American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 938 Sneak Attack

The fastest way to get to the City of the Dead is naturally to fly, but Andrew did not do that. He chose to go by boat as in the original plot.

Of course, instead of taking a boat with others, Andrew brought his own luxury yacht over, which happened to be used only a few times.

"This kind of tea without adding anything tastes so bland."

At night, on the deck of the big yacht, Eve shook her head and put down the tea cup. Then, she asked Andrew curiously: "How did you rescue O'Connor? The prophet has no such ability."

"Those rich people are happy to spend a lot of money to buy a prophecy, so I am rich."

Andrew said: "For two million dollars, let those people release O'Connor and report him as dead due to illness."

"Two million dollars?"

Eve smacked her tongue. It turned out that her bribery failed because she had little money. She asked, "Mr. Wang, what does it feel like to predict the future? Well, I don't want to know your secrets, I'm just curious."

"Curiosity is a scholar's most valuable asset."

Andrew smiled and said: "Give me your hand, and I can predict your future through palm reading."

"This doesn't seem to be a prophecy? It's an Eastern form of fortune telling."

Even though she said this, Eve still stretched out her hand, and Andrew grabbed her hand and said, "Wow, it's not simple. You were the daughter of the Pharaoh in your previous life. You will meet an old enemy in the City of the Dead."

"Am I the daughter of Pharaoh?"

Eve didn't believe it at all. She said, "Mr. Wang, prophecy is about predicting the future, not knowing about the past."

"I know you don't believe it. After all, I have a setting. When I tell the truth, others often don't believe it."

Andrew smiled and said: "The past and the future are unified. Since you want to know the future, let me tell you another thing. You will marry O'Connor in the future and give birth to a naughty child."

"Me and O'Connor marry?"

Eve thought of the bearded, slovenly guy from before, and was shocked. She immediately took her hand back. If she wanted to marry that guy, she might as well die.

At this moment, a tall and handsome man walked out with Jonathan. It was O'Connor. He had just washed himself in the bathroom and shaved his beard.

Eve looked at O'Connor, dumbfounded. Is this a big transformation into a living person? If that's the case, it may not be impossible... No, no, how could I, Eve, the librarian, like a criminal?

O'Connor was a little surprised when he saw Eve. Then he turned to look at Andrew and said gratefully: "Thank you for saving me. I owe you my life."

"You are welcome."

Andrew said: "Help me get the Black Book of the Dead, and it will be considered as repaying my kindness. By the way, you can't appear in Egypt in the future, otherwise, there will be some trouble. Well, I said you are in trouble, not me. "

O'Connor nodded: "I know, I will do my best to help you get the Black Book of the Dead, if it really exists."

"The Black Book of the Dead must exist, and I know where it is."

Eve said proudly: "It is under the statue of the God of Death. As long as you find the City of the Dead, you can dig it out. However, I am skeptical about whether it can resurrect people."

“This world is experiencing disasters every day, what else is impossible?”

O'Connor shrugged, sat down, picked up the apple on the table, and gnawed it without peeling it. He hadn't eaten an apple in a long time.

O'Connor's rude actions made Eve look disgusted. How could I marry such a person? Mr. Wang’s prediction is completely inaccurate.

O'Connor turned out to be a soldier, and his rudeness was perfectly normal.

"Speaking of which, O'Connor, why are you in jail?"

Jonathan also sat down, and he asked as he reached into Andrew's pocket - he was a thief, and his skills were quite good.

"When I meet an enemy, I kill him."

O'Connor didn't say much. In fact, he wanted to avenge his friend. Although he was rude, he was very affectionate and righteous.

At this moment, Jonathan let out a scream and jumped up from his seat with his arms folded. Everyone turned their heads and saw a small green snake biting Jonathan's right hand.


Eve was shocked, got up quickly, and hit the little snake with the book on the table. The little snake left Jonathan's hand, swam on the floor, and quickly disappeared.

O'Connor took a look and knew that Jonathan's hands were stupid again. He snorted coldly and said he deserved it. But then again, Mr. Wang actually put a snake in his pocket?

Andrew said, isn’t it common sense to have a snake in your pocket?

"The seven-step snake will be poisoned and die after taking seven steps. Jonathan, you still have three steps left."

Andrew said, Jonathan was shocked and stopped hurriedly. He said pitifully: "Mr. Wang, I was just joking."

"I don't think stealing is a joke. If you can steal my things now, you can steal my Black Book of the Dead in the future."

Andrew stood up and said: "Don't worry, as long as you don't move, you won't die. If you move, then you can only expect me to find the Black Book of the Dead and resurrect you."

After saying that, Andrew ignored Eve and Jonathan's pleas and walked towards the cabin. O'Connor smiled and said: "Jonathan, have you encountered a tough problem this time?"

"I really just wanted to make a joke."

Jonathan was almost crying. He said, "Eve, I feel cold all over. Is it because toxins are flowing in my body?"

"Don't move yet. I'll go in and beg Mr. Wang. Jonathan, if you steal something again next time, I won't care about you."

Eve cursed, and when she was about to get up, O'Connor came over and whispered in her ear: "That snake is not poisonous, it is a common snake."

Eve breathed a sigh of relief and immediately understood what Andrew and O'Connor were thinking. She pretended not to know about it and went to the cabin to read. Jonathan's problem must be cured.

Jonathan waited impatiently, but no matter how long he waited, Eve did not come back. He shouted: "O'Connor, please help me beg for mercy. I feel my body is getting colder and colder."

"Normally, even if the seven-step snake does not take seven steps, it will die after twelve hours."

O'Connor stretched and said, "Don't worry, it's nothing serious. We will resurrect you when we find the Black Book of the Dead.

Okay, I won’t talk to you anymore, I’m going to visit the Dreamland game. It’s true that Justice League has a setting that prisoners can’t play the game. This is too bad. Prisoners also have human rights. I have also participated in a war in another universe. "

After saying that, O'Connor turned and left, and Jonathan shouted in horror: "Don't leave, help me plead with Mr. Wang, O'Connor, we are friends."

"I don't have friends who steal from me."

O'Connor snorted coldly and returned to the cabin without looking back. Soon, only Jonathan was left on the deck blowing the wind, who dared not move.

Jonathan was extremely regretful, not for stealing things, but for stealing Andrew's things. His thief character would probably be hard to change in his lifetime.

At this moment, a voice came from the side. Jonathan turned his head cautiously and saw a man in black climbing up from the side of the ship. There was more than one.

When the leader of the men in black saw Jonathan, without saying a word, he immediately drew his gun and prepared to shoot. Jonathan's soul came out, God, I just want to steal something small, you won't torture me like this, right?

Jonathan wanted to run, but suddenly he remembered the seven-step snake. He twisted his feet and fell to the deck with a thud. By the way, does this count as a step?

"How funny."

The man in black shook his head. He was about to shoot when a mechanical voice sounded: "If I were you, I wouldn't do that."

The man in black turned his head and saw three armed robots, holding Gatling machine guns pointed at him.

Not only that, more than a dozen drones appeared in the sky, and the machine guns on them were pointed directly at the people in black who climbed up.

The leader of the men in black was a little confused. He threw down his pistol very wisely and raised his hands in surrender. The pistol was used against drones and armed robots. What is the difference between this and surrendering to death?

For some reason, a sentence suddenly popped into the man's mind: "Sir, times have changed."

When Jonathan saw the man in black surrendering, he breathed a sigh of relief. He swore in his heart that he would never steal from the Easterners again. Not only did they know kung fu, but they also had some weird abilities.

At this time, O'Connor, who heard the noise, rushed out with a gun, followed by Andrew and Eve.

Jonathan looked at Eve in pajamas and was surprised. Didn't you go to persuade Mr. Wang? Why are you wearing pajamas? Could it be?

Jonathan was touched. She was such a good sister. She made such a big sacrifice to save herself. It was really... great. With a rich brother-in-law, she could do whatever she wanted in the future.

Not to mention that Jonathan was moved by himself on the ground, Andrew asked the leader of the men in black: "Tell me, what do you want to do after chasing me for so long? You have been discovered by the radar device a long time ago."

The leader of the men in black, Adesby, smiled bitterly and said, "Guests from afar, we don't mean any harm."

"Throw him into the river."

Andrew said coldly, taking a gun on the boat and saying there was no harm, do you think they are stupid?

In fact, Andrew knew who Adsby and the others were, but he still had to act when it was time to act. Andrew said that he was a professional actor.

Two armed robots immediately stepped forward, preparing to throw Adsby into the river. Eve and O'Connor looked at the armed robots in surprise. Who is Mr. Wang? He actually has an armed robot?

Robots are now very common, and have even become a must-have 'household appliance' for every household. However, few people can own armed robots. Generally, only large companies can apply for some, and they are still weakened versions.

Mr. Wang's three armed robots can be seen as complete versions at a glance. The Gatling Bodhisattva makes people tremble with fear.

Seeing the armed robot approaching, Adsbe was a little panicked. He shouted: "Although I am here to kill you, I am here to save the world, not for personal grudges."

Andrew raised his hand to signal the armed robot to stop, and asked: "Kill us to save the world? I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise, none of you will be able to leave today.

Robot, hoist all the guests up and wait for my order. O'Connor, take him to the cabin. "

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