American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 972 The disaster spreads

Another young zombie, fast enough to dodge bullets, appeared in front of a policeman like a ghost, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the policeman's throat.

Not long after, the police were completely wiped out. The zombies roared and chased the people. The speed was a little slow, which was completely different from the slow zombies in the game.

To make matters worse, a moment later, the policeman who was bitten to death got up from the ground, turned into a zombie, and joined the chase.

"Help, help us."

The people were scared to death and screamed for help while running away. At this moment, a woman wearing high heels fell to the ground, and a zombie immediately pounced on her.

Seeing that this woman was about to be killed by the zombies, at the critical moment, a steel figure knocked away the zombies, and it was Iron Man who arrived.

In fact, zombies appeared in many places in New York, and Iron Man was the closest, so he rushed over to help. At the same time, the entire Iron Legion was dispatched to clean up the zombies and protect the people.


Andrew's eyes narrowed when he saw the situation on the earth. He didn't expect that the biohazard was also integrated into it. This was a huge trouble. What was even worse was that he failed to detect the mine in advance.

"Alice, collect the zombie virus. I'm going to start researching the antidote."

Andrew said that if it was a normal zombie virus, he would be sure to develop an antidote. Just be afraid, this virus is not normal.

Alice nodded: "Yes, BOSS."

"iron Man."

People cheered when they saw Iron Man, their patron saint of New York.

"Get out of here quickly. Remember to hide at home and close the door tightly. Shet, why did the zombies in the game escape? Now we are in trouble."

Iron Man cursed and fired energy beams at the zombies one after another. Several zombies were killed by him immediately. At this moment, the speed zombie rushed in front of him and opened its mouth to bite his neck.

The next second, all the teeth of the speed zombie shattered and turned into a toothless zombie. Are you kidding me, that's Iron Man's neck.

"Zombies are zombies, even the stupid ones are kind of cute."

Iron Man shook his head, popped out a sharp blade from his forearm, and chopped off the speed zombie's head.

Before Iron Man could breathe a sigh of relief, a tongue hit him hard on the chest, knocking him back several steps.

"It's disgusting. This is my favorite suit."

Iron Man looked disgusted and used a sonic gun to kill the opponent. Then, he quickly eliminated the remaining zombies. Although many zombies had special abilities, they were no match for him.

After dealing with the zombies here, Iron Man immediately rushed to the next location. At this moment, New York City had gradually fallen into chaos, and zombies were everywhere.

In fact, zombie disasters have broken out not only in New York City, but also in major cities in Europe and the United States. There is no way around it. Zombies spread too fast. If a zombie appears, everyone around it will soon turn into zombies.

In a short period of time, a large number of people died and turned into zombies.

The biochemical crisis has officially broken out.

Compared with the Resident Evil movies, the Resident Evil in the DC universe is more terrifying. The reason is very simple. The zombies here are not caused by the T virus, but by Sithorne's biochemical magic virus.

Many of these zombies have special abilities, such as being extremely strong, extremely fast, or having tongues that can grow long.

In addition, people who are bitten to death by zombies turn into zombies very quickly. It only takes more than ten seconds for those dead people to get up and become new zombies.

What's even scarier is that these zombies can be upgraded.

Yes, zombies can be upgraded. The more people they kill, the stronger they become.

Ordinary zombies, lickers, tyrants, and more advanced zombies, once they develop, they can not only destroy the earth, but also the universe.

In fact, Sithorn once destroyed a universe with a biochemical magic virus. This time, in order to take revenge, he chose to use a mass murderer.

"Very well, the souls of the zombies are mine."

The snake god Seth felt the increasing number of souls and was beaming with joy. He did not ask Darkseid to act immediately, but waited first. There were others who were also taking action, so there was no rush.

Darkseid is the trump card and should be saved for last.

"How are you doing over there? Can you clear out the zombies?"

Iron Man asked the other superheroes while cleaning up the zombies. At this moment, there were zombies everywhere, and the superheroes all joined the fight.

Not only the superheroes of the Justice League joined the battle, but other superheroes, such as Hawkman and others from the Justice Society, also all dispatched, and the Sky Eye Society also dispatched all available troops.

There is also the military's exoskeleton mechanical army. With the help of teleporters, they quickly enter the city to intercept the zombies.

Although everyone is working hard, the manpower is still far from enough. Many cities have no superheroes and have become zombie paradises.

"There are just too many to clean up."

In Metropolis, Superman used heat rays to clean up a group of zombies below, and then quickly rushed to other places to quickly clean up the zombies.

Superman has never been so full of firepower as he is now, but he is still not fast enough. There is no way, the zombies are spreading too fast.

Not only humans can be infected with zombie viruses, but rats and birds can also be infected. How many rats are there in a big city? Using them as a medium, more and more people are turning into zombies.

"I can't do it here either."

Shazam said: "Fighting zombies in games is fun, but fighting zombies in reality is not fun at all, and it's super disgusting."

Shazam is just a child after all. Killing zombies is a bit too bloody for him, but there is no way. Zombies are different from other enemies and must be killed completely.

Neptune couldn't help but curse: "Damn it, where did these zombies come from? Why did a zombie disaster suddenly break out all over the world?"

"Someone tampered with the waterworks."

Raven hesitated and said, "I used magic to hypnotize them. They said that they were employees of Umbrella Company and that they wanted to clean the world for the Ghost Rider and eliminate low-level humans."

"Ghost Rider?"

Everyone gasped. They didn't care about cleaning the world or something. Super villains did too many such things. What they cared about was the Ghost Rider.

"You mean, Ghost Rider did this?"

Shazam asked in shock: "Is this impossible? The Ghost Rider is one of our own."

Cyborg said calmly: "In fact, the Ghost Rider is not one of us. He only protects the world. Moreover, he said that sooner or later, he will clean the world, just like God launched a great flood."

Everyone's heart sank, no one wanted to go against the Ghost Rider, not only because he was one of their own, but also because he was very powerful.

"Uh, did you misunderstand something?"

Iron Man wanted to roll his eyes, but these guys were obviously thinking wrong, and he said: "Ghost Rider might not know about this at all, and that Umbrella company is probably just borrowing its name.

In addition, if Ghost Rider really wants to cleanse the world, he will not use such disgusting methods. He will release the fire of hell, burn the entire world, and purify everything. "

Ghost Rider is Andrew Wang's pretentious doppelgänger, how could he possibly destroy the world?

Everyone suddenly realized that they had indeed made a mistake. With the cool style of Ghost Rider, how could it be possible to release a virus to wipe out mankind? That's too low.

"Raven, Zatanna, you guys are taking Sonic Team to destroy Umbrella Corporation."

Iron Man said: "On the one hand, let's look to see if there is an antidote. Although it is unlikely, I have never seen an antidote for biochemical viruses. Those bastards are super irresponsible. They only set fires and don't put them out.

On the other hand, preventing them from continuing to do evil and using water plants to poison is definitely just the beginning, and we cannot allow the situation to continue to deteriorate. "

"Okay, leave it to us."

Zatanna nodded: "Alice, teleport us and Sonic Team to Big Bear City. The headquarters of Umbrella Corporation is underground in Big Bear City."

"no problem."

Alice said: "As a reminder, the teleporter will have other uses in the future and may not be able to teleport everyone in time."

Iron Man asked in surprise: "Other uses, what uses? Is there any bigger trouble than these zombies?"

"Unfortunately, it does."

Alice said: "In addition, the teleporter has been transporting troops into the city, which is a heavy burden."

After saying that, Alice stopped talking nonsense and teleported Zatanna, Raven, and Sonic Team to Big Bear City.

As the home base of Umbrella Corporation, Big Bear City naturally receives special attention. The situation here is worse than other places. The streets are full of zombies, and even the police station has been destroyed.

Policewoman Jill was leading a group of citizens to escape with difficulty, and a group of zombies were chasing after them. Fortunately, she was good at shooting a few speed zombies, otherwise everyone might have died.

The problem is that Jill is out of bullets now. Just when she was desperate, she suddenly saw Sonic in front of her. She was overjoyed and hurriedly shouted: "Hedgehog, come and help us."

"My name is Sonic, why do everyone call me Hedgehog? Do you call black people Black Man?"

Sonic sighed and turned into a bolt of lightning and flew out. A moment later, the heads of all the zombies behind Jill exploded at the same time.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and many citizens shouted: "Superheroes, take us out of here quickly, this city is too dangerous."

“It’s like this all over the world now.”

Raven shook her head and controlled the shadow dragon under her feet to appear. She said: "The shadow dragon will take you to the roof. You hide for a while first, and we are going underground.

The mastermind behind the zombie crisis is underground. "

"The mastermind behind the zombie crisis is under our feet?"

Everyone was shocked and angry, and everyone knew that the overall situation was paramount and had no objection. However, Jill stayed and said, "I'm here to help you.

Don't refuse yet. My game level is very high and I have special skills. With the current situation, Mr. Wang will let game players enter the game sooner or later. When the time comes, I can come in handy. "

After that, Gil explained the situation of his game character in detail. Zatanna and Raven were a little surprised. They thought about it for a while and did not refuse. After seeing off the other citizens, they took Gil and headed underground.

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