American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 930 Persuasion

"That guy is right, Laurie and Dr. Manhattan's relationship is really in trouble. Damn it, if I had been in love... Bah, women would only influence me to save the world."

Rorschach looked a little ugly, but he did not persuade the second generation Silk Ghost to get back together with Dr. Manhattan. He said: "Dr. Manhattan doesn't care about nuclear war, we will."

"Rorschach, we can't control this kind of thing. Moreover, Pharaoh and Dr. Manhattan are researching new energy sources. Once their research is successful, nuclear war will be prevented."

The second generation of Night Owl said, don't say that he is not a superhero now, even if he is, it is impossible to prevent such a big thing.

The second generation of Silk Ghost also added: "What I just said is if, in fact, Qiao did not sense the future in this regard."


Rorschach's eyes flashed slightly. Although he kept making excuses to persuade himself, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that that person was the Pharaoh.

At this time, the voice of the President of the United States sounded on the TV. He declared to the people of the country that he would not give in to the threat from the other side. He had placed the nuclear bomb on the weapons rack, and the other side must retreat immediately.


The three people present yelled at the same time, and the doomsday clock could now be advanced to 11:59: This declaration means that a nuclear war may break out at any time.

Not only were these three people scolding, but the Pharaoh was also scolding. At this moment, he was not in the United States. He was at the Antarctic base. He asked Dr. Manhattan through the communicator: "Isn't the reactor completed yet? We have no time."

Dr. Manhattan's clone at the research center said, "It's just done."

After saying that, Dr. Manhattan's clone started the teleportation and sent the reactor to the Antarctic base. He said: "I leave the new energy to you, I have other things to do."

"Okay, leave it to me. I will put the reactor to use in the shortest possible time."

The Pharaoh said: "At that time, I will contact the leaders of both sides and ask them to stop the war. With unlimited energy, what else is there to fight?"

“The war is not about energy, it’s about human greed.”

Dr. Manhattan's clone shook his head and went to the next room to get dressed. He didn't know the Pharaoh's plan, because the Pharaoh spent two billion dollars to research tachyons and shield them from it.

Why does Dr. Manhattan's doppelganger wear clothes?

Because next, someone from the authorities will call and ask him to go to the press conference for an interview to reassure people.

Pharaoh looked at the screen that turned into snowflakes, determination flashed in his eyes, then he picked up the phone and ordered: "The press conference is about to start, let that woman go to the press conference."

The voice of his subordinate came from the microphone: "Understood."

Then, the Pharaoh put down the phone and said to the staff at the base: "Let us draw the energy out of the reactor as quickly as possible. Everyone, we are saving the world, and we will definitely succeed."

"We will succeed."

All the staff said enthusiastically that they did not know that after the incident was completed, they would all be silenced to prevent other people from knowing about it.

Everyone involved in this plan will die, because once the plan is leaked, tens of millions of people will die, and their deaths will be in vain.

Pharaoh muttered to himself: "I don't want to do this either, but I have no choice but to do this."

In the room of the second generation of Night Owl, after hearing the president's speech, Rorschach took out a bead from his arms - this was the bead that Andrew threw to him when he was teleporting. It has all the functions of a mobile phone and can also perform quantum communication.

Then, Rorschach used voice commands to ask Zhuzi to open the previous holographic simulation system, which was the restored fragment of the shadow man killing the comedian.


The second generation of Night Owl and the second generation of Silk Ghost were both shocked. What was going on with this image? It didn’t look like a video?

"Don't worry about other things for now. Does that shadow man seem a bit familiar to you?"

Luo Xia said: "There are not many people who can defeat the comedian head-on."


The second generation of Night Owl and the second generation of Silk Ghost stared at the shadow man at the same time. The shadow man had no facial features, but his figure reminded them of a person, a former partner.

"This is impossible. The Pharaoh is a pacifist. He donates a lot of money every year to do good deeds. He saves more people than all of us combined."

The second generation of Night Owl shook his head repeatedly and said: "I don't know where this image came from, but this image is definitely not real. Even if it is real, the shadow man is not the Pharaoh."

"It is impossible for the Pharaoh to kill the comedian. He has never killed anyone before, and he will never kill anyone now."

The second generation of Silk Ghost also shook her head, and she asked: "Luo Xia, what is going on with this image?"

"It's quite complicated to say."

Rorschach told the story about the two visitors from another universe. The second generation of Night Owl didn't believe it at first, but the second generation of Silk Ghost had seen the two people and could help Rorschach prove it.

"I want to go to Pharaoh and ask him clearly. Do you want to come with me?"

Rorschach said: "If it was really the Pharaoh who did it, it must be related to nuclear war. This matter is not simple."


The second generation of Night Owl hesitated, while the second generation of Silk Ghost said: "We can tell Qiao about this matter and let him handle it."

"Dr. Manhattan said before that he will not care about this matter. Moreover, he is dealing with the two visitors from another universe."

Rorschach said: "Dan, where is your airship? Can it still fly?"

"Of course."

The second generation of Night Owl looked at the TV screen and made a decision. He said: "Maybe the end of the world is really coming. In that case, I will be a superhero again."

The second generation of Silk Ghost nodded: "I agree."

So, Rorschach, the second generation of Night Owl, and the second generation of Silk Ghost went to the basement. The second generation of Night Owl put on an owl helmet, and the second generation of Silk Ghost also put on a yellow uniform.

Watchmen, team up again.

Then, the three of them took an airship and rushed to Pharaoh's company building. Unfortunately, Pharaoh was not in the company. The second generation of Night Owl invaded the internal system and discovered that Pharaoh was at the Antarctic base.

"Do you want to go to the Antarctic base to find the Pharaoh?"

Luo Xia and the second generation Night Owl were discussing, and the second generation Silk Ghost suddenly received a call from the official: "Dr. Manhattan is missing. Come back quickly. At this time, we can't do without him."

"Jo's missing?"

The second generation of Silk Ghost was stunned. Only through the official introduction did she know what happened.

At the previous press conference, Dr. Manhattan's ex-girlfriend suddenly appeared and claimed that she had cancer because of Dr. Manhattan. Moreover, it was not just her, but all of Dr. Manhattan's former colleagues.

In other words, there is radiation in Dr. Manhattan's body, which will kill people around him. Dr. Manhattan cannot accept all this and disappears from the venue.

This is actually a conspiracy by the Pharaoh to get Dr. Manhattan to leave the earth so as not to affect the plan.

The second generation of Silk Ghost put down the phone and said: "I want to find Qiao and ask him to come back and save the world."

The second generation of Night Owl was about to speak. Suddenly, a blue light appeared. It was the clone of Doctor Manhattan. He said to the second generation of Silk Ghost: "We need to have a good chat."

The second generation Silk Ghost signaled Rorschach and the second generation Night Owl not to move. She walked up to Dr. Manhattan and said, "Qiao, the world needs you now."

Dr. Manhattan's clone didn't speak, and he disappeared with the Silk Ghost II.

Luo Xia and the second generation Ye Xiao looked at each other, and the second generation Ye Xiao even felt as if his wife had been snatched away. In fact, the two of them almost had sex just now.

"We went to Antarctica to find the Pharaoh, and my intuition told me that the murder of the comedian and the matter of Dr. Manhattan were all related to him."

Rorschach said, and the second generation of Night Owl shook his head, and he said: "I believe in Pharaoh, he will not do such a thing, he is a real superhero.

However, I agreed to go find him. A nuclear war is about to break out. He must be trying to save the world, and we might be able to help him. "


Rorschach didn't say much, and the two took the airship together and rushed to Antarctica.

The battle between Mars, Diana and Dr. Manhattan continues, and Diana is completely at a disadvantage. However, she does not give up and is still fighting. Amazon women never know what giving up means.

Diana even refused Andrew to provide her with props. She wanted to use Dr. Manhattan to hone herself and make herself stronger.

Tony Stark has set his target on the Devil, not to mention Diana. In fact, as the Devil invades again and again, the members of the Justice League are working hard and targeting the Devil.

The devil said, if you do this, I will be under a lot of pressure, okay?

Putting this aside for now, Andrew took a sip of tea and looked forward, where Dr. Manhattan's clone was talking to the second generation of Silk Ghost.

The second generation of Silk Ghost looked at the devastating battle beside him and couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. This was not two people fighting at all, this was two gods fighting.

"Joe, you all want to save the world, why are you fighting?"

The second generation of Silk Ghost said: "Now the earth is in danger, you should join hands to save the world."

"I told you why, but you didn't understand."

Dr. Manhattan's clone shook his head and said, "Their existence will interfere with destiny.

Without them, you would be here telling me that you and Dan had sex and apologizing to me. "

"I didn't have sex with Dan, we stopped at the last minute."

The second generation of Silk Ghost said hurriedly, and then she reacted and said awkwardly: "I'm sorry."

Dr. Manhattan's doppelgänger said, "You and Dan almost had sex? That's really bad news."

The second generation of Silk Ghost was speechless, again like this, obviously knowing everything, but pretending not to know, repeating it again? What's the point?

Dr. Manhattan's doppelgänger reiterates, "It's fate."

The second generation of Silk Ghost said: "What is the difference between you and the puppet of fate?"

Dr. Manhattan's clone shook his head and said, "We are all puppets of fate."

Andrew watched all this with interest. To be honest, it was quite fun.

"Qiao, I don't want to tell you this. Now the world needs you to save it. Also, Rorschach said that the comedian may have been killed by the Pharaoh."

The second generation of Silk Ghost said: "Although I think it is impossible, I hope you will investigate and find out the matter."

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