That's right, bystanders. This time, Batman wants to see if he can find any clues from the perspective of bystanders, clues of disaster.

Unfortunately, Batman, as usual, found nothing. The only thing that is certain is that Andrew is having an affair with the current God of Death.

Therefore, Batman asked many questions, and Andrew answered casually. After finally dealing with the old bat, Iron Man called again.

Andrew rolled his eyes. These two guys might as well have been there. At least, they didn't have to explain it twice.

After dealing with the two old silver coins, Andrew walked up to O'Connor and Eve and asked, "When are you two going to get married?"

"You still have the nerve to say it?"

Eve looked at Andrew angrily, if you hadn't talked nonsense, would I have fallen in love with this big boss? Although he is very masculine, very strong, and makes people feel safe.

"You think it's not fate, but actually it is fate."

Andrew smiled and didn't say much. He said, "O'Connor, you have good potential. Are you interested in joining the MIB training camp?"

"Very interested."

O'Connor replied with bright eyes, MIB is not only the coolest agent, but also has a lot of incredible equipment. It is simply his dream job.

"Very good, I'll report it in a few days. By the way, Eve, I'll leave this for you as a souvenir."

Andrew threw the Death Bracelet to Eve. The bracelet had completed its historical mission and was of no use.

Well, it's wrong to say it's useless. This bracelet is made entirely of gold and weighs at least five kilograms. If you sell it, you can get a lot of money. Moreover, it is still an antique.

"I like this."

Eve excitedly caught the Death Bracelet. She was not greedy for money, but simply liked historical relics.

"It's not in vain after all."

Jonathan muttered behind his back, thinking about when to steal the Death Bracelet and sell it for money.

After arranging for O'Connor and Eve, Andrew began to count the harvest this time.

Needless to say, prestige and fear, Supergirl's prestige is probably about to explode, although she doesn't really want such a prestige, and even wants to change her account and start training again.

The fear is not too much, there is no way, disasters are coming one after another, the audience's resistance is gradually increasing, but it is not a big problem, because Andrew has gained enough fear, now it depends on whether the cosmic consciousness has the ability to force out his trump card .

Fear and time restart are Andrew's two biggest trump cards.

In addition to these two old men, this time, there were also great gains in other aspects. For example, the God of Death's clone devoured Anubis's Kingdom of God, which greatly improved his strength.

At the same time, Andrew also obtained a small space in the oasis, an army of hundreds of thousands of jackal heads and human beings, the Golden Book of the Sun, the Black Book of the Dead, the high priest Immorton, the Spear of Judgment, and the finger of death refined from the corpse of Anubis. There are also large cocoons made from the corpse of Osiris and so on.

Each of these harvests is a huge harvest, such as the Sun Golden Sutra, which can help Fiora become the Sun God. In this case, Andrew will have another powerful fighting force.

The small space of the oasis and the army of hundreds of thousands of jackal heads and humans are of great strategic significance.

In addition, the large cocoon refined from the corpse of Osiris will give birth to a slave god, which means that Andrew will have one more god-level combat capability.

"Now, we're just waiting for the decisive battle."

Andrew breathed out, and all the enemies that had not been solved before will appear and be solved in the decisive battle.

This decisive battle will not only determine the life and death of the earth, but also determine who the universe belongs to.

Somewhere in space, Fort Roz, the Kryptonian prison.

General Zod put down his cell phone and said: "The Justice League has become stronger again. This Supergirl is even more powerful than Superman. Wow, I didn't expect that this eldest niece's painting style is so weird."

Yes, General Zod was watching Kuaishou before. This is normal. These days, it would be unprofessional for villains not to watch Kuaishou.

General Zod knows who Supergirl is. He met her many times on Krypton.

"That's not Supergirl, that's Andrew Wong."

Lex Luthor said: "Supergirl is just an ordinary Kryptonian. Only Andrew King has so many messy abilities.

If I'm not mistaken, Andrew Wong and Supergirl fused. "

"King Andrew? Isn't he unable to take action?"

General Zod was stunned. He didn't know why King Andrew couldn't take action, but judging from the previous disasters, he did have restrictions on not taking action.

"He didn't take action, it was just Supergirl. Technology changes life and can also change restrictions."

Luther said: "Of course, it's not a big problem. One or two superheroes can't change the overall situation. General Zod, my plan has been completed. In a few months, we can launch it."

"The Zerg Doomsday Army is complete?"

General Zod was overjoyed and asked hurriedly. Luther had been studying Doomsday. Later, the Zerg brainworms who had enmity with the earth cooperated with them and provided Luther with a large amount of Zerg technology and Zerg genes.

Luthor used these technologies and genes to try to merge the Zerg with Doomsday.

Even a cosmic-level intelligence like Lex Luthor took several years to complete the fusion of the two races and create an invincible new race - which he considered himself invincible.

Luther nodded with certainty: "Yes, it's done."

"It's great, I've finally waited for this day."

General Zod beamed with joy and said: "The two of us will implement our plans together to completely destroy mankind and occupy the earth."

"As you wish, General Zod, savior of Krypton," Luthor said.

General Zod laughed loudly. The title of Savior of Krypton really suited his liking. He did so much not for power, but to resurrect Krypton.

General Zod's current dream is to be the savior of Krypton.

"Luthor, I will give you all the resources, and you can develop the most Zerg Doomsdays as quickly as possible."

General Zod said: "Then, we attack the earth. This year's Christmas Day, humans still have to say goodbye."

Luther smiled and said, "Just what I wanted. I've never liked God very much."

"Okay, I'll go find Sinestro of the Yellow Lantern Corps and ask him to send troops together."

General Zod was very satisfied and left with great ambition. Choosing to save Luther was his most correct decision.

General Zod didn't know that as soon as he left, Luther contacted the mechanical Trigongos. He said: "Great Trigongos, my Zerg Doomsday has been successfully researched and is being produced with the help of General Zod's resources.

A few months later, General Zod will lead the Zerg Doomsday to attack the earth. His idea is wonderful, but unfortunately, he does not know that all the Zerg Doomsday belong to the Three Palace Demon.

At that time, we can let General Zod take the lead and seize the opportunity to capture the earth. "

"Capture the Earth?"

The mechanical Trinidad looks a little strange. Did Luther misunderstand something? Am I the kind of devil who takes over the earth?

"Okay, Luther, integrate this drop of blood into your Zerg Doomsday core system."

The mechanical Trinidad ejected a drop of mechanical blood, and the mechanical blood was instantly teleported to Luther.

Although Luthor has been subdued, the Mechanical Trinidad will not be careless. A killer weapon like the Zerg Doomsday must be 100% in his hands.

"No problem, great Three-Gong Demon, I will conquer the earth for you. At that time, the people on earth will become your most loyal and capable subordinates, and they will conquer the entire universe for you."

Luther said excitedly, it was clear that he was still the same human supremacist.

"It depends on your performance."

The mechanical three-house demon said casually, will Luther be mad to death when he finds out the truth? He shouldn't be so cautious, right?

In a burning city, Darkseid sacrificed all the people. Then, he took out the statue of the snake god Set and asked:

"Is it enough? I'm tired of constantly sacrificing, and I think my current strength is enough to deal with the Justice League."

Every time Darkseid makes a sacrifice, he will receive a lot of benefits. Of course, Seth will receive even more benefits.

The snake god Seth said: "That's almost enough. Next, you can make sacrifices while planning an attack on the earth.

The final battle is about to begin, and we will join forces with other enemies of the Earth to attack the Earth. "

"Are there other enemies?"

Darkseid was a little surprised, and then said: "This is a good thing. The more allies we have, the more likely we are to break through the earth."

"Yes, it is a good thing, but we cannot be the vanguard and let others rush into the battle first while we wait for the opportunity."

The snake god Seth said: "In short, you must attack, but you must pay attention to strategy and not act recklessly."

"No problem, I can't wait to wash away my shame."

Darkseid nodded, and then he began to prepare to attack the earth. After thinking for a while, he called Super Boy over and asked, "How is your research going?"

"Very well researched."

Superboy said excitedly: "I found a magical metal from the universe. The armor made with it is not only very powerful and has various abilities, but more importantly, it has the ability to reproduce."

"The armor has the ability to reproduce?"

Even Darkseid is a little confused. In my long life, this is the first time I have heard that a suit can give birth to children? Male armor or female armor?

"To be precise, it should be called the ability to split."

Superboy smiled and said: "As long as it swallows enough metal, it can split into a child body.

Great Darkseid, you select a group of elite demonoids and let them wear my sub-body armor. They will become an invincible army. "

"Very good, I was right to come to you in the first place."

Darkseid is very satisfied. Super Boy is not only a powerful combat force in his own right, but can also form a super army.

"With the help of Super Boy, coupled with the preparations I have made myself, and the preparations of the snake god Seth, I will definitely be able to capture the earth this time and avenge my shame."

Darkseid clenched his fists and said excitedly: "Earth, the Justice League, and that damn Andrew King, you wait for me, I will never let you have a chance to celebrate Christmas."

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