American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 96 Prison Break

"What's that expression on your face? Hey, wait, endless energy? This power seems pretty good."

Pepper thought of something, her eyes lit up, and then she rolled her eyes at Tony, not serious at all.

Pepper said: "Tony, let's make a deal. If you are kidnapped again and your life is in danger again, you will give up being a superhero."

"Well, how about three times? Well, there will never be a next time."

Tony chose to agree, and Pepper breathed a sigh of relief. She said, "Let's talk about the company now. The company's situation has not been very good recently. Someone on the board of directors suggested selling the weapons research and development department. It is not needed now anyway."

"Absolutely not. The weapons research and development department was left to me by Howard. I don't want to be a spendthrift."

Tony shook his head repeatedly, and Pepper said: "Tony, we need some ways to stabilize the stock price."

"Little things."

Tony said confidently: "I am ready to sell a steel suit to the military and reach other cooperation with the military. In this way, our stock price will recover."

Pepper was stunned: "Are you willing to sell your battle clothes?"

"Sold to Rhodes, I gave him a war machine."

Tony said: "The world is getting more and more dangerous, and I need some help."

"If this is the case, there is indeed no need to sell the weapons research and development department, Tony, I will take care of this matter."

Pepper said enthusiastically. At this time, she thought of something and reminded: "Tony, don't invest in Dr. Reed. Someone told me that no one who invests in Dr. Reed will end well. This is the original rebirth." That’s why the group didn’t invest in Dr. Reed.”

"Little Pepper, when did you become so unscientific? The Rebirth Group...well, that guy from the Rebirth Group is very unscientific."

Tony said: "In short, I don't believe this. Although the losses were heavy this time, and even the space station was completely destroyed, if there is an opportunity in the future, I will continue to invest in Dr. Reed."

"Even angels appeared. Isn't it normal for destiny to exist?"

Pepper said: "It is said that SHIELD is preparing to invest in Dr. Reed, let's take a look first."

Three days later, at night, the island prison.

John Garrett came outside Mystique's room and asked: "Mystique, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, I'm looking for you."

Mystique, who was still tightly bound, said to Garrett: "John Garrett, I came to you to thank you for taking care of me for so many days."

Garrett was keenly aware that something was wrong. He put his hand on the gun at his waist and sneered: "Just you? Mystique, don't force me to torture you."

"Not by me, but by Magneto."

Mystique sneered, and Garrett was shocked. Did something happen to Magneto? At this moment, the guard's horrified shout came from the communicator: "Magneto has broken out of the glass prison."

That's right, Magneto came out of the glass and plastic room. How did he come out? Very simple, use an iron bookmark.

There is a mutant in the island prison whose ability is to transform matter, for example, turning stones into gold. However, this can only last for two hours - he was arrested by SHIELD for using fake gold to defraud.

Mystique reached cooperation with the deception mutant through spiritual communication. When the deception mutant was eating, he secretly pocketed the discarded iron pieces given to him by others.

Then, the deceived mutant went to the library, turned the discarded iron pieces into paper bookmarks and stuck them in a certain book. This book will be sent to Magneto in an hour.

Maybe someone is surprised? Why can mutants move freely in the island prison and read books in the library?

The reason is simple. Professor Charles fought for them. The professor couldn't bear to see mutants kept in prison and asked SHIELD to give them some freedom and entertainment.

SHIELD needed the help of the X-Men, so they did not refuse the professor's request. They changed the island prison into a general area and a felon area.

The felon area houses mutants who have committed more serious crimes and have relatively powerful abilities. They have no time for activities and have been kept in prison. Even their meals are specially brought to them by guards.

Criminals in the general area are relatively free. They can eat together, chat, play chess, go to the library to read, etc. - these are activities that are not strenuous and occupy a small area.

Of course, this is the only limit. The island prison is different from the ordinary prison. The benefits of the ordinary prison are not available here at all.

Magneto flipped through the book in the cell for a while, and the bookmark turned into a scrap of iron, and then the killing began.

Garrett shouted in shock and anger: "Disconnect the plastic corridor immediately, sink the glass prison to the bottom of the sea, and also send an alert to SHIELD, the highest level alert."

Just as the guard was about to press the button, an iron piece shot through the glass door and went into his head. He fell down with an expression of disbelief.

Several other guards turned around and tried to escape. At this time, pieces of iron flew out and cut their throats.

Immediately afterwards, the iron piece shattered the plastic door, and Magneto strode into the island prison. The entire prison shook at the same time, seeming to be afraid of his arrival.


The screams in the communicator made Garrett feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. As he fled towards the tarmac, he shouted loudly: "Magneto escapes and activates the self-destruction device."

Because the prison is full of felons and mutants, and there are many shady things going on, SHIELD has installed a self-destruct device in the prison. Once activated, the entire prison will sink to the bottom of the sea.

At this moment, there was movement from behind. Garrett turned around and saw that the iron door outside Mystique's room was forcibly removed by a force. Then, the iron door banged twice and the two guards flew away. , pressing towards Garrett.

Although Garrett tried his best to avoid it, he was still hit hard by the iron door and fell to the ground. Then, Mystique walked out of the room, stepped on the iron door with her foot, and said to Garrett with a smile on her face: "I'll do it. Thank you, Garrett."

Garrett's heart sank. He knew that he was finished.

At the same time, in the secret room, two guards were preparing to activate the self-destruction device. Suddenly, the iron wire next to them wrapped around their necks and hung them high.

Magneto smiled disdainfully, in this metal prison, he was God.

It is worth mentioning that the reason Magneto can control metal outside his sight so accurately is because the scan is helping him - projecting the situation in the prison into Magneto's mind.

"My fellow citizens, you are free."

Magneto raised his hands, and a large number of prison iron doors were destroyed. Mutant prisoners and felons rushed out of the prison, excitedly rushing towards the guards.

Toad threw a guard to the ground, opened his mouth and sprayed acid all over his face. Then, he shouted ferociously at the screaming guard: "I told you, you will die badly."

The saber-toothed tiger knocked a guard away with one punch and shouted excitedly, full of joy. The same was true for the other mutants. During this period, they were often taken care of by the guards.

Sloan grabbed one of the guards' guns, and with a bang, the bullets streaked across a semicircle in the air, taking away the lives of the three guards.

The entire island prison was in chaos. Facing mutant prisoners with various abilities and various felons, the guards were no match at all. Many guards were ready to escape, but whether they were submarines or planes, they were all controlled by Magneto from the air. .

The isolated island prison was completely destroyed in a short period of time, and thousands of felons and mutants regained their freedom.

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