American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 947 Supergirl

The God of Death clone thought for a while and sent a ray of divine power into the pool. When Ansuna was summoned, this ray of divine power would enter Ansuna's soul and use her to explore the specific situation of the Kingdom of God.

There is no doubt that Ansuna's soul cannot be resurrected. Even if she can be resurrected, Andrew will let her fail.

After the arrangement was completed, the Death clone began to analyze the Black Book of the Dead. This book, like the Golden Book of the Sun, contains the power of the gods' rules and is a good thing.

As time passed, the boiling water gradually formed the figure of a woman. That was Ansuna, and her soul was summoned.


Seeing the figure in the pool, Immorton was very excited. When Eve saw this scene, she couldn't help but feel a little desperate. Mr. Wang's prediction was indeed wrong. She was going to die. How could she marry O'Connor?

At this critical moment, bang, several guards at the door were knocked away, and then, a bolt of lightning appeared out of thin air and blasted towards Immorton.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't the Flash who took action, it was Mary.

Mary can summon strong winds and lightning, but she couldn't control them before. She turned into a tornado when she struck out. Over the years, under Diana's guidance, she gradually learned to control her abilities.

So, Mary can now throw a bolt of lightning just like the Flash.

Immorton was reciting a spell, but he didn't expect a sudden lightning attack. He only had time to block the Black Book of the Dead in front of him.

Boom, lightning hit the Black Book of the Undead, and the two violent energies collided violently, resulting in a big explosion. Immorton was directly thrown away, and the Black Book of the Undead also fell to the ground with a bang.

Mary immediately rushed forward, and with the power of a fist that could destroy mountains, she hit Immortun fiercely. There was a booming sound in the void, which was the agitation of the air.

Immorton couldn't resist Mary's power, and his body instantly disintegrated and turned into countless yellow sand.

Mary had known about Immorton's ability for a long time. When she put her hands together, a strong wind blew around her, rolling up all the yellow sand in the middle, forming a constantly flowing wind ball.

Immorton struggled hard, but in the windy and sandy state, he couldn't use many of his abilities and couldn't get rid of Mary's control.

It sounds like a long story, but in fact, it happened within a second. Before anyone could react, Immorton was trapped by the strong wind.

"Save Master Immorton."

The curator was shocked when he saw this, and while shouting, he secretly cast magic. When the men heard the order, they raised their guns and shot at Mary.

Mary snorted coldly and did not even try to dodge. She concentrated on controlling the wind ball in front of her. All the bullets were bounced away by her body.

"I'm so afraid that she will suddenly use the Rasengan."

Andrew secretly complained that he could see everything that happened in the underground mausoleum. Not only did Cyborg release the nanobugs, he also released them.

At this time, the curator's magic was ready, and he pointed at the wind ball transformed by Immorton. The wind ball exploded with a bang, and Mary couldn't help but take a few steps back.

The windy sand transformed by Immortun splashed everywhere, and soon, they gathered again and turned back into Imogen's appearance.

"Woman, you are seeking death."

Immorton roared angrily. It didn't matter if he was injured. The key was that the resurrection ceremony was interrupted.

Yes, the resurrection ceremony was interrupted, and Ansuna's soul let out a wail and was forced to return to the divine kingdom of Anubis.

The divine power of the Death clone successfully entered the Kingdom of God. Once inside, it immediately sensed the breath of Anubis.

This means that Anubis has not completely perished, and his body is hidden in the Kingdom of God, waiting for the day of resurrection.

Therefore, this kingdom of God is not dilapidated or incomplete, but it is very quiet and completely different from the kingdoms of fallen gods.

The reason why it was quiet was that all souls were sleeping, and the returning Ansuna was no exception. As soon as she came back, she immediately entered the pyramid and fell asleep.

That's right, the pyramids, this divine kingdom, have nine huge pyramids with black death runes all over them. They look very mysterious.

Seven of the pyramids are slightly smaller and are places where souls gather, while the two large pyramids have divine power reverberating.

"There is more than one god. This kingdom of God has two gods, two gods with the attribute of death."

The God of Death clone squinted his eyes and observed carefully, he found that the positions of the nine pyramids were not random. He knew that these nine pyramids were related to the resurrection of the two gods.

"I'm just a ray of divine power. I can't do much. I can only observe the death runes and magic circles on the pyramid first. The rest has to wait for subsequent developments."

The God of Death's clone shook his head and quickly analyzed the magic circle and death runes. If he was still the original God of Death, he would not be able to do this, but Andrew, the Lord of Hell, could do it.

Death is one of the main rules of hell.

Putting all this aside, after Immorton roared, a huge fist emerged from the control of the earth and hit Mary hard.

Mary blasted the dirt fist with one punch and rushed towards Immorton. Immorton pressed down with his hands, and Mary fell to the ground involuntarily. Then, the ground turned into a swamp, and she gradually sank down, struggling more and more. , the faster it sinks.

Not only do Kryptonians have low magic resistance, but the races of Mary and Hancock also have low magic resistance.

At this time, Supergirl arrived with Zatanna and Raven. When Supergirl saw Mary trapped, she immediately forgot Mary's previous explanation, or in other words, she never thought of doing as Mary said.

Young people always think that they are omnipotent. This is normal. As the saying goes, if young people make mistakes, God...well, the God of this universe will not forgive them.

Supergirl's eyes were lit up with red light, and two heat rays were shot at Imogen, and two large holes were directly pierced through Imogen's body.

Immorton wailed in pain, and then he opened his mouth wide and roared at Supergirl. Supergirl felt a splitting headache and couldn't help but cover her head and scream.

"It's a death cry."

Zatanna immediately threw a gem at Supergirl. The gem fell on Supergirl and turned into a blue light. The pain in Supergirl's head quickly subsided.

At the same time, Raven put her hands on the ground and the power of shadow enveloped Mary, bringing her out of the swamp.

"Kill them."

Upon seeing this, the curator immediately ordered his men to attack Zatanna and Raven. He also cast magic on the two women. The two women immediately fought back, and bullets and magic were flying around the tomb.

"Good job, Supergirl, take Eve away."

Mary shouted and rushed towards Immorton again. Supergirl heard the words but did not follow the instructions. She flew over from behind and shouted: "Aunt Mary, I will fight with you."

"Call sister."

Mary was furious. I am only eighteen, so you actually called me aunt?

The angry Mary controlled the strong wind with her left hand to immobilize Immorton, and with the thunder in her right hand, it hit Imogen's head as if the sky was shattering.

At this moment, Immorton's body suddenly disappeared and was replaced by one of the curator's men. Mary had no time to stop and punched the man to death.

Immorton himself appeared in the position of that subordinate. This was a kind of substitution curse, and Immorton was the master of curses.

Then, Immorton raised his hand, and the Black Scripture of the Undead flew to his hand, emitting a faint black light.

When Supergirl saw that Immorton was not far away from her, she immediately rushed over and punched him in the chest. A circular air wave erupted from her fist, which was a sonic boom cloud.

Even Immorton had no time to dodge such a fist. Of course, he didn't intend to dodge. He was directly punched by Supergirl and turned into countless yellow sand.

Supergirl looked happy when she saw that she had defeated the enemy. At this moment, a black gas suddenly emerged from the Black Book of the Dead and penetrated into Supergirl's body. Supergirl's eyes quickly turned black.

"That's control magic, Supergirl, watch your mind."

Raven was shocked when she saw this, and her cloak immediately flew up and shrouded Supergirl - there was magic on the cloak that could protect Supergirl's soul.

At this moment, Immorton regrouped, and with a wave of his hand, the cloak flew out.

"Let go of Supergirl."

Mary rushed over in shock and anger, trying to save Supergirl. At this moment, Supergirl turned her head and shot two heat rays at Mary, who hurriedly avoided.

There is no doubt that Supergirl is controlled.

"Supergirl has inherited the glorious tradition of the Superman family, which is gratifying and gratifying."

Andrew shook his head. He was not surprised at all. When superheroes first debuted, they would be embarrassed to say they were superheroes unless they got into a lot of trouble and stumbled into a few mistakes.

In addition, Supergirl is a newcomer with weak willpower, and it is normal for her to be controlled by magic. After all, she is not a superwoman who has experienced hundreds of battles, has been controlled several times, and has accumulated enough experience and will.

"Damn it."

Mary looked ugly and shouted: "Imerton, you will pay for this."

"The price? Who can make me pay the price?"

Immorton smiled disdainfully and said, "Woman, did you hear the sound?"

Mary was stunned for a moment, and then said in shock: "The sound of water, the river is pouring into the mausoleum."

"Correct answer, but it's a pity that there is no prize."

Immorton laughed loudly, turned into yellow sand, swept up the curator, Nas, and his subordinates, and fled towards the exit.

The controlled Supergirl retreated while firing heat rays continuously. Everyone hurriedly avoided, and Zatanna even turned over to save Eve on the altar.

When Supergirl left, the wall shattered with a bang, and a large amount of Nile water poured in.

Zatanna and Raven worked together to hold up a magic defense shield to protect everyone.

"We can't let anything happen to Supergirl. Let's chase her out quickly and attach the magic defense shield to me."

Mary shouted, Zatanna nodded, and several threads connected Mary's body. Mary quickly flew outside with a defensive shield.

In fact, this connection magic was originally used by The Flash, allowing him to lead a group of people forward at full speed.

On the other side, Immorton and the others had just escaped from the underground mausoleum and were immediately attacked by a large number of missiles and bullets. It was Cyborg and a group of armed robots.

Immorton was caught off guard and failed to defend in time. The missiles exploded on him one after another.

Immortun turned into yellow sand and scattered on the ground. At the same time, the owner of the hall, Nas, and all his subordinates fell to the ground. Many people were shot by bullets and screamed.

Immorton was furious. He recovered his body and prepared to attack Cyborg and the others.

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