to eliminate the people on Earth and let Krypton be reborn on Earth."

General Zod said: "Earth has a yellow sun. If we occupy it, the Kryptonians will be invincible. By then, the entire universe will become the hunting ground of our Kryptonians.

In this case, we Kryptonians will never perish again. "

General Zod became more and more excited as he talked. He never realized the real reason for the destruction of Krypton, but instead went further and further down the wrong path.

"Long live Krypton."

All the Kryptonians shouted enthusiastically at the same time. There were many more Kryptonians than before. They were the new Kryptonians developed during this period. However, there were many problems due to forced ripening.

Then, Astra didn't waste any time and activated the arrangement on the earth. All the broadcasting devices on the earth emitted strange sound waves at the same time.

When the people heard this sound wave, their eyes gradually became dull, and then they stood there blankly, waiting for orders.

The zombies were not affected and immediately pounced on the people who stopped to feast. Fortunately, the robot was not affected and quickly escaped with its master.

The Great Purge Plan is actually a great control plan that uses a special sound wave to control all life.

For this plan, the Kryptonians have been secretly controlling the broadcast system on Earth for many years - control in the physical sense. They have replaced all broadcasts with alien broadcasts with the same appearance.

Because the broadcast system was not affected at all, not even Alice noticed this.

"People on Earth, kill everyone around you, leave no one behind."

Astra shouted an order through the broadcast system. The controlled Earthlings immediately pounced on the people around them. The entire Earth quickly became a mess, with melees everywhere.

Not only were the people affected, but some superheroes were also affected. For example, Mr. Incredible lost control and swung a lamppost more than ten meters long, sending more than a dozen people flying.

I'm afraid there will be some pain when Mr. Incredible wakes up. Of course, that will be in the future.

"General Zod, we don't need to do it ourselves. The purge plan alone can kill all the people on earth."

Astra proudly said that over the years, she had tried to start the purge plan in advance many times, but General Zod had always vetoed it.

General Zod said: "We cannot place all our hopes on the great purge plan, superheroes are not that easy to deal with.

We have a two-pronged approach. If everything goes well, that is naturally the best. Even if it does not go well, the Great Purge Plan can help us deal with some of the people on Earth, and it can also distract the attention and energy of the superheroes, allowing us to defeat them faster. "

"Unless they can destroy all the broadcasting devices equipped with special sound waves in a short period of time, they will never be able to crack the big purge plan."

Astra said confidently: "Those special broadcasting devices are hidden in millions of ordinary broadcasting devices. Even the fastest Flash can't even think of destroying them in a short time."

General Zod nodded: "That's best."

The next second, all the broadcasting devices of the Great Purge Plan were destroyed. Astra looked confused. What the hell is this? Is this slap in the face coming too soon?

In Battlestar, Andrew saw the chaos on the earth and asked in a deep voice: "Alice, what's going on?"

"It's a radio..."

Alice said: "I tried to control the broadcast system, but failed. The Kryptonians secretly replaced all the broadcast devices.

BOSS, I need some time to decipher this sound wave, but we don’t have time. People are dying every minute on the earth. What’s worse is that the number of zombies is increasing significantly. "

"Since science doesn't work, let's play magic."

Andrew raised the ring and made a wish: "Destroy all special broadcasting devices."

The wishing ring lit up, and the next second, all the special broadcasting devices were destroyed, all control sound waves disappeared, and the people on earth quickly returned to normal.

"What just happened?"

The people were stunned. At this time, a large number of zombies rushed towards them. They were all shocked and ran away quickly. No matter what had just happened, running for their lives was more important.

"Did I just kill a citizen?"

Mr. Incredible looked at the pile of corpses in front of him, completely confused, and the lamppost in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

"Save people first, we don't have time to feel guilty now."

Elastigirl shouted, Mr. Incredible gritted his teeth, picked up the lamppost and went to deal with the zombies. Whatever, wait until the disaster is over. He will bear the responsibility.

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