"The Spear of Osiris killed the Scorpion King. On the surface, it seemed that the two gods were trying to cause trouble, but it was obviously not the case."

The Death clone thought secretly. At this time, amid the shouts of countless souls, the consciousness of the two gods gradually awakened, and they were being resurrected.

The Death clone sneered and quietly modified the death runes on the pyramid. Because he didn't change much, and the two gods were being resurrected, they didn't find anything.

"After acting for so long, it finally paid off."

A deep light flashed in the eyes of the Death God clone. This time, it will win for sure, and there is no need for the main body to use its trump card.

After all, the main body only has a few hundred trump cards, which are too few and not enough.

Soon, the consciousness and divine power of the two gods awakened to a certain extent. Then, two black lights flew out from the top of the two giant pyramids, and came to the real world through the magma, which was the pyramid of the oasis.

Then, two black lights penetrated the bodies of Immorton and Scorpion King respectively.

The pupils of Immorton's eyes are divided into one small pupil at the same time, which is very similar to the King of Misstars, but there are essential differences.

The King of Misstars is a saint who became the clone of Death, and Immorton directly transformed into Anubis, the God of Death.

At the same time, the Scorpion King got up from the ground, his eyes were dark. He was no longer the Scorpion King, but Osiris.

The two gods are temporarily resurrected, but only temporarily. They must obtain enough souls, otherwise, they will continue to fall.

If they fall again this time, they will not have the chance to be resurrected.

"Anubis, you have chosen a good object to possess."

The Death clone laughed, and with a tap of his finger, the divine power in Immorton's body rippled, gradually merging with Anubis's divine power.

He was ready to accept Anubis's godhood and kingdom. After all, he was so enthusiastic and if he didn't accept it, he wouldn't give him face.

"My army, show up."

Immorton, or Anubis, raised his hands and shouted loudly. In the desert outside the oasis, countless yellow sand flew up, forming monsters with jackal heads and human bodies one after another.

This is the Scorpion King's invincible army. In the hands of Anubis, they are not only powerful, but also all have immortal bodies.

What's more, their number is unimaginable. A rough count may be as many as hundreds of thousands.

"Go, go to the nearby city, and dedicate all human souls to me."

Anubis roared, and all the monsters waved their weapons at the same time, getting ready to go.

At this moment, a ray of light from space fell, and superheroes such as Superman, The Flash, and Hancock, as well as MIB agents, and an army of armed robots, appeared in front of hundreds of thousands of troops at the same time.

Batman, Iron Man, and Wonder Woman are not here: Batman is studying in hell, Iron Man is obsessed with research, and Wonder Woman is studying in a parallel universe.

Hancock screamed strangely: "Wow, so many enemies? You can't kill them all until dark? I have a date tonight."

"Kill them slowly if you can't finish them all. You won't be able to let any of them leave this desert."

Superman said: "They give me a very bad feeling. How should I put it? They are absolutely evil creatures."

The Flash couldn't help but swallowed: "Kill them all?"

"Don't worry, they're not real life."

Superman said, at this time, another ray of space light fell, but it was the American exoskeleton armor army, as well as the military robot army and so on.

After years of development, the American military is finally able to join the fight. Although it usually only cleans up small soldiers, this is undoubtedly a big progress and gratifying.

"Alice, the enemy this time is the Grand Army, passing the American missile force over."

General Calvin said to Alice: "The United States doesn't have many other things, but it has a lot of missiles. It has enough to control them."

"The same goes for nuclear bombs," Alice laughed.

This was not over yet. Then, another ray of light fell, and on the sandy slope, white-robed James led a group of players to appear. Their eyes were full of excitement. We are here to save the world again.

Well, are there too many enemies this time?

"The army of Anubis, the god of death? Everything is really coming out."

Lucifer shook his head, and then he put aside other thoughts. Today, he must be on the headlines. Please call him, headlines Lucifer.

Before Andrew entered the oasis, he asked Alice to start gathering people, so he could be teleported in such a timely manner.

With the three major legions here, Kuai Dou live broadcast will naturally not lag behind. After receiving Kuai Dou's prompt, the audience opened the live broadcast room very calmly. Isn't it a disaster? It's not like I've never seen it before. It happens every few months, okay? good?

calm down.

While watching the shaking, people on the street quickly entered the store or the evacuation center, each one of them was so skillful that it made people feel distressed.

"So many monsters? Uh, dog-headed human body, this seems to be the image of Anubis?"

The audience couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw the hundreds of thousands of monsters. At this time, Alice said: "They are indeed the army of Anubis, and Anubis is seeking resurrection.

The method is very simple, use these hundreds of thousands of troops to kill tens of millions of people, so that He can be resurrected. "


The audience yelled in unison, I ate your rice (hamburger), are we going to be sacrificed in exchange for your resurrection?

"Kill these monsters," the audience roared, cheering on the superheroes.


Anubis' army didn't waste any time and charged directly. The superheroes also had no nonsense and led the exoskeleton army to meet them.

James in the white robe and Lucifer in the black robe also led an army of players to rush down. The battle broke out instantly, and the sound of fighting resounded throughout the desert.

At the same time, Fiora, Mary, Zatanna and others who were advancing were caught in a comprehensive siege by the little natives. After Anubis was resurrected, the strength of the little natives soared and they were much more difficult to deal with than before.

What's worse is that this space is excluding and oppressing them, greatly affecting their strength.

"Kill all these little natives before they affect the battle in the pyramid."

Fiora shouted: "The boss is inside, he will definitely win."

"Okay." Everyone nodded, they were still very confident in Andrew.

At this time, the Kuaishou screen was divided into two. The left side showed the legion battle outside, and the right side showed the situation inside the pyramid.

The audience was very surprised when they saw the beautiful and charming Supergirl flying in the air. Which superhero is this? She's so beautiful, and she's still wearing a skirt?

It's obvious that Andrew is building Supergirl's reputation, and when he has enough, he can start making sacrifices.

Andrew looked at 'Imerton' and 'Scorpion King' and asked: "Who are you? I can sense that you are not the original you."

Anubis looked at Supergirl and said: "Kryptonian, you are very powerful and qualified to be my servant of God. Kneel down and surrender to me. I will let you go and forgive you for the wrong things you have done before."

"You want me to surrender?"

Andrew couldn't help but laugh and said, "People who say this usually don't end well, and you are no exception."

"I am not a human being, I am a god, Anubis, the God of Death."

Anubis said, and the 'Scorpion King' behind him also said: "I am Osiris, the judge of Hades."

"Anubis!" "Osiris!"

Eve exclaimed, wasn't it against the high priest and the Scorpion King? Why did it suddenly turn into a battle between gods? Is it too late for me to withdraw now?

The audience was also shocked. The god from myths and legends actually came in person?

Nas blinked and Immorton turned into the God of Death. What should she do? From this, it can be seen that she loves herself more than she loves Immorton.

"You are not in the right state. You are not truly resurrected yet."

Andrew looked at the two gods and asked: "Speaking of which, I am quite surprised. You will be resurrected when you are resurrected. Why do you want to make such a big show?"

"This is the necessary process and ritual for resurrection."

Anubis said: "The reason why the Pharaoh's daughter and the Pharaoh's guard were reincarnated into this era was because I used destiny magic to arrange them before my death.

They will definitely be reincarnated into this era and will definitely participate in this incident. Everything is my plan. "

Anubis didn't care to say more. The reason was simple. He was stalling for time to make himself stronger and stronger.

Andrew also didn't care to say more. The clone of the God of Death was showing off its power. When the divine power of the two Gods of Death was completely integrated, Anubis would be swallowed by the clone of the God of Death.

Eve and O'Connor looked a little ugly, no one wanted everything they had to be arranged by others.

Andrew said: "Don't worry, destiny magic can only arrange a general destiny, not too detailed."

"That's better."

O'Connor nodded, glanced at Eve, and asked Anubis: "Why did you arrange for Eve and me to become husband and wife?"

Anubis shook his head: "Husband and wife? I didn't arrange it. You will both die in the end. Why should I arrange for you to become husband and wife?"

Eve and O'Connor were stunned. They hurriedly searched for Andrew, but found no trace of him at all.

At this time, Super Girl said: "Well, Mr. Wang asked me to ask you, if he was just joking and didn't really see your future, what do you think?"

"just kidding?"

Eve and O'Connor gritted their teeth, could this be a joke? How about we both take it seriously? If the timing wasn't right, the child might have been pregnant.

"Mr. Wang is still the same Mr. Wang, nothing has changed."

The audience complained, why are we not surprised at all? In fact, it would be strange if Mr. Wang doesn't play tricks on others.

Supergirl complained: "Mr. Wang, I always thought Clark and Louise were exaggerating. I didn't expect your character to be as bad as the rumors."

"That's nonsense. I'm doing a good deed, okay? I didn't see O'Connor's mouth crooked when he smiled. He got a highly educated wife for nothing."

Andrew rolled his eyes and continued to ask Anubis: "They are just ordinary people, why can they help you resurrect? This is not very scientific, uh, magic, right?"

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