American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 935 Victory or Loss

"Andrew, you never disappoint, but why do you want to use my appearance to save the world?"

Diana finally understood why Andrew said that a nuclear war had broken out and that he had saved the world.

It turns out that she was really the one who saved her. The name of the Goddess of Savior is not bad.

"To sacrifice you."

Andrew shrugged and said: "Now that things have happened, I don't pretend to be a good person anymore. I have been helping superheroes build their reputation just to sacrifice them to you."

"Haha, I'm so scared."

Diana naturally didn't believe it, and Andrew shrugged. Why didn't anyone believe him every time he told the truth?

Andrew said it was too difficult for me.

Diana liked Andrew's gift very much. In the past, she didn't care about strength as long as it was enough. But as disasters continued to occur and she knew that Andrew was God, she paid more and more attention to strength.

At the very least, by reducing the gap with Andrew, the gap between the devil and God shouldn’t be too big, right?

Thinking of Andrew's identity, Diana asked with some worry: "Andrew, after you become God, will you lose your humanity like Dr. Manhattan?"

Andrew said: "Yes, but there is a way to solve it, as long as you agree."

"What method? I definitely agree."

Diana said, and Andrew smiled: "That's good, the way to maintain humanity is very simple, that is to find women, maintain humanity through love, basically, the more women there are, the more humanity I have.

Don't think I'm talking nonsense. Your father, the God King Zeus, uses this method to maintain his humanity. Of course, he is a bit of a scumbag, and it is more appropriate to call him a scumbag.

Hey, why is your hair flying? You said you agreed. As the savior goddess, you can't go back on your word. "

"Don't worry, I won't go back on my word. I just want to kill you, very cruel."

Diana gritted her teeth, and I took a step back. No matter how much fun you were having in other universes, you still wanted to get the coupons back? No, you actually want to find more women in this universe?

Andrew said: "Don't worry, I'm just kidding, if there is a woman I really like, I will take her to other universes."

"That's good, what a shit, as long as I'm here, you can't even touch a blade of grass in the universe."

Diana said, and Andrew laughed. He liked Diana like this, it was super fun.

Let’s not talk about this for now. Next, the battle continues. Diana joins forces with Rorschach to fight Dr. Manhattan. Although Dr. Manhattan’s fighting spirit is greatly reduced, for the sake of the world and destiny, he must defeat the enemy in front of him.

Unfortunately, Dr. Manhattan didn't know that the world had been saved, and its fate had been completely reversed, making it impossible to go back to the past.

"I've said it before. It's just a correction, not a kill. Otherwise, Dr. Manhattan would have sensed something was wrong, even if there were tachyons covering it up."

Andrew shook his head. The tachyons were running all the time. The Pharaoh was still very generous and left such good things to everyone after his death.

Rorschach didn't know what was going on outside. In order to prevent Dr. Manhattan from killing tens of millions of people, his belief was completely burned. He had only one idea in his mind: defeat Dr. Manhattan and save tens of millions of people.

Driven by this belief, Rorschach's strength has grown crazily. It can no longer be described as riding on a rocket. It is simply like riding on a spaceship, which can fly faster than the speed of light.

The current Rorschach, apart from being older, looks like a hot-blooded anime protagonist. Even his appeal is at the same level. The second generation of Silk Ghost and the second generation of Night Owl, unknowingly, have completely tilted towards Rorschach.

Time passed quickly during the battle between the three people, and the Antarctic base had become ruins. Fortunately, all the useful instruments inside were moved out by Andrew commanding the second generation of Night Owl and the second generation of Silk Ghost.

The second generation of Silk Ghost asked in confusion: "Why do we need to rescue these instruments? These are all tools used by the Pharaoh to do bad things?"

"Because they can be sold for a lot of money."

Andrew said. The second generation Silk Ghost and the second generation Night Owl were both stunned at the same time. Andrew smiled and said: "It's just a joke. This thing is not bad. As long as it is slightly reduced, it can become a very powerful killer."

Tachyons can even destroy Dr. Manhattan's body. You can imagine how powerful they are. The only problem is that they are too big.

Of course, Dr. Manhattan was careless before, thinking that he was invincible and had nothing to fear, otherwise he would never be hit.

The second generation of Night Owl shook his head: "Shrink? It's not that easy to shrink them."

Andrew smiled and said nothing. Whether it was black technology or Pym particles, they could be easily shrunk.

"When will they finish fighting?"

The second generation Silk Ghost was not interested in this kind of thing. She looked at the three people who were still fighting in the war field and said, "If this continues, a nuclear war might start."

Andrew didn't say it right away. He smiled and said, "It's almost over."

It is indeed almost over. Before, Diana was the main force in the battle. Now, Rorschach's strength has been raised to superhuman level, and both of them are the main force.

Thanks to Dr. Manhattan's ability to create a large number of clones, otherwise, he would definitely be in a very embarrassed state under the siege of the two.

Dr. Manhattan's biggest problem is not that his enemies are getting stronger, but that he doesn't want to fight less and less. If he were not involved, he would definitely applaud Rorschach. This guy has such a strong will. Even after killing him thousands of times, he still doesn't want to fight. No giving up, still no compromise.

In addition, Rorschach can keep resurrecting and getting stronger, and Diana is also improving. No matter how Dr. Manhattan calculates, his chances of winning are not high.

Dr. Manhattan sighed secretly: "It's a mess."

At this moment, the arm armor on Diana's arm suddenly lit up with a dazzling light, and the surrounding space seemed to be frozen. Even Dr. Manhattan found it difficult to move.

Rorschach took the opportunity to rush in front of Dr. Manhattan's true form and punched out so hard that the surrounding area was almost reduced to a vacuum.

Dr. Manhattan's eyes lit up with blue light, and he sent two blue rays towards Rorschach. Rorschach did not use the heat ray to block it, but directly suffered it.

Two blue lights flew into Rorschach's body. Not only was Rorschach unharmed, but his fist also lit up with blue light.

This blue light offset the protective light on Dr. Manhattan's body. Then, Rorschach's fist hit Dr. Manhattan's cheek hard. Dr. Manhattan flew out and his head exploded like a watermelon.

"Asshole, I told you, I'm not afraid of you."

Rorschach roared, his body has evolved enough quantum energy resistance, so he can ignore Dr. Manhattan's attack and transfer it to his fist.

All Dr. Manhattan's clones disappeared at the same time, leaving only the headless body, but his head is rapidly recovering.

Rorschach was about to attack again when Dr. Manhattan raised his hand and said, "Stop, Rorschach, you win."

Rorschach's punch completely shattered Dr. Manhattan's divinity, and now he has returned to his original self.

Of course, as time goes by, Dr. Manhattan may continue to become deified, but it will take a long time, and Dr. Manhattan himself must prevent such a thing from happening.

Having already taken the wrong path once, Dr. Manhattan will not make the same mistake again.

"I finally won."

Rorschach let out a long breath and sat down on the ground. In fact, his body was not tired, but his spirit was very tired. He had died a thousand times, and at the same time, he had to constantly fight against the violence and anger in his genes.

Even Rorschach is tired. Before, he was completely supported by a wave of faith. Now that Dr. Manhattan admits defeat, Rorschach loses his breath and naturally falls into exhaustion.

"Great, it's finally over."

The second generation of Silk Ghost and the second generation of Night Owl were both overjoyed. The second generation of Silk Ghost ran up to help Dr. Manhattan. The second generation of Night Owl saw this and his eyes darkened. He knew that there was no chance between him and the second generation of Silk Ghost.

However, the second generation of Ye Xiao is not very sad. In this time and space, he and the second generation of Silk Ghost did not have sex on the airship. More importantly, the end of the world is coming, and the love between children should be left to later.

Seeing the second generation Silk Ghost coming to help him, Dr. Manhattan felt happy. He stood up and said, "Laurie, give me a chance. This time, I will live and think from a human perspective."

"You know, I'm always willing to give you a chance."

The second generation of Silk Ghost smiled and said that if she did not tolerate Dr. Manhattan, the two would have broken up long ago.

Dr. Manhattan was overjoyed and vowed in his heart to cherish this opportunity. As for his fate, let it be.

At this time, Andrew came over and threw a palm-sized circular device at Dr. Manhattan, who caught it smoothly.

Immediately, Dr. Manhattan found that his energy was rapidly being swallowed by the circular device. At the same time, the circular device released a very strange energy into his body.

This energy is harmless. As the energy circulates, Dr. Manhattan's body gradually changes back to a human body. Both he and the second generation of Silk Ghost are surprised.

"This is a piece of equipment that I spent a minute making. It works."

Andrew said: "Recovering the human body will help stabilize your condition and deify the disease."

Which one is more humane, a creature that will be stared at whenever it goes out on the street, or a creature that is completely indistinguishable from ordinary people? The answer is self-evident.

"I like this thing and also like your naming. Thank you, Mr. Wang. I will try my best to be a person."

Dr. Manhattan smiled and said: "Okay, let's not talk about anything else for now. The threat of nuclear war is very close. Let's solve the nuclear war first and then talk about other things.

I don't care what the future holds. No matter what, I can't let the world be destroyed. "

"Yes, we must not let the world be destroyed."

Luo Xia nodded repeatedly, stood up and said, "Mr. Wang, can you tell me your method now? I hope it is really effective. The world is very dangerous now."

Everyone looked at Andrew, and Andrew sighed and said, "Good news or bad news, which one are you going to hear first?"

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