American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 952 Challenge

"It seems that not only the mages need to increase their strength, but the priests also need to increase their strength."

Andrew looked at Immorton and O'Connor who were fighting, and sighed: "The high priest's melee combat ability is even more powerful than the berserker."

"It's really good."

Kara was also amazed. Whether it was a mage or a priest, each could fight better than the other. What happened to this world? I fell into deep doubts.

Seeing that O'Connor could actually fight against Immorton, Nas looked a little ugly. Imogen was her man, so she naturally wanted him to win, not to mention that she would rely entirely on Imogen for the rest of her life.

At this time, Nas noticed the nervous Eve, and thought that maybe she could attack Eve to distract O'Connor.

After thinking about this, Nas shouted to Eve: "Your Highness, let's compete again, just like in the previous life."

"Are you comparing yourself to me like this?"

Eve looked at Nas, who was fully armed, and then at herself who had no equipment at all except a yellow-skinned mouse, and couldn't help but complain.

The exoskeleton armor on Nas's body has been modified and turned into a full-body wrap. It looks a bit like a steel armor, but of course, it is very different in nature.

Tony's steel suit uses the Ark Reactor as its energy source and has a large number of high-tech weapons on it.

As for Nas's armor, it uses the mana provided by Immorton and the alien energy battery as its energy source. It has a lot of messy alien technology on it, as well as some black magic that has been imprinted in advance.

It sounds powerful, but in fact, it is nothing, because Nas has no way to perfectly control this armor. After all, she does not have an intelligent system.

Of course, it is definitely enough to deal with a mortal like Eve.

"That's how I compare with you."

Nas didn't waste any time, raised her right hand, and her arm turned into an alien energy gun, shooting an energy beam straight at Eve.

Eve avoided it immediately. She had memories of her previous life and had good fighting skills. What she lacked was experience and corresponding fighting awareness.

Seeing this, Nas fired energy beams at Eve one after another. Eve struggled to avoid them. Fortunately, there were many statues in the pyramid that could help block the energy beams.

However, if you defend for a long time, you will lose. By accident, the energy beam passed through Eve's back and shot a big hole in the backpack.

Eve looked very ugly. If her body was hit, wouldn't it also leave a big hole?

"Eve! You are so despicable."

Seeing Eve in danger under Nas's attack, O'Connor roared angrily.

"It's called tactics, idiot."

Immorton laughed loudly, taking advantage of O'Connor's distraction, and launched a series of attacks, beating O'Connor back step by step.

"Mr. Wang, why don't you go and help Miss Eve? She is in danger."

When Supergirl saw this, she hurriedly asked Andrew. Although she had a little problem, she had to say that she was a very enthusiastic person.

"Why should you help her? She already has helpers around her."

Andrew smiled, opened his clairvoyance eyes and looked at the owner, and found that he actually had the Spear of Judgment on him.

"The most critical spear of judgment is actually on him? Interesting."

Andrew narrowed his eyes: "What's even more interesting is that the divine power fluctuations of the Spear of Judgment are exactly the same as another god in the Kingdom of Anubis."

"There is already a helper, who is it?"

Supergirl looked shocked, it couldn't be that Pikachu, could it?

In fact, it was that Pikachu. It jumped up from Eve and shouted "Pika Pika". A high-voltage current hit Nas' armor. A lot of electric sparks immediately appeared in Nas' armor, and the function appeared. Some questions.

The prototype of Nasi's armor is an exoskeleton armor bought on the black market, with some alien technology and black magic added to it, but the basics have not changed.

The quality of the exoskeleton armor on the black market cannot be said to be bad, but it is definitely not good. Under the influence of Pikachu's high-voltage electricity, it is normal for some problems to occur.

Seeing this, Nas raised the sonic gun in her left hand, and blasted a layer of sound waves towards Pikachu. Pikachu turned into a bolt of lightning and escaped into the air instantly.

Pikachu seemed to be irritated, and a coin popped out of his hand. Then, it used electric current to build an electromagnetic field around it.

"Pika Pika (railgun)!"

Along with Pikachu's cry, a ray of orange light roared out and hit Nas. Nas was blown away on the spot, and parts of her chest flew around and were scorched black.


This time it was Immorton's turn to worry, O'Connor took the opportunity to counterattack, and the two regained a tie.

"Is Pikachu that powerful?"

Supergirl was stunned, isn't that just a pet? Even if it's not a pet, Pikachu can only use electric shock and 100,000 volts, right? Why did the electromagnetic gun even come out?

"When I merged with it, I taught it some abilities."

Andrew smiled and said: "For example, it transforms itself into lightning, and it also has a railgun. Its combat power is at least several that of the US team. However, it is lazy and generally unwilling to fight."

Supergirl blinked and asked, "I can understand what you said, but who is Captain America?"

Andrew said: "The man with the most perky ass in America."

"Good job, Pikachu."

Seeing Pikachu defeating Nas, Eve clapped excitedly, and Pikachu jumped back onto her shoulders proudly, screaming Pika Pika.

"You shouldn't be distracted when fighting, neither of these two guys can do that."

Andrew shook his head. Sure enough, in the next second, one person and one Pikachu were extremely happy and sad.

I saw Nasi activated the black magic on her armor, and a black light shot out from her forehead, hitting Pikachu. Pikachu fell straight down, and black lines quickly appeared on its body.

This is cursed black magic.

Eve hurriedly hugged Pikachu. Nas couldn't get up because her armor was damaged. She shouted loudly on the ground. A skull composed of a large amount of black energy flew out of the armor and rushed towards Eve with a strange scream.

Eve hurriedly turned around and ran away, but was soon cornered by the skull. She hugged Pikachu and didn't know what to do.

At this moment, Pikachu suddenly yelled, and the golden lightning on his body exploded wildly, sweeping away all the skulls.

At the same time, the curse on Pikachu was also destroyed by the electric current and returned to normal.

"Pikachu, you are so awesome, you are worthy of being Mr. Wang's pet."

Eve beamed with joy, and Pikachu wagged its tail proudly. It was so powerful only because of Andrew's teachings.

Although it is not a special teaching, as a God, just a few words will be enough for Pikachu to benefit from throughout his life.

This time, Pikachu was no longer distracted. It jumped up from Eve's hand, its lightning-shaped tail turned into an electric whip, and whipped hard at Nasi.

Unable to dodge, Nas was whipped by the electric whip, and her armor was immediately torn open with a large hole.

Nasi's expression changed, and she popped out of the armor. Then, a black gem flew out from the middle of the armor, and it lit up with a dazzling light while quickly hitting Pikachu.

There is no doubt that this is a gem that will explode.


Pikachu immediately turned into lightning and whipped his tail on the gem. The gem deflected and exploded the wall of the pyramid with a bang, and dust fell down.

"They have entered the pyramid."

Fiora, Mary and the others noticed such a big movement immediately, and Zatanna shouted: "Fiora, Mary, you don't need to worry about us. Go to the pyramid first. These natives can't do anything to us."


Fiora and Mary didn't waste any time and quickly flew towards the pyramid.

Inside the pyramid, Andrew looked deep into the pyramid. When the black gem exploded, a violent aura came from inside.

If nothing else, it should be the Scorpion King.

"This guy is actually an old silver coin."

Andrew complained that under normal circumstances, the Scorpion King should have appeared long ago to fight Immorton and O'Connor alone.

As a result, when he saw Immorton and O'Connor fighting, he hid behind him and waited for both of them to suffer losses.

Andrew thought for a while and flew towards the Scorpion King's location. Since the God of Death wanted one of Immorton and O'Connor to defeat the Scorpion King, why not come with him?

Doesn’t it mean that whoever defeats the Scorpion King will gain an invincible army? He wanted this army, and he didn't mind at all if the God of Death had the ability to corrupt him.

After Pikachu kicked the black gem away, he quickly rushed towards Nas. Immorton was shocked and turned around to save Nas. O'Connor seized the opportunity and punched her in the back hard and flew away.

"It's really troublesome."

The curator couldn't help but scolded, "You are a tool, so just be a tool. Why are you so affectionate?" Aren't they just a couple having an affair?

The curator definitely couldn't watch Immorton being defeated. He cast a magic and a powerful wave of air blasted towards Pikachu.

Pikachu was thrown away, turned over in the air, and landed on a statue. Then, it quickly jumped towards the curator.

The curator used magic repeatedly and fought fiercely with Pikachu. Seeing this, Eve picked up the sword next to her and rushed towards Nas.

When Nas saw Eve rushing over, she turned over and jumped up. Then, she pulled out the two daggers from her waist and snorted at Eve: "How dare you challenge me even if you are a defeated general?"

"Losing then doesn't mean you will lose now."

Eve didn't talk nonsense and struck Nas with a sword. Nas blocked Eve's sword with a dagger, turned around and stabbed Eve in the neck.

Eve quickly dodged, and the attack and defense changed hands, and Nas attacked again and again.

In this way, Immorton fought with O'Connor, Naz fought with Eve, and the curator fought with Pikachu. The pyramid was full of excitement.

"You are all going to die."

The Scorpion King looked at the situation in the hall, his eyes full of cold murderous intent. The reason why he didn't go out was not because he was sinister. In fact, he was a muscular man and didn't have that many ideas at all.

The reason why the Scorpion King did not go out was because his intuition warned him that there was danger in the hall, and he might die if he went out.

The Scorpion King used to be a human who looked like The Rock, but now, he is half human and half scorpion. He is three meters tall and more than five meters long (including the tail). He has a scorpion pincer in his right hand and a long The tail looks extremely ferocious.

In fact, the Scorpion King can no longer suppress the rage in his body. He is now a monster. Although he has reason, he really doesn't have much.

Not to mention, these people are here to challenge him and want to plunder his invincible army.

"I will defeat you and conquer the world again. I am the Scorpion Emperor."

The Scorpion King roared in his heart. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. It was Andrew using Supergirl's body.

Why not make a sneak attack?

What is Andrew's identity? How could he be so cheap in a sneak attack? Well, this is for ordinary people, just listen to it.

As for the truth, Andrew sensed the rules of the pyramid and needed to defeat the Scorpion King head-on in order to complete the ritual and obtain the Scorpion King's invincible army.

As soon as the Scorpion King saw 'Supergirl', he immediately realized that she was in danger. Without saying a word, he smashed Supergirl with his huge scorpion pincers.

Andrew raised his left hand and easily blocked the scorpion's claws without moving his body at all.

"This is impossible."

The Scorpion King was stunned, and Andrew smiled: "Impossible? You don't even know what is impossible?"

As he spoke, Andrew flew up and punched the Scorpion King in the face with a violent sonic boom. The Scorpion King flew backwards like a meteor, smashed through two walls in succession, and fell in the ruins.


Supergirl shouted excitedly, having been frustrated all the way, she finally became powerful.

In fact, the Kryptonians are very powerful. In terms of pure physics, they are almost invincible. The reason why Supergirl was so embarrassed before was because she encountered the wizard.

To put it simply, when a Kryptonian fights a warrior, it is similar to fighting a Sun Tzu. When fighting a mage, well, aside from that, we are still friends.

The Scorpion King was frightened and angry. The scorpion tail pierced the ground and sneaked under Andrew. Then, the scorpion tail exploded violently, trying to stab Andrew through.

If it were Supergirl, it was really possible that she would be tricked, but who was Andrew? He had experienced many battles and would have noticed Scorpion Tail long ago.

Andrew turned sideways to avoid the scorpion's tail, and blew out a breath of cold air from his mouth to freeze the scorpion's tail. Then, he kicked out and the air wave rolled. The scorpion's tail shattered together with the ice and fell all over the ground.

The Scorpion King screamed, immediately retracted his tail, and crawled out of the ruins. Then, he curled up into a ball and slammed into Andrew.

Andrew did not dodge, and kicked the 'scorpion ball' forcefully. The scorpion ball flew directly backwards, collapsing the wall behind again.

The Scorpion King was dizzy and wanted to get up. Andrew suddenly appeared in front of him and punched him in the head. With a sonic boom cloud, the Scorpion King's head sank deeply into the ground.

Andrew did not stop and continued to smash, and the Scorpion King's head began to deform.

This is not because the Scorpion King is weak, but because the Kryptonians are too strong. If it were anyone else, their heads would have exploded. Again, in pure physical combat, the Kryptonians can point at everyone and say: I am not talking about a certain person, I am I mean, everyone here is rubbish.

Seeing that the Scorpion King was about to be smashed to death, at this moment, a divine power was injected into the Scorpion King's body, and the Scorpion King's head and tail healed quickly.

The Scorpion King was overjoyed, smashed Andrew away with his tail, and fled aside.

"I knew there would be cheating. Villains have such virtues."

Andrew sneered and said that it was obvious that Anubis, the God of Death, did not intend to let Supergirl inherit that invincible army, so he gave the Scorpion King divine power so that the Scorpion King could regenerate infinitely.

Of course, Anubis has not been resurrected yet, and the one who cheated should be the residual thoughts left by Anubis.

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